First attempt at making a Noise Marine, still filling in the joints with leadbelcher and nuln oil. Thoughts?
Lucas Moore
This is weird, wild stuff, Ed. I did not know this!
Very cool. Crazy, but nonetheless cool!
Alexander Roberts
Oh god, my eyes.
Dylan Turner
I like the idea but I'd like to see it a lot cleaner than this.
Robert Taylor
Infinity gives you so much wonderful detail to play with!
Did her with a glaze/wash over white technique.
Chase Diaz
Thanks guys. Excellent. That's exactly what I was going for.
Jaxon Moore
That is exceptional work.
Levi Reyes
I need earplugs just to LOOK at that paintjob, but isn't that a loyalist model? He doesn't look very chaos-y aside from the colors.
Ryan Fisher
ok, ill ask again, whats a good saw i can get online? theres a bunch of types of blades and brands, so id like to ask for some recommendations.
im looking to mostly cut up metal minis
Ian Torres
Somebody's gotta go out there! Take a portable terminal, and... How, man? How?!? With those things runnin' around out there, you can count me out!
Josiah Ross
is there some line of metal gear 30mm figures?
Gabriel Hall
Yeah, I guess we can just count you out of everything, Hudson.
Andrew Nguyen
It certainly is, I had a bunch of old, very poorly painted marines who hadn't seen the field it at least a decade. So I stripped them and am trying to make them both interesting and useful.
Adam Peterson
The Snake to the side in the photo is from Tales of War, as 'Snakier'. They also have a Grey Fox/Cyborg ninja model.
I use both for Infinity, as there's special operatives AND cyborg ninjas involved.
Andrew Smith
I'd put some spikes on him, just to be safe. Or maybe something more those giant puffy scarf-things glam rockers wear.
Or a mohawk. Slaanesh loves mohawks.
Connor Carter
Connor Adams
>Yeah, I guess we can just count you out of everything, Hudson.
That's right, man! Hey, why don't you go?
Those old Noise Marines sure had a lot of character, didn't they? I never really cared for any of the models Citadel made after that, even if the weapon options did increase from just "guitar that shoots like a bolt gun."
Sebastian Moore
and back
Lincoln Flores
looking cool, I like the checkers on the axe. the bloodletter head on the side of it looks a little odd as bone though, I can see why you'd not do red. I think you need more highlights though atm, especially on the skin and the skull necklace he's looking a little flat
Brandon Diaz
I'll go.
Cooper Sanchez
I like it. But filling seams with nuln oil and paint is hobby-heresy even the eye of terror wouldnt tolerate.
Jonathan Russell
>I'll go. >I'll go. >What? >I'll go. I mean, I'm the only one qualified to remote pilot the ship anyway. >Hey, good idea, man! Bishop should go! Good idea! >Believe me, I'd prefer not to. I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid.
>But filling seams with nuln oil and paint is hobby-heresy even the eye of terror wouldnt tolerate.
I think (I hope) he meant that he's busily painting the flexible joint coverings with Leadbelcher and then washing them with Nuln Oil.
Jack Sanchez
>painting the flexible joint coverings with Leadbelcher and then washing them with Nuln Oil. That one. Yes. Not actually filling anything.
Ethan Rodriguez
Anyone have tips for stripping FW stuff?
Sebastian Murphy
Any thoughts if they bring back kasrkins or if they will ever look the same/as good? God I just got into the hobby and I realized I can never really field them
Xavier Murphy
Of course you can. They're just a storm trooper model like the new ones.
I still use the 2nd edition ones.
Hudson Hill
True. I just don't seem the in fluff much anymore or maybe I don't look hard enough. And kasrkins have that distinct model to me I would rather not use new storm troopers. I wish GW would make new plastics ones..
Noah Gray
scions have replaced storm troopers in the fluff for trademark purposes
Logan Evans
The have replaced storm troopers with scions for copyright reasons, yes. Kasrkins are definitely a signature 40k unit and fluff though if they wanted to at all they probably could do it and slap some CR on there.
Jose Collins
I think because they moved away from being specifically cadia focused. It's not like the fluff means much anyway. It's intentionally full of massive holes so you can do your own thing.
Just buy up old metals. It's likely cheaper than most of the new kits anyway.
