After seeing the Donald Trump, God Emperor card i felt like it was too op for standard. I tried to make a Donald who is Standard playable but not completely broken, so /tg do you think this card is balanced and thematic?
Donald Trump Magic Card
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw The Donald is a President creature
Wizards, make this happen.
Well his creature type is wrong. It should be Retard, and his cost should be $.99 rather then WUR
Do I detect salt at the sight of the God Emperor?
>Legendary Creature
A legendary joke, maybe.
>red, white and blue
He is a named individual so legendary seems right
I am 60% non-Legendary named individuals exist.
Yes but all named individuals are legendary
See the cucks are back
posting garbage outside of /b/ is a bannable offense, but hey you enjoy those barely double digit poll numbers bud
>accepting you've been btfo
Ascendant Evincar isn't the name of the character on the card
Is /tg against the Donald I thought all of Veeky Forums was for Donald
Veeky Forums is not one person. Personally, I think he's a crude buffoon, but I'm sure the next fa/tg/uy thinks he's the second coming of Christ.
I don't like losers and he's getting wrecked like a back alley whore.
It only seems that way because of how much /pol/ crossboard offtopic shitposts constantly.
Well lets get off politics would this be broken? I think it could be a reasonable aggro or midrange card against control decks.
I am 99% sure "protection from illegals" is not a thing in MTG.
it would give you protection from changelings because they have all creature types
Illegals could be a set specific creature type
Except "Illegal" is not a creature type. The wall has protection from nothing.
>Illegal Human
But no person can be illegal and borders are just an old outdated and dividing concept
I am pretty sure it has protection from illegals, it is like Boldwyr Intimidator Cowards are a creature type, but there are no cards with the Coward creature type.
As it stands, Illegal has never been printed on a card or been included in any abilities like Boldwyr, so even though it has protection, it won't do anything right now
But it would be printed as an ability on this card
Cucks don't like him. Cucks shill hard against him.
Holy shit this thread is so pathetic. I mean Veeky Forums is home to some cringeworthy shit...but this takes the fucking cake.
>Not The Trump Card
Absolutely disgusting.
We really don't need to introduce "illegals" as a new type.
Just write it as "non-Humans".
>Supporting a dude who is losing hard to one of the shrillest women of all time
I am amused.
t. a cuck
>down by the same percentage Brexit was the day before the vote
>During the part of the election cycle when a new candidate will be at his nadir and an established one will be at her other words, during the lull between the Primaries and General.
>"losing hard"
Lol, how much does CTR pay you?
Hillshill is at her lowest numbers since she started running, and those polls are done in overwhelmingly democratic areas. Discarded.
Better would be non-White humans.
>Can't raise money
>Nightmarish general election map
>Shit polling
He's getting fucking ruined.
Yeah, meanwhile Hilary Clinton's creature type is Eldrazi horror.
>dies to bolt
Its unplayable shit
>mfw I'm Trump, raise 2 million dollars in one day and some Leddit fag says I'm being ruined.
I hate you all so much.
That card is broken as fuck. You can cheat it out turn 1 and lock the opponent out of ever having more than 1 land to play with unless they have removal in hand.
I get that it's Jeskai because RWB but as far as the color pie goes it has no business at all making token walls with fucking reach. Also, the amount of value you get out of this card is still stupidly OP and would never show up at this strength in any set.
All in all you're either going to make a "le ebin God Emperor teh trump! make dominaria great again xD" card that clears the board every upkeep and and wins you the game when it attacks, or your going to make a decently balanced and realistic mtg card that is reminiscent of the candidate in name alone. trying to go middle of the road leads to mediocre attempts like this. it reminds me of the shitty "ebin Trump rpg" that some guy made on /v/ a while ago.
Question was standard, bolt is not in standard
MFW Trump is down by 15% and is looking like he's gonna get destroyed in a way not seen since Goldwater
i mean its a 3/3 with a restrictive casting cost that does nothing when it enters p;ay
Remove the blue, and replace it with Black.
Dude has ambition, not intellect.
>tfw someone would actually prefer Hillary over Trump
>>down by the same percentage Brexit was the day before the vote
Brexit polls were dead even for weeks. Trump is averaging a -15. That's historically low.
>Lol, how much does CTR pay you?
How much lead paint did you chug as a child?
Yes, everyone not mentally deficient does.
>retard who works as a fry cook
>wearing slav shit
Yeah that makes sense.
I'd play it in standard and probably make an EDH deck around it. He's vulnerable to all removal, but his upkeep ability gives him a little more time to survive
I really wanted to make UWR work in this standard, but I never panned out. Trump would have made it great again.
There's an interesting correlation between Trump supporters and idiots who like calling everyone "cucks".
>the entirety of /pol
-7 points in the polls released moments before the vote actually.
Trump flips it as soon as the debates come.
But he's been shat on at every debate he has ever set foot in, and that was against a series of barely functional grade school retards.
and unless you remove it immediatley, which you need straight removal for thanks to it's 3 toughness, it either cuts your mana base by 2 or starts pooping out walls that stop 90% of anything that you'll be attacking with in standard. it absolutely shits on aggro, despite being in aggro colors. control can just plop this down and never have to worry about creatures again. the casting cost is easily justifiable, you can build decks around this stupid card.
That poll looks like garbage and was never referenced once that I saw across a dozen news outlets that entire day.
In fact I... I don't even think that's a poll. That's whatever the fuck Bloombergs 'likelihood score' is.
>Loan your own CC 2 million dollars
>Take it off the top of any donations
>Get shit donations because you don't have accesses to big money wales
I don't care about who wins, I like the game. He's crap at playing it.
I'm so sorry that you're working for free. That's illegal, you know.
He was at one point 1 vs 3 + 1 neutral.
They had 3 times the amount of time to shit on him than he had time to defend himself and he still held his own.
He got away with even attacking the crowd he was speaking to.
Besides, it was in the debates that he knocked out every single one of them.
This was the worst of them
Every online poll says he won every single debate.
It really ought to be protection from tokens
Being contrarians, Veeky Forums naturally supports Trump. But this has been going on for a year. True Veeky Forums contrarians are turning against him, to be even more non-conformist than the rest of their ilk.
>big money wales
What, like, sheep barons or something?
Change the cost opponents have to pay to (1) and 1 life, make trump cost (2) more, give him protection from blue and the walls protection from non-white humans.
I hate the two party system.
I also hate political shitposting.
>They had 3 times the amount of time to shit on him than he had time to defend himself and he still held his own.
By no metric did he hold his own. What he did was get pummeled and have his base of retard babies leap in front of the bullets. The dude could barely make a coherent point (as much as any republican can in the debates) and he mostly just mumbled out sentences that barely made sense. The problem is that winning a 'debate' isn't about being smart of using your mouth to form sentences. It's about just being on camera a bunch and calling other people names.
He's a fucking champ at that, but that was republican debate rules. It was a clown college debate. He's going to get ripped to pieces now that he has to form full sentences and talk about things that aren't make believe.
>Every online poll says he won every single debate.
So did Ron Paul. Online polls are brigaded by trumps facebook army. He lost every one of those debates handedly, and the fact that it didn't matter just shows that winning 'debates' doesn't mean anything to the conservative voterbase.
This should be a flip card.
I tidied it up a bit for you OP
Stole your formatting BUT made it a 3/3 to be more susceptible to removal.