What is the most Veeky Forums game on Steam, and why is it Trails in the Sky?
What is the most Veeky Forums game on Steam, and why is it Trails in the Sky?
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Previous thread, some good suggestions
I'd say it's Alpha Protocol.
You know, actual roleplaying without complete railroading.
And as broken as most homebrews
Technically, it's Knights of Pen and Paper, since you play as actual fa/tg/uys.
Shilling for the Spiderweb Software package again, 13 great RPGs for £10! Get it now!
I'm having lots of fun with hands of fate, the card system is very rad, the combat doesn't feel quite adequate, isn't bad but I feel another kind could be better.
Other games like it? With the FF vibe and choose your own adventure style.
I'm enjoying this bara orc game to an undue degree.
>check out pathologic steam page
>half the text in the description overlaps to create unreadable gibberish
Spooky as fuck. What is the game like?
Looking for recommendations for atmospheric horror games and stealth games. Anything that hasn't been turned into an action schlock.
Also strong narrative point and click adventure games.
Amnesia for horror, I'd suggest FEAR too if you didn't say that you don't want action, because both the gameplay and horror elements are top notch if you like the horror style.
For stealth you can't go wrong with splinter cell chaos theory.
Same, wanna know more about E.Y.E: and Legend of Grimwald (probably spelled it wrong) as well
Some cheap things I found and got, havent tried them yet.
Big fan of Frozen Synapse if you haven't played it yet. Great twist on turn based strategy.
The Overlord series are not the greatest games, but they are very entertaining, and right now you can get all three games (one is an expansion of the first game) for about 6 dollars
E.Y.E. is hard to explain. It was made by frenchies who probably spent most of their time smoking weed, but ended up producing a stellar world with some interesting mechanics. Now, mind you that it is made on ye olde Source engine, so it's going feel outdated and a bit clunky.
The main deal with the game, and why it gets so much praise, is because of the world. Pic related, you can get killed hacking a door because it fights back. Mainly though, it's a big organization, E.Y.E, loosely based on the Imperium of Man/Space Marines, that's split into two factions: the Jian and the Culters. The two don't get along, and there's a fair bit of mysticism involved in the game as a whole.
it's p. good though
Oh, and EYE will vomit stats, abilities, and numbers in general at you.
Rainbow 6 Siege is pretty fun for those who like tactical or shooters
what's the actual name?
As a brief list of stuff in the "came for some quick action, surprisingly stayed for the plot" :
Hotline miami 1+2 (you wouldn't imagine but characters and events are quite fleshed out, lots of little pieces here and there you can put together to get to the bigger picture)
Zeno Clash 1+2 (world building has some nice elements)
Shadow Warrior (the whole backstory between the deities was pretty good)
Spec Ops: The Line (everything goes to shit and it's all your fault +some meta stuff thrown in)
Cool! So is it like a massive story campaign that you play through with friends? How do you up your stats? Mods? Etcetc
Bastard Bonds
It's more of a single-player game. Stats are rolled at the start, then enhanced by spending Brouzouf. There are no "essential" mods to my knowledge.
I thought that was like, free this weekend?
It is? Where?
I think I'm gonna pick up Dragon's Dogma based on recommendations from this thread.
What's the best way to play through it blind? Is it like NWN where I get fucked over dialogue-wise if I don't put X in certain stats or whatever?
Any decent games with character building where you play as a robot or cyborg? I already have E.Y.E. and need to play though it.
>Looking for recommendations for atmospheric horror games and stealth games
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
>Also strong narrative point and click adventure games.
Tex Murphy, though I don't know if Steam sells it. If only Veeky Forums had a thread for the GOG summer sale.
Stats are all automatic, and they're strictly combat related. There are very few meaningful dialogue choices. It's all about the sense of adventure, the combat, and making your own story.
These videos are what pulled me into the game, and they give you a good sense of what it is without spoiling things:
It definitely isn't the most Veeky Forums game on sale, but the Trails series could easily be made into a decent homebrew with a few tweaks. Setting itself lends to easy development of quests and plots. Shit, the Bracer Guild is halfway between international freelance police force and professional sidequesters.
It's got coop and should be played in coop so that you and your friends can spout inane bullshit quotes from the game at each other and laugh at the nonsensical plot.
Pathologic's probably one of the more unique games you'll play and I say that knowing full well how overfuckingused that statement is.
Made by a bunch of batshit auteur slavs, you play as one of three healer-types who travels to a strange Russian town in the sticks only to find the place is hit by an epidemic that seems bizarrely supernatural. You've got 12 days to figure out what the fuck is going on, also to not die. You need to manage hunger, infection, exhaustion, fight off robbers and arsonists, keep important NPCs alive because they can and WILL die if you fuck things up, and the story will go on regardless of how bad you fuck up and how many people die.
I can all but guarantee the plot will be unlike anything you've ever seen. That said it's clunky as fuck, it's dated, the HD upgrade makes the atmosphere real nice and the translation actually legible, but the graphics are still ass and combat is a nightmare.
