That Guy Story Thread

That Guy Story Thread

I'll start with A "That Group" story.

>Begin to get into TTRPG, even going to great lengths to get two randoms to play a shoddy GURPS campaign on roll20 that dies out in two sessions.
>However, feel confident and believe in person would be easier
>Overhear group of friends/acquaintances after school talking about their D&D adventures
>Tell them I have some stuff ready from that roll20 session
>They are all impressed by my bare minimum preparations.
>There's 6 people, but my logic was since it was in person it would be easier
>I was itching to play so bad
>Decide on GURPS because that's literally all I know
>Tell them at lunch to find GURPS Lite, skim through it, think of a character, and prepare a list of normal items to bring on the adventure. Also told them it's low fantasy so no wizards or elves (but magic was going to make a return when they accidentally help the antagonist)
>Basic shit for people who I thought were experienced in D&D.
>None of them do shit
>One of them insists he should be a whore for no fucking reason
>Another keeps asking to be magic related shit
>The others didn't tell me a thing, but probably wanted to be murderhobos like they were used to
>But the hype of a cool place to play and great food at the first session kept me going
>Even make shallow characters that can be added to on session 1
>Surprise: Majority of the party has work so scheduling is fucking impossible.
>Eventually the group and I lose interest
>That Guys

So I got about four of my closer friends to hop on roll20. Only two made characters and showed genuine interest, while the other two were lazy half-That Guys. That's another, less terrible story.


>Someone has taste that differ from mine
>They are all that guy
It doesn't work like that. You can't just pick up 6 guys off the street and expect them to mesh perfectly with you.

>reading comp of 0

They weren't off the fucking street. They were friends from school.

The problem wasn't taste either. The problem is that they had a total disinterest in participating. They were all fucking lazy and didn't put a single grain of effort in preparing anything for session 1.

Blame your shitty generation of ADHD kiddies who are used to instant gratification.

>"just make it fun, user. you do all the pencilwork and I'll have all the fun."

Being a DND player doesn't mean you give a shit about DND.

Get over it.

>Writing clarity of 0
>Overhear group of friends/acquaintances after school talking about their D&D adventures
You need to specify that they are YOUR friends. I assumed you were an aspie who had no friends and just grabbed 6 strangers who you eavesdropped on.

Sorry then, thought the line

>Overhear group of friends/acquaintances after school talking about their D&D adventures

was clear enough.

> Overhear group of friends/acquaintances after school talking about their D&D adventures

That's strange, I was the first to reply, and read it, seemingly, exactly how he meant it...I just didn't know what to do with the information.

Admit wrong or don't reply, we'z adults now.

Hold up, now most people do not refer to a group of strangers as "friends". A "group of friends" is almost universally used to attribute you and them being friends not that they are a group of people who are friends. If he were talking about a group of randos he would more than likely say "group of people" as most people only use "friend" in reference to one of their friends. The only other time is when it explicitly stated to be the friend of someone else in which case he would have said "a group of people I assume are friends [with each other]".

Are you sure you aren't the aspie?

Most people are shit and/or morons. Even in TTRPGs. Time to get used to it.

Yeah, you have to dump the shitty people, and the shitty people that may replace them. Eventually you get good ones. It's kinda like rerolling until you get good stats.

Nice blog post.

Next time, use a more standard story for the OP, then post this sort of thing downthread.
Better yet, let someone else start the thread next time, then be one of several contributors.

No one else has posted a story, yet you've seen fit to reply to everyone about everything.
I can practically smell the salt.

>namefag telling me what

so i'm salty.

>However, feel confident and believe in person would be easier


Look at him and laugh.

>moonrunes for "lower"/ "hang"/ "put down"/ "disrespect"
>often shortened to 下げ(sage), especially on image boards
You've passed your bardic knowledge check.
Such culture. Very wow.

I love it when dumbasses try to pull a "GOTCHA!" on somebody, only to make themselves look like idiots.

>It's a "Veeky Forums ignores everything OP says except for one thing they latch onto and scream NO YOU'RE THAT GUY OP" episode
Classic. Knew what I was going to see before I even clicked the thread. Never change Veeky Forums.

And people wonder why we never have THAT GUY threads anymore.

>but magic was going to make a return when they accidentally help the antagonist
>when they accidentally help the antagonist

I also liked how you weren't willing to learn a system other than GURPS, but they're That Guys for being unwilling to learn a system other than D&D.

8/10, would make childish, nitpicky criticisms of again.

>I also liked how you weren't willing to learn a system other than GURPS, but they're That Guys for being unwilling to learn a system other than D&D.
They never said no to GURPS, though. They could have asked for D&D but apparently didn't.

> taking OP/faggot to be a reliable narrator