Let's have some major antagonists!
Character Art Thread - BBEG Edition
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i get cunt vibs from your BBEG
I get BBEG vibes from your cunt
i wasnt trying to insult your BBEG. but i can see him saying
"HAHA i would fight you but instead ill let you fight this horde of plague zombies! ill crush you next time! HAHA!"
this bitch here. i could see her being the "good quest giver" but really she was using you for BBEG reasons.
I get BBEG vibes from that cunt too
i try to make my BBEGs look vibe off BBEG. do you think she pulls off what i was going for?
I'll be pulling something off, all right ;^)
that metaphor is to abstract for me to understand im sorry. can you explain it for me?
I'll be masturbating my dick
to her? this BBEG would be better for that. wearing piratical armor!
how dose your pic relate to beating it? is it so hawt when you beat your meat it melts a shit pic? are those some watcher eyes or some kinda relevance? and whats with teh wings?
*practical armor
I can't understand a word you're saying
What is this thing? A dwarf? Would any of you use this as a BBEG?
Maybe, style it as a dwarf wizard corrupted by magic/ demon pact / barber shop.
This one seems more like it'd be the BBEG's second in command
I'm not really one to ask this shit but I've been super interested Pendragon
Does anyone know of a good resource to find some more "realistic" looking knights and shit?
>her teeth are a solid block
Can't unsee
There was a gigantic knight art dump just the other day, it's probably still in the archive. In addition here's some links to imgurs that was posted:
I've alternated between using OPs pi and pic related for my settings WAR God
I like the badass warrior appearance, pale skin, fang like teeth, and obvious wounds they give off this Ares vibe
Someone who embodies the more brutal and unpleasant side of battle and carries the scars
My characters went up against him once and seemingly stalemated him util he revealed he was just toying with them
He then proceeded to declare WAR as in he just said war his own name from his own lips which I described as sounding like a thousand dead and dying soldiers, the weeping of widows and orphans, the ringing of steel on steel and percussive tempo of a firing line with the underlying bass of a nuclear blast all formed into a single one syllable word
The psychological effects were devastating
It's an orc.
See, I don't know how to describe it properly besides a "Roman Smugness" that I love from these
where's this from
Requestin' Dwarves that wield spears.
>legends of the Cryptits
>muh dick
Undead Romans should be a thing. Post more undead or demonic Romans.
There you go
Agreed. That's exactly how I picture a vampire during the Roman Empire would be. Some power-mad war monger, invincible and immortal who just struts through fields of death enjoying every moment of it with a sense of superiority bolstered both by his supernatural capabilities and the daunting prowess of the empire.
What an asshole.
that seems like a Wafiu forced in game by a DM by maybe thats just my judgment of it.
I need pictures. Pictures of monster people in armor. The less human looking the better.
I feel like he is a terrible BBEG or a GM character.
Isn't that the Cousland from Dragon Age?
He could be like a recurring force of nature that shows up randomly on different battlefields across different eras. No matter what he always appears with the golden Laurels and that smug fanged looked and knows how to use every weapon at his given disposal.
He could randomly possessed the dead/dying body of a soldier and then just make everything go to shit.
Hell, he could be the random cause of why certain battles turned out the way they did.
My BBEG is a forgotten primordial god who had been resurrected after millennia of slumber.
damn user. I just stole your Idea for the war gods.
But can he win midlane?
oh and more undead romans for you
>laughing eternally as he eats his salad
Art request
Does anybody have any guys with big 1.5-2 handed axes that aren't
>Obviously evil spike and skull knights
>Fucking hueg
>I mean big is okay just not goddamned hueg
anyone know where OPs pic is from
A BBEG isn't a Major Antagonist. It's the power behind the Major Antagonist.
Well, I seem to have a pig.
Requesting younger wizards doing wizard things. Preferably guys who look sort of like this, with big black beards. Like, not teenager or young wizards, but more like adult and middle aged.
he just looks like an old vet. I don't get any BBEG vibes from him. he dosnt look like a bad guy to me at all.
>this vampire elf could be a BBEG.
It's the face to me. It looks like Anthony Hopkins a bit, and just a bit of Sir Anthony is enough to turn any man evil
he might make a good enforcer