It's a flawed masterpiece in my opinion, if you like it you'll like it you'll be lost in it for days and probably won't come out quite the same way again. I know that sounds like wank but if it's your jam, it won't even be exaggeration.
I'd also recommend The Void by the same devs but it got yanked from steam a while back due to fuckery.
get behind it and strike the tail!
I told you not to make waves.
you level up by killing shit, it's kind of important that you go into the game with 3 or 4 people though the game supports up to 36 players in coop
I killed my mentor yet I am not his murderer.
kill guys>collect brozouf>buy weapons and mods>kill guys>get brozouf>buy weapons and mods
>due to fuckery.
Of what sort?
Repostan my recommendation for "Age of Barbarian" -
Not part of the sale, but only about $15 and, as a love-letter to a certain 1982 Ahnuld movie and "Barbarian 2 - the Dungeons of Drax", probably as Veeky Forums related as you're ever going to get.
Pic related: the playable characters are Rahaan the barbarian, and Sheyna the once-princess-turned-slave-turned-warrior. Each has their own reasons to seek REVENGE! on Necron, the foul necromancer, and will leave a long, wide trail of slaughtered and dismembered foes on the road to his sky-fortress.
(Be warned: I've found that the keyboard controls on this one are a little janky, so it might play a little better if you use a controller.)
My legs are OK
Looked it up just now, apparently the devs (Ice-Pick Lodge) didn't actually even put it up on steam, their old publisher just did it without asking, and somehow or other the publisher got to keep rights to it so the whole thing was out of Ice-Pick's hands. Which lead to a clusterfuck of a legal situation and the game getting pulled, though people like me who bought it before can still play it.
I believe it's up on GOG though. One of the most interesting games I've played, I'd highly recommend it if you like weird/unusual stuff/something different.
Waifu Bartendering.
Comfy as hell.
Great with a drink and snacks.
To be honest, if you get to every ending it isn't really all that Nonsensical. It's more... Useless? Perhaps Futile is a better word for it.
> -> neXT
read that as
> XD rekt
at first
Seems like a cool concept, but I'm not seeing hoe it's Veeky Forums.
This is the correct answer.
Guess what hunts in packs?
Stardew Valley or This War of Mine, Veeky Forums?
Both are suitably groggy to pass Commander Keen muster. Both tell stories MUCH bigger than implied. One is a pseudo-platformer survival / combat sim and the other is a classic 2d Zelda-style lite RPG fucking a farm sim. I'm torn, and can fit either in my budget.
The first FEAR game was excellent.
Great atmosphere and great action.
Whole series slid downhill after that.
wolvesand goblins?
A blind run is totally possible and you won't lock yourself into a corner, but there are a lot of side missions and tiny story tidbits you'll miss.
Just one tip: if you get an important story mission item, try duplicating it at the Black Cat. You might find other uses for it.
Stardew Valley is a Harvest Moon clone, plain and simple. It's fine at what it does but if it passes CK muster, it does so only because /v/ loathes flavor-of-the-moth games, and not on its own virtues.
Harvest Moon is deceptively Veeky Forums flavored in how well it captures roleplaying.
You live your character's every waking moment. You choose how you spend your time, how you make a living, who you befriend, who you marry. Basically everything is up to you, without being a completely barren sandbox. There are NPCs, storylines, events, etc
It may not be ye olde epic quest, but it is roleplaying to the core.
It's also fun and satisfying. All the satisfaction of a hard day's work without actually having to do any of the work yourself!
I remember when that dev was posting on /agdg/, and like all successful developers from /agdg/ decided to distance themselves from Veeky Forums entirely
>I would only be able to play 4/13 of those games
Damn. Sometimes I get a little sad being on my OS, but I choose it for reasons other than gaming.
Gonna repost my recommendation for La-Mulana. It's only barely Veeky Forums-related but if you want to finish it without a walkthrough you're going to have to draw maps and take notes. Gives it a neat old-school dungeon crawl vibe that way without specifically being a dungeon crawler.
A wise move, to be perfectly honest
Hard to be more Veeky Forums than an actual cardgame.
They just return to the fold.
Into the sea of anons.
Stardew Valley is ultimate comfy mode.
I picked this up yesterday. 10/10 would get suplexed by a ogre again.
They're masterworks, all. You can't go wrong.
I feel like that applies more to Rune Factory than Harvest Moon. Which is for all intents and purposes the same game, but in a lighthearted fantasy setting with stats and crafting and dungeon diving and beating up monsters and taking their stuff and a better selection of waifus.
Legend of Grimrock!
A throwback of the CRPGs of old ala Dungeon Master and Wizardry. Where movement is tilebased and there are puzzles and secrets around every corner. If you want to experience an "old school" dungeon crawler then this is the game for you. This game also comes with a map editor and is fully intagrated with steam workshop so there are a ton of player made dungeons out there waiting to be explored I recommend the "Tomb of Zarthos" myself. Think you are a man? Well turn on hardcore mode and grab a pencil and some graph paper pussy. Those dungeons ain't gonna map themselves. I sure hope you have a compass and plenty of torches.
