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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
What's your faction? What are their units? What are their specialties?
Cuz, I'm not that user, but I thought it was a pretty fun topic thirty minutes before the thread died.
So what DID your Shadow say to you in Persona anyway, /jc/? If you haven't been there, what do you think it'd say?
How badly did it hurt?
Pizza Skeletons
2 large pepperoni pizzas for 14.99
Jumpers what toppings power you through your day?
I hope none of you are a filthy anchovy lover.
Chicken-bacon-blue cheese
Even if it take fucking forever, homemade pizza is the best.
So! I finally devised the plan to prevent Endbringers from destroying me, making a lot of money and prevent the heat death of the multiverse! I'd like someone todo point out any flaws here so I can ironía them out with QB's help.
>First: Become Kyuubey's associate. Help his plans along by hoarding all grief seeds and getting the mágica girls to work for me to get them. The corruption and despair from having to commit crimes to survive will witch them out, netting me more Grief Seeds.
>Create more Magical Girls via general manipulation, suggestion magic and by loansharking the families of potential candidates so they make a ideal for money to pay off the debt. This way we get more magical girls AND money.
>Using the witches created by this process, find a way to assemble a gestalt witch, which we'll call proto-Walpurgisnatch for now, or PW for short.
>Using Control magic, find a way to reliably control PW, and the strongest I can make it while keeping control of it. This will be training for the important parts.
>Since Kyuubey agreed to it, I've podded him, I'm looking for a way to make him a proper companion though.
This is the plan for Madoka Jump, and it has worked so far (thanks to generous dice gods). Now, i still have to jump Worm, but here's the plan.
>Using Contractor shard to assure that Kyuubey's magical girl making ability works in Worm
>Using my mafia, find potential candidates to turn into magical girls. Taylor's bullies are some aceptable targets for witching at this point, but I somehow want to make Taylor or Bitch a magical girl.
>Since the witches will cause more despair, and I can use magic to more or less force Contracts on people, I will increase the number of Magical Girls in Brockton Bay steadily. If I were to use the Leviathan attack to make more, It would increase the ammount a fair bit, but perhaps using the attack as a way to Witch them might be preferable.
>Create my own Walpurgisnatch using the information gathered in Madoka. (1/2)
the new divine science dragon empire
Lots of giant robots/literally brainless Kaiju,Piloted by Remodeled humans, Alpha lantern genetic duplicates of myself,and my companions,clouds of von Neumann nanomachines that blanket the sky dismantling and reconfiguring everything in their path,zurg swarms enhanced with the genes of toriko animals and gourmet cells along with Martian and Kryptonian DNA from young justice taking biowarfare to a whole new level, fully autonomous normal size light of Terras/the shards printed out from the maximally sized light of Terra and/or the shard
mass destruction followed by rebuilding and repopulating with our own, our code of war states that war is a horrible last resort, and thus must be over as quickly,as decisively and as definitively as possible we will Literally overwrite your civilization with our own.
>Using said Walpurgisnatch, if done before Leviathan, might allow me, with help from the Capes of the town and magical girls, to prevent major destruction of the city, if i were to choose to do it at that point. This should get me at least some decent standing with the Protectorate if I show myself, which I probably won't.
>To ensure that the Protectorate won't try to fuck with me, I'll have to gather proof from the Locker Incident, since it would allow me to blackmail them due to Shadow Stalker being in the Wards.
This is more or less the plan to avoid Brockton Bay being almost destroyed by Leviathan. Any plans involving Magical Girl Scion and making him into a Witch are pure conjecture and probably imposible to achieve at this point.
Whats your pizza jumper?
extra sauce, extra cheese, sliced Jewel meat,Cheesy hotdog And pretzel bread crust.
That actually sounds very delicious.
yeah that's why it's my jumpers favorite pizza.
Aww, you brought your little friends, too. Wait, no you didn't. Because we don't have any friends. Oh, we pretend so well you've even convinced yourself. But they're not really our friends, because that would require us to care about them. And we don't. They're just little distractions, people we're going to use and abandon when time's up. Aw, didn't they know that? That we're not just moving home in a year, we're moving on completely? We'll never see any of them again, and that's fine with us. Because there's always more in the next world, and the next. Even our "Companions" are disposable! If they wanted to all stick around and settle down, we'd just drag them off to the next hell! Or we'd leave them too. Just like her. Do you even remember what her name?
"You're boring. All this power, all these grand monuments you cart around with you, and you're just some stupid child playing tourist. The only reason that she even watches you is for your 'friends', who don't even want to be around you if they can avoid it. She only keeps you around because it means they come back from death faster.
