Malifaux General

I don't see Malifaux Generals here very often, which I find surprising - I've just started getting into it, and the game's pretty good and the models are pretty great.

The activation instead of IGoUGo seems like a no-brainer, complete revelation after WHFB and 40K.
Skirmish-level I think is preferable for depth between units.
The card mechanic I was actually flip-flopping on for a while - cool and new, maybe gimmicky, but in the end I think the Cheat and deck management aspects bring a good level of control to the game.

The aesthetic and models are really good though.
I'm not usually a big steampunk fan, but there's a decent blend of scenes/sources/themes across the factions, and the lame lolgears everwhur tendency has been reined in to just a small subset of models.

Why doesn't it get more airtime around here Veeky Forums?

Old version of the General OP in the next post.

Other urls found in this thread:!M9dyDTrI!eNYCwqvg4iPWy_z-M0P9dw

Probably out of date General OP:

Here are some useful links,


Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

Unfortunately, being a small game combined with ad-hoc list building and relative balance means there's not a whole lot to talk about. We'll probably see more discussion when Book 4 drops.

That being said, I got some nice looking resin bases and am currently in the process of assembling my Tara crew. Now I finally got a chance to use the Aionus I got ages ago.

Ah, I guess that makes sense.

I've only got the one crew box - Collette's S&M - and a few non-Wyrd additions, so there's less list-building and more working out how to use what I've got.
I think the full total of what I have painted only comes out at about 45 stones pre-upgrades, but I've only played a handful of 35ss games so far.

One thing I have to say is that, pretty as they are, fuck whoever designed these models - Mannequins with individual fingers is just some silly-as-fuck shit.
About half the reason I haven't painted them yet is because I autistically decided ont he order I was going to build and paint them before I started, and every time I try and get the last Mannequin together I nearly punch it from sheer frustration.

I feel you user. I'm primarily a Resser player, but I have three Gremlin masters as a side faction and every one of those models barring Lenny and my metal Warpig were like pulling knives out of my dick.

At least they'll look great when assembled. My friend has a full Collette crew plus a Mechanical Ride and they look gorgeous.

Aww yiss, Malifaux general!

I'm running a campaign for my group and we just got masters. I picked up Molly having never played her before and she is super fun.

It's a big change from WHFB Dwarfs lemmetellye.

Three masters as a side faction sounds like you're pretty well-invested in it.

Do you have a main Resser you play?
One of the odd things I've noticed is that the big selling point is the from-scratch list building, but everyone I've talked to at my FLGS says they play one master for >60% of their games, once they found one they liked/understood.
(And about 25% of them are Dreamers.)

Related to that last point, it seems like Colette might have been a terrible first master - ye gods does she seem complex to run.

It sounds like I'm pretty well invested in Gremlins, and maybe I am, but due to smart shopping on ebay I got those three boxes, a Warpig, and Slop Haulers for about $85. It's actually one of the things I really like about Malifaux in that it's so cheap to have a fun and functional army.

For Ressers I'm mostly about McMourning and Nicodem, though I also have Seamus and a wip Tara crew. Nico just has a playstyle I really like, while my McMourning does well in most scenarios and is one of my better paintjobs.

Colette might take some time to get used to, though I'm sure a lot of difficulty is just getting used to the game and not the master. As a master you'll want to keep her safe and get the most usage you can out of Prompt while your crew makes does annoying scheme shit.


In all my time obsessively poking around the internet hoovering up Batreps and blogs and shit, I've barely seen anyone that seems to be actively involved in campaign play.
I know that's probably because it gets weird and unbalanced, and having such retsricted crews is sort of counter to the drive of the game, but it still seemed odd.

Especially since it's a skirmish game, and Mordheim and Necromunda are a couple of the most resilient player bases I've ever encountered.

I'm hoping I can get one going at my FLGS when more of my collection is painted (and I can consistently commit to painting another model or so a week).

Pic related is what I'm using as a Freikorps Trapper for my Colette crew, from Hasslefree.
About half painted on my desk at the moment, but since it's summer in England, I get precisely fuck all strong natural light to paint by.

