Have you ever fallen in love with a character someone played as, Veeky Forums?
Have you ever fallen in love with a character someone played as, Veeky Forums?
What the fuck? No.
First answer best answer.
DoubleDubs confirm
Jesus Christ OP, did you waifu somebody's character? Goddammit. Alright, tell us the horror story, you goddamn omega.
I smell storytime.
I hate myself and I want to die, I'm sorry for being so pathetic.
This is someone from an one-on-one RP with that lasted months on end. It isn't even a strictly sexual ERP. In fact, it's more plot heavy than it was sexual. I won't go into details, but the character just hit all of my sweet spots and pushed all my buttons the right way, and now I could barely enjoy RP with any other kind of character because none of them make me feel the same way.
I'm sorry for being so cringey.
You should tell the DM.
That way he makes sure to kill her ASAP and end it.
>huh, my players seem to like this character
>better kill them for cheap drama points!
>I'm a fucking genius
Was your DM Touhoufag?
Tell us the story OP
It was a one on one RP, and at least how I'm used to it, when it comes to story progression and whatnot, we shared the burden, though in that instance, they took care of most of the heavy lifting. Mind you this was also over an year ago.
They used to be a massive 2hufag, but they grew sick of playing her from a reason that I won't say and had nothing to do with me in the first place, so I'm left with a hole in my heart. If it wasn't obvious already, they used Sakuya as the reference pic. Only she was a regular human without 2hu za warudo hax and set in a more down-to-earth setting. She was also Eastern European, because all the Slavs in Chinese cartoons always had white hair and blue eyes. I'll tell you that much.
>One on one RP
Then you waifu'd a NPC
I don't know if thats better or worse.
It was their main player character, actually. Planned from the get go to match our characters together.
Have you tried telling them, OP?
Oh Jesus, I remember when this happened and I was the DM. I made the terrible, terrible mistake of giving the girl a boyfriend all of a sudden. This upset the player even more! I really should have just killed her off instead.
Ask the dude for ERP
Clearly its what you both want
Not OP, but I have. My one on one game was essentially a dating sim/harem except no one was together. It was pretty fun. I broke up with the ST, but honestly I miss the characters more.
On a different note, I played a character but kept getting into arguments with the group OOC. They liked my character and asked if they could make him an NPC. "He suddenly has an aneurysm and dies".
I honestly don't see the problem.
Was this on F-list or something? I'm honestly not seeing the problem here, especially if your characters were intended to be together. As someone who commonly throws in romance plots, I'd be more concerned if you didn't like my character. The only problem seems to be that they don't want to play anymore and you do. It's honestly just as likely that you miss the game as much as the character, or maybe this really was on F-list and you got too attached and started mistaking IC for OOC.
It was a friend on Steam, actually. The issue is that they refuse to do the character anymore. I even got another RP buddy to try and do her for me, but a imitation could never beat the original.
I'm sure I'll learn to move on one day.
Tell us more about her, user
>I even got another RP buddy to try and do her for me, but a imitation could never beat the original.
Poor Mystique.
The very thought of this is fucking painful
It's like telling your new girlfriend to do the things your old girlfriend used to do in a feeble attempt to relive the relationship you've lost
I'm pretty sure another player in an old 3.5 campaign fell in love with my character, after our characters ended up in a lesbian relationship (Well, it was basically poly because elves, but then the bard went insane and was killed off).
He occasionally asks me to play her, it's mildly awkward. We're both men, too.
And I thought my friend who apparently fell in love with his (originally World of Warcraft played on RP servers, but he recreated her in RPGs too) character is weird.
Well, he is, but it looks like that sort of thing is more common than I thought.
This subject is definitely cringe and also kind of cute.
Op please,I want story time,tell us everything.
I don't know if it will end up being fucked up or cute but we tend to love both here,so well,feed us
Yes. I fell in love with the character my wife played as. She was role playing as a mentally stable employed person with a cute jealous streak and no desire to have kids.
She stopped playing that character. I miss her sometimes.
My character has fallen in love with another PC if that counts, and the GM knew my weakness for pregnant musclegirls so one time he seemed to humor my magical realm by having my character in an arranged marriage to one that had consummation on their wedding night, but as for me as a person falling in love with a character, that's silly, op. You can't love what's not real, you can only lust after it.
now I did fall in love with another player, but that's not what you were asking.
>pregnant musclegirls
you've gone too far
I'll end you right now if you talk shit about the best niche fetish, my brother.
Yes, then the DM fucking killed her and stared me in the eyes with a shit-eating grin. He didn't even do it because he 'knew' he did it because it added to the drama of the moment... never mind the fact I found out later she was a clone that would've died in 3 years anyway.
Fuck my DM for killing off cool NPC's because its 'important too and helps push you in the right direction'.
I fell in love with them through their character in a self insert game and vica versa.
I fell in love with my own character.
underrated post
musclegirls are best fetish
mixing that with pregnancy is just wrong
how can you admire the girl abs if she's pregnant? The abs are like, the sexiest part of the body.
Yes, thoug I didn't know it was a character at the time.
The foetus goes under the abs, user.
when people spoke of "waifus" I, for the longest time, believed it to be a joke and a meme. Now I know that for some people, it isn't a joke. They really do feel this way.
And the worst of it is I find myself envying these people.
Either way, I hope you get over her OP. There are other people, both physical and constructed, who are more deserving of your love.
>mixing that with pregnancy is just wrong
Where do you think the next generation of musclegirls come from, if not from existing musclegirls leglocking you and forcing you to cum deep inside them?
She can easily regain her muscles after having had her fourth child. What's more important is the presence of a loyal househusband who takes care of the children while she's out training, exercising and cracking skulls.
Me and one of my closest friends started when we both played into a rp server mmo of ultima two women. She was a female elf that was quite piromaniac and Iwas a female human death knight something. After a bit, the character got together, ended putting into discussion if women could love each other and if it was right as childrem cant be beared, My character had a heel face turn and turned almost good, we found someone to adopt as a child, done a happy family and finally all drowned when out part of the continent got a flood.
She calls me by the name of the character sometimes and now her nicks in places have a part of her character name too.
>Me and one of my closest friends
>She calls me by the name of the character sometimes and now her nicks in places have a part of her character name too.
user, it isn't too late, though it's close
this is the part where you kiss the girl, бpaт
literally came here to say these exact words, in this exact order
>After a bit, the character got together, ended putting into discussion if women could love each other and if it was right as childrem cant be beared
>Me and one of my closest friends
>She calls me by the name of the character sometimes and now her nicks in places have a part of her character name too.
Anos, I wish it was that easy. She has a girlfriend that also is pretty cool herself, more of a bro than gf material.I suffered a lot of cheating when I was young, I dont want to do the same to people I care to.
Are you kidding me? I can't even fall in love with real people.
They invariably get bored and quit.