Have you ever had an honest-to-god racist at your table?
How did you deal with him?
Have you ever had an honest-to-god racist at your table?
I had an adult conversation with him about how he is entitled to his beliefs but him raving about niggers ever five minutes ruins the atmosphere and to cut that shit out.
Here's a revolutionary idea: Talk with your player/group about it instead of random people on the internet for the sole purpose of fishing for validation.
She only hates puertoricans so it's okay
We don't have racist where I come from, so I don't have to deal with them.
I also laugh at you and your problems.
Where the fuck do you live? The moon?
I was gonna write some great long greentext about a group of non-gender conformist SJW types fictionalizing a tale of some white male slapping his dick onto the table and screaming about MAGA...
But OP's post is clearly not really worth the effort to make any humor out of it
My group is highly racist against anything not human. It's part of the charm, I guess. We've learned to go with it.
>Playing a FR game
>New guy joins
>After a session spend observing the rest of us, he creates "Nix Bood" the Chultian Druid.
>Runs around trying to steal things and rape women.
>GM finds his antics amusing, so encourages more of them
>Leave game in disgust.
>How did you deal with him?
They haven't yet!
Those tree-nigger loving, stunty humping, ork hugging fuckbags just have to cope with it
We have three at our table. They're also very /pol/.
I've finally decided to just stop talking about anything political with them. If fascism could be debated, it wouldn't exist.
We perma banned him because it's a FLGS and it's an open game night.
>Have you ever had an honest-to-god racist at your table?
>How did you deal with him?
I got him out of bed, brushed his teeth, and told him that it's going to be a good day. Same thing I do every day.
Yes. He was sexist, too, and got into an extended but relatively civil argument once with one of the other players once.
What was funny was hearing from the other player initially "[racist] is one of the best people in this community" until after the argument, when it turned into "I am so fucking gone because people here had the temerity to let the racist defend his position instead of just banning on sight".
In a twist worthy of Night Shamalamadingdong, the racist was me.
Thanks for letting us know
I played with a racist for a while. I was newly recruited into the group from reddit or roll20 or something and we were all chatting in skype, getting along really well. It somehow came up that I was mexican and one of the people in the group started INSTANTLY venting about immigrants. It was so sudden and comical that I thought he was joking, but then I realized how uncomfortable the rest of the group was and understood that I was dealing with the real thing. They apologized on his behalf but I wasn't really phased. As one would expect of an open racist, the guy was kind of a moron, as well as emotionally unstable. The group tolerated him, but barely, and some didn't want him around at all. They didn't talk about it much.
Ironically I ended up being the dude's best connection in that game, and he came to like/respect me to a reasonable extent. I pitied the dude, he was a really angry and flustered person who had no social tact whatsoever. He finally got himself kicked from the group and tried to vent to me about what bullshit it was, and I respectfully told him that he needs to grow the fuck up accept responsibility for the fact that he keeps throwing tantrums and no one has an obligation to put up with it. I told him how he should approach the group if he wants to play with us again and he sat there in silence. Next session he was trying to be super nice and seemed to take what I told him to heart but another player was being a dick to him and it wasn't long before the kid relapsed.
Racists are a strange and difficult breed, and it's gotten to a point in society where they're almost like an oppressed group of their own. Everyone's stupid and irrational in some way, but bigots in general are the most persecuted for their opinions. I forgive them for it so long as it stops at opinion and doesn't carry over into action.
Give us the delicious greentext user! Don't be a me.
>Racists are a strange and difficult breed, and it's gotten to a point in society where they're almost like an oppressed group of their own
>bigots in general are the most persecuted for their opinions
The fact that they can all be swept under the rug as "bigots" is kind of the point
>bigots in general are the most persecuted for their opinions
There's the rub, mate. Everyone is a bigot nowadays, and in fact it's encouraged to be as bigoted as possible. "Bigot" just means someone that is intolerant of different ideas and opinions.
Yeah there lies kind of a paradox there but I'm not wrong
Dammit Veeky Forums I came to get away from the real world, but the real world even found me here.
>all around me are familiar faces
But user, I am that racist.
I solve it by playing an elf.
Delete your thread OP
I'm racist, but not against a group any gives a shit about. Hell its never come up.
>not being racist
Fuck those tree-hugging, pasty-skinned, sun-bathing teetotaler elves.
This is a troll thread, you idiot.
Don't care. Still gonna take the effort to call you a retard.
Really makes you think... huh...
I never said that I was OP. u wot m8?
I'm telling you, don't answer seriously to a troll thread. You're wasting your time. Just shitpost like you did right now. It's much more fun that way.
Kind of does. Most people who are honest to god racists probably have something up in their noggin, or else have gone through some sort of shit that made them "enthusiastic" about x.
I try to repeat that to myself everytime I hear a tumblr asshole whine, as well.
Humanizing the enemy? THAT WON'T DO SOLDIER, THAT WON'T DO AT ALL!
