We synchro Summoning now

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Interesting. I wonder if this is how the township will work.

Bruna and Gisela will probably have meld.

Where did this come from?

>Fusion dance comes to MTG
I like it... Not to see how they make it bland and useless just like they did with werewolves. For a second time.


> those costs
Finished product better be amazing, still seems to gimmicky and open to removal for actual okay

It'll just be a French vanilla

Cards that name other specific cards have always been utter shit from a design PoV.
The reason that those are very rare in MtG is one of the reasons why the game is superior to Yugiho.

Fusion was one of the things I liked less about YGO. I hope it won't be as prominent. I'd be fine with it if it is only commons (and maybe uncos) who used it. Requiring a second rare to use your first rare to its full potential is stupidly annoying.

it's neat idea for draft, both are commons in the same color, one can dig up the other, the synergy works

I don't think this is meant to be constructed playable. Maybe some other Meld will be, hopefully not at Mythic rarity.

Where did you find this?

just give something to make werewolf tribal even half viable in ANY format and I can sort of live with WotC inevitably fucking my favorite plane for a second time.

Damn, it must feel nice being able to reuse 90% of the art and still get paid for two pictures.

Do you guys remember the old prototype print that leaked?

I'm calling it now, that town that melded with the people will be a land card that melds.

Oh please no

We BFM now?

Fuck your werewolves, spirit tribal has been ignored for too long

>they both flip
Oh no. They've gone and done it haven't they. First anus mana and now this. They're printing BFM-like cards outside of an un-set.


Spirit tribal has every single godamn tool it needs to be massively viable in at least tabletop. Werewolves have and always will be gutter trash all thanks to the transformation trigger.

Wouldn't be the first time an UN thing actually came into the main game.

Source pls?

Isn't it a mechanic designed during one of those Great Design Research? If I remember well, one of the contestants designed a similar mechanic. They polished lots of those ideas.

They're pretty much all really good in limited, at least.

We already have those for a long time.

It's like you didn't even glance at any of the previous posts

"good in limited" means as much as "good in edh", but even less because that shit cycles out of relevancy the day a new set hits prerelease.

Not really. Any deck with more than 5 instant-speed spells will kill a werewolf deck.

>Not to see how they make it bland and useless just like they did with werewolves
The entire mechanic appears to reference card NAMES. Not creature types, not card types, not colors but names.

How the fuck can something so narrow, like werewolves, not be ultimately bland and one dimensional.

Look at Delver of Secrets. Whatever the issues people may have with a 1-mana 3/2 Flying creature, whoever designed it had the good fucking sense to make it reference card types.

Wait so let me get this straight
A bunch of humans and a bunch of rats mutate and combine to create a single creature?

>10: Introduce cool plane
>20: Ruin it
>30: Goto 10

How many times has Wizards promised to stop doing this?

>The entire mechanic appears to reference card NAMES. Not creature types, not card types, not colors but names.
Yes and that makes them very specific and situational. There have been other cards that reference others by name and very rarely are they viable. With the way modern magic is you can expect this kind of card stapling to result in French vanilla cards more often than not. I.E. The blandness of werewolves except maybe one mythic rare pair that may be a format defining powerhouse.

This is seriously going to be the worst release of all time.

Every time. And they are always surprised for some reason.

Well you can't feasibly make every card of a type have 1/2 of the same card on it.

Maybe you could use tokens, but then it's more like "Sacrifice 2 creatures: put x on the battlefield" which seems a little clunky

Four times.
Mirrodin: Rekt
Ravnica: Rekt
Zendikar: Rekt
Innistrad: Rekt
What's the next cool plane they're going to shit on?

>every mtg set is the worst set of all time
>every mtg block is the worst block of all time

I doubt it. It would work better at common so that more creatures with meld can be pulled during a draft.

can't wait for all the "dies to removal" spam if this is legit and they start revealing these kinds of cards.

I get the feeling that Emrakul is running around just mashing things together into haphazard fusions because it's fun to do.

It would be a massive flavor fail if they didn't

I'm glad they found a way to produce even less art!

You forgot Tarkir and Dominaria
they can't ruin Theros since it was ruined the second it was made
>Emrakul has gone full Simic

If real I'll be so sad. I mean, if it was a third card that let you "meld" certain pairs of cards... We could've had Riggers assembling (melding) contraptions (the flip side) at long last.

>Emrakul has gone full Simic
Simic carefully genetically engineered things. I imagine Emrakul as more like a child smashing 2 different colors of play-doh together

Mirrodin: Rekt
>improved. Fuck ravager the entire silver shitheap that spawned him.
Ravnica: Rekt
>I don't even know the story behind RAV2 other than Ral trying to Whily Coyote Jace in the maze.
Zendikar: Rekt
>twice now. First time was kind of an interesting twist though I thought at the time.
Innistrad: Rekt
>twice lock stock and barrel

>the entire multiverse is my create a character

>Innistrad ruined twice
Youre the one guy in love with the grimdark, huh?

Maybe Emrakul is actually Experiment Kraj after it evolved time travel.

Why does it matter if a plane gets destroyed/drastically altered by a storyline? Do planes matter beyond being settings for individual sets?

Nothing will ever top Avacyn Restored as the worst fucking set ever.

The cards, with a few exceptions, were all terrible. Parasitic both in Constructed and Limited to the point of uselessness. The rotten cherry that makes it the absolute worst is that it sold like crazy in spite of that, proving that Wizards can print a set of utterly no value but all they have to do is drape it in a veil of angels, which ensures that in the future they can half-ass any set that has marketable symbols that sell to idiot players.

>reading magic lore

You should try not doing that.

Well Avacyn Restored was a pretty awful set.

That's fair. It was really bad.

