Hey Veeky Forums what are some cool enchantments to put on a hat?
Hey Veeky Forums what are some cool enchantments to put on a hat?
Make it talk, have it judge you for your impure thoughts.
Extradimensional storage.
It makes you immediately forget that you're wearing a hat.
You can pull it over your entire body to act as a shield against spells
It functions as a fully funished house for your familiar
It functions as a fully furnished house for yourself
You grab the brim and use it to fly or glide to safety
It contains a one shot magic missle by pointing the bottom of the hat at the target
The steeple stands perfectly erect and can be used as a lance. Similarly you can wear it on your fist and punch people
You can see through it from the inside. Perfect for when the sorcerer is changing and you need to cover your eyes like a gentleman.
Can't be blown off by wind/anything other than the user willingly removing it.
I'm a boring, practical fuck, I know.
Rolled 7 (1d20)
1) Hat contains an extradimensional storage space
2) Hat contains an extradimensional storage space big enough for the wearer to enter
3) Hat connects to a location through an extradimensional space, and you can step through it to get there
4) Hat connects to a location or person through an extradimensional space, and you can talk into it to speak in that place or to that person
5) Hat consumes a particular element, meaning it cannot be used to harm or impede the wearer
6) Hat has a real intelligence or facsimile thereof, and can advice the wearer
7) Hat can be commanded to devour the intelligence of a wearer, which imprisons their mind inside the hat
8) Hat gradually accumulates knowledge from each of its wearers day-by-day and forms a composite intelligence of its own
9) Hat collects your dreams while you sleep, and you can use it to review these each morning
10) Hat keeps a complete record of all the wearer's thoughts for a day/a week/a month/a year
11) Hat is merely a shadow demon stretched into the form of a hat, and can be unbound in an emergency
12) Hat makes the wearer invisible and projects an image of them 5 feet off in a random direction
13) A rabbit can always be pulled out of the hat (1. normal rabbit 2. intelligent rabbit 3. dire rabbit 4. rabbitfolk 5. random creature transformed into a rabbit 6. minor rabbit divinity)
14) Spells aimed in the vicinity of the hat are tilted off by a magnetic attraction to it
15) Peak of the hat can be extended to a height of several hundred feet, and comes with a built-in ladder
16) Hat contains an extremely strong wind which can be squeezed out of it
17) Hat bestows expert knowledge in one particular field on the wearer
18) Hat prevents the wearer from thinking of one particular person or topic for as long as it is worn
19) Wearing the hat allows the wearer to see and communicate with ghosts
20) Hat has a razor brim and contains a stocky asian man who is its mystical guardian and can be called forth to fight using it
Do it, hat. Kill.
Eh, I'd honestly like something like that too
Wow these are some pretty good ideas.
Rolled 18 (1d20)
21) Hat can be used to perfectly disguise the wearer as any previous wearer of the hat
22) Hat allows perfect comprehension and fluency of 1+ languages
23) The inside of the hat can be used to scry magically by name
24) The hat is ravenous, must be fed 1/day and will steadily eat through anything if commanded to
25) The hat attracts all nearby lightning to itself, without harm to the wearer. It can be set to discharge the stored energy
26) The hat has a half-dozen tentacles built into it which can spring out and be used as additional limbs
27) The hat is the home of a ghostly servant who assists the wearer as a valet or lady-in-waiting. They always keep the hat itself immaculate
28) The hat has a particular affinity for one kind of beast, which can be commanded into and out of it. There's no limit to the number of beasts that can be kept in the hat
29) The hat can be massively expanded in size to serve as a temporary shelter
30) The hat renders the wearer completely invisible to their mortal enemy
31) When the hat is worn, the soul of the wearer cannot leave their body under any circumstances
32) The hat can be given as a gift and will duplicate itself, producing two hats
33) The hat can speak and perfectly mimic any sound it has previously heard
34) If seeds and earth are put in the hat any plant will grow at a tremendously elevated rate, in seconds
35) If the hat is put on a corpse, the corpse will be forced to answer three questions
36) The hat is woven out of the threads of people's lives. When a mortal blow is struck at the wielder, the hat will break and someone somewhere will die - but the wielder will be spared
37) The hat can be commanded to produce huge volumes of narcotic smoke
38) The hat is one of a run of hats, and the wearer of any one of them is privy to the thoughts of all the others
39) The hat can sprout enormous wings and carry the wearer off
40) The hat is studded with eyes and lets the wearer see 360 degrees around themselves
You can make a driverless hat. When not worn it turns into a final fantasy black mage. It can upkeep spells for free, quote things from a spellbook, and act as an extra set of eyes in a dungeon.
I really like 35 actually that's pretty good.
Fedora of Female Repellent:
-So long as you wear this fedora, the opposite gender will be completely disgusted with you and will refuse to talk to you. But anyone who thinks the fedora is interesting is automatically treated as ally.
The hat is the real player character and the body is just a host.
it never falls off, even if worn at an otherwise unstable jaunty angle. The hat can only be removed intentionally.
When worn, the wearer of the hat becomes invisible, bu not the hat itself
When worn, the hat can fly but the wearer must grab it to not fall
>The Hat is an actual thinking cap
>It thinks mean things
>When you wear it and talk to people it shouts racial and political slurs at the person you converse with.
>They come out of your mouth without warning.
Rather useful when you're being hung upside down from a rope trap.
A white cowboy hat. Any person wearing is compelled to whoop and box dance uncontrollably.
A topless hat.