Julian Jackson
Really cheaper? Might have to then. Idk how metal is cheaper but I'm not complaining
Noah Anderson
Agreed they do do that on purpose, I love 40k fluff personally Ive followed it for about 6 years but I just had the time and money to get into it so imagine my dismay. Oh well
Hunter Adams
Because it will all be second hand stuff. Just keep an eye on ebay etc. Metals are a dream to strip. Just look for lot buys at good prices.
Since the newer ranges have crazy fucked pricing anything from ~6-10 years ago seems incredibly cheap.
They moved away from metal to maximise profits, not to deliver cheaper goods.
Jonathan Brooks
Don't think I don't notice Snake there.
Christian Clark
The new Stormtrooper models are sick. Kasrkins are cool, but the Scions are one of the best infantry kits GW has.
Parker Ramirez
I like them too. They look really chaos-y to me though. If I was going to use them it would be as renegades.
My favourites are the really old plastic ones and the metals that followed those.
Nolan Hill
a few of my nearly-finished gobbos with an ork overseer to make sure the goblin attack crew's enthusiasm remains aimed in the right direction.
Andrew Roberts
user from last thread with the gobsmashas. Need to finish da treadz and he's ready for painting.
Hunter Jenkins
Henry Brooks
From experience, I can recommend the Xacto saw blades that fit into a regulation hobby knife handle.
Julian Nelson
The Digganobs I have been working on for Gorkamorka, curious on others thoughts on them.
Xavier Mitchell
good use of kitbashing, they look really stylish. i like the coat on twhat i presume to be the leader. what kits did you use? i recognise cadian guards but that's about it.
Parker Diaz
I mean I know the three center models are from the Dark Vengeance Cultists, Tvetchar with the shotty/powersword and the two to the (viewer's) right of him are from DV/Cultist box
Thomas Turner
forgot pic, also am not the guy who made the minis in
Brandon Ortiz
Looking cool. I recomend catachans as well, their arms actually look fitting for gorka. I used some bretonian man at arms heads on mine for some primitive helmets and then bade blunderbus type weapons out of plasticard and lollipop sticks.
Current renegade models, some black orc bits, ork shootas, chaos warrior heads and some imperial tank commander parts. Did I miss anything?
Hunter Ortiz
Just Tvetchar from Dark Vengeance. the guy with the shotty/sword
Aaron Thompson
From left to right we have Guard Tank Commander Body, Scout shotgun, and Catachan head from sentinel kit
Cultist from Dark Vengeance, and a Catachan head from sentinel kit
Dark Vengeance Cultist Champion, Chaos Warrior head and sword scabbard
Dark Vengeance Cultist with Chaos Warrior head and Black Orc shield
Dark Vengeance Cultist with Guard Pilot head
And, lastly Empire Flagellant, with Chaos Sorcerer staff.
Everyone has orky bits all over of course.
I only need to make a Buggy and a Bike now Then paint the damn things
Going through my old catalogue for some converion materials.
Who remembers this happy fellow?
Nicholas Wright
Neat idea, terrible execution.
Owen Evans
can someone tell me where this guy's wolf crotchskull comes from?
Jaxson Reed
Does anyone have any good links to /wip/ related instergrams?
Brody Morgan
Working on some terrain for a jungle themed Pulp Alley game. The latest piece is this idol. It's a tacky wooden statuette I bought for cheap at a garage sale, pu on a base and painted with a mix of acrylic paint and fine sand for texture. I'm gonna add some more weathering and jungle plants later.
Luis Foster
Fuck, didn't mean for it to rotate.
Logan Nguyen
Also some models waiting to get finished. They're a mix of stuff From Copplestone Castings, Artizan Designs and Foundry. Maybe a bit of North Star Africa and Lucid Eye.
Aaron Foster
The monster in the back is by Heresy Miniatures.
Joseph Carter
Interesting models. Which manufacturer?
Jonathan Gonzalez
Henry Diaz
they usually chuck in a free bit like a random head or weapon or stuff, and they do promos most weekends.
Wyatt Jones
Kromlech I believe. (
Jace Taylor
I absolutely love that accordion player. Tons of personality.
