Just popped some popcorn. I wanna hear why your not invested in Monero. Is it because you're:
1. Retarded
2. Hate Money
Just popped some popcorn. I wanna hear why your not invested in Monero. Is it because you're:
1. Retarded
2. Hate Money
Other urls found in this thread:
see it at 210
waited for it to dip to 180~
never happened
220 waited for a dip to 210
never happened
went to sleep
Will I be ok if I go all in now? I keep waiting for a dip that never comes
This shit will hit $1000 in 2018. Get in now while you can
I hate that I day trade this coin but theres too many possibilities
I made 500 this week just flipping monero but now I have none left and the whole point was to accumilate more...
Waiting for Walton to pump one last time before i go in. I'd swear this shit was 193 Dollars or so yesterday, why didn't i go in.
McAfee calls it the best thing since sliced bread.
You will be waiting until you buy in at $500 in Feb
I just sold a bunch and bought more ONION for it.
Wish me luck then, I'm holding for at least 6 months
Because fundamentals in this market have been kicked from the backseat to the curb in this market.
I would just buy as much as possible, forget about it completely, and wake up in a few years and decide to be rich
Nah the fundamentals are the same as always:
1. Whales pnd shitcoins
2. Decent coins always show long term growth
buying 100 of these in september was the best thing i did in crypto so far
Sold all my XMR last week to buy IOTA and effectively tripled my money, that's why
1. it does not have a hard limit
2. the tx are much larger then bitcoins so if you think bitcoin has a scaling issue, monero is even worse.
>see it at 237
>wait for 234
>buy 1.1 XMR
I know, high roller over here
>now 241 and rising
easy money breh
they are both kinda similar tho. Now monero may be used by degenerates but wait till real whales jump into this for tax evasion purposes, it's gonna be a store of value for them, no fucks given about txs
WE are going to have a hell of a night boys
this coin seems too easy to daytrade, but im so unlucky that if i sold it when it's high, it would keep going up.
guess i'll just HODL
>scaling issues
Maybe if you actually pay attention to the development updates you wouldn't be always poor.
1. I'm retarded
Can't find a good exchange to use. I bought some IOTA on Binance the other day, but I want 3 full Moneros and I can't risk $750 on Binance.
Doesn't help that Coinbase is taking forever to sent BTC so I can't trust anything. Kraken crashes constantly, Bitfinex not in US, and Poloniex wants my SS#, so I'm getting super frustrated.
Where the fuck should I buy my shit?
Not sure about how true this is, but I doubt you're right, user
>yfw small flips couldn't outpace the rocket
Daytraders btfo
>it does not have a hard limit
Newfag detected
that's the problem, the tx size of each monero is larger then bitcoin. if it ever gets to the size of bitcoins in transactions done per day the blockchain will grow ridiculously large. right now monero is at 7k transactions a day @ 4.26usd
bitcoin is at 400k transactions @ 6.44usd
neither has a working solution at the moment. both have scaling issues.
mate, there is no supply cap on monero.
3. I got everything in IOTA.
Better to have a 0.3 XMR tail emission than stop the supply completely... the BTC network will stop working at that point. It's gonna be hilarious.
Either way, this won't happen for both of these coins while we're alive anyway. It just so happens that XMR has a better long term future than BTC because of the tail emission.
And thanks for making my day. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, that makes me happier than when literally genetically inferior retards on biz don't buy monero because "muh supply cap." It ensures that I keep getting richer, and you stay poor. After all, what's the point of being rich, if there aren't any poor people to dominate over your entire life? Hahahahahaha
you seem a bit upset that i'm stating a fact.
go outside son.
Actually, I was about to go fuck my girlfriend all night. Stay poor, virgin pleb. I bet you're brown too. I'm so sorry.
your life is great then! good for you! i'm just puzzled why you seem so offended that i stated a fact akin to saying water is wet.
you got anger issues or maturity issues son. best you go outside and get some perspective.
Bought a 1 Monero when it was $160 USD
I'm sorry you have brown skin. Good bye.
someone pls help a brudder out
safest exchange to get Monero?
good luck with your life user, remember
1. it's okay to be brown
2. monero has no supply cap and getting angry at me for pointing that out when someone asks is childish as fuck.
Need dat nano s support dawg.
Does it not support Monero?
outside binance? can't trust ~$800 there.
they say soon™
I like bittrex
because bittrex isn't showing the ETH I transfered to buy some. 4 hours, still not even pending
Enjoy your fees LOL
Lel I've got 1 monero...
