Reptile edition

Reptile edition

Post your character art here, bonus points for lizard people and especially snake people


Our last campaign had 2

my first character was a 4e dragonborn paladin.


A personal favorite


Does having claws making holding a weapon awkward? Would lizardmen even need other weapons, since they already have the claws. Humans don't have any such natural weapons, so we made them instead. Would lizardmen augment their natural weaponry instead? How would they do so?

No, spears would be an absolute necessity for them to craft. I'd reckon the warrior classes would shave or trim their claws, and leave the prissy elite nobles and priests to have extremely long and decorated claws, a bit like the Chinese and their fingernails.

Holy whoppers, that is so swag.




It saddens me to know that a good picture such as this was apparently found on a furshit site.

There's nothing -completely- wrong with furries. Yea, they like magical realms, but still










>There's nothing -completely- wrong with furries

This is entirely debatable.











Why is he carrying two giant arrows around, but no bow?


Holy shit those legs. I choked on a mushroom because of that.

then let's debate.
I think it's like how not all gay people are faggots



Time to build a Godzillaman party, Veeky Forums.