Eldritch Moon Spoilers!
Eldritch Moon Spoilers!
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You had one job, WotC.
Huh, both the cards seem pretty decent before melding.
I would totally run that. This fusion mechanic looks kind of meh, but both cards seem pretty viable on their own, and their voltron form is awesome.
Holy shit, there is going to be some insanely broken emerge combo. I'm calling it now. It may not be standard legal, but I can see cheating things out with high converted mana costs but easy casting conditions, saccing it, then causing some mayhem. I like that they had enough forethought to make sure the emerge cost has devotion as a requirement.
Woah. I just realized that they made meld cards to primarily get more people buying packs in order to find the other side of their meld card. Also, those cards are pretty solid on their own.
So we get one half on each of the melding cards.
WotC totally has original ideas left guise
Scornful Egotist!
Okay, I take everything back about what I've said about this set. Emerge is going to be fun as fuck.
Pic extremely related.
YESSSSS!!! I am going to fucking LOVE this set now. Double card art cards have been on my wish list since B.F.G.
That cryptolith fragment looks pretty spicy in limited. It could be a wincon in and of itself in a monored burn deck.
So i guess you're supposed to run Bruna as your commander and use her ability to get Gisela out of the gaveyard (hoping that no one exile her).
this looks far too slow
>2 cards, one of which is 7 cmc
MaRo does it again! 10/10 mechanic
The 7 mana one has a white re-animator effect (something I've never seen white have) along with a 4/7 flying body with VIGILANCE.
>using either of those as a commander
>not playing 5-color angels under Karona
>Two of the three powerpuffs get fucked for DRAMA in the return set
>Full edge flavor throughout
>It really was Emrakul again, the creatively bankrupt bastards
>All that thoughtless Lovecraft apeing
>To top it off, they really DID use the legends to push an awkward new mechanic
Fuck it, I'm out.
>(something I've never seen white have)
Hello new faggot, did you only start playing with Shadows over innistrad?
>implying i can afford the mana for karona
What other white cards have reanimate besides that one angel that kills zombies and reanimates humans.
This looks fun, at least. Play Gisela early on, she'll inevitably die to some removal or bullshittery, Drop Bruna and bring her back, then they merge at the end of the step.
Essentially, if Gisela is in the graveyard, It's 5WW for a 9/10 with Flying, first strike, vigilance, and lifelink, that shuts down a good chunk of removal spells.
>Sun Titan
>something I've never seen white have
Karmic Guide?
Angel of Glory's Rise?
Dawnbreak Reclaimer?
Emeria Shepherd?
Reya Dawnbringer?
There is a fuckton of rituals that reanimate tiny creatures.
Weren't there like three angels from original innistrad block that had reanimation effects?
You've already been rekt, maybe you should've looked shit up before mouthing off like a new fag.
So Sigarda will have to take down that bullshit of a monstrosity? That cannot end well.
And i doubt we'll see the black angel returns to save the day
Karmic Guide, Reya Dawnbringer, Sun Titan, Loyal Retainers, Order of Whiteclay, Pulsemage Advocate, and Reveillark are some of the creatures that do it off the top of my head, and several spells do it too. Most notably Resurrection, which was in ABU.
White does reanimation and always has.
use amulet of vigor and taplands
That Otherworldly Journey reprint tho
I'm liking the new gimmicks. I just hope they push it and make some eternal playable cards. Even though EDH has plenty of tutors available, I don't know if I would bother with the melding thing, except for Brusela (since you'll always have half of it readily available).
You're paying 7 mana to cast any card at all.
It doesn't matter if that card forces someone to literally give you a blowjob, no one spends that much mana in this card game. You might as well concede if you're planning on playing a card that costs more than 4 mana.
>no one ever cast dragonlord atarka
>no one ever casts ulamog
>no one has ever won with tooth and nail
Odric could handle it. No need to bother Sigarda.
Ulamog is still in top tier standard decks?
>brisela literally just stapled the keywrds together and totaled the power and toughness
good job wotc.
also the mechanics article said there were three pairs of meld cards, so brisela, hanweir, and the rat people are it.
They cheat them in, they don't cast them.
That is unless you're playing esper TITI control.
Why the fuck did they introduce this mechanic in the 2nd set? Why was this not it's own 1st set?
>they don't cast them
Confirmed for not knowing a fucking thing.
