Friend's brother is worshipping an elder god?

Hey Veeky Forums,

I went over to a friends house and discovered his brother has been obsessively writting this stuff on everything. Looks like something out of call of cthulu.

His brother isn't available for questioning, he is away now, probably busy with some sort of occult activity. He is a very private person and wouldn't be willing to explain anyway.

Veeky Forums, you are the only people I have to turn to and I figure you guys might be experts on this. What is this stuff?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just say Lovecraft is racist.

That will stop him.

/x/ is better with real life baby cultists. They can most likely tell you whats up. That or inform you on tulupas lucid dreaming and creating life by fapping into chicken eggs.

Headed to /x/


Why is he trying to summon a hebrew?

The various texts around the central sigil all have repeated symbols at regular intervals, spacing appropriate to normal language, and formatting similar to paragraphs and sentences. I'd guess it's just in code. Assign a letter to each symbol and copy everything out into a word document or something. Feed the result into a cryptogram analyzer, and bob's your uncle.

If you want to do the work, that is. I'm way too fucking lazy to do it for you.

Got it

his hand writing is really neat

Then comes phase 2: Sneak in new pages with messages to him.

I walk around with this map of my city in my backpack and add things to it periodically.


The symbol is a Metatron Cube, an old Kabahla/Enochian symbol used as a ward. The moonspeak is structured like a European language so it is probably just a font switch. Count how many times each symbol repeats. The letter E is the most commonly used letter in the English language so fill in the symbols if it is indeed English. Then work your way from there.


Go run a Call of Cthulu game using this as a base for the plot and post results

He may have access to a Necronomicon, but it looks to me like he can't actually read it. He's using symbols he's seen to spell English words.
He's copying the characters and shapes, but it's never going to work if he's just taping multiple sheets of computer paper together and using a sharpie to inscribe the spell.
If he could actually read Xothic he'd be able to inscribe spells onto human flesh, but as long as he's just copying the symbols onto computer paper with pens or sharpies without understanding the meaning behind them he should be fine. It is extremely unlikely he could accidentally use magic.
Also he shouldn't be keeping this shit out in the open or allowing it to be put onto the internet or the AIs are going to learn magic. Even if he can't understand it, an AI could decipher this shit no problem.

He's probably just fucking with you

Everything is okay user

Is all okay soon

All okay

It's aklo alright, but it's gibberish.

Looks like he just replaced letters with random symbols.

>implying any of the many Necronomicons aren't bullshit
>implying AIs are running rampant on the web

Someone should tell the molemen of /k/ they've been found.

>implying the captchas we're filling out aren't being used to train an AI

>implying that's in any way a reasonable way to train an AI
>implying anything Google does would be less effective

it's like you're not even trying here

>AIs are trying to learn magic
Holy crap, why haven't I done a campaign with an evil AI doing evil magic yet?

>My signature move is to throw out a sarcastic line, and chase it down with a fist or flying object.

...I don't get it.

I imagined it as something dumb like this:

"Smooth move, ex-lax!"


Kinda like what someone in the /x/ thread said, edgy animu talk.

The brother is schizophrenic.

What you are looking at is symbolic representations of his thought processes concerning things you honestly can't see, hear, or understand. Those are his 'they', his 'strange voices', and his pattern-matching OCD being put down visually rather than verbally.

My little sister is schitzophrenic, as is one of my best friends. Its a terrifying thing to see out of context.

Id say its from "Full Metal Alchemist", a transmutation circle to be precise.

I came to post this. The user knows his shit.
Also the occult is allways bad news. Don't make your friend's brother feel attacked or something but he needs help because he's engorged in a tought-trap of magical thinking like all "occultists". Try and offer him interesting conversation on philosoohy in wich you criticize nihilism, relativism etc.