Just admit it, you're nothing without someone to prop you up. An empty shell for others to use as they please before dropping you like trash."
At least I have friends. All you've got is insults and a 10 month long lifespan, tops.
It hurt a lot.
that's part of why am avoiding that place,I know I am bad and broken and I know how I get when I Am forced to confront that,I know what I am and adding personality on personality, history after history trying to escape that is a good part of why my Jumper has kept going for so long.
No talk, only my Shadow getting suplexed.
Hey you.
The cowards hiding behind the screen where you think you're safe.
Do you remember their names? Or their faces?
Did you even remember they existed until I asked?
"I'll bet they don't know, do they? You've kept some of your friends around for nearly 300 years now and they still don't know you're just a boring, pathetic excuse for a human being underneath the shiny foil you've wrapped yourself in. You're a pretty Christmas present wrapped in layers of lovely paper, but inside the box there's just a dead puppy.
That's why She has been distant. She knows. She can see it. She's just along on this strange little journey of yours because you /made/ her come. The rest of them just haven't seen past the wrapping yet. But they will. Eventually they'll all see the necrotic little man-child huddling inside that empty hole you call a heart and they'll leave.
Either that or you'll let them die against just to survive one more hour.
By the way, did you ever stop to think that maybe using a cursed diamond to revive your Companions may not have been the best idea?"
Then each one of them turned around, wearing a Shadow's mask, eyes shining yellow.
This Jump is going to hurt every part of my soul.
Who is this QT3.14?
"My my, the big bad Jumper! I'm shaking in my boots. You've got everyone convinced that you're this big shot, whether you play the role of the hero or villain, you're always acting like you're really that good.
But behind the mask you wear, you're still that lazy, softhearted loser. You've inserted yourself into their story, and what's more, you act like you deserve to be there! How pathetic."
I told my shadow he was right. It hurt to admit it, but it was true. Well, except he left out one detail.
I'm the lazy, arrogant, softhearted loser with friends, where as he was just as big a loser, yet he was all alone.
You're waifu a shit
>>Epiphany: Level requirement and number of participants
>>The difficulty will always scale to make it challenging, read: potentially lethal, to you given the amount of power you have available to you in jump.
Hmm... shouldn't it at least taper beyond a certain point? I mean, the canon group weren't even halfway to DL's level cap, and in jumpchain it's possible to actually be a deity or at least divine yourself (Okami, Smite, etc). Though I suppose at that point you ARE a new source of divine power anyway. Heh, that'd be surreal, taking the cleric perks and finding that you're praying to yourself for spells.
So Imagine Breaker says it didn't affect your own powers, but what about your magical weapons?
It'd affect them as normal.
Hmm, what about ones that are manifestations of yourself? Say a Zapakuto or Noble Phantasm?
Depending on what exactly it is, it'd either fall under 'your own powers' or just be effected like any other external magical item.
Deities cast cleric spells all the time. They don't pray for them, though - they just have access to them by virtue of being a God.
What's really going to be interesting is having your Companions praying to you for spells.
>not already being prayed to by his Companions
How dangerous is Evnagelion?
Jesus, I am a sucker for canon companions. I thought it was bad before and then I hit Fire Emblem: Fates. Jump is fucking dripping with waifu slime.
>waifu slime
Doesn't help that it throws, like, 3 possible companions at you for free.
About as dangerous as a giant biomech that can shoot lasers or a mega giant angel that shapeshifts and shoots lasers while hurling spears from the moon. Oh and tang.
What are some settings that you are surprised aren't already jumps? I for one am shocked beyond measure that with all the jumps we have no one has ever made an EverQuest or Dragon Quest jump.
Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?
Dragonstar, spellJamer,Godzilla cinematic, burn up W, the tick.
Son, I tried giving that a shot. All of those god damn expansions will result in one hellaciously bloated jump unless you intersperse them as DLC, and ain't nobody got the time to make THAT much DLC for one fukken jump.
Neither. I'm a sandwich.
Runescape and Wizard of Oz.
I'm also surprised that we don't have a poorly written and clearly rushed Simpsons jump.
Oh are you trying to be cute?
>FFXIV - 1 Expansion, with a second on the way
>EverQuest - 22 Expansions
And if you don't include every last thing some little shits going to come up and complain that you didn't do a good job and that you ruined his Nostalgia trip.
>22 Expansions
Wow, that's something alright.
It's hilarious the way they all care, isn't it? Even if they don't matter. We don't matter. This whole fucking chain... doesn't matter.
That's why they're so cute, that's why it's so fun to play around with them, just like a bunch of dolls.
