whats meld?
whats meld?
All this does is piss me off. That amazing gisela/bruna monstrosity will be one of these stupid cards and be unplayable in edh.
shit man the way it looks here and on mythic spoiler i fuckin thought it was all one card and set up like a split card. I was wondering how the fuck that was gonna work,
and then i found out it's two seperate cards so crisis averted
Son, let me tell you about the Xcom initiative
well that explains why Hanweir Township has Haste
Made out of an Ooze and a Wall, maybe?
The game has been in a steady decline for several years now, I'm taking a long break. I won't be buying their products.
Apparently this set is going full Yu-Gi-Oh, some dude earlier was talking about a keyword for you can play a creature if you sacrifice a creature you control already in play and then pay the difference in mana cost
>A two part thing will be unplayable in my meme format where you'd have to be daft to play something creature heavy and where every other card in your deck is probably a tutor
I'm not sure I'm thrilled with this. This looks parasitic. And does this mean EDH players will lose legends to this stupid set up? Christ.
so can we say that the Emrakul in the corner means that its a Meld card?
oh god
Yeah most likely. Also having it trigger at the beginning of combat makes sense that it has haste.
It's going to be shit and screams "PLEASE 2 FOR 1 ME!" after paying 7 mana for a 5/6.
Uh, that ability you're talking about was from Kamigawa
Christ, imagine limited. Only got one half the meld cards you needed? Well. Fuck you. Looks like you might as well drop!
The cards are still functional without the backsides.
This one is the Generic Vanilla Filler you get in all packs and a partial raise dead on a stick, and could well be the worst pair frontside pair in the set for all we know
more like YGO
A 3/3 for 5 is bad with a worse Grave digger stapled to it, and a 2/1 for 2 is barely on curve.
Hopefully it is just an alternate way of summoning creatures instead of being the only way.
have you ever actually played limited?
>2/1 for 2 is barely on curve
its right on curve, what the fuck are you talking about
The point I was trying to make is that not getting the other half isn't 'might as well drop', it's 'I don't get to upgrade the chaff'
thank you for taking the time to tell this perso off so i did not have to
So, this is a DFC mechanic. That means its sharing printing space with werewolves and any other transform cards.
Assuming 1 and a bit DFCs per booster, is this really going to be common enough to work? Or is Ulrich the only Werewolf in this set, crammed in when they realized they forgot to make a Legendary for SoI?
>is Ulrich the only Werewolf in this set
I pray to Urza he is. End this bargain bin trash tribe as quick as possible.
I feel only commons will need specific cards. Rares will probably just need to meet a certain requirement. I feel like Hanweir is gonna be some sort of Meld card.
hopefully the melds are on the back. I'd also hope that they print some black tutor that lets you search up for the other half
Wait a minute, how the FUCK will this work in Limited?
Ignoring rarity issues, these are DOUBLE FACED CARDS. That means you have to tell your fucking pod that you've pulled one. You are NEVER going to have the other half passed around.
I'm really interested in how printing for this set is gonna work. Are we gonna end up with packs having grips of double faced cards?
Kneejerk: I fucking hate this mechanic. My hype became serious concern on dime.
See you at the draft!
fuck off and kill your self
>Ignoring rarity issues
There's your problem, retard. These are commons. You're going to get passed commons. People will not pass a good pick for their deck to deny you a cute interaction.
Looks like it's time give mtg a brake see you guys
The shark has finally been jumped. We all thought it was in INN with the original DFCs, but no. That time is up. Our time is now.
maybe, the township appears to be normal sized. will the meld-side be identical on both halves or will they combine to display extended art/rules?
WOTC does pretty extensive playtesting nowadays, so I'm trusting they found a way to make this mechanic work well.
Did they do enough playtesting to realize that Devoid was excessive and unnecessary?
Did they think it was too confusing otherwise?
Because changing a colorless mana symbol and retrofitting it across the board before the second eldrazi block was even complete was a well thought out decision, right?
despite all that, I hope it does work out for meld.
>Another gimmicky mechanic
>7 mana for a 5/6
Levelers had the same problem. It turns out that several mana spread out over a couple turns is not nearly as bad as several mana in 1 turn.
