General's Handbook leak in progress edition.
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General's Handbook leak in progress edition.
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So any preliminary thoughts on Stormcasts at 1000 and 2000?
How do i determine allegiance
>Order leaks
Has the wanderers point value already leaked?
we need sylvaneth pictures leak
Does this look fair? points are SCGT x20, and min/maxes and roles are what I felt was appropriate.
If all of the models in your army contain that keyword.
You can mix whatever within a grand alliance, if all your troops share the same keyword it sometimes allows you to take a different type of troop as battle lines, like if you take all Ironjawz you can take Brutes as a battle line, if you don't you have to take regular Black orcs or whatever.
Look at your keywords.
>Chaos leaks
So I went through all the leaks, but am I blind for missing the grey seer?
Do now I can't use plague monks with T&B as a general
>Death leaks
>Destruction leaks
Dear lord could someone bring me the names of the new Sylvaneth?!
>Clan Skryre EngineCoven: 200 points
>Clan Pestilens Congregation of filth: 60 points
Where are your blasphemous machine-crutches now Tinker-Rats?
So, how different are the point rule system to the old WHF?
Lord-Castellants are super cheap and can still stack pseudo-Mystic Shield.
Prosecutors are cheap as chips and make nice filler.
Stardrakes are costed like woah.
Knight-Vexillor + Retributor shenanigans are still afoot.
Judicators make for easy AND useful battle line fulfilment.
Heroes are:
Allarielle the Everqueen (Unique)
Drycha Hamadreth (Unique)
Spirit of Durthu? (Every other legacy unit are in their own section, so he must be getting some form of re-release)
New units:
Kurunoth Hunters
Spite Revenants
Then they have fucking 15 battalions.
Durthu 400... realy...
>look for the order leaks right above
>click on the pdf
>scroll down to the third-to-last page
>open your fucking eyes and READ
Glad to be of help.
Hello there user! If you want the Sylvaneth model names and costs, you could just click here, then click the pretty picture, then scroll until page 9 and have a look-see.
Or you could also stop being such a gigantic faggot and find it out for your goddamn self.
But, where would the fun in that be, am I right?
Never played AoS. How do the sub-factions work? IE, if i want to play some flesh eaters and regular skeletons, how does that work mechanically? Thanks.
It's interesting that Spirit of Durthu isn't one-per-army.
If I use thnquol as a general, I can't use plague monks or stormvermin as infantry? Waita ruin my entire fucking collection
Considering he lets you set up new Wyldwoods and Wyldwoods are kind of absolutely essential for doing anything with this army, I find that cost fair. And a damage 6 sword is most definitely nothing to scoff at.
Just take both, but be aware that some buffs might only affect some sub-factions.
Very very different. Its a little more similar to 40k, but even then it's different enough
Just throw in a few min size units of Clan rats and use them as objective blockers.
And this is why people were skeptical about Matched Play. Have fun buying the Clanrats you never wanted, because those are the only unconditional Skaven Battleline.
He really isn't.. Wonder how they'll justify that in the Battletome.
400 for an incredible Command Ability, powerful melee attack and general Treelord fuckery is totally fair.
You can, they just aren't battleline units that way.
you do not know what you're writing.
he is not a wizard..
for comparison take Manfred which crushes Durthu in one round
Or you could just play anything but Matched. Y'know, like you used to, assuming you played in the first place. No-one's stopping you.
lol now my lad...
>no freeguild in leaks
i just wanted to know if my militia and hand gunners are battle line :(
take manfred,engine of gods,greater demons
In Open Play, you can play whatever you want. You want Skellies and Ghouls? Sure! Toss some Trolls in there too, nobody's stopping you! Just remember that lots of buffs use the Keyword system and thus cannot affect a cobbled together force.
In Matched Play, you have to first pick a Grand Alliance, in your case Death.
Then, you can decide to limit yourself to only Ghouls. That gives you a couple of bonuses, such as being able to use Elite units like Crypt Horrors for your required Battleline slots.
Or you can combine Skellies and Ghouls, at the cost of having to use more mediocre units as Battleline, such as bog-standard Skeleton Warriors and Crypt Ghouls.
But I sold all my clanrats to go full pestilens... oh wait
I still can! Battle line plague monks 4tw
Whereas in 8th I still needed those clanrats to run a pestilens themed army. I'll take aos matched play over 8th anyday
Grey Seer should be Masterclan, which I don't think was shown.
At a cursory glance the points for infantry look around the same as they were for Fantasy, difference now being that you have a maximum number of models you can take per unit.
Army composition is much more lenient in my opinion since it's akin to 40k where you only need one Leader and X Battleline units instead of Fantasy's needing a Lord/Hero, having to spend 25% of your points on Core, and needing three units besides your Lord/Hero.
I suppose the only thing that remains to be seen is whether maximum size units, minimum sized, or somewhere in between will be best.