Hey! I got an idea. Why don't we just destroy it all? That would be fun, right?! That'd give them something to REALLY care about!
... but that's a lot of work, isn't it? And in the end, even that wouldn't matter. Yeah, nothing we do matters even a little bit.
That's why, you and me? We'll never change. It's easier just to do nothing.
Just do whatever it takes to pass the time. Whatever sounds fun. Back and forth between roles.
It's too much work to care about something the way they do.
Not that you can.
And when you go too far, just tell everyone you'll do better next time, right before you put on another mask.
... Look at you. Didn't even bring anyone with you. Cuz you don't want anyone to see how worthless you really are. How there's nothing underneath.
But hey! Look on the bright side.
It doesn't matter!
Even if they knew, they'd still care about you! They'd still love you!
Even if you told them how pointless they all are, how worthless their opinions are, even if you tried really, really hard and did everything in your power to be the biggest, meanest bitch in the whole wide world, they'd still forgive you!
You sure stacked enough perks for that.
Think he meant the size of the jump (269 fucking pages), more than the amount of expansions.
I'll grant you that's a whole bunch of them though.
Witch hunter who is also a witch.
Mmm, fair point. I mighta should've toned down the sass.
Although, for FFXIV, most of that is Scenarios. Major purchasables stop at about Page 76.
You always write such oddly dark shit. It's terrible and fantastic and I almost want to see how things would go if something happened to make you change...
Couldn't you just treat the expansions as sequels rather than DLC? Vanilla Everquest is its own jump. ExPac 1 is it's own jump. So on and so on.
That's just it - the expansions themselves would be strapped for content for making themselves a stand-alone jump.
Timeline's also something to take into consideration in those regards.
So, /jc/, for those of you who've jumped Strike Witches, what was your callsign?
Mine was Poptart.
I may have had a small sugar problem that jump.
Faster than a lazer bullet!
We did something along the same lines with the Final Fantasy jumps.
I mean, I know there's a difference between a DLC and a series of completely different names, but the precedent is there.
I've had the same callsign for ages. I also use it as my Shadow Name for Skullduggery and Mage: Victory.
The problem is that the classes, races, and abilities are more or less the exact same from expansion to expansion. DLC add ons are the only way I can see it working.
And the individual Final Fantasies are entirely different worlds with entirely different stories varying between them assuming we just ignore the travesty that was X-2 and the 13 Series. Even the ones in Ivalice have drastic enough differences that they absolutely did warrant their own jumps.
In this case, it'd be like if Fist (by some ungodly decision-making) decided to split WoW into individual jumps based on expansions. You'd have the large, central jump - and then a bunch of piddly ones. Wrath of the Lich King, as an example, would be a sparse-as-fuck jump. In EQ's case, something similar would be the Scars of Velious.
>not wanting to be a magical girl whose costumes give her superpowers
Absolute pleb.
For those who took the Parasite ability in the Rick and Morty jump, how have you used it so far?
peperony and chease
GOATS! Goats.
Their specialty is being marginally less shit than Waddle Dees.
I'm a bad witch who tries to be good.
Hah. Thanks. It's actually always really nice to see that someone is reading this!
I went with Redwater, because I'm unoriginal.
Back in FMA, I bought the Red Stone, and so as the only person in the entire damn Brotherhood setting who knew how to make stones out of alchemical reagents, I dubbed myself the Redwater Alchemist (despite never serving in the military) -- because Red Stones are made by distilling Red Water, a highly toxic alchemic liquid made by mixing the reagents with huge amounts of water.
Anway, I tend to use that callsign anytime a jump asks for one, because the elements of "water", "toxicity", and "magical science" are rather apropos for me.
Although since Red Stones aren't really a thing in other settings, most people tend to think the "red" stands for "blood", and have a much darker view of the title as a result.
But I rarely correct them.
Not wanting to be a technological boy whose nudity give him superpowers
And no, not for that dragon.
The Pantsless drawback will forever haunt me.
"Do you know how much could be fixed if you just bit the bullet and used mind control? We know it's the most efficient option. They won't even know they are being controlled!
Yes, taking away free will is an evil, but why should I care about the free will of our enemies? Why should anyone care about the choices of villains?
Even now people are at risk because you refuse to use your most powerful tool. I know better and I will fix this."
"I... can't let you do this."
"So be it. I am a shadow-"
"But I didn't say I reject you!"
"-the true self. I will make the right choice for you!"
"How many people have died because of you? All because you wanted to feel big and important? You don't REALLY believe in justice or altruism, or even being a half decent person. You just want someone to acknowledge you, praise you, just so you could feel like you're worth something. But no matter how strong or capable you think you've become, you're what you've always been: unnecessary.
