Because the other generals are cluttered, and forums are too slow. AoS, 40k, etc. all welcome. Post your army list or idea for an army list below.
General List Building Advice:
Because the other generals are cluttered, and forums are too slow. AoS, 40k, etc. all welcome. Post your army list or idea for an army list below.
General List Building Advice:
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Anyone know a decent Iron Hands list for fighting IG at 1500pts?
No dreads.
Drop pod meltas.
Use fast CC units to tie up infantry guns.
here's a 1k list i used saturday, it did well enough.
>herald of slaanesh, exalted chariot, exalted gift, lesser loci
>herald of khorne, juggernaut,exalted loci, exalted gift
>3 bloodcrushers, champ
>10 bloodletters, champ, instrument
>2 units of 10 daemonettes, instrument
>burning chariot
>skull cannon
So a friend gave me a bunch of models when he quit and this is what I was able to make out of it.
Could I work with this in semi-casual 1500 games (by semi-casual I mean the Necron player is a Decurion user who enjoys shitting on all of us)?
Or does it need massive edits?
I don't have my list on me but I made an Armoured Battlegroup list for 1850. I'll try my best to post it all off of memory
>1 Leman Russ Vanquisher with tank commander warlord
>2 Leman Russ Battle Tanks
>1 Leman Russ Executioner
>1 Leman Russ Punisher
>2 units of veterans with 1 melta and plasma each with chimera
>1 Imperial Knight Paladin with reaper chainsword, heavy stubber, and I think an Ironstorm missile pod
>2 vulture gunships with twin linked punisher cannons
>1 hydra flak battery
I think that's everything. I don't remember the hull weapons for my Russes but I'm pretty sure it's a mix of bolters and flamers. Thoughts?
That's a pretty good, balanced list. I can't think of anything I'd change.
>Necron player is a Decurion user who enjoys shitting on all of us
So not casual at all then. What units does this Necron player usually bring?
>a friend gave me a bunch of models when he quit and this is what I was able to make out of it.
I have some ideas for how you could make this list better, but I'd have to know what all you have at your disposal. What models/how many did your friend give you?
Basically, I only have what is in that list, but I'm not against buying some new stuff in the fall.
I'm seriously bored of my Space Marines winning all the time so I wanted to finally make the switch to Guard.
And if I remember correctly, he brings the Reclamation Legion, a Destroyer Cult and a Judicator Battalion.
1250/1250 Points IG CAD
LR Vanquisher (Pask) +Lascannon, 2 Multi-meltas
LR Vanquisher +Lascannon
Veterans (Chimera) +2 Meltaguns
Veterans (Chimera) +2 Meltaguns
Platoon Command +Autocannon
Infantry Squad +Autocannon
Infantry Squad +Autocannon
Heavy Weapons +3 Autocannons
LR Exterminator +Lascannon
LR Exterminator +Lascannon
Trying to be semi-competitive with friends at varying points, not using Forge World for now. Thoughts?
Vanquisher squad will be the main source of long ranged anti-tank moving to keep LOS on tanks. Veterans will aggressively push to get weapon range. Exterminators will move behind them, maybe get mid-field objectives if Vets need to get Linebreaker to pop a vehicle. Autocannon Platoon will entrench in some ruins/cover like the Wyvern to stay back and camp objectives.
It would be nice if the Vanquisher (non-FW) was more menacing or could shoot twice. I like my Leman Russ Tanks but when I need AV (Pask an exception) Melta Vets net me better results with the Chimera's speed and their BS4. Even Executioners are prone to fucking themselves over in my hands with these Gets Hot! rolls so I want to try and take Exterminators for AV10-12.
Tell me why this is a terrible idea, Army list building general.