Liked how everything didn't go screaming into down the Grixis ride, though.

Where's that source?

Because if we ever go back to Gothic Horror/Lovecraftian spooky mystery we either need a new plane almost identical to an old, ruined Innistrad. For crazy adventures we need Zendikar 2.0. Or we get Tarkir style time resets to un-fuck the plane. It just cripples Return to ______ potential.

RTR was fine

Gatecrash and Dragon's Maze was awful

I like gothic horror and old school universal horror monster movies and other bmovie trash from the 50s and 60s. A lot. I did not appreciate the complete abandonment of theme in AVR nor the bullshit of miracles. INN isn't grim dark you fucking uncultured swine, it is classic horror and it is delightful.
This coming set may be good since I was originally banking on EM being the moon the first time we went there and introducing a cosmic horror aka The Thing may be an interesting angle, but I do not trust WotC especially when Eldrazi are involved, so I'm strapping in for a complete and utter desecration again.

A leaker on Reddit.

Eh, terrible card to reveal the mechanic on.

I feel like meld is only going to be worthwhile on one pair that they actually push for. (Probably the angels)

Both the meld cards need to be worthwhile to include individualy, and 90% of cards are shit, so I don't have high hopes for this mechanic

I love eldrazi cock this set so far

Remember the Endbringer test print?

Maro has said again and again, "If your theme isn't at common, it's not your theme", and got burned by his own mantra with Tarkir's fuck ups. We're going to have Eldrazi and Meld at common.

I know that shit nigga, I'm saying that without the angel parade that went down in AVR, we'd be looking at a more stylish Grixis.

Something like The Thing could've been awesome. Or we could've had Legendary Creature - Elder God if they went all out with the Lovecraft. But no, "Surprise! It's Emrakul!"

I mean as far as limited goes both of these cards look fine

2 mana vanilla 2/1 is playable

5 mana 3/3 that gets back a 3 cmc or lower creature is fairly good too and allows you find your rats if the flip side is worth it

Shiiit. I would have played that version

Aw fuck.

>8/8 and all that shit for 6


Why does a card need to have flavor at all?

Wouldn't it be just as fun if they had numbers instead?

>"Card #160 is a Class B card, so it stays in play and can be used to debit your opponent's game point reserve."
>"Negated by Card #162"

Yeah, that fucking game would make tons of dosh

Which is to say, flavor and storyline is important.

>Effect based on name
Kitchen table Magic will certainly become more interesting...

>you know we should probably nerf this card
>well what were you thinking?
>let's give it -3/-3
>you don't think that's a little excessive?
>nah. should be fine.


Now that strange Ob Nixilis/Smoldering Marsh card that was discovered a couple months ago makes sense

I think meld wouldn't be so bad if it didn't rely on two specific cards. Maybe just have meld as a sorcery that just requires having any kind of one creature type plus any creature of another type, combined creature has keyword and abilities of both add together toughness and power or have there be a loss slightly on combining.

Fits great with the set, flavor of skaabs and created zombies.

>5 mana 3/3 that gets back a 3 cmc or lower creature is fairly good too
I'd honestly rather have Gravedigger, but apparently that's too good to be a common under NWO.

>still believing the bullshit spouted by maro
Maro's job is to get magic as much exposure as possible online, and what better way to do it than to piss a bunch of neckbeards into nerdraging all over the internet.
The man contradicts himself for breakfast.

Maybe the fact that they absolutely hate lorwyn isn't so bad then.

Oh for sure Gravedigger is a lot better but as far as recent limited power levels go Midnight Scavengers is pretty fine

Do we have the backsides?

Do you think there will be a new Sigarda?

We're glad autistic kids like you don't have any job at Wizards, at least.

Except, you know, good creatures

What, no, MaRo's fucking job is to be the fall-guy for every fucking problem in Magic as well as taking credit for absolutely every success - even if the success are shit that nobody gives a fuck about or they make up post-recognition by the community "yeah we planned it that way all along".

He's literally a magician he's doing his stupid little act over here distracting the audience from the trick over there.

There are two problems in Magic - the vast majority of people playing it are dumb motherfuckers and the cards are too expensive. You can't solve the first thing but you can definitely solve the latter. MaRo's job is to be the company punching bag to appear to players that they care only to make sure nobody sees the overarching problem that landbases are way too goddamn expensive.

given SOI had one, no.

Dude avacyn restored had lots of cool cards, flicker effects, power puff girls, craterhoof, griselbreezy, Wolfir silver heart, silver blade paladin

Not a big fan of terminus or bonfire of the damned but I did like temporal mastery and entreat the angels

Melding flip werewolves?
Melding ability absorbing eldrazi?
Melding creatures together to form things that are immune to all removal?

Ravnica was never wrecked.

for 4 under Eye of Ugin

this has gotta be fake right? There's no reminder text of what "meld" is supposed to be.

>Wanted ennemy color commands
>instead we have this shit

They made Captain Planet the living god of the whole thing just to put a feather in the cap of the Jacetice League. Not exactly pristine.

We should go back to 40 card decks in all constructed formats (like Magic started with) and bring Duels rarity restrictions to paper Magic so that every mythic would become a one-of. That should cut the cost of every deck by half or more.

As an added bonus, mill might become a viable tactic.


cant really have much sympathy for the loss of innistrad, it was a cool plane but lets get serious here

>full of vampires
>full of werewolves
>full of demons
>full of undead
>occasionally rescued by angels
>angels now want to kill everything

you'd have to be full retard to live there.

they should just move to Theros or something

Fuck no

>Endbringer Could've been an 8/8
Would it actually see play instead of the mediocre thing it is now?


That like saying everyone, including peasants and clerics, are stupid for living on the prime material plane in any D&D inspired setting.