Mighty Morphing Palatine Rangers Edition
Great Crusade supplements? I don't know how likely Sub-Edition
From the last thread the strawpoll has shown us that AL/IW/DGfags are the majority in these threads, too much Curzefag, one user wanted to know about the Iron Circle, one WSfag showed his minis, a Word Bear told us about his dudes, we got a gift and discussed how Fulgrim stole every power spear, a newbie had RoWs explained, one person wanted to know about xenos in 30k, and much more in Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for the objectively best legion, the night Lords.
Put your name back on Curzefag, how else can we filter you.
SoH newbie from the last thread. Curious if any other anons know good tactics or playstyles for SoH I should go for. 1d4chan is pretty vague about how to run them
Pic unrelated
Angels of Caliban when?
So I was toying around making lists and I think I found a pretty nice use (albeit expensive but fitting the theme of my army) for lightning fighters that isn't just missile spam. My thoughts were to give it three twin-linked autocannons, ground tracking augeries, and a ramjet diffraction grid. The idea is that 6 BS 5 autocannons with rerolls to hit and pen as well as a twin-linked lascannon with the same perks. Can easily kill 1 AV 12 vehicle per turn and strip an average of 2.5 hull points off of an AV 13 vehicle every turn and seems like it would be useful for cleaning up chaff vehicles like rhinos as well as killing dreadnoughts and lighter tanks.
Is this a sound concept or should I just use lightnings for missile spam against spartans?
Reposting from the last thread.
I'm planning on getting Betrayal at Calth with my friend who's going to start playing Word Bearers and I was thinking of either Blackshields or Raven Guard.
Speaking of which, how do the Raven Guard play? They look cool, and I like their fluff from what I've read, though I might go with World Eaters as I like them as well, haven't really decided yet.
lightnings are unreliable in all aspects. especially with almost everybody running doritos.
Alright /hhg/, I'm pretty pissed right now, and this has brought up a question to me.
What booze would each primarch/legion drink?
Some examples I've thought of are:
>blood angel-red wine
>Iron Hands-distilled vodka, perhaps made from engine oil
>Death Guard-fucking everything
>Emperors Children-Some kind of girly cocktail? Sex on the beach?
>Imperial Fists-Lager, I feel like they'd drink a lot of lager with their German stylisation
>Alpha legion-secret, changes with every drink
Can anyone think of any else?
>Emperors Children-Some kind of girly cocktail? Sex on the beach?
Nah they would drink brandy that has been aged for centuries or wine that requires and entire orchard of grapes to get a single bottle
Who uses Deredeos? They are only useful for killing flyers really and die just as easily as any other dread unless you want to spend almost as much as a land raider on one.
I feel that the Night Lords would drink regular booze and high class wine. World Eaters would probably drink Vodka.
That's what they'd do.
Ah yes, this seems more fitting actually
Just realised I missed Space Wolves, we already know they drink mead
I feel like Dark Angels would drink dome kind of bitter, not sure why it's just the vibe I'm getting.
An elite melee army. Get your legion Terminators in combat with their prized units.
Focus on quality over quantity.
>S8 sunder
>only useful for flyers
I've seen Deredeos go through knights like paper.
>Speaking of which, how do the Raven Guard play?
Infiltrate everything, attack the leadership. Use mor deythans to attack the hard Infantry targets. Corax and dark furys blend Marine units.
Are the knights purposely turning around to get shot from behind?
Dark Angels all have hip flasks and no one knows what they're drinking.
Knights aint that good
Interesting. From the description of Merciless Fighter I assumed that large blobs were better than MSU's, though I get with bulky counting as 2 models that would help.
Would 20man tac squads be better than running terminators?
They aren't but even four str 8 sunder shots isn't gonna do much to a knight. Only average like 2 hull points a turn assuming the knight doesn't have an ion shield. Three turns of shooting from a unit costing around 200 points to kill a knight is hardly good.
perhaps this is really why the lion and luther fell out. It emerged Luther had been dribking tequila and the lion had been drinking rum, and they destroyed caliban in the ensuing argument.
>Who uses Deredeos?
Can any 30k army reliably do a mostly footslogging force? I've never liked building or painting vehicles.
Well in 30k large blobs are better, than MSUs because of how the upgrades are set up. What I mean is with SoH I'd rather have a well equipped blob than two base blobs.
>tacs or termies
Just depends what your personal strategy is. I'd always include at least a squad of your legion Terminators with a melee beat stick.
For example I'm going to run a couple of 15 man Breachers with my Imperial Fists. RoW will make them T5 and a nuisance. I'll have a mix of termies and tanks rip up transports and Phosphex artillery to accompany the ensuing foot slog. I have Destroyers with Rad-phage to threaten 2W termies.
