So this is what Shadowrun has become
So this is what Shadowrun has become
It's been like that since 3e, Chummer.
>mushi mushi
I hate how my people are so inept when it comes to humor.
Shadowrun, which began as traditional cyberpunk with anti-coporatist and anti-capitalist themes, has been adopted by the dregs of modern political activism who are more concerned with meaningless identity politics.
Or, in other words, muh genderqueer otherkin
>German-published Shadowrun
>are you looking for a purrfect companion?
>numerous augmentations (even language- and skillsofts)
>direct booking here
>all currencies welcome
>bar-credstick accepted
>long-time reservation favored
Mushi (actually Muschi) is a joke name for cats and could be translated to "pussy".
> implying that there hasn't been retarded shit from the beginning
> cat themed German hooked = THE SJW HAS TAKEN OVER THE SIXTH WORLD
Well, in Germany, yeah.
>Implying SJWs existed before the 2000s.
Shadowrun was always kind of shit, but they really finished it off with 5th edition.
>cleft lips
Berlin has the worst whores.
what bothers me the most is how obvious it is that her head and left shoulder was cut and pasted.
I'd welcome catpeople-waifus if the players would stop gravitating towards being such depressing grimdark edgelords trying to win the game and beat the GM.
>Literally a catgirl whore with weeb language installed
>MUH SJWs!!!!!!
Are you retarded?
>Mushi (actually Muschi) is a joke name for cats and could be translated to "pussy".
Actually, Muschi almost exactly the same as Pussy, a term that meant cat but now is almost exclusively used for the female genitalia. The only difference is that its not in wide use and (at least to me) has an air of 8th-grade cursing to it.
Also, "mushi!-mushi!" is a play on words between "Muschi" (Pussy) and the "Moshi Moshi", the Japanese telephone greeting
>Implying SJWs existed before the 2000s
You are so retarded.
I don't know, I kinda like how it's showing how people are changing in a low morals world dominated by advanced technology and magic.
If you're scared that degenerates will infringe on your echo chamber you're free to just ignore it OP. You don't need to be a whiny baby about it.
Animal shapeshifters are a thing in Shadowrun, and so are people with biological augmentations.
WTF are you on about?
>see thread in catalog
>see sexy belly
>wonder what OP's problem is
>open thread
>disgusting furry
Furry fucking shits
>cat ears and nose
>literally that's it
The anti-furry crowd is even more retarded than the die-hard furries.
That's generally how it goes.
You forgot the mouth, furfag
Yeah but it's like,
Shadowrun is not about furries like that. It's not Eclipse Phase.
Shadowrun is about furries as furries are in the real world, except even worse because biomods and corp kids in sheltered enclaves. They're rich freaks or hookers.
SJWs could also be a Shadowrun thing, easily. Just turn it up a notch. People taking corporate indoctrination too literally (capitalism hates racism and sexism because muh workforce participation) and starting what amounts to corp kid gangs led by Zoe-Quinn esque people who use mommy and daddys money to hire deckers to plant incriminating data on their ideological opponent's commlinks - then being coerced by said decker into being a source of information on mommy and daddy for the actual run that the decker planned all along.
Y'know, when they released the comet book way back when I had the feeling that this might be a gamechanger. More character customization, even weirder sub-species and so on.
Turns out I was right, in all the most awful ways possible.
I saw Randall Bills at a grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for plot advancement or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I forgot about this glorious specimen of pasta
>The world is hit by a wave of magic that causes significant portions of the population to turn into tolkienesque fantasy races
>Some people even turn into stranger stuff because why not
>Magical beings reappearing in the world doing magical being stuff
>Cosmetic surgery becomes so mundane it's like a strange haircut
>Magic, I don't gotta explain shit
>All of this is okay
>It's a core part of the setting
>OP posts an image of some cyberpunk ad selling catgirl hookers
>"So this is what Shadowrun has become"
This has got to be some samefagging shit. There's no way two people are this stupid.
There are already real people who have willingly modified themselves to look less human than that image, op is trolling, full retard, or both.
>Not realizing that weird augs have been part of Shadowrun forever
Hell, she could even just be a metahuman
>weeb language installed
... That's German, user
If you're scared of degenerates, you shouldn't be playing a game about outcast weirdoes who fight the man with leet hacking skills and tricked out chrome.
cleft lip isn't furry, it's a disgusting natural defect in humans.
are amputees furry because missing a limb makes them a tiny bit closer to looking like a snake or sea sponge?