>this fucking guy
You're right, rarely does someone hard cast something that's 7 mana, outside of commander when that shit happens every single game.
But Ulamog's cast trigger...
Is ramping considered cheating now?
dies to removal
such value, when I 3 for 1 you
timmy tears will be delicious
Literally in no good format does anyone cast anything that costs more than 4 mana. If you do, you are not playing a good format.
I'm really hoping when the next set that includes Phyrexia comes out that we get compleated flip cards
So you're saying the only good format is Tiny Leaders?
That's a shame.
what fucking format do you play? limited? Legacy? Jesus fucking christ.
>timmy tears
You mean your own tears where you either die to this being unable to cast any removal spell in your hand or die to any other half decent deck for actually playing >3cmc removal spells?
enjoy your 4 mana removal spell sir.
>tron isn't good
>cryptolith rites isn't good
Fuck off back to your boring sneak and show mirrors fuck boy.
I would like to calmly state that these cards suck and are disappointing.
Force of Will?
But user, commander is the best format if you don't like standard/modern/legacy/vintage rotation.
They're testing the waters to do this shit in the future.
I love it when people start hardcasting FoW
>scrub thinks that modern is a good format
fucking kek
Will this faggot ever tell us what format he plays? Or does he realize he fucked up with his stupid bullshit and is avoiding scrutiny?
what the fuck, I could understand modern since they ban shit every month instead of letting the meta adjust to it but look up what the other formats are about before posting
Can't they, like, give the thing a new name? Brisela sounds weird.
I think he means tournaments where they rotate those formats, not a rotation within legacy/vintage.
He could be talking about the rotating tournament formats or the fact that the meta in Legacy changes to whatever the flavour of the month deck is (miracles,sneak and show) whenever some big name wins consistantly with a deck.
Fuck I hope they make some G/B emerge cards.
Cryptolith fragment will go straight into hidetsugu edh deck
>Modern is the only format
When are the other sites dropping their spoilers? I want to see some good shit, not this fucking yugioh LELdrazi XD shit.
>"Ohh wow this is PERFECT for my X deck in commander"
So you need to get a Rare and a Mythic in your TWO packs of Eldritch Moon
Why does Wizards hate draft now?
>never seen a hardcast FoW
Fucking casuals.
I feel that they'll adjust the amount of mythics and rares so it will be SLIGHTLY easier to meld.
Its okay user someday you will play Magic for fun :^ )
>wizards fucks every other format for these god damn limited faggots for the past infinity sets
>finally makes a card for constructed
about time you assholes felt the burn.
I'm more interested in Gnarlwood Dryad.
Delver decks might be viable again with her, but then I remember WotC is literally starving that format of any decent cantrips.
And I weep.
Fuck off. Its a valid statement and I dont care for edh either
You do realize getting either one of Bruna or Gisela (especially Gisela) means you're going to firebomb the competition?
Dryad can go into temur traverse. I dont know if it will be good, its just the only deck that can get delirium consistently.
EDH isn't magic, it's some disgusting aberration that defies most mtg rules, you might as well be playing YGO or HEX.
FACT: Only autists play EDH
It's just the special snowflake signaling that drives me mad, EDH fags are the worst.
No one fucking cares about your special deck in your shitty fringe non-format.
i dont care about any of these just give me 4 thalias and fuck off with your yugioh meme format
>wizards made EMA shit because "muh limited"
>cry when you don't get to assemble your megazord every draft.
Limited players should be necklaced.
Isn't that pretty much the case with most mythics?
If you don't get a mythic then your deck building had better be up to snuff.
a 4/3 Flying First Strike Lifelink for 2WW?
At Mythic. So it'll be $150+ for a playset. Great.
don't worry champ, the EDH fags won't be in your in becoming a pro player
They seem to be doing a decent job of making the components playable on their own. Getting both gets you some great stuff but it's not necessary for either to be playable. I dislike the mechanic, but they're not screwing it up that badly.
Now my question is what happens if you try to Meld with a Clone?
>Now my question is what happens if you try to Meld with a Clone?
I think that's the purpose of the "if you OWN and control" clause.
>complaining about edh
You can complain, and justifiably complain, about "muh spirit of edh", but all in all, edh is an awesome format if you don't have the money for playsets of a card, or are a collector in general.
at least Gisela gave us one more nice leg shot on her way out.
Half usually.
Mate, in fucking Vintage 5cmc spells see play, not to mention Legacy.