Just go through the codex and ask yourself how you would deal with Red Butchers, T5 IF Breachers, Fire Drakes, Phosphex camping armies, balls to the wall assault World Eaters.
How would you want to counter my IF strategy?
Get Calas, and a whole bunch of Deathshroud and Grave Wardens.
Done. It's fluffy and surprisingly viable too!
AL/RG/NL can do a very good infantry heavy lists, DG and IH to a certain extent but with little mobility and as far as gunlines go IW and IF do it much better.
Imperial Fists give +1T to units with shields who don't run, charge or sweep.
Ooh, that sounds pretty interesting, actually.
Can you give an example of an infantry heavy RG list? I'm interested.
Mor'Dethyan and tacitcal support squads infiltrating close to the enemy for a first turn fuck you. Heavy Support squads infiltrating mid field to take up advantageous positions and get max coverage.
Alright, I've heard that Word Bearers are described with blue eyes/equipment instead of green, yet in every picture of them I've seen only green? I'm quite confused.
So my Auxilia have something called shroud bombs that force units that charge them to take a leadership check first. If they fail, they cannot charge that turn. If the other unit has fearless, do they just autopass that test?
Huh, that sounds pretty nice.
Seeing as how both I and my friend are getting BaC, what can I expect from his Word Bearers?
It's an inconsistency.
You'll be able to run circles around him. WB are a bit difficult to shift in combat. If you're both running just BaC armies I think you could see a lot of success by running Pride of the Legion RoW with infiltrating veterans and terminators.
Awesome. Last question, have any tips on painting their armor? What paints would I need and all that?
I don't know anyone who uses them. They are pretty shit, expensive dreadnoughts with limited targets.
Raven Guard armour? A big can of black spray paint and a pot of dark grey for highlights.
>limited targets
>anything with an armor value
go look at any vehicle heavy list online and itll have a dorito, or itll be a garbage list.
The people who use them are the ones who impulse purchased them for whatever reason when they first came out.
I almost made the same mistake.
>go look at any vehicle heavy list online and itll have a SICARAN, or itll be a garbage list.
It's already out mate
sicaran < dorito
a good list would have both and a typhon and a spartan and a mortis with dual kheres
>>Death Guard-fucking everything
Kek. Vodkilla: Tequila & Vodka combo, maybe with scorpion poison too. The zulu chewed poison plants, didn't they? It's the closest thing to poiso-caine.
>I feel that the Night Lords would drink regular booze and high class wine.
There is snake wine, maybe they'd drink those jars that contain babies preserved in alcohol.
Also, I heard New zealand has a bar that sells horse cum. What legion would drink that? Either furries or the bar gets exterminatus'd
>maybe they'd drink those jars that contain babies preserved in alcohol.
I think that's for late night drinking when there's nothing else to drink.
>Also, I heard New zealand has a bar that sells horse cum. What legion would drink that? Either furries or the bar gets exterminatus'd
The Emperor's Children after they turned their backs on humanity. No disputing this.
>randomly taking single units like a spartan and contemptor mortis
You're bad at this game.
spartans are dedicated transports you tard
Which of the legions liked, didn't like, and were indifferent to the Terran legionaries? I know from the loyalist side the Raven Guard/Corax didn't like them.
BA seemed quite indifferent, it seems like the distinction disappeared after a while.
Imperial Fists were generally cool with it.
It's a meme, you dip
SoH were my first legion, can't put enough emphasis on reavers. I run at least 2 blobs of 15, give them jump packs, max out power swords, melta bombs, and a pimped out sarg.
Charge, watch them get their points worth and more. You'll get to be pickt about what they fight with the added mobility but exoect to take casualties. They've carried me so many times I feel like they need broader backs.
You mean they typically recruited from Terra and anywhere else they could get recruits
Damn, that makes a lot of sense. I feel like Justaerin would be able to make points back easily but might not be the most points effective choice.
Your advice makes a lot of sense, thanks user!
Sweet, I thought reavers were a bit if a gimmick unit but I'll definitely give them a shot. Which jump pack mk. do you think looks best on them?
Most definitely field a squad of justaerins, they received a buff not to long ago, haven't been able to play since I've heard this.
>which looks best
The cheapest ones you can find
Don't be afraid to make a 10 man legion Terminator squad and throw them in a Spartan.
How to level out Martial Hubris with AL? I don't like the idea of 20 tactical blobs, but can't find a way to have a fun cc equipped veteran team.
What would /HHG/ say if I thought about modelling my BA breachers with round hoplite shields evocative of spartans?
What's a hoplite?
Jesus christ, go back to school.
I guess it is Summer.