>corp kid gangs led by Zoe-Quinn esque people
Oh my God, shut the fuck up. Go back to the otherchan.
That's clearly a cleft lip to make her more catlike, not a natural birth defect...
Does this thread just have autosofts installed that make everyone stupid or something?
>are amputees furry
Naked, hairy, limbless men cosplaying as tribbles are.
Those aren't furries. Those are scalies and holies, respectively.
If everyone else isn't making sense, it's you that are the stupid.
I wonder how many of the people that have gone down for cp were framed by this exact kind of shit?
OP is a retard.
The Status Quo is actually changing, and new and interesting things are entering the setting?
Can't have that, magical nano-machines ruin everything introduced after 2050!
Not going to lie shes pretty cute
>... That's German, user
German is, far and away, the second weebiest language.
What? Literally how? I don't think you know what weeb means lmao
No I do, I was just being somewhat less than 100% serious.
But back in high school the types of people taking German had a lot in common with the types of people taking Japanese. The petulant fanboys of each language/culture are very similar.
>A neo-capitalist society where everything has a price and commodity, in a heavily globalized world.
>A world filled with so many metahumans and sapients warped by magic that humanity makes less then 60% of the populace.
>where technology allows people to modify themselves so heavily it physically damages the soul.
and OP is mad because a hooker's resorted to cosmetic surgery to look like a catfolk to satisfy a specfic niche of customers the company caters to for max pricing.
Think beyond the tropes, everything in shadowrun is motivated by desire and greed, and run by profit.
Some whore altering herself to cater to a degenerates fetish for her own survival, fits in well with the worlds theme.
You forgot that manga/anime has a hard on for Germany and uses the language for their magic shit a lot.
Holy shit is that real? They literally named a book "Stripper Assassin"?
"You're thinking in Japanese aren't you? If you must think, do it in German!"
This isn't true at all. Most battle shounen don't even use German. You are clearly a newfag to anime/manga.
Someone altering themselves just because they can fits the world's theme.
I don't even watch anime and that was off the top of my head. I know there are more.
"I warned you about mixing magic with cyber punk"
t. William Gibson
>3 anime out of the thousands produced
Nanoga barely even uses german. Name one anime in this past season that uses German.
Money is not only blood of the world, its better than blood.
why else are there entire drug cartels trading in BTLchips and living, hardwired sex slaves.
Striper Assassin. Not stripper. Striper. Guess she was a red stripe in a hospital and got shit done.
I guess.
I can't name one anime this past season period, you fucking whiny ass weeaboo. But German has shown up in anime enough to be noticable. Oh, I'm pretty sure whatsername from Fate was German. Actually, so is the white haired girl (or is she Russian?)
Rin is Japanese and barely speaks German. Illya is more Swedish/Polish than German
That's still using german for the magic, which is what user said.
it keeps happening
It's barely spoken and its only for one person. Hardly used a lot.
>Shadowrun is not about furries like that. It's not Eclipse Phase.
are you one of those donguses that heard that Eclipse Phase has uplifted animals and immediately thought "wow must be a furry game"?
So this is what Warhammer 40,000 has become
You're missing his point, m8. What he's saying is that if you ever hear a language other than Japanese in anime, it's exclusively either English or German.
Shut up Assuka, you are worst girl.
Best girl is Tabris
I typed up a long winded rant about people ruining things that I like, but holy cow, after reading through the thread, I realized I would just be pandering to idiots.
Who ruined things you like? That shit was there all along.
It's all been said before.
>Cultural marxism, people appropriating my nerd culture into some elaborate masturbatory gesture, various bitching about feminists and white-knights, etc.
You talk like a faggot.
>Cultural Marxism
>Implying feminists have anything to do with a German catgirl hooker
>Implying that isn't something Shadowrun has already had for ages
Not him, but to be fair - what Shadowrun had for ages was not something I could fat to. Now it seems to EXPECT me to masturbate to what what supposed to be edgy-slash-revolting.
Dude, I feel like you're full of shit.
It's just that the art is good enough that you could fap. It was never supposed to be revolting.