Other urls found in this thread:
>Conjures bound sound.
>Stabs in face.
>Loots body.
>Moves on.
Ondolemar is cute! CUTE!
>Conjured sword hasn't ran out yet.
>Stabs in face.
>Loots body.
>Moves on.
Me: Khajit has death, if you have wish.
>American """"""""""""""""""education"""""""""""""""""
But sir, you came here. This is a McSeptim's.
"Never should HAVE come here", user. "should've" is also acceptable.
I always run my NPCs as willing to run away or accept a surrender unless they're completely mindless murder machines or genuinely capital-E Evil. This might be because as a player I'm tired of encountering NPCs which flip over to MURDER MODE and never do anything else.
I'm also tired of players going into murder mode, of course. How does your character's willingness to casually end a person's life fit with anything else about how you roleplay them, exactly? Just once, I'd like to play a morally dubious character without being upstaged by "lets just kill them lol". My unscrupulous bastard becomes the moral center of the party for ONLY being a dick, not a psycho. This makes me sad.
go rant somewhere else, this is a shitpost thread
>Genuine posting
Sorry mate, no one takes that seriously around here. Good try though, your grievances are noted.
Worst part of Skyrim desu. I wish I could let them go or something after they submit, especially since you gain exp per swing instead of per kill. A non-lethal option would've been nice, having to kite enemies over to where I need them and make them do the killing with illusion magic was tedious.
>Plays a common race in the game.
>Gets accosted by racist asshole whom is trying to attack me.
>Defends self.
>Accidentally 1 shots the NPC because the bandit is a 1st level Nord.
>Gets called a psychopathic murder hobo by gm and rest of the group, despite it clearly being self defense.
Who's got decent Elder Scrolls races for Pathfinder?
>playing Elder Scrolls in Pathfinder
Why user? You can literally rip the Elder Scrolls games word for word and math for math into a d100 system with no change at all.
Because I don't want thank jankey class system or skills system, and it'd be easier to convince my group to play it if it were Pathfinder.
>Elder Scrolls
Pic Related.
Go check /tgesg/ for an actual dedicated system.
If your players are pleb enough that it has to be pathfinder, here.
>not making up races and classes all the damn time
>playing a whole new system just for a handful or races
>what are mods?
all of those things have been modded in, with many other consequences besides just submitting (tie up, robbing, lewd stuffs).
The existence of mods does not excuse bad game design
>I wish I could let them go or something after they submit,
>assholes just robbing/murdering people on the road
>not making the world a better place by taking them out of it
No, but Bethesda knows the fans will clean up their sloppy work, so they're going to keep doing it until it gets to the point where people can't be bothered to fix their broken shit.
>stealing money is an executable offense
>gaming on consoles
If I'm running low on food and someone is trying to take more food money from me, you'd better believe I'd shank the fool.
Actually, yes. Depends on the culture :^)
I'm glad that I'll probably never have to play in a game with you.
no, of course not, but they're not going to fix it ever. Just look at the mess that FO4 is. Expecting Bethy to do anything more than shill out disgusting casual fare is a fantasy; the whole FO4 GECK is turning out to be a disaster anyway.
>thinking Kender aren't worthy of genocide
I suppose it should have been phrased "Take my food money" as opposed to "more food money".
I'm a give what you get kind of person. If someone does right by me, I'll do right by them. But if some asshole tries to take my livelihood from me, then they'd better be prepared for a fight.
>until it gets to the point where people can't be bothered to fix their broken shit.
So, Fallout 4, where they pretty much murdered the ability of modders to do any of the really good shit?
If they wanted Bethesda to play nice then maybe mod players shouldn't have kicked up such a big fuss about the idea of paying for mods on steam. :^)
- Todd
>>stealing money is an executable offense
Using violence to do so merits a violent response.
Violence =/= Execution, user. You can use force without killing someone, and someone taking your apples is probably just starving and desperate.
Not that guy, but the bandits in Skyrim inhabit abandoned forts or camps and murder people on the road without asking for their money first. There are exceptions to that, but like 90% of them are mindless murderhobos and deserve death.