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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Two Jumpchain threads.
Good job JC good job.
I deleted mine already, check the catalog before you post faggot.
Ooooo! Exclusive.
I feel fancier already.
I forgot, it is from Shadow Ops, Portamancy is Worm dimension travel portal thing, while Physiomancy is like Panacea ability. I want a replacement for Portamancy.
Generatox Rex have a portal ability?
Oh I see, was looking something with that enable dimension travel.
How do you fancy?
Here have a pic of a golden dude.
Why one might say he has a golden finger.
Damn it! Now all the poor people will get in a tizzy. Next thing you know, they'll have the audacity to try posting with their betters.
What are some good perks for planning defensible constructions? What are some good general construction perks for that matter?
I like this one, so I'm asking it again.
What pic in your folder best sums up your current chain?
If it's any consolation (but probably isn't) Samurai Jacks portal offers interplanetary portals, just no dimension hopping. Generator rex's also comes with its own dimension, but the jump doesn't mention other dimensions as far as I'm aware
Uh, let me see. Probably this one, I guess. I am a petty little man.
Compounded Computation from Worm works really well for that
I regret nothing!
>What pic in your folder best sums up your current chain?
Supreme Commander has some good defense planning perks for the...shit, can't remember the name, the blue human faction. And when it comes to construction, you can't go wrong with an ACU.
Well ain't that a shame...
Generic Zombie Apocalypse has one.
Huh. This must be the first time I've ever overslept an entire thread.
Anything interesting happen while I was asleep?
Well, I've only had one chain ever but.
Statistically, this is more representative of anything that happened before Mage: The Awakening.
I don't, these days. I suave in a suit on occassion, though.
We fucking hate Naruto now.
That's all you missed.
>Erasing the existence of breasts
Jump 1: Legend of Zelda
1100/1100 (Skulltala Hunt +100)
Great Force Era
Perks: Survival Training(100), Combat Training(100), Rounded Thinking(0), Temple Raider(100), Blessing of Shadows(150), Mimic(300)
Gear: Basic Gear(100), Camera(50), Mask of Stone(100)
Fairy Guide(100)
>So here I am...I mean, if you asked me, I didn't think asking for a duel with a cute chick at college would lead to this...but hey, I also didn't think I'd be here taking pictures of a Dungeon interior to sell to would-be adventurers. Suckers.
>Still, I wish my damn....I feel my palms itching every time I get near the dungeons, though. It's driviing me crazy...at least this place doesn't have massive armies taking everything down, I can explore the dungeons at my leisure...
>Fuck fUCK TAKE THE PHOTO TAKE THE there we go
>...Man Hyrule is small. Is this post or pre-apocalypse even? I never understood that shitty Zelda Timeline.
>Why couldn't I have gone to the Great Sea instead, I like boats...
>Jesus christ, Kacia, I get it, this temple's old as balls. Where the hell's that delicious delicious giant Force Gem…
>Looks like if I get into a little scrap with someone I can copy their techniques
>...Oh no there are four white boys with swords running around, better make myself scarce! Wait, they're doing spin attacks and shit
>Hey boys I got some force gems if you try and do that spin attack in front of me!
>It's come to the end of this little trip, I wonder if that chick's still watching.
>Oh, it's you again. Another duel..?
Sure, but I'm prepared this time.
>Time to go to Undertale, like I wanted to in the first place
Why fancy when you can ghettofabulous?
Because some people have taste.
Hey ASA, you have any answers to this? For that matter, do you know some good general Planning perks?
I've been meaning to ask, what are those things next to the digivice on your coat?
Without the weird cyborg head/helmet thing
Haha, holy shit, that was great. Quality shitposted.
Like Hugo Boss.
the arrowhead from JoJo, a Shikon Jewel Shard I refined to be less corruptive, A miniaturized ice hat from Kirby. This is a very gated picture you can learn more about my coat here. pastebin.com
I don't think it's much of a wank to say the Generator Rex can do interdimensional portals, honestly. I mean,it can go into it's own dimension and could, canonically (though the one you can buy can't) time travel.
Get this lewd shit out of this thread. This is a blue board.
So for someone who doesn't know jack shit about MtA, is it worth it to try doing anything with the jump? I really don't understand most of what's written about the mechanics in the jump.
Actually, yeah, the jump explicitly says they can be used to reach dimensions close to your current jump.
The Legend of Zelda jump has perks that boost magic and let you copy magic. Does that mean you can learn magic in the jump or what?
Nope. Trap jump for a trap setting, just like changeling.
I don't see why not.
Is it bad that I like those pizzacutter swords?
Overlord has a petty good planning perk
The magic is just plain not worth it.