Yes. I told him it was fine to be proud of his heritage but throwing the words "knife eared slut what steals me gold" around so much made the Druid cry and politely asked him to stop.
You're clearly That Guy.
I'm extremely racist, I just recognize most people don't want to hear it so I don't talk about it. tfw I'm a slav-irish untermensch crossbreed [\spoiler]
If it makes you feel any better, I almost feel like it wouldn't be super bad if "chill pills" were mandatory for excitable people. On one level, forcing people to take meds, but on the other, I feel like sometimes people lose control of their own heads and could use help.
I mean, imagine a world where you could go to a gaming group, and no one gets super duper angry that you want to play an elf, because they had like 10 elf players that were assholes, and now they can't look at an elf without seeing all the people that wanted to play shota elfs with milf slaves.
If SJWs like you could defend their opinions, you wouldn't be SJWs. I bet you think drow only commit crimes because they were driven underground, right?
I'm from Canada, honestly never had a racist player in my 15 years of running games.
>If SJWs like you could defend their opinions
"Hey wouldn't it be cool if we didn't kill people by the trainload? No? Oh, okay."
>Mexican intellectuals from reddit
Realistically, most strong political opinions are less about logic and more about the excitement people feel when expressing something stimulating. This is true for /pol/ and for SJWs.
Man people will just call anything an SJW nowadays.
Yeah, it's pretty convenient how anyone who disagrees with me can be dismissed as a bigot, I love it.
There's two kinds of people I would not accept in my game. Racists a gypsies.
I am the racist.
However, I leave my opinions at home when I GM.
We're all here to have fun, not squabble over politics.
So you think we should abolish Islam too? Cool, glad we're on the same page.
Is it considered bigotry if I just don't want to be around someone because I disapprove of the way they think? Like, it's totally within a guy's rights if he wants to spend all day being all "niggersniggersniggersniggers" but that doesn't mean I have to like him or respect him or be around him. Are we so thin-skinned as a society that we can't accept the idea that it's just as fully within someone's rights to not like us because something about us is abhorrent to them?
oh for my group its fine, as long as they can focus to the game while its going on and not just circlejerking over labtops or some shit, racism actually leads to some interesting characters at the table, like the classical dwarf that seriously hates elves and plays it up properly.
i'm of the opinion believe as you like as long as its not actively gonna fuck me or my group.
Cultist-chan infiltrating the dwarves?
/pol/ can handle dissenting opinions, SJWS cannot. This kind of low-information false equivalence is even more nauseating than typical liberal cuckery.
And how do you plan to do that exactly?
I hope this is parody, otherwise it's the most glaring example of "things that never happened, the post" I have ever seen.
this, holy shit this, Veeky Forums needs to get its head out of its ass when it comes to this because its incredible how much they fall into this.
>/pol/ can handle dissenting opinions
By screaming them down only. Oh, and posting YouTube videos about as impartial, unbiased and reflecting the reality as the 1 in 4 statistic.
>doesnt like fascism
>/pol/ can handle dissenting opinions, SJWS cannot
No, that's one thing both of them have in common.
So how about first nation eh? Every canadian I've known has been very racist when they get brought up.
inb4 someone says "its different, they deserve it"
When did Veeky Forums turn into /co/?
Indeed I have played with normal, sane whites before.
When it stopped being /d/.
Elect Trump, let Muslims conquer Europe, team up with Russia and kill 'em all. We'll each take half. You mentioned killing people by the trainload, right? Well, I'm not sure radical Muslims really count as people anymore.
I thought /pol/ could handle dissenting opinions?
there is a difference between player racism and character racism
playing a racist character can be a lot of fun
and lets be honest - most heroes are rascist against orcs or goblins
I...see. That sure sounds like an excellent plan, what with letting go of the Middle East, the Maghreb, and a good part of SEAsia. You know, where most of the Muslims are!
Excellent plan indeed! Your ancestors were Italian, weren't you?
>What is /leftypol/
>What are commiethreads
Sorry you can't handle robust discourse m8.
Denial won't make it true. SJWs will have your posts deleted and you removed from the community for disagreeing, /pol/ will just call you a cuck without trying to stifle you.
How convenient that everything you don't like is fascism!
For us it's more like dealing with the one non-racist person that joins.
Technically speaking, it's impossible to play D&D and not be a racist. In that there are measureable differences between races.
When crybaby SJWs started mass-applying for janitor positions. Watch, the moment this thread becomes more conservative than liberal it will get deleted.
>What is /leftypol/
Not on this website.
>What are commiethreads
Hu uh.
>Sorry you can't handle robust discourse m8.
Screaming like an ape and posting the same bullshit two fucking hours long videos that are the YouTube equivalent of shit political cartoons isn't robust discourse. Robust discourse implies the point being made can handle scrutiny without always coming back to some kind of conspiracy theory and/or pseudo-science.
It's inaccurate to imply that /pol/ is solely right leaning. It's just extreme in a number of directions. There was a thread I remember from a while back that was basically saying soldiers should all be thrown onto the streets and mocked.