Pretty sure you can build Durthu with the current kit.
To be fair, using Clanrats goes with the current lore. I can't recall any Clan besides Pestilens which had its own equivalent to Clanrats and not just some minor Clan allied to them.
Check Durthu's Warscroll, smarty-pants. Durthu is no Wizard, yes. His Command, however, allows you to set up a new Wyldwood.
Thank you for the preview.
No news for Moonclan ?
I don't think you fully realise how strong being able to set up new Wyldwoods is for the Sylvaneth.
It basically makes most of their units (that we know of, who knows how the new ones will be effected), go from "decent" to "jesus fucking christ what did I do to deserve this" tier when they fight inside Sylvaneth Wyldwoods.
Also, what OTHER unit can change the terrain during the battle?
perform a simulation combat with manfred or thundertusk noob kido
Looking for some Fyreslayer advice, more specifically regarding armament for Vulkite & Hearthguard Berzerkers. Are there any equipment setups that are the no-brainer? If not, when do you take the different configurations?
He'll be back later with more. Right now he's taking a break after taking a shit load of requested pictures and editing them all. It's tiring work
Fyreslayer Runemaster can, can't he?
not with the current number of models
maybe after new wave of figures
Quoting this shit like gospel
Fucking hated needing to pad out my force with clanrats / SV OR run the expensive as fuck Skrolk just for Plague monk troops. I wanted to like Skrolk, but he was always too costly on the field.
Conversely I've been enjoying Pestilens battletome a bunch, and we pretty much just got better with matched, our points are cheap, as in our Verminlord.
noooo xD
Sylvaneth is army with no shooting
>Mannfred comes close
>Durthu shits a Wyldwood right between them and runs into it
>Durthu now has a 2+ save, d3+3 elite attacks with a D6 R-2 weapon and can just evacuate to any other Wyldwood on the table if things don't go his way.
Well technically there's that Battalion that allows Retributors to wreck scenery. Which will probably be used a lot as soon as Durthu gets his rerelease to stop just this sort of fuckery.
But yeah. Outside Wyldwoods Sylvaneth are okay at best. Inside Wyldwoods, they can tear anything a new asshole.
What's your general?
I think he just makes the piece of terrain do damage to people. He is really useful against Sylvaneth because of that, really.
>combat stats describe the only worth a unit has
>summoning something that helps your entire army is worse than dealing lots of damage
>summoning something on the other side of the table that allows your monsters to teleport into it is worse than dealing lots of damage
wew lad
the first charge and Durthu is dead.first spells irresistible,Mannfred attack in melee It has two times more move so he can even cast spells and run away
from the other thread,.
reading points now.
Bllodreavers: 60 points 10
im already seeing huge blobs of these guys roaming the table
and it is a good thing indeed!
Srsly, points are making sense so far.
Have nurgle demons already been leaked? and pestilence?
for the army of shooters is not a problem boy
you are feeble general Youthful xD
Vulkites use either dual axes or pick and slingshield. Axe and slingshield is useless.
Hearthguard Berzerkers like the Poleaxes more as they can deal Mortal Wounds easily.
Also, since GW decided options within a unit are free, taking the throwing axes is a no-brainer as it adds (a tiny bit of) extra damage at no cost.
I have thanquol and I have pestilens start collecting. What do? I can't return either.
Alright. On perfectly average rolls if Durthu goes first (which he will since he can pick his battles) and is near a Wyldwood (which he *always* will be) Mannfred is dead before Durthu even gets to use the Impaling Talon, just from lamentations and Elder Wrath alone. 1.33 damage from Lamentations, reduced to 0.33 from the armor, plus 11.11 from the sword (and a potential 0.46 plus impalement from the talon), all after saves.
Now what?
Right now it's a plague furnace. I based the plague priest separate so he could ride on the furnace or go on foot for smaller games
>see opponent bring 100 bloodreavers
>summon stegadon with flamethrower, bastiladon with ark of sotek, and kroxigors
Are you on drugs, m8?
And what part of "they can place a forest in your face, teleport into it then punch you from inside said forest" implies I want to shoot you?
We have the chaos leaks right up there. Why don't you use your eyes?
Use both? It's a good selection.
So do you have much success with pure pestilens? Especially without a corruptor
Gonna finish this quick, sorting all of it is your job anons
It does not attack the first is less move... omg
>olblood on carnosaur
>or scarvet on carnosaur + salamander/razordon
Seems like a nobrainer, scarvet every time
I can't use monks as a line then :( and I want 40.
can teleport the woods in front of you
>tfw Ark of Sotek targets units not models
>tfw having one inside 2 50-man units of Bloodreavers still only gives the Ark a 33% chance of doing damage
>tfw you realize the flamethrower-Stegadon is shit at literally everything else and nobody would build a big kit for such a niche purpose
>tfw you realize Kroxigors wading into that tide won't survive long enough to swing
If that's your grand plan I'm not particularly worried.
no he can't
Stegadon with sunfire throwers is niche but extremely powerful against swarms of units
Good luck killing my 1+ Save Saurus Guard with no -2 Rend weapons lmao
Instead, charge them with a troglodon and a warriors/knights unit and enjoy them running like little bitches after the first battleround.
i LOVE points so far, reading em all right now and I love how expensive warmachines are(and they also take a behemot slot too).