>great models
>models are soullessly sculpted in computer and shrunken down, instead of by hand by an artist who knows what will look good in miniature form

These two are mutually exclusive, you can't have both.

I can respect that people think that many parts of the line are not 'soulful' in the way that, for example, 90s Warhammer was, and that there are a lot of models besides that don't exactly ooze personality, but writing off the whole line just because they are rendered is simple grognardery.

On top of that, there aren't all that many companies turning out minitures with more 'soul' for semi-popular games these days.

I'm aware that this is bait, and I am hereby guaranteeing a partial derail, but hey, at least it keeps the thread afloat.

I think it's hard for most of the people, because of the named characters. There are not 'your dudes' therefore, playing a campaign still leaves you with the same characters without the ability to personaliza them on story level.

True, that was actually one of the tings that made me a little hesitant to get into the game - I am a big fan of My Dudes games.

But the models are interesting enough that the Mrs agreed to paint some too, and possibly even try a game.
Such opportunities are not to be passed up.

Good choice for a model, it really fits the crew. I am looking for proxies of other units myself.

I love me some malifaux. Played a shitload back in 1/1.5 but now my schedule has made m2e hard to get games in. But I do run a Through the Breach campaign for some dnd buddies on the weekends that has been an absolute blast and a half.

I will say that I am reaaaaally not a fan of whoever designs how the models go together. Far too many fiddly bits that need to be applied with tweezers and a poking stick. All I can say is thank God for plast-weld cause if I tried to glue together these things I'd have an anger induced coronary for sure.

well since I'm here might as well post it
placed 9th at my first tournament and won the mystery box in a draft
I am finally learning how to manage yan lo which feels great

I feel like they have some talented 3D modelers who after finishing a sculpt, feed the model through a program which automatically generates the parts required, and then just ship it off to the factories without giving a shit. I don't have a huge problem with lots of parts for a single figure myself, but it would be better if they were designed in a way that would give the figures more depth like some of the monopose GW plastics.

At least it's not quite as bad since their plastics now. Back in 1.5 you'd have these metal models where they expected you to glue a hand holding a giant hammer or something directly onto a skinny as fuck wrist with no other point of contact.

I thought so - one of teh things I like and dislike about the game is that each crew has a good identifiable solid look about them.
That makes for really good-looking in-theme crews, but when you start mixing in models fromt he rest of the faction, or Mercs, they start looking very out of place, and there's only so much a paintjob can do to salvage that.

>I am reaaaaally not a fan of whoever designs how the models go together

>talented 3D modelers who after finishing a sculpt, feed the model through a program which automatically generates the parts required, and then just ship it off to the factories without giving a shit.

My biggest gripe with Malifaux in general is that the models are designed, not sculpted, so it really feels like little to no concession is made to the fact that folks will actually have to build them.
They come out looking nice, and the slenderness (I guess) makes them all the more unique as a model line, but they are a complete pig to actually work with.

You going to paint it?
I don't know if I would want to hide the fact that it was a special edition figure, but equally I don't field unpainted models and they're not all display-worthy as just plastic.

>I am finally learning how to manage yan lo
I am very new to Mfx, but from what I've heard at the FLGS and read online, he's hard as all hell to learn to use properly.

I really don't know
I don't even know if I should build it
first idea came from a friend and it was to paint some parts of it and make it look like magma but it wouldn't come out that well
second idea was to just do the base

thanks bro
yeah, I always find out new tricks with him
and I always forget half of them after 10 minutes

How do I make a winning list for henchman hardcore?

>paint some parts of it

Works well for the transparent plastics.

Don't know much about the game or the aesthetic, but that sword in the OP is seriously bugging me.

The model in the op is a Desperate Mercenary probably the worst unit in the game, in both fluff and crunch.

Wait till you see revolvers with bayonets.

>literally a faction of goblin hillbillies in the game
>muh realism

>writing off the whole line just because they are rendered is simple grognardery.
Maybe. But I think he have a point.
For istance check problems, which originates by the fact of whoever sculpted this, probably never put a model togheter.