TL;DR Tankbustas and trukk boyz, with some mek guns and a SAG big mek behind a aegis defence line
++ Orks: Codex (2014) (Ork Great Waaagh! Detachment) ++
+ HQ +
Big Mek [Choppa, Gubbinz: Mega Force Field, Slugga, Warbike]
+ Elites +
Tankbustas [12x Tankbusta]
Tankbustas [12x Tankbusta]
Tankbustas [12x Tankbusta]
+ Troops +
Boss Nob [Power Klaw, Slugga]
10x Boy [10x Slugga]
Trukk [Big Shoota]
Boss Nob [Power Klaw, Slugga]
10x Boy [10x Slugga]
Trukk [Big Shoota]
+ Fast Attack +
Warbuggy [Twin-linked Big Shoota]
Warbuggy [Twin-linked Big Shoota]
Warbuggy [Twin-linked Big Shoota]
+ Heavy Support +
Looted Wagon (WD) [Killkannon, Red Paint Job, 3x Rockit Launcha]
Looted Wagon (WD) [Killkannon, Red Paint Job, 3x Rockit Launcha]
Looted Wagon (WD) [Killkannon, Red Paint Job, 3x Rockit Launcha]
++ Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) (Fortification Detachment) ++
+ Fortification +
Aegis Defense Line [Ammunition Dump, 6x Barricades]
Aegis Defense Line [2x Barricades, Gun Emplacement with Icarus Lascannon]
++ Orks: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++
+ HQ +
Big Mek [Choppa, Gift: Da Lucky Stikk, Shokk Attack Gun]
+ Troops +
Gretchin [10x Gretchin]
Runtherd [Grabba stik]
Gretchin [10x Gretchin]
Runtherd [Grabba stik]
+ Heavy Support +
Mek Gunz [5x Lobba]
Mek Gunz [5x Lobba]
Created with BattleScribe (
You could do with more anti-air. Drop the wyvern and pick up a hydra flak tank.
Also, if your Vanquishers are in the back, it's doubtful that your multi-meltas will be at range to engage the enemy much/at all. Give both of the tanks a hunter-killer missile instead to give yourself a 1/3 chance of losing your main cannon (as opposed to 1/2). Also, while you have tons of autocannons for anti-MEQ and plenty of AT weapons with lascannons/Pask, I'd bring Eradicators instead of Exterminators so that you have more anti-GEQ, which you're lacking.
Overall, it's pretty decent. For semicompetitive, it's a fine vehicle group, but you could do with some anti-air and anti-GEQ guns.
"Tell me why this is a terrible idea"
>playing orks
>7th edition
Alright, so here's what I would recommend.
Don't bring artillery unless you're carefully guarding them, your Necron friend has a very mobile army, and he'll probably be able to neutralize your artillery before it can do much damage. Bring the Ground Assault Formation of Tempestus Scions. Give them Plasma guns and use them to kill the Necron Infantry/Destroyers. After that, take an Emperor's Blade Assault Company for clearing and holding objectives. Lastly, you'll want vehicle support. For this I'd recommend one of the following: an Emperor's Fist Armored Company, a Superheavy Tank (like the Baneblade or one of its variants), or an Emperor's Spear Aerial Company. It doesn't sound like your Necron friend has much in the way of anti-air, so you should be able to cause lots of problems for him there.
Another thing I'd recommend looking at is a Psykana Division. Necrons don't really have anything to counter psykers, so you can cause problems for him there.
Not enuff dakka
Making a Death Korps Siege Regiments blob guard list, semi-casual. 1500 points. The idea is to have one Infantry Platoon advance down each side of the map, with 1 Autocannon and Lascannon team on each flank. Meanwhile, the Earthshaker Batteries each sit in a map corner, guarded by 2 Autocannons each.
Quartermaster Cadre: 95
+2 Medicae-servitors
Hydra Flak Platform: 65
- Camo Netting
2x Infantry Platoon: 970
- Platoon Command Squad
- Plasma Gun
Infantry Squad
- Plasma Gun
Infantry Squad
- Plasma Gun
Infantry Squad
- Melta Gun
Heavy Weapons Squad
- 2 Autocannon Teams
- 1 Lascannon Team
Heavy Weapons Squad
- 2 Autocannon Teams
- 1 Lascannon Team
>Heavy Support
2x Heavy Artillery Batteries
- 2 Eathshaker Cannons
- Camo Netting
Just my personal opinion, but Plasma is a good way to waste points on a 5+ Sv model. I'd swap it out for meltas, unless you're desperate for that anti-MEQ. Even then, you might be better off with another Autocannon or two instead.
I just started a Grey Knight army, I currently have:
2 Pacifier Squads
1 Terminator Squad.
It's still a fledgling army, but I'm buying 2 more Pacifier squads on pay day.
