Best Swords(wo)man?

Best Swords(wo)man?

Didn't even need to think about it

Nice character art?

Swordsman is a unisex term.

The art is telling me that she will be horribly raped.

Trademark says Nintendo, so chances are slim.


I see your anime and I piss on it.

Did Homare do artwork for Nintendo?

>The sword is so big that it needs handles on its grip
that seems curiously practical for a sword that's impractical in every other regard

Counter, riposte.

From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries. Living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you.....until now.

Do you really have to ask?

Ramirez was an effete snob! He died on his knees. I took his head and raped his woman before his blood was even cold.

>none of you know the riddle of the steel

Swordsman (female)

>implying steel is strong
>implying flesh isn't stronger

Since you posted worst seibah, I think he did. Let's correct this mistake of yours.

>Implying flesh is anything before the will

This is why you got your head cut off

She's a great leader, but combat wise she's more of an artillery piece than a hand to hand combatant.

I mean, she does use a sword to do it, but she doesn't seem especially talented in what is traditionally thought of as swordfighting.

She couldn't even beat one of her knights in a swordfight. And she was a shitty ruler.

>And she was a shitty ruler.
Only from her own, insecure perspective.
She was King fucking Arthur, guy.
The King so awesome that the British see him in an almost messianic light.

Look buddy I love Nero to death, but she is a quantifiably shitty swordsman.

yo i herd u guys talkin shit in here

>good at anything
Imperial Privelege hax aren't the same thing as actual skill.

Nero a best in all things.

She couldn't beat Lancelot, who is above and beyond Arthur held as the perfect knight. She could chumproll most of the other KotR, but there are some other exceptions too. Gawain and Galahad would both probably wafflestomp her as well.

Since this is the best swordsman thread though thats a list of people that disqualify Arturia though so... Yeah you aren't wrong, but she is still pretty high up on the list.

Heqrd you talking shit like I don't cancel you out.

I want to plow and plant her, but I would take almost any other saber over her for the purpose of the grail war.

Homare's been doing legit work for a while, yeah.

>Lancelot, who is above and beyond Arthur held as the perfect knight.
Nah, Lancelot had the skills, but he was deeply flawed. The perfect knight would be either Galahad or Gawain.

We'll be seeing her against a (not the) Saber in Excella. She might stand a chance.

Though chances are high that Tamamo will be the canon victor in the game.

Ayyyyy you fuccbois thought I wouldn't find you out?
We all know who's the real champ of all time.

(It's me.)

I'd argue Gawain held his own pride above the well-being of his liege, given how he refuses to let Lancelot join the battle against Mordred's forces. Lancelot is an oathbreaker but he was ultimately willing to die to make things right, whereas Gawain was willing to let his liege die to satisfy his own idea of justice against Lancelot for his betrayal.

Galahad is in fact perfect though, his whole thing was being perfect. You got me there.

Get this whore out of here before Best Fate is forced to show off her mastery of the sword.


Motherfucker, he gets his ass handed to him by half of Christendom. Lancelot, Tristram, Lamorak... fucking Marhaus beats him. He's pleb tier, plus the fall of Camelot is basically his fault.


How about the Saber who never became Saber? Whatshername? Who chose to become a lancer and somehow grew her boobs out?

IIRC, that version represents the King Arthur of stories which emphasize his spear, Rhongomyniad, rather than Excalibur. Why this version of Artoria has giant boobs, only Nasu knows.

Joan Alter is better

Even Nasu doesn't know. His input in that mobile game was rather minor.

There's got to be some convoluted metaphysical explanation. Odds are good it involves the words "existence", "mana" and "system".

>blue lips
Ruined an otherwise perfect character

Different user here. From what I understood, The "Saber" wielding the holy lance ronghomyniad (don´t know if it´s spelled rigth) gained her growth due to ron being an artifact sealing away the age of gods and holding an fuckhuge amount of mana in itself, which caused avalons immortality effect to not work.

Or she didn´t receive avalon at all. Not really up to date on her fluff.

Type-MOON wiki says something about how Excalibur made her not physically age anymore, but Rondomondo only does it partially. Either that means her boobs age faster than the rest of her body or it means she's slightly older...

>it sounds sexy until you imagine her eighty years from now looking the same but with saggy old Welshwoman tits

considering that Saber drew the sword of apointment when she was like 13 or something, I can totally see why that affect being reversed would give her tits.

>Starts training to be a knigth at the age of 5.
>Gains the sword at the age of 15 and stops aging.
>Dies either when 25 or 35 in a childs body. The numbers were always changing on that front.
>Around 35 as an lance wielding version of her with gigant tits.
Yep. Sounds believable.

Partial age reduction would make her longer-lived, so she could look like a hot chick in her 20s despite being 50 or something.

>Why this version of Artoria has giant boobs
Saber Artoria stopped aging when she got Excalibur, so she stayed a boyish teenager forever.

Shit doesn't deserve to be called legit when all he does is draw the same Homaregirl regardless of whatever she looks anything like the character he draws or not.

Nasushitters are a special kind of autistic.

Funny, considering we are all using the same toilet here.



But can you do so with your right hand while destroying the Kingsgard with your left?

No, swinging with men isn't the same thing as swinging a sword.

>Gawain was willing to let his liege die to satisfy his own idea of justice against Lancelot for his betrayal
Actually, Lancelot is a serious criminal. Guinevere was to be executed & he broke her out while murdering his fellow knights. He might as well murdered all his friends as he was breaking someone out of jail.

>he gets his ass handed to him by half of Christendom
No user, the French aren't all of Europe. While Chretien's OC was being wanked by the French instead of staying in his cart, the English were far more favorable towards Gawain.



>it's a gender swap
>so take off all that reasonable armor!

Nobody genderswaps male character for any other reason than hurr hawt, so why do you expect reasonable armour?