So what are your actual problems with Malifaux models? I've painted like 1/3 of the whole plastic range as the local group's painter and I usually love them except:
- tiny models that take >25 parts (Steam Trunk, Necrotic Machine, Abuela) - who the fuck thought it was a good idea
- scale/proportion problems, sometimes even within one box (Depleted?)
- some big models (Desolation Engine, Ikiryo) seem lacking in detail, like they were made small and upscaled in 3D program
- tiny thin parts (braids, claws, tendrils...) easy to bend/snap when handled wrong, making models less transportable (nothing as bad as metal Nekima/avPandora tho)
- tiny base connection points, like many models standing on one toe


As a painter I hate both translucent and colored models.

That's definitely a thing.

I wish they'd show the backs.

It's (rules and fluff) a broken blade, I think.
Not much in the way of justification, but something.

He said 'soulless' though, not 'poorly thought out with regards to practicality'.
I fully agree that they are often poorly designed in that sense - I am - but not soulless.

>- some big models (Desolation Engine, Ikiryo) seem lacking in detail, like they were made small and upscaled in 3D program
I think that's a neutral point - it lets paintjobs shine, and doesn't needlessly overload models in detail just because there's room for it.
On the other hand, yes, some of them look plain.

>- scale/proportion problems, sometimes even within one box (Depleted?)
Is that really a problem?
From what I've seen of the models, they are highly variable in height, but look to my inexperienced eye comfortably within the variation you'd find in an average sampling of actual people.

As for being spindly and dumb - see the design whining above.
Most people fully agree, but as I said earlier in the thread, I think it also makes the model line recognisable and nice-looking once built and painted.

I am definitely buying the evil nun. I love the new line of masters though, we finally have a proper gunslinger and the early 20th century journalist looks sweet. I also think that the new Arcanist master is pretty sikh.

>I also think that the new Arcanist master is pretty sikh.
But seriously, most of the new Masters looks cool as shit.
Except the Guildy, she just looks a bit lame to me. And I do not like her face sculpt.

I really want to see the rest of his crew now. Sky pirate gremlins sound pretty cool.

>finally have a proper gunslinger

We already had the Ortegas though.

Ophelia also is very much a gunslinger, though I don't know if being a gremlin affects the proper part.

Does anyone knows anything about Titania's fluff? I heard, that her origins can be found in one of TTB books.

Any special suggestions for what other than waldgeists and McTavish I should get for Zoraida?

Titanias fluff is in the Nythera penny dreadful.

Would you care to cut out part of the pdf and post it or make a few screenshots?


I know this isn't really how you 'do Malifaux', but thisis the list I'm thinking of using to learn the Arcanists - specifically Colette.
It's got the essentials of a Colette crew, plus Joss because he crops up a hell of a lot in Arcanist crews.
I don't have a Howard Langston proxy at the moment, otherwise he might be swapping in and out to see which play style I like more - Joss sounds more sutied to rolling blob area control, while Howard is referred to repeatedly as a cruise missile.

Pic related is likely to be my next pick up.

Any thoughts or advice on the list or Colette?

50ss Crew
Colette Du Bois -- (2+1)ss Cache
+Cabaret Choreography - 2ss
+Shell Game - 1ss
+Arcane Reservoir - 2ss
Mechanical Dove - 2ss
Cassandra - 8ss
+Practiced Production - 1ss
+Smoke And Mirrors - 1ss
Freikorps Trapper - 7ss
Joss - 10ss
Mannequin - 4ss
Oxfordian Mage - 6ss
Performer - 5ss

Really crazy rules there. Got a feeling his gun will give out slow and his whole thing will be chasing down scheme runners. Interested to see what the crew box will be like.

Step it up. Unless you're talking about aesthetics, then fair enough.

Separate feet.

Long shot - but has anyone here replaced burt jebson's pepperbox? Looking for an SMG that fits the bill (and scale).

Bump of crows.

For som'er summoning spam will 8 bayou gremlins be enuff?

Should be plenty.

If you need more than that you're probably winning anyway.

Depends, you might want another box, especially if you're giving Family Tree to Sammy.

I may be talking out of my ass, but have you checked Wyrd's Modern Weapons sprue?