Oh god, I forgot about BFZ. They couldn't handle a return to Lands: The Block without fucking up. This is going to be rough.
Pretending this is new?
Nobody gives a shit, you autistic retard.
As if they would ever make a mechanic for just one card. I guarantee you there will be a rare somewhere with the same deal, if not a mythic
Sure, but nothing inherently stops a mythic from melding with a common, it would fix the problem of getting half a bomb, since you have a reasonable chance of running into it. Could be bad p3 though.
If your opponents get a bomb in limited, they'll first pick it anyway. As it is right now, you're not currently getting passed an Avacyn just because your neighbor knows you're not in white.
Give up if devoid was too confusing.
>more stupid mechanics
When does this 7 year plan end and why isnt Rosewater getting fired once its over?
All I want from this set is a couple of Modern playable cards to push some unpopular color combinations. Even something like 2 cards would be enought, just like Nahiri in SOI.
>mfw all I'll get instead is a bunch of fusion memes
I don't know. Megamorph, tribute, devoid, cohort, rally, and skulk are all pretty terrible mechanics or were poorly implemented and I strongly question what's going on at R&D that they'd allow them to actually get released...
I don't think he was arguing that it was confusing, he was arguing that it was unnecessary. Especially since most devoid cards were just slightly altered variants of preexisting cards ('devoid' shock, 'devoid' inqusition of kozilek, etc.) that were slightly less cost efficient.
Megamorph was so terrible holy shit
>everyone specualting it will be a morph thing, but for non permanents
Megamorph, while boring and having a stupid name, worked perfectly well in Standard.
Devoid is a fine mechanic as well, BFZ and OGW just lacked a bit of playable colorless synergies to make it very good. Same with Rally.
I agree with the rest tho. Especially Cohort, which is one of the most useless mechanics ever printed yet imo.
It was a limited mechanic, we had cards that care about being colorless. We get those everytime. Im not excited about meld either its just that its not a new thing. We got a lot of modern playables in khans block and also bolster, raid and other useless mechanics.
Also ingest/process.
Also these mechanics only work in one block and then they are left to die.
They don't bring anything interesting to the game nor are relevant in a long time scale.
i blame this bitch.
Thanks for the elaboration.
Imagine seeing the keyword "Chromatic" (this card is multicolored) on every gold bordered card, that's how clunky devoid seems to me when they slap it on more than 6 cards out of the set.
>playing shit that will straight up 3-1 your ass
the only reason this works in yugimon is kill spells there arn't instant speed and kind of suck complete shit, as well as that shit can actually protect itself
this is complete crap and won't even hit limited primarily because of the fact that its got no self protection mid process, and the fact its an extremely easy 3-1, as well as the fact that you will never actually have all the right cards to successfully pull it off in draft, you will never get fusion retardation cause allowing someone to get that is exceptionally dumb on a massive level, hell i doubt casuals would play this mechanic, this is a special brand of trash only modern WotC would conjure entirely to waste space and piss players off.
A town and its inhabitant, I think.
Just imagine...
If once you remove the merged card the two half come back into play It could be good.
Could be some kind of enchantment plus creature thing to show the eldritch effect. If its just eldrazi its going to be really disapointing
ngl I'm actually really excited about this. if either of the cards that fuse into hanweir are legendary my writhing township edh can be even jankier than i thought it would be. here's hoping hanweir side one is in the day-one spoils
I hope we get some good Delirium cards. They were pretty fun.
That doesn't make any sense, you have to keyword devoid because the cards have a coloured costs, which would normally make the not-colourless, Multicoloured doesn't have anywhere near the same problem
Merge should have been keyword that targets two arbitrary creatures and generates the fusion based on type and cmc. Have it kick out a really shitty failed merge abomination token it theres no valid merge output cards.
Then you can give the merge outputs actual CMCs so that they aren't dead in draft. maybe give it -suchandsuch/-suchandsuch for summoning them raw.
plus, merge can serve as a janky ass kill spell if you you think your opponent doesn't have a valid output for two of their cards. and it actually interacts with cards from outside the set instead of being abandonware.