These worlds already have heroes. They never needed someone as selfish as you."
You forgot the olive in that mans martini. The shame was heartbreaking.
I am a scientist.
With all due respect to witches who fulfil a valuable role in the community, my area of expertise is science, not intuition.
Comes from carying out too many mods on your strikers.
Oh, uh. In case it wasn't obvious?
It hurt enough to beat that sonuvabitch with the nearest available improvised weapon, which happened to be someone else's Shadow.
It doesn't matter. I dislike pizza unless it's really, really well made.
Which one? I have several, although these days my identity crisis means I delegate a lot more than I used to.
There's the Grand United Alliance of Law, a mutual defence pact forged between Jubileus, YHVH, the God-Machine and the entities of MtA's Aether which field a variety of angels with all kinds of specialities. Usually frontline Sodom & Gommorah-style destruction.
There's the Seelie 4, four "courts" of True Fae who sold themselves to us in exchange for freedom from the need to feed, and quasi-domesticated through a disciplined regime. Their units vary a lot but are always either a powerful individual, a group of lesser beings, a weapon or a landscape. So they specialise in hit and run tactics.
There's the Neverkingdom, a loose association of Fingerking hybrids, living memes, embodied nightmares and supercharged Ira created by us wholesale when we need a cosmic black ops force.
There's the shoggoth civ we once ruled over which is...mostly not an asset at this point.
There's the Court of Bel, which contains various powerful gods/godlike beings we've defeated. In the past I usually fielded their talents as support for other groups given they're capable of much more versatile things than just spamming Megidolaon until somebody keels over.
And of course, we technically count as our own faction.
>A shadow that is legitimately trying to help.
>You take each bit of advice as though it's a strike to thee heart.
Pfft, what's a scientist without a little reckless intuition?
Oh, to explain the "we" thing: Although I no longer identify as a hivemind, I Ensoul all of my perks in order to, among other things, carry out self-modification using sympathic magic when I need it.
It's kind of weird now because when I hang out inside of my multiverse-body I'm surrounded by lots of weird glowy people who are technically subdivided aspects of me.
They used to be immersed in an Instrumentality-like sea of consciousness but now they just kinda do their own thing and we're all genereally confused by the experience.
Actually Mystics in Dragonlance basically basically believe in themself to fuel their divine casting.
Look, I only took it because I have absolutely no respect for any deity there
Can confirm, having companions pray to you is a great way to build team spirit and raise morale. Not all of mine do, though.
That said, the ones who started worshipping me BEFORE I became a proper god or knew I was one really freak me out.
When I Spark I plan on going back and giving that guy a massive reward for his suffering.
Look what your science has done!
Acceptable consequences.
I mean, it also gave us Cheetos in the first place!
>Your scientists were so obsessed with wondering if they could... they forgot to wonder if they /should/.
Out of curiosity. Have you ever considered having your Ensouled perks act like less blatantly destructive Entity shards?
Also did you have to keep making new ones when you gained new perks, or did you find a way to automate the process?
Mainly because of the forbidden love drawback, but also because I had really good eyesight. Which was of course used too perfect the art of the Bounce.
I make giant mecha out of the souls of despair-filled little girls. Hoping to get some redemption arc going soon.
If zoidbergs race dies when they have sex how does he have living parents?
He's adopted?
Oh, I add a pinch of Soulfire, a dash of Type-Moon Demons (the force, not the entities) and my personal blend of corruptive magic to each being such that they're axiometrically obsessed with making the powers they embody more efficient while encouraging cooperation over uncontrolled conflict as a work ethic.
Technically both. The soul-machinery of my world-self includes assembly lines (gotta have redundancies just in case) infused with the Ensoul enchantment. I prefer making new Ensouled when I get new perks just to sort them for neatness' sake, but the assembly lines just kinda pump them out when I get said perks so it's no biggie.
It does mean they tend to form cliques, though. The magic perks are like the cheerleader and jocks, the study and knowledge perks argue bitterly with each other over who's nerdier, the really unique perks tend to wander off and do their own thing, the musical perks form their own travelling band and everybody shuns the harem perks.
They got better.
My wife and I are a package deal on the psyche front, so my shadow was both of us.
The moment I realized that the area of the Shadow World it taken up residence in was a BDSM dungeon, I knew I was in for a bad time.
No kids allowed.
>Look, my little pet. It's them...
>Who gave you permission to speak? *SMACK*
>It's a shame you brought friends. Those disgusting things always get in the way.
>Why don't you throw them away, so you can join us?
How about no?