No, There's nothing here from any of the necronomicons i remember, and writing things on paper with sharpies or on "human flesh" with blood is largelly the same thing if you know wtf you're doing. Seems like you're in but didn't receive all the mysteries yet. I'll pray for you.
It's not Aklo or Barbaric, because it follows sentence structure. If he were channeling something there would be no rhyme or reason, since external languages are from different minds than ours. Alternativelly if he was just writing in tongues he'd use the appropriate alphabet for that tongue and we'd get it.
So he's making a deliberate ritual choice and translitterating his intent, that he still probably just wrote in English.

Thanks to everyone in this thread.

The folks over at /x/, along side you, have figured out and done the work. Seems like the brother is undergoing some holistic/mysticism form of self discovery or something.

It doesn't come off as schizophrenia though.

Seems to me to be a sort of private/not private inner thoughts journal kind of thing.

Glad we could be of help, user!

take it to /x/

>Kabbalah is evil
>DnD is satanic
Are you a Jesus person?

You should go to /k/, post your brother is "compromised" and that you need squirrel rounds. They'll know what to do

Are we eventually just going to send this guy on a tour of all the boards, each giving their own advice?

Sounds like a solid idea to me.

The coming of age journey of modern times.

I'd probably be a better person if Veeky Forums had been a thing back in the early 90s and someone had send me on a journey of self discovery across the spectrum of boards.

That or I'd have turned out even more of a fuck yp. You know one of the two.

Neat art project. Wish I could draw lines that straight with sharpie.


OP you gotta do this. For the luls

We should institute a pilgrimage.
user comes with a RL problem, and every board sends him on quests to try to solve his issues, covering him in memes and insults in the process.
Come to think of it, it wouldn't even be wierd compared to some rites of passages.

That looks like heretek stuff to me user; possibly maybe even xeno in origin.

>even xeno in origin
Look more China to me.
On other hand, they may as well be the xenos.

That is fucking evil and I love it.

>or the AIs are going to learn magic
Just the nonchalance of the inevitability implied is hilarious. Reminds me of that one D&D/Halo cross where Cortana becomes an epic wizard from her post-singularity intelligence.

/k/ reporting in

>06/26/14(Thu) 17:53:27
Fire at a glance:
Size: 1,361 acres
Cause: under investigation
Containment: 95%
Expected Containment: 6/26/14
Crews and Equipment:
Crews: 2- Type 1
2 - Type 2
2 - Camp
Heavy air Tankers: 0
Single engine tankers: 0
Helicopters: 1- Type 2 (Med Lift)
1-Type 3 (Light Lift)

Fire engines: 6
Bulldozers: 1

Water Tenders: 3
Total personnel: 216
Estimated Cost to Date: $4.1 million

I just realized it's the second anniversary of that fire.

Is this the one?

>Not worshiping the one true lord and savior


This is cool. Do you simply add randow stuff as you go or is there a pattern, some kind of logic behind what goes where?

Can't hurt to have the ammunition and weapons blessed either

>squirrel rounds

>wanting to give Kek more power
Just fuck my EU up, /pol/.

He's obviously going to ask the other side for money. I mean, look at his room.

I like this idea. Assuming whatever quest /b/ and /pol/ send you on doesn't kill you.

>I walk around with this map of my city in my backpack and add things to it periodically.
Now you just have to carefully leave it somewhere the right kind of person will find it.

I feel like every board has a screen cap like this that sums up what the board is like. Not sure what the screen cap for tg would be though.

Gotcha covered there buddy.

There are many. But for now I would go with pic related.

I would've thought that this one would be the first thing to come to mind.

Other contenders include the likes of DC80escapeartistcheck.jpg and elfslavewatdo.png and

Pretty obvious

Oh my god I'm dying

How old is your sister? Asking because I am curious about the age, when the condition manifested itself.

Those are iconic (and hilariously awesome) moments of Veeky Forums, but I'm not sure they _represent_ Veeky Forums...

In neat, perfect handwriting in the lower right corner somewhere, you need to write "Bread, Milk, Eggs, dish detergent, candles, whetstone"

Veeky Forums is already so diverse due to being spread over so many different types of tabetop games that I'm not sure sure you could find a screencap that perfectly captures all of us.

representation of Veeky Forums is easy to find: but it helps to grossly over analyze any image you see, and be familiar with the culture of the board.