Lockin it down to CARDNAME is dumb.
>Own and control
Just to make sure nothing really fun ever happens with this mechanic right?
>tfw all the qt angels/white waifus get shit on forever
Seems like 2-for-1 the mechanic, unless I'm missing anything.
Did you touch BFZ or OGW limited?
RB and UB colorless decks were top tier. Along with a BW cohort life gain deck that really came together in OGW.
Not all mechanics are suppose to be standard playable. WotC R&D knows this.
We haven't seen the other side yet, if Hanweir is anything to go by then they all might have relatively powerful effects on the turn they meld
The Emrakul we saw on Zendikar has been retconned so hard at this point that this may as well be a new titan.
Feels bad man...
Shh, don't talk with retards, you might catch it.
It's still too soon.
This mechanic is literally just you making yourself more vulnerable to removal.
A way for them to pint B.F.M. in black bordered obviously.
Gravedigger is too pushed for standard, didn't you know?
It basically means that all three (or more, what do I know?) of the cards will have to be powerful on their own for that mechanic to feature in Constructed.
The chance of Blizzard making one of the cards powerful on its own is low. The chance of two is nil. This mechanic is going to be Inspired tier.
Yes, seems a nice Limited-only mechanic.
To say nothing of the fact that Chittering Host needs Haste, or some other significant ability, to not sit through your opponent's turn sucking out loud.
at least this mechanic will be fun
That's what I get for think about Nostalrius while typing.
>you're not currently getting passed an Avacyn just because your neighbor knows you're not in white.
No, you should get passed that Avacyn because your neighbour knows that they aren't in white and if they switch colors now they'll end up with a worse deck than if they stick to their guns.
Passing an Avacyn in a draft would be fucking retarded on so many levels even if you're not in those colours. Firstly, why in the FUCK would you pass someone a retardedly powerful bomb like that? Secondly, Avacyn pays for your draft. Go ahead, whine about the spirit of the game or some equally inane bullshit. He who laughs last laughs loudest.
some retard actually passed an avacyn to me last draft I went to. when I said I was taking it he nodded me on and was like "you'll make better use of it than me!" later on he saw my simic spirits bullshit and was legit confused as to why I took it.
The original plan was to not have Devoid be a keyword and instead let the frame convey the meaning. As it turned out, the playtesters did not get it. They assumed that if a card cost 2R then it was R regardless of how desaturated the frame was.
And you know, existing rules support that conclussion. We have already had several cards printed with wrongly colored frames, and the rules teams stance has been that the frame of a card never dictates what color a card is, only the cost does unless otherwise specified in the card's rules text.
Yes, we have color indicators now, but colorless color indicators obviously don't function.
>tfw my previous angel waifu was corrupted and stapled too a lesser waifu
>why in the FUCK would you pass someone a retardedly powerful bomb like that?
Because the chances that you play against him first and that he draws it against you are very small. Better then to make your own deck stronger while facilitating him in a color you have no interest in playing anyway and hope someone else beats him for you.
>Avacyn pays for your draft
Sure. But I never partake in the second hand market so that is a non-issue for me.
I've figured out how this works.
In SoI, every booster pack contained a guaranteed DFC.
In Eldritch Moon, every booster pack will contain TWO guaranteed DFCs, and they will normally be BOTH halves of a Meld card. These will count as a single pick.
At least this weird mechanic means she's getting her own card instead of an Anax and cymede thing with bruna
What is this Big Furry Monster bullshit Wizards is pulling
That'd actually be decent, I wouldn't count them as a single pick though. The incentive for the other player to pick the other one is pretty low, as then you are in the same colors and and archetype in draft which is a terrible place to be.
But I doubt whether they can actually manage this, because they couldn't add to flipwalkers markers card with packs with flipwalkers in origin.
My Turn!!! DRAW!!!
I PLAY THE SPELL CARD Polymerization!
Probably just going to buy a foil Thalia and that's it. Seriously, fuck this noise.
But they've only revealed less than ten cards so far.