Matthew Hernandez
i use simple green for everything. but also treat it like Windex. no eye. no mouth. anyone who drinks it or puts it in their eyes needs to just lay down and take it. dont call 9/11. -love /k/
Brayden Reyes
that's a great statue. i should really hunt around for stuff like that more.
i like to buy two-dollar little wooden jewellery boxes into pillboxes for my IG
Josiah Cooper
Really imaginative, and the cultists make a great base. Might want to shave off the more obvious chaos stuff (necklace, chest scar, staff) but otherwise with the right paintjob they'll be perfect
Charles Cruz
The choices are yours and yours alone.
Landon Parker
Garage sales and thrift stores are a goldmine for terrain. Made this dragon statue out of a cheap ornament and some wooden blocks. Not counting the paint and flock, it cost less than $5 to make.
Nathan Gray
Also some Chinese bandits. I'm not quite done, need to paint some details.
Landon Gutierrez
Playing around with flock.
Evan Smith
File size you twat
Caleb Cox
I'm an idiot with a phone, what do you expect.
Samuel Flores
>Dat feel when almost done with chaos knight but the scroll work on the chest is so god damn small it's near impossible to write anything that look good.
I I managed to write the banner but the chest is just an anal infection without end.
Any Knight players who can offer advice?
On a completly diffrent note, is Polyfiller a good idea for base work? I want to make a unique base for the knight.
Joshua Morgan
not him, but everybody loves accordion ivan
Levi Peterson
You might also be interested in basi(c)ks goblins, i personally prefer them
Carter Morris
I picked a very cheap metal Archaon second hand, this is what I managed with it.
I did not realise until I was painting it that the head was wrong and the shield was missing. It doesn't bother me.
Tyler Diaz
>You getting an airbrush makes the hobby more expensive Lel
Robert Sanchez
You should look into getting some vallejo fluorescent red to really make the red on your sword pop
Evan Allen
Carter Rogers
Micro ink pens
Christopher Campbell
space wolf marine sprue
Jaxon Walker
Meh, he types like a cat but have a point.
Jacob Clark
>Who remembers this happy fellow?
It's an Imperial Dictator Battleship from Spacefleet, GW's lame precursor to Battlefleet Gothic.
Liam Nelson
Help! I clued my drednauts legs backwards. How can i remove the clue?
Caleb Anderson
His point is that me getting an airbrush has made the hobby more expensive for everyone else.
Tyler Campbell
>How can i remove the clue? You first hand us the guilty.
Aaron Gonzalez
Glue*. Fuck me i shouldn't be building models when tired.
Lincoln Edwards
Ah yeah, the modern dictator class has a lot of launch bays iirc
Josiah Gonzalez
No one answered this in the main thread, so I suppose I should have asked it here.
I heard somewhere that certain versions of the Basilisk kit don't have the crew bits. Is this:
one of them? I have to buy on a budget and I want to be sure.
Connor Moore
>Ah yeah, the modern dictator class has a lot of launch bays iirc
Two on each side, yeah; the uppermost leftmost cruiser in this picture is a Dictator. I don't have one painted in my fleet; I figured a Mars-class battlecruiser and an Emperor-class battleship would be enough launch bays.
Caleb Fisher
If plastic try leaving it overnight in a cup of degreaser or alchool. Depending on how much glue you used it might not come off, but will weaken enough to try to pry apart with an hobby knife.
Ryder Howard
Superglue or plastic cement?
If it's the latter you're in trouble.
Mason Bell
Yep. Super is easy, just freeze the model. Plastic cement? Either you're lucky and you can snap it with little force or you're going to have to cut it with a jeweler or razor saw
Aaron Gonzalez
It's ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate superglue
Nathaniel Ross
>superglue pop it in the freezer overnight and you should be able to easily break it apart with minimal force. I had some Kroot i had to do that with from back when i was a retard and glued them all the wrong way
Jayden Ross
Okay. Thanks for the help.
Ethan Barnes
Guys? Need help. Package came and I started cleaning up what I got, but the damn release agent they used refuses to come off from dish soap and old toothbrush. What do I do?
Chase Richardson
trophies from the stonehorn kit
Evan Ramirez
Ah crap, it's not release agent. THE RESIN DIDN'T CURE AT SOME PLACES!
Brandon Robinson
Oh boy it's return time.
Ayden Thompson
Ugh, don't even know. It's a Ukrain product and I don't feel like going through the pain of contacting them again. Will it cure if I leave it alone for a few days/weeks?