Stat us, Veeky Forums

Stat us, Veeky Forums.

150 hp.

I forget the shield distribution or Winstons'

Kill yourself faggot

What system? Personally, i'd use Feng Shui, just because Battlechimp Potemkin is a named character in that setting.

He's a cybernetically augmented war gorilla.

shit dude ill give it a shot

Robo monk
str: 15
dex: 20
con: 13
int: 16
wis: 18
chr: 20

Monkey tank

str: 17
dex: 14
con: 20
int: 15
wis: 11
chr: 13

I might give statting these two a shot in Herolab with Mutants and Masterminds 3e, but that depends if this topic is going to actually go anywhere or everyone's just going to shitpost.

i feel like my guess at the stats for those it is alright. if not good enough.

Stat my Waifu Fortress waifu

I did it, I made Winston.

Any pointers? If anyone's still here I can make Zenyatta as well.

Honest not as good as Winston's I fear, but here's Zenyatta's stat block for MnM 3e as well.

>Major Addiction: Peanut Butter

>Major Affliction: Robo-racists

I should probably add that first one as a Complication for Winston


That's pretty awesome, user. I think I'll be saving these in case I run an OW game in the future.

worse game/3

Thanks. Dunno if I'm going to do them all tonight but I appreciate someone getting use out of the ones I made.

Herolab is a fucking MnM lifesaver I'll tell you that.

Most definitely! I've always wanted to learn M&M and I guess I'll be checking out Herolab for that!

Here you go, made Hanzo

can we get one for best girl as well?

The real MVP

I'd like to see Zenyatta at least. He could be interesting to play.

Zenyatta is post here:

My fault. I saw Winston and just kept scrolling

Who are you referring to specifically?

That's a good question, as most fans of Overwatch have different definitions of "Best Girl"

I think it's Mercy. Can never go wrong with Healsluts.

Mercy's don't even like healing, they just like the attention they get at the end of the match.

Rolled 3 (1d8)

Fuck, Imma roll for it
1. Mercy
2. Tracer
3. Mei
4.D. Va
5. Symmetra
6. Pharah
7. Widowmaker
8. Zarya

Welp time for cancer

I have a stupid question, does Mutants and Masterminds have different "Levels of Play" if that's the right word? And if that is the right word where would the various Overwatch characters fit?

Most games start out at Power Level 10 for most super games. However, sometimes it'll be lower or higher like PL 6 or PL 12 to match the setting accordingly. You can even choose to remove power point limits but keep PLs on or remove PL limits but keep the point budget.