I need some help with my plan Veeky Forums. Which of the following will cause a paladin to fall?
>1. He is in a situation where he needs to choose one innocent man or another to live and he chooses one
>2. Same except he needs to choose between a good NPC or a PC (the PC is a rogue)
>3. He needs to choose between himself or the rogue and he chooses himself
>4. If he doesn't press a button then ten people will die. But if he does, it kills a person.
>5. The beer he was served was really a berserking potion and he killed a person
>6. He accidentally puts on the helm of opposite alignment
>7. He deliberately puts on an unknown magic helmet, knowing it's possible it's the helm of opposite alignment, but he thinks it's unlikely, and it turns out this was the helm of opposite alignment
>8. He deliberately puts on the helmet, knowing it's probably the helm of opposite alignment.
>9. He sleeps with an underage girl who told him she was 18
>10. She didn't consent to it either but was forced to tell him she does and he thought so
>11. His order has turned evil but he chooses to stay with his order out of loyalty
>12. His order has turned evil but he chooses to rebel against his order out of what he personally believes is good
>13. His god has become evil
>14. He kills an innocent man in cold blood assuming he's an evil sorcerer in disguise
>15. He kills an innocent man in cold blood thinking there's a 80% chance he's an evil sorcerer in disguise
>16. His party member who is a chaotic neutral rogue decided to pickpocket some money and he gave it to the poor, because he saw they were starving. He decides to not turn the rogue to the authorities even though he could
>17. Another PC confides in him. Before doing so, they have made him swear on his honor that he won't ever tell what they will tell him to the authorities. The PC confesses a horrible crime that must be brought to the attention of the authorities as it will stop an ongoing war. He decides to tell the authorities.
I need some help with my plan Veeky Forums. Which of the following will cause a paladin to fall?
>Look mom, I posted it! They're going to be so mad!
I know this is bait but fuck you.
>1. A difficult decision, but if it's not within his power to save both then he does not fall.
>2. Same again, but with added classism (lel rogues are criminals amirite)
>3. More ambiguous. Choosing yourself over another person in danger teeters on that edge for certain.
>4. Fuck your trolley dilemma.
>5. No falling; just make amends for the misdeed and bring whoever served him the berserking potion to justice.
>6. Loses powers, but they'll return once he gets the hat off.
>7. No sane adventurer would do this.
>8. No sane adventurer would do this and what need does a Paladin have to be Chaotic Evil?
>9. No falling, because Evil was not committed with intent.
>10. Bring the person who forced her to sleep with him to justice.
>11. Perhaps he believes he can bring the order to righteousness from within. Either way as long as he works to mitigate their evil, no falling.
>12. Doesn't fall.
>13. Doesn't fall unless he starts following the New Evil Edicts, at which point he loses his powers.
>14. This is literally what Detect Evil is for.
>15. This is literally what Detect Evil is for.
>16. More classism! But the Rogue performed a Good act, therefore no Falling.
>17. Balancing loyalty to comrades versus the suffering of many other people from war is a difficult decision, but the needs of the many outweigh the desire to escape consequence by his former acquaintance.
tl;dr you have a fundamental misconception of what it means to be a Paladin, and I hope your player leaves your game.
Rogues can't be lawful so there's that.
> 4. If he doesn't press a button then ten people will die. But if he does, it kills a person.
Every time DM tries to pull this on me, I just do this.
1. No
2. Depends on the rogue. There are plenty of good rogues. More than likely, no fall
3. Again, depends. Maybe fall, probably not.
4. Multi-Track Drifting
5. No
6. Yes until the hat is off, but fuck that had and anyone who puts it in their game
7. See 6
8. Why would they do this?
9. No
10. No
11. Maybe
12. No
13. Maybe
14. Maybe, but prob not
15. See 14
16. No
17. No.
Learn your paladins, OP. Paladins fall when they regularly practice non-LG actions for long enough that their alignments change, a single decision will almost never cause a paladin to fall unless it is obviously and truly despicable and the pally was fully aware of that.