Oh my god. Were you never taught History?
See, that annoys me because I like the sound of both, but I'm not sure which I'd rather paint my WB with. And I can't fond any pics of them with blue equipment except on FW's upgrade set page, but those are some really small pics as I'm on mobile, and don't really make for very good reference pics.
FW, plz.
Underage b&?
It's just some fag baiting, nobody who reads the Horus Heresy could possibly be stupid enough to either not know, or be unable to look it up before asking.
What the fuck. You're looking at a game that was based on space-history, with multiple references in the legions to either great leaders, cultures, and ideas, yet you don't know what the fuck a hoplite is? Are you fucking kidding me?
Get the fuck out of here.
Sorry I'm not some dumbhammer fagget
Could have just answered my question
>All those mistakes
Also, this pic alone makes me contemplate Death Guard.
Look at this person. Look at them and laugh.
Iron Warriors - A mixture of gravel and barb wire, mixed inside an industrial blender powered by slaves from whatever city they just annihilated
mfw everyone gets triggered at user instead of answering my question
A hoplite was a Greek citizen-soldier from the times of Ancient Greece.
This literally isn't dumbhammer. This is BASIC fucking history. You learn this shit in middle school. A hoplite was a citizen-soldier in the Greek city states, with a medium-sized round shield that they're mostly portrayed in.
Ancient Greek soldiers. Made up the bulk of their armies. Armed with spears .
No I'm the user who was asking for modelling advice
What was your question?
That was my question, don't make me look like a moron. I know thats star wars and not 40k.
lol these spergs.
I didn't know the word hoplight either until I encountered it in fantasy and looked it up. I never heard it in school, and yes, Greek and Roman history is still way way WAAAAAY over-emphasized in history class, they don't even teach the last 50 godamn years of U.S./world history because they spent all their time making us wank off to antiquity.
History is definitely awesome and that's why you should not be cunts when someone asks you a question about it.
That's the joke.
I think that model wise Hoplite-shields would make sense on BA (especially if you use their 'eccentric' sculpted abs armour from 40K).
The thing I'd be more concerned about is if you plan to paint their shields bronze like real hoplites, I feel like it might clash with the BA's colour scheme. Maybe try making their shields black/ darker red or white?
Anything after the beginning of the Renaissance era is pretty damn boring to me. Antiquity is my thing.
It's a sad feel when neither your EC or your WB could have such shields.
Holy shit thank you for answering.
I was considering going bronze, cos BA do red/gold/black/white IMO. I think a red shield would be out of the question but maybe a black shield with red/gold/bronze/white markings?
Also Russia doesn't have history.
The "Middle East" has history up until Persia and then nothing else ever happens there.
India doesn't have history. Western Asia doesn't have history. None of Asia has history except for Confucius, at least not until the British get there.
Africa? What's that? Oh, right, that's where Egypt was, nothing else ever happened in Africa.
That sounds pretty good, actually. I demand pictures when you've got one done. Please tell me you're not going to do the 40k thing and paint helmets yellow and blue to mark out already obvious squads.
Oh man, I haven't laughed like this in a while. I hope this is bait but then again I'm hoping it's not.
It would depend what the breachers are counted as. Cos in 40k the different helmets represent ranks.
Hopefully when FW finally get around to finishing my legion (muh narrative style release) there will be heraldry sections to tell us if and how the BA had helmet paint schemes for breachers.
The blue and yellow just look stupid. Black and white instead maybe.
New hobby: scan 40k threads and whenever someone uses an obscure gradeschool vocabulary word I ask what it means. I'm not generally into trolling but this shit is hitting my funnybone.
What would be your opinion on arming some of them with spears to represent special weapons.
It would harken back to Sanguinius' spear of telesto which was the focus of a 40k novel. it was a weapon that Sanguinius had which could purportedly incinerate anyone who was not the blood of Sanguinius in a blasting ray of energy. In one of the possible futures viewed by Sanguinius he used it to kill Horus.
The spears could be like reverse engineered or miniaturised versions of the spear and could be used to represent plasma, melta, flamers and lascutters. I think it would look cool but I actually do care what strangers think of my army so I was wondering if that woud be too overboard.
I also want to make a front rank of them crouched down and maybe try and make the second rank holding their shields up to make a shield wall.
Run them as power lances!
Borderline custodian spears right there. Sounds fantastic though
If breachers could take power weapons, but alas
To bad it doesn't fit IF, would love to do that with my warders
At the very least, the sergeant can. Use it to make some sort of inspirational pose for the entire squad
Anyone have that Alpha Legion painting picture with the washes?
I'd say make it so. Make them Greek and parade them around. It's what big E wants. And Chaos, I guess. I have no loyalist legions.