>malifaux picked up in my area
>decide that of all the armies I have across multiple systems, I have no ninja army, so I go 10T
>kind of regret not going with Neverborn or the guild, but whatevz, love the kazekage or whatever they're called
>local high skill player in warmachine gives me a tutorial game
>turns out local high skill player might know how to play but is absolute trash at teaching.
>first game was like 35ss
>womps me, and I walk away confused and hating the system because it makes no sense
>that was 8 months ago, since then I picked up the two player set, read the rules, it's nothing like how he showed it.
>love the aesthetics, I know there's small pockets of malifaux players out there, wanna get something going

Phew, got some work to do. Is there any kind of league for this game I could start up?

The third book has a couple of campaign systems with stuff like base building and injuries if that is more your speed.

If you want something more vanilla you could start at 25 or 30 soul stone crews and increase the total by 5 or so each week. If you're starting fresh maybe prepick a specific pool of schemes and strategies each week.

You don't think 25 is a bit high for scrubs?

I could be completely forgetting the set up, but kind of figured you'd want to start or just henchman, kind of work your way up to masters

I wonder if the starter boxes are anything approaching balanced like that

Yan Lo's beard. Just... Why?

The microtails on the goddamn standing plastic piglets are up there, coupled with the mold lines they get. I love them, but I never thought possible that a 4SS model could require so much work.

The problem I've noticed when going too low or sans masters is that you miss on teaching some fundamental skills players need to pick up.

Players typically struggle adjusting to the card system/triggers or schemes than masters.

What's better is when you lose those tiny pieces. I'm going to just green stuff a face bandana because my Yan is missing the chin.

I fully agree with after the first 2-model game.
Do a 10-15ss "Here's the mechanics" game.
Then shift up to 20-35SS with a Master, because virtually every game will revolve around either side playing their Masters' style - learning to play to a Master seems like a core skill for Malifaux.

I know, I will update it at some point.

So, wishlisting time: am I the only one waiting for a Gremlin/Arcanist Master? The new Sky Captain Zipp the Insignificant seemed like a good candidate, but alas it was not meant to be.
What would you guys like to see should Wyrd give us other Dual-Faction Masters?

Are there any rumors on Outcasts and Gremlins getting their own Riders?

That's a perfect suggestion actually, I didn't know they made that at all. I'm going to be finicky and see if I can find something else though, gotta get something tec9 - uzi like that I can paint to look more in time with the setting through wood furniture.

It seems that Wyrd is trying to make the Arcanist faction highly mistrusting of cross-faction alliances. There are numerous instances of figures with fluff or crunch connections to Arcanist/Outcasts (Johan, Vanessa) and Arcanist/Gremlin (Sparks/Mech. Porkchop, Survivors), but no masters. Ten Thunders are an oddity as other than Shenlong, all of them are dual faction, which shoehorned Mei-Feng into being the only dual-faction master for Arcanists. While we may not see any more dual-faction masters for Arcanists, I do expect that there will be more ways to hire certain gremlins across factions.

Well, it may be expensive, but Warlord's Project Z Male Survivors has a bunch of stuff you might like.

Imagine the sheer malevolence of a Gremlin/Resser Henchman or Master.

hmm, never really had in issue working the old fuck out, he always struck me as fairly straightforward.
definitely having a hard time getting the hang of shenlong, can never remember all the effects the different monk types he can get have

>relative balance means there's not a whole lot to talk about.
I never really thought about it that way.

Back in first when shit was still broken, there was lots of discussion about how to deal with the broken stuff. But now that balance is largely back, there's less to talk about.

I wonder if that's why GW makes shitty rules.

I got some 40k grots and cut the noses off. They're the "encase of emergencies" if I run out of normal gremlins.

If your opponent is alright with it, you can use other ht1 gremlins as stand in for bayoo gremlins, so they fit the theme better.

Just got the two player starter set, looking forward to playing this game as I assemble the figures

Just out of curiosity, how much terrain are you supposed to use for this game? The starter set rulebook says that you are generally supposed to use 50%-75% of the table covered with terrain, while the core rulebook says 25%-50%.

I usually aim for 25-33% of the table covered by blocking terrain or cover, and 25-33% covered by non-blocking severe, hazardous, or impassable terrain.

Some stuff to hide behind and some other stuff to shoot across, basically.