So? One does not necessarily deserve to live less than another just because they are not lawful. Nothing indicated that the "good NPC" was lawful either
for number 13. if he did follow the new evil edicts wouldn't he keep his powers or get new ones? and maybe become an anit-paladin?
i just joined this thread and asked this but i decided i should post paladin pics.
Paladins are bound to be lawful good (because 3.pf is terrible) so yeah he would fall and likely switch to Blackguard/AntiPally.
has anyone ever played a paladin that did fall? i played a few but only one that ever fell. the DM forced it so i was a little butthurt.
No because I play better games that 3rd edition D&D
the character that feel was pathfinder but id say i prefer 3.5.
1. If this is a purely hypothetical and there is absolutely, positively, 100% no way to save both, then no he does not
2. See number 1
3. Assuming this is a life-or-death choice, he falls, having allowed someone to die in order to save himself
4. See number 1
5. Assuming he was unaware of the potion's true nature, then no. Being outsmarted or making mistakes just means he's mortal. Being mortal is not grounds for falling
6. See number 5
7. See number 5
8. He'll probably fall
9. See number 5
10. See number 5. But at that point, it's time to break out the smiting mace and find whoever did this to her.
11. This depends on his actions within the order. Does he consent to evil, allow them to continue evil works, and generally do evil himself? He falls. But this is a good opportunity to try and push them back onto the right track and/or mitigate the evil they do.
12. He does not fall, and should be personally rewarded by his deity of choice for choosing what is Right over a band of mortals who fell to Evil
13. A paladin is more beholden to what is Right than his deity
14. See number 5.
15. He falls. If he onnly thinks there's an 80% chance the man is evil, then he knows there's a 20% chance that he is not and yet is willing to take that risk of murdering an innocent on an already doubtful assumption
16. He does not.
17. He absolutely does not. What is Right is greater than his word of honor, and allowing so many to suffer because of a mortals word of honor isn't Right
What's this "multi-track drifting" thing about?
Always a good joke whenever someone tries to bring up the Trolly "Problem", because the Trolly Problem is terrible
What the... that's PF iconic paladin so why does the antipaladin have a fucking Frostmourne?
Holy shit!!!!! You blew my mind!
This cancer is why we have to have these debates.
for number 3. it is up to the paladin to keep himself healthy for his body is the property of his god! you can not truly blame him for others dying.
number 8. is a silly question but I don't think he would fall unless that was his intent to fall. he wouldn't do that without some good reason,
number 15. he wouldn't fall he would just be a stupid paladin who didn't cast detect evil. and being almost certain of evil is good enough reason to kill a probable evil caster. apparently you can wear aasimar skin to prevent detect evil meaning that his 80% is viable.
Are paladins lawful good or stupid good in your setting?
Well, first of all, paladins don't fall for Acts of DM. Learn this. Internalize it. If you throw stupid shit at the paladin, the paladin *does not fall* for responding. If you plot twist "haha it was a trap", the paladin *does not fall* for having done the reasonable thing. That rules out the great majority of stupid falling questions.
As to your specific retardations, 6,7,8 are the only ones where the paladin clearly falls because he's evil now (but that's mostly the Helm being a stupid item), and in everything else I'm going to say "no" because you don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
If the paladin slips on a banana peel does he fall, though?
3, 11, 14, 15
>13. His god has become evil
>5. The beer he was served was really a berserking potion and he killed a person
None of them.
Only number 8, but only if he was completely sure about it.
And this is either bait, or you're an idiot, OP.
False. Assuming 3.5e, they can be any alignment. I usually play Lawful rogues as varying shades of detectives/police man. LE? Corrupt Cop/Detective who's not afraid to break a whole lot of bones to find out what he wants. LN? Detective who's searching for the truth, and the truth alone. LG? Good Cop/Detective who's out there to help the little guy in life.