Why not? What specifically makes it "not worth it"? Or are you the same user who said Mage: the Awakening was a trap jump?
It backfires and kills you for trying to do anything too meaningful or for having people witness it.
Just like changeling, anything can kill you and your only chance of survival is to hide in the warehouse
Are you referring to the magic from MtG or MtA?
You sir are a friend of justice.
Stop exaggerating the Danger of the setting.
Vampires and even Mages can live hundreds of years without anything terrible happening to them
Superscale Skills from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Bolstering the Broadwalk and Parahuman Feudalism from Worm
Part 2 of Light of Terra has a purchase to make you better overall in defensive warfare
Architect's Eye from Spyro for making your defences overall tougher
Depending on the type of defences you're working on Daedalus' Laptop from Percy Jackson could be of use
For overall planning there's Xanatos Gambit from Gargoyles, The Left Hand or Shining Example from Dragon Age: Inquisition (depending on whether you need the direct or indirect approach), Venator from Dresden Files and Long Live The King from Dr Mcninja
Yes. Go hang out with other wizards. Talk to/create spirits. Explore mysterious old Atlantean temples. Take a stroll in the safer parts of the Astral Realms (don't worry about outer space/Ouroboros/the Omphalos/the Aeons' Citadels/the weird timey-wimey bit, as a general rule if it's insurmountably dangerous you'll see it coming a mile off). Work on your own spells. Debate wizard politics in wizard parliament. Help out some mortals as wizard batman because most of your peers are elitest scum. Really, as long as you're covert and you have preptime the world's your oyster.
I'm not saying Cthulhu will come kill you. I'm saying the magic isn't worth using.
lose it at "knee nickels"
No I meant, I literally don't understand the magic system at all and how I'm supposed to structure my build.
It's true that I'm worthless, but that's not the point here.
>Debate wizard politics in wizard parliament.
This sounds like the second worst ng imaginable. Right after debating normal politics in normal parliament.
Don't bother with it, it can't offer anything other jumps magic can't do, and the feedback effect from what it can do will kill you, making it totally useless.
Or, one could murder wizard parliament with a ton of out of setting bs powers, steal their spellbooks and then dark wisdom all of them.
also the perks that boost magic based on other unrelated skills are amazing, especially for magitech builds
user all waifus are worthless.
It's meeeee
Hey /jc/, what are some strong psionic abilities?
X-Men cinematic Omega level telepathy
That is good wisdom.
best girl
Three Pounds of Dreams from Psychonauts combined with
You have a problem.
Is it possible to build her in the servant supplement? Is there anything you have to drop besides Imperial Privilege?
I think it is possible to build her without Imperial Privilege.
Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms have Psionics.
Raildex has Psionics.
There's a lot of hidden gems in the system.
For instance, I can't think of any other settings where you can create faux-ley lines or impossible super-elements.
Is there anything that gives you a Shounen Protagonist's ability to grow in power stupidly quickly by training hard and getting the shit beaten out of them?
There are a shit ton of perks like that, I don't remember what it is called but there is a good one in Akame.
Undefeated from Journey to the West
>create faux-ley lines
Uuuh... What arcana do you need to be to get THAT, if you don't mind me asking?
quantum evolution from Worm
I don't.
I like to play up the whole jackal theme in a formal event.
You mean you hate Naruto user. Only one fucking person at a time speaks up to talk about how much they hate it
The problem? You have to hurt or kill yourself to use any magic.
Naruto has one like that.
Regeneration and toughness perks
or Dark Wisdom
or just fight a demon, fighting is fun
That's kind of amazing, since I can hardly think of any that can't do that with a modicum of effort, which the at this time thread seems anathema to at this point sadly.
I honestly have two good ones that suit my current chain, but this describes what has happened better.
On a similar note, is there any perk that lets you make the cliches of settings apply to you? Like, that example of exploding in power level after getting beaten and then training really hard. That sounds like it would be really useful for jumpers who end up in a new setting so often.
>structure my build
Er...take the stuff you think that's coolest? That's what I always do.
The important thing to remember about Mage magic is that to really get some major mojo going you need time and resources to set up some rituals, in order to pull off powerful effects. So you may want to consider a balance of Arcana between stuff you're willing to invest effort in and stuff that's useful even when being pulled out on the fly. Personally I strongly recommend Spirit for being a very versatile arcana given the communion/creation of Spirit effectively gives you some degree of influence in the other arcana indirectly i.e. summoning/creating a Spirit that has some level of influence over those other areas and Fate for its' subtlety.
Oh, and attaining rank 5 in an arcana enables you to create Rotes for it-which is a magical effect refined by multiple mages that uses symbolism in the Fallen World to make the effects easier to cast and less likely to create Paradox.