The post he was referring to was someone talking about facism, you limp dick idiot
I hope this is a pasta because the dude who wrote that seems cringer than the person he talks about.
Yes. I had the most unfortunate experience the other day. I was already emotionally distraught because my long-distance boyfriend, Achmed, would not be able to visit me and my ten-year-old sister from where he is unjustly imprisoned in Calais, and I could not help a few tears from falling as I sat at the gaming table, hoping to distract myself through playing my gender-nonconforming gnomelf, Blueberry Shedweller. All of the sudden, this FUCKING SHITBAG walks in, whistling 'Rule Brittania' as though he had NO IDEA how awful that song is to all of those oppressed minorities that have been crushed under the heel of the so-called British empire.
Feeling my pride as a member of SNP stir within me, I leaped to my feet and screamed at him, "YOU RACIST FASCIST SEXIST BIGOTED BULLY! DON'T YOU REALIZE THE POUND WILL MOMENTARILY DROP IN VALUE!? YOU CRASHED OUR ECONOMY BY VOTING TO LEAVE!" My chins heaved with fury, but he only chortled smugly and sipped a pint of lager.
"You're killing our European dream!" I shouted, and demanded the DM delete his account at once. Alas, at this moment a dog passed by on the street, and thinking of how offended Achmed would be if he saw it I swooned and fell to the floor.
I wish I was Canadian.
>Playing an Aztec mage in Shadowrun.
>She got extracted out of Aztlan for being a goddamn terrorist and trying to run some of the corporate greedlords descended from Iberian conquistadors out of the land where her family lived, worked and died in poverty and squalor generation after generation.
>As far as she's concerned, gringos are worthless and would be better off back in Europe where their pasty asses belong.
>Once slapped a white waiter for almost spilling her water.
>Only tips Hispanic wait staff.
>Almost killed a man for calling football "soccer."
>Super rude to anyone who doesn't know what court ball is.
Yeah, racist characters are way more fun than racist players.
>Denial won't make it true. SJWs will have your posts deleted and you removed from the community for disagreeing, /pol/ will just call you a cuck without trying to stifle you.
Yeah, because SJWs usually don't go on sites where anonymity is default and moderation is extremely loose.
/pol/tards will throw around the words "SJW", "cuck" or "libtard" at anyone who disagrees with them.
SJWs will throw around the words "misogynist", "fascist/literally Hitler" or "oppressors" at anyone who disagrees with them.
There's no fucking middle ground for either of those groups.
I'm racist. They asked me not to be racist during the game, and everything worked out.
Follow the conversation change you intellectual pygmy.
If you define everything outside your hugbox as a conspiracy theory, even when it's done openly and without apology, it really must seem that way. I envy your conveniently bluepilled worldview, it's a lot easier to live in than reality.
>/pol/ can handle dissenting opinions
I'm in an online rpg group with some /pol/-lacks and it does kinda grind down on your nerves after a while. I'm honestly considering just leaving, since I'm the odd one out.
You were making friends and had respectful personal relationships IC with members of another race?
I've rarely had to deal with racists in SoCal but the few who are open about it aren't treated well for it.The owner of my FLGS is latino as are a great deal of the patrons so, for the most part, it's not exactly a good idea to be loud about your racial politics there.
Joke's on her, she's probably mostly white.
>I played with a racist for a while.
No, you did not.
>It somehow came up that I was mexican
>I was mexican
"Mexican" is a nationality, not a race, tamalenigger.
>No, that's one thing both of them have in common.
>/pol/ makes fun of you and trolls you
>SocJus tries to find out your identity and then calls your family/work trying to get you fired
Wow. Yeah, its totes the same, jose.
Going outside the argument to silence dissent is something only one side does. Also, if SJWs don't come here, how do you explain /co/?
>Implying you wouldn't go full Uncle Ruckus IC and furiously hate what you obviously are.
Cancer in post form. We should crusade to retake this website and drive the hairdyes and hipsters back to their foetid burrows.
I don't see the need to add conspiracy theories to what can simply be explained by human nature, extreme wealth, and the fact that most rich and influential people have a network of correspondingly rich and influention people and don't really have to give a fuck about the bottom line.
I just like Occam's razor, I don't see the need to add Illuminatis, lizards aliens and the NWO to that.
Begrudgingly, yes. Or at least my character was. Out of character I pretend.
Try killing yourself, it's better than you moving to Canada in November.
very carefully
Silly anime girl. Niggers can't be holy. They'd need to have souls to be holy.
>not being a racist at all Is SJW
We're gonna make FLGSes great again, but first you have to go back, Jose.
Welcome to /pol/.
>implying Trump is going to do anything of any significance if he wins.
He'll I'll take him over Hillary.
I'm black and in the process of moving to Canada. I was leaving anyway.
That's the point, it's not a conspiracy theory anymore when it's done openly.
>Veeky Forums takes over Veeky Forums