Standard battle is 2000 for points, or is it 1000? 2000 is going to have too mucyh shit on the table for beign standard.
Seriously m80. Go to bed, sober up and then have a look at the bullshit you're posting.
Run Thanqoul in non points games and your Pestis in Point ones, what's so hard about that?
Accept the Great Corruptor as the one true path to glory and go full Pestilens, get a scond unit of plague monks and forget Thanquol
Or keep Thanquol and purchase one box of clanrats and split it, 2 10 man units are Battleline and make the army legal, probably the better option.
Monks are strong when backed up by a furnace and have censers / plagueclaws to support them, Pestilens is all synergy, a Verminlord is helpful but not needed.
This does make me realize GW lied about legacy shit as Lord Skrolk has no mention, no points, and as such not usable.
Sweet, thanks again.
>Tomb Kings get Battleline chariots
Of course it will.
A. It can pick it's battle. If the charge seems ill-advised it can just teleport away. Leaving Manny sitting in the middle of nowhere.
B. Order has a relic now that let's the model carring it automatically attack before all other melee attacks are made. Guess what *every* Durthu will be carrying?
Matched Play can only be played at are 1000, 2000, and 2500 (presumably 2500+) points. No other sizes are supported.
I guess. But what do I use in place thanquol and storm fiends for pest?
>Good luck killing my 1+ Save Saurus Guard with no -2 Rend weapons lmao
Second Rule of One: A roll of 1 To Hit, To Wound or To Save is always considered a failure, regardless of modifiers.
If we're playing Matched Play, this here is in effect. And if you think your effectively 2+ Save will protect you from 400 attacks, then you are sorely mistaken.
>how expensive warmachines are(and they also take a behemot slot too)
Which do you mean? ofc broken as fuck ones like the hellcannon are expensive, but as a whole they're cheaper than SCGT, and they saw play a lot there.
Grab 2 shitty squads of clanrats. They're 120 pts total and still can gum up charge lanes and make a nuisance of themselves.
Any pics of the regular orc point costs
Also, if my army has ANY non ironjaw stuff in it, I cant use brutes/ardboyz as battleline?
I feel like it'll be 2k. 1k seems rather small-ish for my tastes.
>This does make me realize GW lied about legacy shit as Lord Skrolk has no mention, no points, and as such not usable
Wrong. Legacy and new warscrolls are simply in different places in the book. For example, Brayherd and Beastmen are two seperate lists. So, Legacy Skaven Heroes haven't been posted. So yes, Skrolk is likely in there, he just hasn't been leaked yet.
Sylvaneth will lose to every army with good firing.
Sylvaneth have no shooting this is the tactical problem.There is much cheaper heroes and monsters who are better like Mannfred,thandertusk,engine etc.
Durthu has a small range of move
you will not display a lot of forests for logistical reasons unless you're have car especially for forest
I'm guessing I should use a cong of filth with two 30 man units of monks. Then have a few claws and censors for support?
then it can outmaneuver shooting and magic
1000 is fairly close in scale to what most clubs I know of have been playing for general games, 2000 is probably gonna be the one Comp goes to because it'll have a wider flexibility but desu I think they should have had it at 750 for a skirmish and 1500 points for a full battle.
well, you can play either a warmachine or a behemot. 4 slots total(if i understood correctly), that is a HUGE cripple.
Otherwise, 180 points for a lighting warp cannon...are not enough.
But still better than wounds count that is the standard in every store in my area.
Fuck wounds.
skrok model is now labeled as "plague priest with plague censer", so that's probably it.
>If we're playing Matched Play, this here is in effect. And if you think your effectively 2+ Save will protect you from 400 attacks, then you are sorely mistaken.
It absolutely will.
Bloodreavers are 4+/4+ which means only 25% in 4 attacks will get pass through as an unsaved wound, or about 100 wounds to save.
A 2+ save means 83 wounds get saved, or only 17 wounds get dealt for every 400 attacks.
But wait there's more
Skink priest nearby can allow the Guard to reroll Saves. 14 of those 17 will get saved on the reroll.
Your 400 attacks did 3 damage. Great job buddy
user delivers. Godspeed, you absolute madman.
Well we could say be became a verminlord after the end times
> you can play either a warmachine or a behemot. 4 slots total
That's not how it works user, it's 4 artillery AND 4 behemoths at 2000 points. Stuff like the steam tank look like they are favoring being behemoths, so you can still bring a signifigant amount of shooting.