So Veeky Forums would you be a
>rape monster
>a friend of justice.
You became a monster
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"Both" is not a viable option?
Can I rape for justice?
The real monster was man all along.
Wherever I go I must rape
I guess, but how would that work? Only rape the villians?
More or less. It helps that they're villains, so society gives less of a fuck about them than it does other people.
I would be a rape monster, but one with very mysterious goals who is largely inactive. That way people will never rise up to fight me, since it'll most likely be more hassle than it's worth, but I still get my fill of good ol' fashion rape monstering.
That being said, despite being a rape monster, I like to think that I'm a rational rape monster, and if a group of people left me a sacrifice I'd probably help them out in return for more sacrifices. Or if there was something I really didn't like for whatever arbitrary reason, I'd probably rise up against it.
In the end, I'd be a lawful neutral rape monster with clear cut rules, and it'd be up to the world around me to determine how I act.
Also, I'd probably want to look like some gritty post-human mashup. For reasons.
It's been done.
Just rape feminists, they are an acceptable target.
The wording of that poll is not biased at all.
Friend of justice to those I like, absolute rape monster to those I don't.
A consensual monster.
There has got to be a market for such.
I'm not an ally of justice, just an enemy of evil.
Victim culture, man. Raping feminists only makes them stronger. I don't care one way or the other about Gamergate, but one thing's clear, and that's that Zoe Quinn's Patreon is overflowing from all the pity she has received.
>Not being an ally of justice
>Not having hot consensual sex with qt3.14 police officer partner.
Vore monster.
I hunger for justice.
>Raping feminists only makes them stronger.
I usually stay out of feminism arguments because they're usually shitty on all sides and I just want to play nerd games, but this is an exceptional sentence right there.
Can I be a cute monster that gets raped a lot by strong human heroes?
No you sick degenerate.
Depends on how powerful I am and how many people are generally around that could kick my ass.
I doubt that, but if i ever become a rape monster i will test that out and post results.
>consensual sex
Fucking faggot
I guess... as long as rape is involved.
B-but I'm a woman...
Kill yourself.
That does not preclude being a degenerate.
I'm only raping 'til I find someone who loves me.
Japanese censoring at its finest.
Japanese censorship basically goes "An atempt was maed" and you are good. They don't really give a fuck.
>Friend of Justice
>Become famous
>Bullshit up some talks/ads on body positivity
>Charge for doing them
>Maybe form the B.R.P.D
I'd fight for justice, I guess. And maybe find some cute boy to have consensual sex with
If I fight for justice do I get a belt and become a Kamen Rider?
Why not both?
>I am now a cute monstergirl
No, because now I have to protect your cuteness and innocence, the one monster I can't kill.
Absolutely disgusting
got Skype or F-list account?
Only because you're not one.
Probably rape monster
But only consensual rape play
No, disgusting because they are not dead.
Huh, so that's the explanation of the Bueno guy?
Both. Always and forever.
I'll be a superhero who rapes for justice and rights wrongs with penetration.
I'll be a superhero who rapes for justice and rights wrongs with penetration.
>not being Justice
>not fighting for your close ones
>not standing against darkness
>not raping some enemies for being cunts or dicks
Justice shall prevail.
Why, when given the choice between anything and hot blooded justice fever would I pick anything but hot blooded justice fever?
Neither, my primary goal would be to reach the top of the monster food chain so that at some point I can get people to provide me with offerings to remove whatever monster happens to be pestering them nest. Because fuck fighting monsters for free. Maybe if I like a particular village or town enough i'll occasionally come around to fuck up raiders and what not as a freebee/excuse to fuck up some squishy humans without consequence.
>you have to be a fundie christian to hate absolute filth
Nice try tumblr. Lesbians are literal scum
>you have to be from tumblr to like lesbians
They gave me nothing but joy, why should I hate them?
Because they are absolute evil and every lesbian deserves to die in the oven.
But they're not. They bring love and hotness to this world.
Please, you are daydreaming. Real lesbains are butch man haters filled with nothing but hate and a desire to see every man suffer.
Have you actually met any real life lesbians? Well, I have. Not many, mind you, but none of them was less than 7/10. Neither did they try to make me suffer. One was, probably, the most interesting person I'll ever meet.
Please don't feed the trolls, sir.
Come on, I want to see how long they will last. It's not like it's a meaningful thread anyway.
I live on long fucking island ny. I can assure you i have met more lesbians then you ever will.
So what? Noone cares where you live, and it does nothing to disprove my experience anyway.
It might not disprove your experience, but it means i have a lot more dealings with these cunts. They are nasty orcish creatures that need to be purged.
You've had more dealings, and yet you still don't know how to deal with them. Maybe they're like that to you because you're a douche to them?
I know how to deal with them. You avoid them as much as possible. Unfortunately living on long island that is impossible, meaning the only true answer is their extermination.
See, this is what I'm talking about. You've had a lot of experience but it's literally worthless, since you got nothing out of it.
I didn't avoid mine, and was all the better for it.
I would sit at home on my computer and shitpost on Veeky Forums
Please. Your experience is one fluke. Mine comes from dealing with them on a daily basis. And all of them need to die.
Reminds me of the Quickdeath from Star Frontiers.
Not "one". I mentioned them in plural for a reason.
And like I said, mine may be a fluke, but yours is worse than zero.
Lesbians bring good and interesting things to us, but can't blame them for not wanting to deal with people like you.
not a popular choice but i pick
>friend of justice,therefore my goal is preventing other monsters from "being rude
I look forward to be honorable monster knight
I think part of the problem is you also meet an ass load of more subtle lesbians and never realise it because lipstick lesbians look like regular girls.
Forming an opinion on an entire group based on the very visible, loud, vocal portion of the group would be like judging all tabletop players by the actions of magical realm DMs
My Detect evil is tingling.
So long as murder and eat can come before or after the rape part.
>a friend of justice
I'll stay human as being a zoanoid is a raw deal for any zoaform below zoalord.
>eat before rape
that seems difficult to pull off
Calling them "visible" is giving the genociders too much credit. Their hate has only the most superficial connection to reality. They twist words beyond recognition; they could see someone talking about whitewashing or something and think "SEE SEE SEE THEY'RE ALL EVIL MAN-HATERS THEY WANT TO KILL MY WHOLE GENDER THEY SHOULD ALL BE BUTCHERED".
Depends, is this traumatic and horrible style rape or fun and sexy fantasy style rape?
Rape monster of course.
Friend of justice. Elves are still a viable option.
This if it's a "make my monster grow" kind of deal. I want to be small enough to use a computer most of the time.
>Not just enslaving humanity and making them build a computer adapted to your morfology
Eye for an eye kind of justice, but for victims of sexual violence. You rape rapists. For justice.
That isn't justice.
Why not both?
I would probably be a nerd monster who lurks on the internet.
>not eating while raping
There's only so much time before some lucky human blows you out an airlock...Have to multitask.
>pass through university
>gets name changed to ymca
Rolled 10 (1d11)
Rolling how many times I can say "rape" per second.
Damn, that's a lot of rape.
It's not rape if it's a hot girl from the beast realm. you know.
Yeah, that demon and that chick dated before.
If a rape monster rapes another rape monster isn't he technically a friend of justice?
A friend of justice
Flumphs a best.
Neither, I'll be a grumpy monster that lives under bridges and insults everyone who goes bye.