It always appears to be tall enough to extend outside of your field of view. Initials from the original owner are embroidered on the inside: "DD"
Its a one time use escape portal. Pull the ribbon off, then pull it down over your whole body. You dissappear into it, and are teleported one mile in a random lateral direction. After that, its just a hat.
>box dance
Square dancing goddamnit
Enchant the brim so that it always keeps your eyes in the shade no matter the angle.
A hat that feeds on lice.
A hat enchanted to not give you hat-hair.
A hat that gives you a different hairdo every time you take it off.
And stolen. Thank you very much.
Rolled 8 (1d40)
Cool. A literal thinking cap.
Minimize Object
>Cursed hat of Disguise Self.
The only thing it does is change into ornamental elf ears, cat ears, demon horns, etc... but the user truly believes they've changed race.
>Hat of Rope Trick
Have the whole party climb into your hat for rests.
>Hat of 'Spells'
Gives the wearer access to a few spells as if it were on their spell list.
>Intelligent Hat
Simply make it able to talk to it's wearer. Have him roll a will save or two for no reason and watch how fast the party burns it as they listen to it's telepathic cries for help.
the hat has a pure cosmetic magical image rotating or floating above it
>It contains a one shot magic missle by pointing the bottom of the hat at the target
Maybe instead of magic missile, a delayed blast fireball. Blast is delayed until you put the hat back on.
The hat also grants fire resistance.
The ability to make the world become Hyrule.
It creates a slightly angle penumbra, that makes it so that it always adjusts its angle to keep the glare of the sun out of your eyes
So much win
The hat projects a field of energy which electrocutes any bugs that fly within a foot of it.
The hat, if worn for several days, causes hair to grow if the person is bald or balding. If not it accelerates hair growth 10x.
The hat lets you know whenever someone is thinking of you by saying their name aloud in a cockney accent. This can be annoying if the person is right in front of you.
The hat makes you the center of attention for everyone within 20 feet. Focusing on anything but you and your majestic hat is rather difficult and requires extreme willpower.
The hat contains a pocket dimension that can only hold live mammals. They remain alive in stasis while within the pocket dimension, and can be retrieved by reaching into the hat.
Frosty. The hat will always keep the wearers head chilled.
Mah Niggadome, owner of the Niggsdale Niggadome
>Hat is knocked off of the host.
>Party is horrified as the body falls to the floor and the Hat scurries like a octopus on land back to the host's head.
>Host dies, and Hat adopts one of the captives as a new Host.
+5 Cripwalking
Perfect hat for a Negromancer. Not like anyone plays serious characters in my campaigns anyway, no matter what consequences I set up for them.
No mention of air-conditioning in hot climates?
Witrix's Folly:
As advertised:
Grants the wearer all abilities and powers of the previous wearer.
When worn, exchanges the imprisoned mind within into the body of the wearer.
The hat keeps the wearer completely anonymous online.
Hat of Authority. Anyone belonging to a hierarchical organization will assume the bearer of the hat has direct and non-negotiable authority on him, unless he himself bears a physically larger hat or if someone bearing a larger hat who has otherwise asserted authority is in visual range.
The existence and use of those malignant hats has led to an armament course between armies concerning hat-size technology.
You now want to run a Necrodancer inspired game, and they must face the Necromancer's rival, the Negrodancer known only as Black Soul
Sweet Jesus you might have turned my opinion of my group around. This fucker is getting an afro comb, parachute pants, and oversized sunglasses.
The hat adds intelligence that it consumes from others.
- The hat is hungry for brains, characters with less than 12 INT can wear the hat with no harm and gain the INT modifier of the hat as a bonus, however it will eat the brains of anyone with more than 12 INT and add it to its bonus modifier.
Make it a portal to the elemental plane of pussy.
Whenever you're bored can just take our hat off and stick your dick in it.
Give it a random transmutation table.
If you put something in it, then reach inside to pull it out, suddenly it's something else.
Turn people into horrible abominations if they try to put themselves into the the hat, and the only way to revert back into their original form is through motherly love.
Actually useful if you need to deal with succubi
>Fedora of Tipping
Wearer gains immunity from divine spells and effects, including healing.
Checkmate clerics!
Dont enchant it, make it a wizard hat from diskworld, hid a mini bar and a crassbow in there
Everytime someone other than the owner wears it, they get AIDS.
Straighten it out and look down the conical top and you can use it as a telescope.
Hat of a Thousand Faces: The user can make the hat shapeshift into any other kind of hat (trilby, sombrero, toque, tophat, etc). Useful for adventuring the world over.
1. First you will need to build, capture, or purchase an extra dimensional space large enough for infinite, or near infinite breeding of bears. (Larger animals would be better, but I think dire bears hit the sweet spot)
2. Created a means of collecting, and converting biomass into 'all purpose biomass' into the 'top' of your extra dimensional space
3. Begin feeding this biomas s to the dire bears you are breeding (in accelerated time) in your extra dimensional space
4. Construct a funnel at the 'bottom' of your extra dimensional space
5. Turn your hat into a machine gun firing angry dire bears propelled by fall damage, and rage from having been ripped from bearvana at your foes, as it is the aperture of this funnel/sucking vortex
6. Be the multiverses first master of the school of bearomancy
7. Watch as your enemies are destroyed by the mass of a "falling" dire bear at terminal velocity, turned into the rage of a mauling dire bear.
8. Enhance gravity near aperture of vortex for improved results.
2e returning- when dislodged, hat returns to head.
The hat behaves like a living creature, returning to its owner when lost, growing hands and mouths and sometimes even eyes when it needs them. Although not especially intelligent, it is capable of following orders, and eager to assist.