You will die to spidersIn the dark. You have been warned.
Now buy this game.
Don't forget to turn on only saving at the Healing Crystals and single use Healing Crystals. For maximum fun.
>Draw your own map
>In a real time game
That's dumb. I would like Legend of Grimrock a lot more of it was turn based (or at least had a turn based option).
someone missed the glory days of megaten
I bought both, and both are pretty good, though This War of Mine has a few issues, like not being able to send multiple people on missions.
I've played maybe about an hour of SMT4, but that's it.
wolves AND goblins?!
You monster.
Analog mapping is an option, and not even the default one.
A turn-based first-person dungeon crawler would be fucking tedious.
Literally what is Etrian Odyssey?
Fucking tedious.
yer started my skaven warband the other day this game is clearly made by people that played the original even if their current jobs is porting mac games they knew what they where doing with this one. also they are brits so they game on PSP and valkiria conicles. its a shame this game doesn't have real targeting or vechiles or any thing but I guess they always have a chance of doing that with the same necromunda treatment of this kinda game.
Good response.
Look, yes, fine, I'm being flippant.
EO isn't tedious because it's a FP-TB-DC, it's tedious because Japanese game developers that don't exponentially pad out gameplay with grinding are executed.
I'm sure that somewhere, whether realized or still-nascent, the idea has/could be executed in a way that could appeal even to me; all I can definitively say is that I haven't seen it.
I want plebeians to leave.
Mordheim or Vermintide?
I don't have any friends to play with.
Mordheim. Vermintide is just a reskin of Left4Dead. The combat still doesn't feel good.
youre full of it or the dev. this game is not worth 15 dollars. the gameplay is clunky, level design average, and its overall just meh. its certainly a good milestone but theres alot to improve for the devs latest game
To be fair, it is a revamped version of a game first released in 2011, and the way I hear it Crian Soft is basically a one-man show. I've logged about forty hours in-game, completing both character storylines, and now practicing my head-chopping on Rogak is pretty good stress relief.
Maybe my standards are low because I haz no moneyz and I just don't buy games often - hell, I've never owned a console! - but I thought $15 was a reasonable price for what I got, especially since the average turnaround on bugfixes since release has been less than two days.
(It certainly beats the shit out of paying $75 for the same game from a big studio that takes a *month* to patch a reported glitch and asks another $15 to unlock the second character path as DLC.)
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Civ: Beyond Earth, or Battlefleet Gothic, Veeky Forums? I can only get one, and I'm passingly interested in all three.
Alternatively, is there a particularly comfy, strategy-ish sci fi/space game out there that you like, that I've not listed?
civ beyond earth is shit
beyond earth is shit, can confirm
Aw, that's too bad, I think it's the only co-op vs AI game on the list. I'd like to play with a friend, something slow paced and strategic.
try dominions 4
CK2 is on sale for like 75% off, and you can just get the DLC from /gsg/. The dynasty simulator where every single character is that guy.
Comes complete with the standard rash of paradox bad decisions.
How is the Anima game?
Sword of the Stars not 2, oh god, anything but 2, is super comfy, until you realize that a locust ship just drained 30 computer worlds, or the computer just released an AI rebellion. Neat worldbuilding too.
Sins of a solar empire can also be really comfy. Especially if you want something really slow. Has some sweet ship designs, TEC in particular really makes me think of battlestar galactica.
>paying for stellaris
Fuck off johann
Card Hunters is free.
It's literally D&D and has alot of fun little things like being able to see the dice sitting on the table next to the board where your characters are.
Just play the base campaign, only the multiplayer is p2w.
Kharak desu lad, only one that isn't total trash
Steven Hack, Albatros, Sis, SIE, Conrad Marburg and Konstantin Brayko would all make great player characters.
Actually SOTS 2 is pretty decent now, after about a year's worth of patches. It still has a few optimization issues, but it's a five year old game, so unless you are running it on a toaster it shouldn't be an issue.
Kharak is good. HW Remastered gets continuing support, not long ago they released an update that among other things brought back formations, greatly improved flight pathing and redesigned the projectile system to use true ballistics rather than statistics. It also has a huge mod community, there's Complex and Tactical Fleet Simulator which re-balance and quadruple the unit options, and a TC mod for pretty much every major Sci-Fi franchise.
I dunno about a free weekend but there's a demo
Are these games any good? I've never heard of them but they look cool.
ah this is the least on topic thread
quickly Veeky Forums I need to know
whats the least nauseating method of ingesting hard liquor
I'm trying to cut down on calories but Ive lost my tolerance for chugging liquors
I was thinking jello shots or some other kind of infused whatever
What the fuck are you on about?
Gin in fruit juice, or coke.
White Russians.
College basically destroyed my interest in serious drinking, so these days I lean toward beer.
Whiskey in cola is my method of self-destruction, followed by rum in iced coffee