Anyone seen the CXXXXVI edition of Legions and Longboats? Is it true they're squatting punic republic armies and hannibal?
Meanwhile, on Roman Veeky Forums
>muh meme elephants
They were really good value back before they got nerfed and made unable to cross over mountainous terrain anymore.
They were OP anyway, you plebeian. Hannibal is the worst meme general.
In conclusion, Carthago delenda est.
Hey guise here's my homebrew of 60 new classes for each gallic tribe
>marketing legions and longboats
>on my Veeky Forums
I wonder if an unruly desert dwelling Judean could be behind this post.
Should slaves be allowed to play, or are they solely for carrying the dice bag?
>Complaining about Legions and Longboats on a Parthian Horse Archery imageboard.
No user you are the Judean
I tried having my Greek slave tutor me on strategum, they have no mind for war.
Fuck off Persiaboo. IVchan is hosted on Roman servers.
what's he mad about?
Should have gotten yourself a good Thracian, they make lack tact and good patrician civility but gods above they can play a good game
He's just being That Guy.
I wonder how the whole group is gonna put an end to his situation...
Oh, think you kindly, it's a welcome addition to the rules for monstrous races.
Certainly yov are aware that L&L has been infiltrated by Repvblicans, and is nothing more than a canard for the Patricians to push their Pan-Italian political narrative, as yov will svrely perceive?
I must tell you that is surely behind this, for his connections to the Jvdeans is beyond question.
>my visage when Pict Players
Those Gaels. Magic potion is ridiculously overpowered and broken.
/pleb/ get your shit off here and back in your containment tablet
What's the best tabletop snack, and why is it dormice, dipped in honey and rolled in poppy seed?
Rome is for the Romans, cuckold.
Vandals disagree.
Svlla was withovt favlt. Marivs was a traitor and deserved to die.
>being sexually attracted to women rather than fellow manly warriors.
Fucking barbarians
> still playing L&L CXXXXCVI
Chariots and Concubines is where it's at.
>identifying Greeks
Yup, that's a Greek.
Bring back Scythians
>Chariots and concubines
>not superior Gauls and Greeks
Fucking plebs I swear
>not playing Crosses & Christians
You better be playing IV edition, Judeans are naturally Barbaricly aligned not Patrician
Don't even get started on the cesspit they made of Gauls in that
I can't wait for this edgy special snowflake Christianity fad to be over.
Why make a game with only monstrous races?
Great forum of Daqin, perhaps this humble merchant can offer you the wonders of Silk Road: the Travelling. A elegant game of strategy of intrigue where 2 or more players must collect and trade silk tapestries for various goods and rare commodities with each different yet intricately woven tapestry offering hidden mystical and alchemical properties. With the ultimate goal of being the greatest Silk Merchant throughout land, sky and sea.
Are you bold and cunning enough to master our most well devised and modestly priced tapestry trading game?
You mean that crazy cult that worships an execution tool, refuses to depict their god and celebrates his death?
Go and jerk off to the Art of War, barbarian.
>Implying I don't use the Patrician legion extension
What Sou take me for a Carthaginian?
Yeah, it's just edgy kids trying to get a reaction from their parents. In V years, they'll grow up and forget all about it.
But don't you want to own your very own jade eyes gold dragon trapestry? And be the envy of all the magistrates of your senatorial courts?
>only one head, and no tits
What kinda weak monster design is this?
So when do you know that the GM is taking you to his magical realm, when nearly every picture of a monster shows its genitals?
It is a masculine monster design my most civilized friend. If Jade Eyes Gold dragon does not suit your fancy, happens Red Dragon hidden among flowers will? It carries the mystical property of repelling evil magics and curses as it unleash powerful dragon attacks.
I'm just sick of egyptaboos and their monster girl antics.
>no Bastet priestess to bully
Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo,
Would you expect less from peoples that worship and fuck animals?
I for one welcome our new monotheistic state religion. One god for one emperor and one people.
>not XL
Barbarian detected. Get back across the Rhine.
This is now a "That Plebeian" thread.
>Playing Coliseums & Centurions
>That Plebeian is wearing poor manufactured clothes
>He's visibly cold while we're cozy in our expensive furs
>Approaches the brazier but tries to play it cool
>Accidentally falls in it and catches fire
>Decadent host has piss jar for whatever reason
>That Plebeian shuts off the fire with piss
We never saw him again
>Play Troy Campaign
>Kill Campaign Boss Hector.
>Coloseum Master is angry his CMPC Achilles hasnĀ“t had the chance to shine.