>This is always how it is! Can't you see?
>The world is just in the way of our fun, and we have the means to make it go away!
>If you're unwilling, I guess I'll just have to whip you into shape! *SMACK*
Then they turned into something that vaguely suggested a horse and rider.
It was extremely uncomfortable. For everyone involved.
Oh god, it was dripping. Eww...
I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what to choose with the Strike Witches jump. Anyone mind sharing theirs to help me out a little?
>Oh, I add a pinch of Soulfire, a dash of Type-Moon Demons (the force, not the entities) and my personal blend of corruptive magic to each being such that they're axiometrically obsessed with making the powers they embody more efficient while encouraging cooperation over uncontrolled conflict as a work ethic.
I meant having them follow random people around, grant them access to the powers, and then studying the resulting data to see if they figure out anything the rest of you missed.
You know what the Entities do, but without the destructive idiot parts.
Also this gave me another thought.
Would entities created by Ensouled be valid targets for perks and other options that let you grant other beings powers?
What exactly am I reading here?
Weeaboo units.
Being mechanically better than the other factions because the game designer was a weeaboo.
Basil and chicken.
I have both in my back yard.
Something terrible.
Ensoul? Is this a perk i'm forgetting?
[Endowed] x3
[No Pants Allowed]
[Forbidden Love]
My shadow was Jabba the Hutt meets God Emperor of Dune. Like a big fat worm, no offense worm_user. . He had like gyrating muscle men and spoke in a heavy lisp, while stuffing himself with food.
All I said was "Huh. Interesting." Before I ATATATATATAORAORAORAORA.
I'm kind of mad that I missed whatever that was an answer to.
Ah, right. In that case-it depends on the world, but as a general rule having a bunch of random superpowered chumps running around tends to upset whatever delicate Rube Goldberg designs I have on the world at large. Sometimes, letting the Ensouled outside my world-body is a security risk when there's dangerous people about. Other times, they're useful intermediaries when I want to grant someone an ability-usually as part of a favor-but don't want them to keep it.
Gotta admit, I was surprised how many volunteers there were for the contracts in Magical Girl Noir Quest. Turns out a lot of girls resented being overlooked for magical girlhood, who knew? And there was a bit of a fiasco in FF8 after someone tried to junction one and-let's just say I learned the hard way not to set the damn things an auto-attack mode in a populated area.
What usually happens is a kind of quasi-posession arrangment where the Ensouled becomes something between a Stand and a Servant, and the beneficiary gets some limited access to the power along with some VERY CLEAR instructions/compulsions/flashing letters on what the task they're supposed to accomplish with them. The variations lie in how they achieve that task, and the Ensouled retains admin privileges to revoke access to the powers, leave the host or use a separate ability to hijack the host's body.
As for the other thing-I think it would depend on exactly which power-granting ability you mean, since from what I understand Ensouled are basically advanced, sentient magical constructs. So The Binding from Storm Hawks for example would probably work, but another perk fluffed as transplanting abilities via surgery probably wouldn't without other things backing it up.
Man, I've got to step up my writing game now that I see my competition.
It's funny how broken most of us Jumpers actually are, under the surface.
It's from Cardcaptor Sakura.
It lets you turn magical abilities into people.
With this you become a pervy Strike Shota with a massive speedo bulge who has free reign to sexually harass your friends. Also your package is immune to shrinkage so long as you don't swim in the arctic.
Someone is using my jumps for perverted means again.
>my reaction to the embodiment of everything about myself I refuse to face is "huh, interesting"
You're such a wanker.
This is the future you chose Kyubey. You could've stopped it, but it's too late now.
I'm a sucker for the classics, my favorites are pic related and with barely cooked bufala mozzarella and a couple of basil leaves
To be fair he's not exactly the worst one. Someone else responded to theirs near the end of last thread by going full edgelord.
> and the Ensouled retains admin privileges to revoke access to the powers, leave the host or use a separate ability to hijack
You know I never understood why the Entities apparently didn't have that kind of safety feature installed just in-case.
>As for the other thing-I think it would depend on exactly which power-granting ability you mean, since from what I understand Ensouled are basically advanced, sentient magical constructs. So The Binding from Storm Hawks for example would probably work, but another perk fluffed as transplanting abilities via surgery probably wouldn't without other things backing it up.
I was thinking of stuff like the Star wars Force Conduit granting the ability to use The Force, the post-Nartuo chakra awakening, the Psychologists perks ability to give people Peronas, and other similar stuff.
...Unless i'm misunderstanding something, that is not what Ensoul does. You can create magical beings/items with Clow Card abilities, not make perks into them.