>muh trust
Just buy and withdraw to wallet? Are you this dense?
Bitcoin $6200
Litecoin $1700
Eth $150
Monero $250
IOTA $50
help me out boys
how much lite/bit should i move to monero
I'm a retard. What wallet do you use? I'm willing to buy a lot of monero but I'm a brainlet.
download the cli wallet
run monerod until its synced
run monero-wallet-cli, follow instructions
It's very easy. I'm too poor to actually buy any, but at least I know basic crypto shit
And if you absolutely can't figure it out. join #monero-pools on freenode and people will help you even if you are pajeet
haven't gotten a wallet yet.
dont really understand how they're more secure than an exchange. if it's on my hard drive, i rely on its integrity/security
even once i get a wallet (which i will eventually), you have to trust the server to be legit. I couldn't take my IOTA out of Binance right now even if I wanted to and I just bought it like a day or 2 ago.
thanks bro
I'm pretty comfy right now, OP.
I'm not invested because I sold at 0.018 yesterday and am looking at the rope. Should i just FOMO back in or wait for a 0.0195 baby dip or something.
thanks m8
Should've bought earlier, but still better than nothing
Nice ricing, I like those borders
You are going to make it
from 234 to 250..... extreme gains.... to be proud of.
You too user, just stop using clear type
Hot fuck son
Anyone holding over 10 Monero is gonna make it. That's how high I am on this shit.
If you are referreing to font rendering, screenshot is not going to tell you how it looks on my monitor.
Should I buy 1 xmr?
Does anyone else think this is going up rather to quickly?
I'm surely calling this wrong
its unironically going to 500$ before christmas
aved in and finally bought 1 lambo soon lads
Yep, please fucking correct.
what the fuck is the 'xmr withdrawls' field on binance
it's not the address.. maybe it's the payment id?
I don't know, you don't _need_ a payment ID to withdraw though. They're only used to identify transfers and you don't care to do that when sending it to yourself, you'll know what it was.
How fonts look depends heavily on DPI and sub pixel rendering on low DPI monitors. For example the apple or ubuntu fontconfig style fonts look way too bold on my monitor. Trust me I've fucked with my fonts way too long and optimized so I can actually read Japanese at 9-11px font size. And I don't even want to go how idiotic default fontconfig rules are.
Haven’t got much Fiat to invest right now, not this close to Christmas.
Plus at $200 price sounds like I’ve already missed the moon mission anyway.
Does it have potential to go much higher?
What a comfy portfolio BTC/XMR. I've set XMR->BTC at 0.0211. Should I keep this order?
I bought at 0.018.
Son. This is the ultimate freedom coin. We used to have paper money to hide our bags. Now we got monero.
People are saying it's still wildly underpriced
Most of the major tech rollouts that affect price (hardware awllets, for one) are still in development.
Some people have predicted 10k in the next 3 years.
I'd say it's got a ways left to go.
You seem to know more than I do then.
>implying I can wait 3 years to cash out.
Crypto is killing me. Rich on blockfolio but refuse to do anything out of fear of missing out. Wake up everyday to the body and mind destroying wagecuckery as I feel myself falling apart. But refuse to cash out, because if it goes up more I could have been a multi millionaire unstead of just.
Want to go into a coma
its overbought af mates sell sell selll!!!
trading at $310 in korea btw
Thank you king Monero
for unJUSTing my ETH folio
31.79 xmr/day mining. Would feel better if the difficulty would stop heading for the moon.
Don't plan to sell my XMR for long time
just use shapeshift or changelly
>tfw all you have to mine with is a 1060 and an x4...
Coordinated pump and dump.
I have a bit more sized setup.
My order for 0.0211 just got executed. Feels good to have two comfy coins to work with.
You unironically can't. No confirmed withdrawal for hours. Seems like the meme has become a reality
Yea I guess it's pretty high but i feel safer when it's in the usa
ALL into XMR.
Bitfinex exitscamming into XMR to hide funds
A picture is worth a thousand words
Who cares? It has a lower supply than BTC until 2040, ETH for centuries, XRP and IOTA for multiple lifetimes.
nice bleeding in satoshi value
Do you have an album any where? I love seeing pictures and updates about your bunker
>jelly intensifies
I cant beleve i sad this but i dumped monero boys.
Rebuying at 200$ cya.