I'm also still working on my Tau Army also. Currently have:
1 TK4 Pirahna
1 XV25 Stealth Battlesuit squad
3 Fireteam squads
2 Pathfinder squads
A shit load of drones.
1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit squad.
I'm currently thinking at the end of next month I'll be splitting a couple of those Stormcloud Attack boxsets between a couple of friends. I Have a buddy who plays Necrons and one who would love to dink around with the Heldrake. What else should I get to help out my armies?
So let me get this straight, Killa-Kans are shooty, choppy AND stompy? There has to be some kind of catch.
they're shit on the table aren't they?
Get 6 all with grotzookas and laugh hysterically as you throw 12 blast templates at an infantry squad, but otherwise yes.
Er, this is for 1500 point games.
That Scions Formation, the Assault Company and another one of the options combined will put me over that.
In that case, I recommend running either the Tempestus formation and dropping the Emperor's Blade and Emperor's Fist/Spear formations, or vice versa. I don't know how the points come out exactly, but that should balance things out. The main idea is that you want infantry to take objectives and heavy vehicles to kill Necrons.
Da Orks
Warboss (Da lucky stick, Bosspole, Megaarmor) + Painboy + Mek + Boyz (x16, Nob, Powerclaw) + Battlewagon
Bigmek (megaarmor, kustom force field) + Lootas (x18) + Battlewagon
MANZ + Trukk
Tankbustas (x15, Nob, Bosspole)
Stormboyz (x16, Nob, Bosspole)
Would like feedback on this list, I tried to organize it in a way that people can recognize what units go together.
None of the Stormcloud boxes help Grey Knights, and Tau fliers are underwhelming.
Skip buying more purifiers and stick to Terminators. Purifiers were good at one point but now they have range weapons that synergize even less with their melee role and just can't punch face like they used to. On top of that they badly need a transport like a Stormraven or a Land raider to deliver them into CC.
2 Squads are enough since you already bought them. After that it's dolling up with an HQ librarian, Terminators, and maybe Dreadknights if you can stand those things.
All you need for your T'au army is a commander or Ethereal. Maybe grab some missilesides or a hammerhead or even a Riptide for long ranged support.
Kans are lovely AV/anti-blob support, especially since most people don't expect them to be ranged units.
For melee you have to pick your targets carefully. Kans hit all WS4 infantry on a 5+ and sport S7 AP2, so they can't take out land raiders and have a shit time landing hits on Marines and Eldar.
The downside is that you're paying 50pts apiece for a pack of weaksauce walkers that have a chance of freaking out when you lose one of them.
How is this for a fluffy list? Trying to make a casual list for my buddy, who is still trying to decide what army he likes. He liked the durability of Space Wolves, but wanted more specialized units. These are the Ravenwing and Deathwing Strike Forces, incidentally.
+++ Dark Angels (1500pts) +++
+ HQ (185pts) +
Interrogator-Chaplain (185pts) [Digital Weapons]
····Terminator Armour [(None), Mace of Redemption, Storm Shield]
+ Elites (760pts) +
Deathwing Command Squad (295pts) [Deathwing Apothecary, Deathwing Champion, 5x Deathwing Terminators, Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven, Plasma Cannon, Sacred Standard, 2x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield]
Deathwing Knights (235pts) [4x Deathwing Knights, Knight Master]
Deathwing Terminator Squad (230pts) [5x Deathwing Terminators (incl. Sergeant), Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven, Plasma Cannon]
+ Fast Attack (370pts) +
Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad (165pts)
····Ravenwing Attack Bike [Multi-Melta]
····Ravenwing Attack Bike [Multi-Melta]
····Ravenwing Attack Bike [Multi-Melta]
Ravenwing Bike Squad (85pts) [2x Flamer, 2x Ravenwing Biker]
····Ravenwing Sergeant [Bolt Pistol]
Ravenwing Black Knights (120pts) [2x Black Knight]
····Huntmaster [Corvus Hammer]
+ HQ (185pts) +
Interrogator-Chaplain (185pts) [Digital Weapons, Power Fist]
····Power Armour [(None), Crozius Arcanum, Lion's Roar, Space Marine Bike]
But what are you doing vs Triple Riptide @ 1000 points ?
Blade and Fist combo comes out to 1445 minimum.
I like the idea of it though, but any idea on necessary upgrades before I hit 1500?