Mysteries seem fine, so I'm just going to go down the spell list, and point out ones that seem off.
>Bend Perspective
Seems simialr to Arcane Eye, which makes it really underleveled, although if it's limited to a max 30 foot range that's a bit better. Might need to have a restriction that there needs to be a shadow present.
>Dusk and Dawn
If this is supposed to be a 1st level spell, I think it's too strong. I'd suggest cutting down the range and duration if you want to keep it there.
>Life fades
Seems okay. Might even be a bit weak on the damage. 3d6 would be more fair, since Exhaustion requires another check, and even then won't affect most monsters very much.
>Quicker than the Eye
Seems rather pointless. I would suggest making this a mystery, and combining it with making Umbral Hand's carry load 30 pounds, and make it 5 by default.
>Steel Shadows
>Voice of Shadow
You may want to consider adding some slight downsides to these 'normal spell+' things.
>Black Fire
I think the damage here is too high. Already you can use it as a improvised version of Aganazzar's scorcher, and if there's a narrow hallway you've basically spelled death for anyone trying to run through. Consider lowering it to 2d8.
Seems okay. Might even be a bit weak for level 2.
Might need some more specific language about when they can teleport, but otherwise fine.
>Sharp Shadows
Damage might be a bit high if it works on a hit or miss.
>Umbral Touch.
I'd lower the damage a bit. Inflicting slow seems strong, but isn't when you compare it to the normal slow spell and remember this needs to hit as well.
Most of the higher level spells seem fine at a glance, since I think from there you started combining lower-level spells.
Overall an alright list, but I think you need to just tweak some of the lower level effects.