/K/'s reaction,priceless.

>deep in the Google labs
>"OK Legion, what's this object?"
>AI thinks for a second
>"fucking great, Veeky Forums's filling the captcha in wrong again".

This. Seeing a schizophrenic in full swing when you don't know what's going on (fairly possible as schizos, like all mentals, have a tendency to take their meds, feel better and then decide they don't need their meds, no i don't know why) is like seeing real life demonic possession or Lovecraftian madness.

/k/ - a magical place

>Metatron's cube
Literally babbys first sacred geometry

>that script
Looks familiar, like from a sci-fi game or something. Anyone recognize it?

>implying AIs are running rampant on the web

>he hasn't seen the girl games
>he hasn't seen the nursery rhymes
There is something in the tubes, user. Something terrifying.

i thought at first i tould be pic related but its different

Just gonna leave this here.

Eh. Probably just some really advanced mathematics.

He probably just enjoys it and thinks it looks cool. A lot of people have things they obsessively doodle, like cubes, eyes, or pic related.

Which nursery rhymes?
And what do you even mean by "girl games?"

Come to think about it, where did that S symbol thing even come from, and how did it spread out amongst middle schoolers so widely?

You're oblivious? Thank goodness


With square grid paper being mandatory in many schools, when you do drawings with straight and oblique lines only following that grid the S is one of the quickest results you could get

What school has graph paper as a mandatory supply? Also graph paper leads to swastikas far more quickly than it leads to block-style letters.

what this user said I would want to drop maps like this around town. You might inspire adventure in someone and at the very least freak someone out and have it appear on the news as "possible terrorist plot"

I have no idea, but it was big when I was in elementary over 16 years ago. Back then we all called it a "Samurai Symbol".

Jesus christ, that last comment is on point. I like to be "that guy" on Veeky Forums, the one who is far too educated to be talking to idiots, but insists on explaining his elaborate opinion in depth in clearly shitposted threads. It's not a bad existence in my opinion, but a bleak one.

Oh lawdy, what about the human blood-sword or whatever?

As a post-/x/er, I would like some information about this. In return, I can provide images of animals doing silly things, or this.

I have no idea if this is what he's talking about, but when I think of "Girl Game" and "Nursery Rhyme", I can only think of one bland, mediocre thing...

Y-you're autism is showing user.

Oh god, that's priceless. Thanks user, I really could use some weeb music. I was so hesitant to click on that jazz, but in the end, it was totally worth it.

But back to the topic, I think user is just making shit up to sound ominous. I can't think of anything more sinister than that sad satan game on the deep web. What kind of sick fucker plays a purposeless game designed to rape their computer?

Now, your part of the deal

"Girl Games" is a reference to the website "", which is full of generic disney/Monster High/Whatever is popular with girls flashgames.

Except a lot of the games are incredibly fucked up, and full of gory, and weird as hell imagery.

Neat, I'll read through that after I sweep the floor. Thanks user! Have this picture of a snake out for a walk.

That sounds right up my alley actually; I'm a repressed deviant with psychotic tendencies after all.

I should also mention that this AI thing supposedly went to youtube as well and began creating some creepy content:

hahahaha, second

Woah, hold up. As I'm reading through this I have this immense sense of dread. Like someone died. I guess since I've gone down the rabbit hole, there is no going back, but jesus christ I'm apprehensive. It's like looking at the creepily realistic robot face of some japanese fapbot. And this is coming from the edgiest, grimdarkiest autist on the planet. I mean, I didn't feel this much dread watching A Serbian Film.

If something happens to me anons, you can have all my magic cards. I have a pretty extensive collection.

You forgot the nursery rhymes, one of which channel is related.
There are dozens of channels just like this one.

Notice how it's the same thing, over and over again, for hundreds of videos. Hundreds of millions of views each.

Here's another pastebin:
This is some fucked up shit senpai

The symbol in the middle is Metatron's Cube