Should I change the group? Kinda want to find one where playing a Spartan is more appreciated.
>at Troy
If you were going to play a game set at Troy why would you not play a man in Aeneas' glorious company?
Well this hobby seems fun.
They don't have a club in my town but I'll definitly check the nearest one, I think it's located in Pompei.
I hear that a sect of Judean lunatics are planning to change the dating system from the founding of our great city to the death of some martyred desert carpenter. For what possible purpose?
Are they going to rewrite all the books?
Some of you are okay. Don't show up at Pompei tomorrow.
Most of my group has only utter disdain for the people of rome and their progenitors and the CM is a achilles fanboy, so I could unfortunaly not play in the company of aeneas.
Who else plays science fiction games? I know stirrups are completely unrealistic futuristic nonsense, but escapism is fun.
Leadpunk is my favourite genre.
I love this tragedy called Mad Maximus that's settled in a world where Rome has fallen. Can you imagine how crazy that setting would be?
There's a post apocalyptic setting where the Christians become ascendant. A laughable prospect but interesting in concept.
>Playing Roadbuilder
>Roll chirurgeon
>Take skills in heal
>Heal out the ass
>Actually how I heal people
>Legionary takes heavy damage after combat
>Roll natural 20
>Tie deer head to chest
>Cut bleeding channels in thighs
>Force him ingest the scat of a bewildered sparrow
>GM railroading when he dies anyways.
You will know soon, oppressor!
I'm more into retro bronze age settings but with fantastical iron age technology.
Go back to Judea Christfag.
Has anybody tried the tombs of egypt module yet? I'm worried my players wont make it past the pyramid entrance.
Sorry, you have to be at least XVIII years old to write on this wall.
>Not unironically sacrificing your biggest animal to Jupiter on his feast day.
It's like you want your crops to fail.
Why is he so perfect?
Go stab up a academy Christfag
Hello Rome. I come from a great and terrible future, where Rome's empire is dust, its legacy is abused, and its language is dead.
Ask me anything
>a academy
Perhaps after you attend one.
But the aqueduct still works, right?
Is there still whine and whores? Because if there is, I'm not worried.
>Attending academies
Fucking Greeks
>a academy
Vote Hadrian
We're gonna build a wall and make the britons pay for it!
I haven't kept up with this series. Are they still on the fucking boat?
Your aqueducts are still standing, but unused. People from across the land come to observe the ruins and say "gosh this looks nice."
Also we have invented underground aqueducts, so there's that
Yes, there is much wine and many whores, but the wine sucks and the whores only whore if you give them money
There is no God but YHWH, the Zealots shall retake the Holy Temple and force the Roman dogs back to their hovels.
Judea for the Jews!
Get fucked Greek. Or not, I forget how it works with you lot.
>the whores only whore if you give them money
That's kind of the definition of a whore.
>Not Caldonians.
Yeah but Nobody's doing anything interesting.
We like the Greeks, though.
The Judeans are the ones that are insufferable. They're poor, they're dumb, they're smelly and they fought those terrible wars against us in the 130s.
The descendants of the Greeks are a poor, awful lot. You got off easy with the whole no longer existing thing.
No shit, sherlock
Speaking of Judea, they still exists and only the Judeans like them
>Worshipping a dead palestinian on a stick
>893 AUC
Why do female players always insist on playing Carthage anyway
What is a sherlock? Some kind of tool for shearing sheep?
I'm not a member of those fish-worshipers you stupid Roman, I worship the God of Abraham and Isaac, who delivered my people from Egypt and gave us a land you NOW CONTROL GIVE IT BACK YOU FUCKERS.
Elephant power creep.
There was this really weird Magical Realm thing going on where they went to a witch's island, all the crewmembers got turned into pigs and Odysseus and the witch fucked all the time.
But now they're back on the boat, same as ever. I think they'll keep the series going as long as it keeps flushing sestercae into their pockets.
sherlock is an insulting term, like calling someone a barbarian
And don't forget all the fucking furies.
How about the Hellenic Mythological Universe? Is Herakles still a member of the Argonauts?
Please don't tell me that they rerouted the aqueduct through the catacombs.
I liked Herakles better when he was still chaotic neutral.
>Claim to be Roman
>play anything other than Freeform
Ya all Greeks using gay mathematics and shit.
Nubian detected
Stop right there - and now - criminal scum!
This era is strictly prohibited to prevent ST continuum distorsions!
A little fucker already paid a visit to Italy last week, and now look at the tower of Pisa!
>still caring about Argonauts after the dragon's teeth bullshit.