Don't FOMO in to REQ or IOTA. Get some SALT BEFORE it moons

Don't FOMO in to REQ or IOTA. Get some SALT BEFORE it moons.

Got all 3

I'm balls deep, feels good to invest in something that isn't shit and is launching this month

i got some spare eth which isn't doing anything, all in ?

for sure. if youre any good at ta, find a good place to enter

I think now is a good time to enter. Every day that passes is one more day closer to when they launch this month. I think once BTC hits 12k, SALT will resume rising again like yesterday.

isn't salt the coin backed by literal salt?

i like the idea, but isn't the value of the coin in usd tied to the price of salt? seems like that would be stable but incapable of mooning or crashing? right?

how can a coin based on salt moon? please tell me, i want to believe in salt.

investing in salt is a lot more ethical then investing in rapes like with iota

Why wont they just release their fucking platform already so we can moon?

where do i buy this from, too noob for this

Why should we accumulate this now? Platform release soon?


The price of SALT is $25 on their website right now but they will always sell the token for higher than market value on their website. Any SALT you transfer in right now is worth $25 on their platform also right now and they will be opening using SALT as collateral soon and you can pay interest in SALT too. When the market price of SALT goes to $25 they will raise the price on the website.

Yes they have confirmed this month that they are on schedule and plan to launch this month.

and buy a lot

its launching this month?

why do faggots on Veeky Forums need to be spoon fed shit to make tens of thousands of dollars. What kind of fucked up clown world do we live in.



so basically the price stays stable until the actual price of physical salt changes, which you say will happen. but its not like the price of salt is going to double or something.

as a replacement for tether, a nice stable crypto backed by salt in the same way tether is allegedly backed by almost 3 billion dollars that nobody has ever seen. but actual salt we can prove exists. very good idea as something stable to slide into during crashes.

but i dont see the profit potential.
payment potential is fucking a+ though
cant pay realistically using a mooning/crashing currency like bitcoins. something stable and real like salt i'd transfer into to buy things if i could. would just make everything easier.

fuck i love the idea of salt coins. i will use them at some point im sure. i just dont see it mooning, but i don't understand maybe

Moon mission confirmed today nice base formed at 55k sats

Easy money

Are you talking about Sodium Chloride or trolling? No it is not backed by Sodium Chloride. SALT stands for Secure Automated Lending Technology.

>so basically the price stays stable until the actual price of physical salt changes
Yes, once the price of SALT goes near the retail price of $25. The current price is $6... ffs how can we explain this in a more simpler sense hahah

The accept BTC and ETH, can you imagine all the fucking ICOs with ETH that want to avoid tax?

All in on MALDON.

Why buy this shit token when I will see higher gains from Elixir?

Because this bitch is partnered with the Bank of Mauritius and Elix is not? A state bank fyi

Cause you can do both? Do salt now, then move to elixir?

I expected a few days of sideways movement but just broke down and bought back in. It's starting again

Problem is that most people with any serious capacity to take up bitcoin collateralized loans know the crypto market is about to crash big time due to bitfinex/tethers so why would they want to get liquidated. Most of these also already hoarded their salt. There is simply too much salt in circulation already.

After the platform is released it will actually dump hard.

If the platform continues to exist and adds new currencies for collateral it will rise steadily again but it will take a long time due to the sheer amount of salt on the market right now. This is definitely a bubble that won't be supported by the volume of usage of the salt platform in the early days.

When it crashes to sub-3USD levels again I might buy in again.

Ok you wait for that $3 salt lol.

>Are you talking about Sodium Chloride or trolling? No it is not backed by Sodium Chloride. SALT stands for Secure Automated Lending Technology.

no i'm not trolling
there is a real crypto backed by sodium chloride and i thought thats what we were talking about

Lol, nahh man this looks like an actually good project. With them selling salt through their platform for 25 bucks, and being able to use 1 salt for 25 dollars worth of payment as well.

The sideways movement is looking very stable, we are at a good place


ya man


i read spelling and grammatical mistakes all day every day, long time professional businesses/sites or not.