Lighthouses are creepy. Prove me right with pics.
I want to create a scenario for my players that makes them take care of a lighthouse. Any ideas?
Lighthouses are creepy. Prove me right with pics.
I want to create a scenario for my players that makes them take care of a lighthouse. Any ideas?
Why does Veeky Forums love lighthouses now?
Isolated RTG powered light house
normally crewed by 6
previous shift lost the commanding officer and only permanent resident to pneumonia
characters can discover that his sickness also drove him mad and made him ramble about holy duty and invisible creatures on his death bed
Ice breaker every 3 months
Party sized crew (engineer, radio, wildlife, medical, cook)
NPC in charge vanishes early
characters must report the incident and man the station until the ship returns, bad weather compromises the answers on radio
Mundane animal swarm (penguins, puffins, seals?)
underline isolation
seem to offer companionship
keep staring unphazed as horror wreaks havoc
characters could eat them if supplies are lost
their behavior could reveal a clue about an exterior location
Beasts around
supernatural infestation and vague threat in large numbers
only come out at night
kept in check by light house beam
cause obsession, paranoia, and hallucinations?
one character can spot one early on in the distance, then again a few more times, before it shows up inside right behind them
Mad scribblings
hidden by previous keeper/s
explains phenomenology
describes risk of light going out
characters can discover several versions of this, an official log that just hints at more, a hidden notebook with research and moon phase calendars, and an old text about the secret duty to guard against those things by keeping the light on
Caves beneath, only accessible at low tide
a nice low tide trip to some old cave art
ancient cultic site providing ritual power to the light house above
characters can discover how to use this place for a ritual in the notes
Lunar cycle
an important ritual can only be performed 3 times during the 3 months
the moon phase changes the behavior of the entities
also: tides, arctic day/night
Things to take away from players:
Radio contact
Arctic gear
Working lights
Trust in each other
Animu anthropomorphic lighthouse baby!
Gotta take care of it!
The world around the light house changes radically
>Out-of-place ships passing at night, hinting at a supernatural connection. Galleons with lantern signals, slave ships and explorers, even a dreadnought from WW1 with primitive Morse radio incapable of accepting where they appear to be according to the PCs.
>The ocean starts to drain, revealing that this is just the roof a a gigantic ancient temple pyramid.. No contact to the world beyond the horizon, is this really happening? The sea draining should start slowly with the tide not coming in and a few days where the water just seems low but not unnatural. Then one morning it is a few hundred meters lower and the light house now sits on a mountain peak.
>The landscape has changed. The light house now sits on a dune in an endless desert with scorching sun. The desert could be heralded by a massive dust storm, possibly explainable by the ocean receding. It swells up over a day, making it impossible to go outside by night. The next morning it is quiet and the desert sand has filled up the ocean basin.
>When the sun goes down, another, bigger sun rises. At night tentacles grow out of the sand and sway in the night breeze. Far above carrion birds circle, but are they really bird shaped? The second sun could be ambiguous at first: Did we lose the night hours and it is already morning? Is this the polar day? It can't be! And that sun is bigger..
>A shipwreck can be discovered in the sand. It appears to have been sitting there for Centuries. The whithered log cover in the buried captain's cabin reads "Flying Dutchman" (alternatively "Dawson's Christian").
The RTG power unit contains a radioisotope which is deadly to humans if even small traces escape into the air. It should also serve as Chekhov's Gun, ultimately presenting an opportunity for the players somehow.
Animal colony > creature colony > creatures are just like animals
Basically I want puffins as a symbol from the get-go. Then a supernatural threat is discovered, a swarm of invisible creatures that come at night and move around the island, kept in check by the lighthouse's beam so they don't make the PCs hallucinate and become obsessed and paranoid. Then things get really strange as the island and the world around it change. Eventually the environment is the real threat and understanding how the light house moves the only way out. By that time the creatures should just be scenery, maybe a minor nuisance. And symbolically they are reminiscent of the puffins which are probably all dead now.
The lighthouse marks some relevance that extends to before lighthouses. I like the ancient temple beneath. But how does it come together with strange ships in the night and teleporting to other worlds? It seems obvious that the veil between worlds is worn thin in this location. Creatures appear, ships from other times and places turn up randomly, and the whole island eventually goes on a ride. But it shouldn't just happen, it should follow rules, this is a game. Tides, arctic daylight, and moon phases are great dials for this. Should the beam play a role in this? And how can the PCs get back home, or come to understand that they never could?
First and second act seem within grasp, but the third act is still elusive. Should the PC have to venture below for a temple dungeon? Should it just be a matter of surviving until the moon is right again? Should there be something else on the other side that takes an interest and must not be brought back?
also, as with any coastal setting there's the fun:
>PCs are trapped below the tide mark at low tide and the tide starts coming in, wat do?
We like developing ideas. We've done a south American resort, a lost highway, a mine, and many more.
>a detached, but relatively close to the main coast, island with a lighthouse and a recluse caretaker
>a vagabond survivor washes up on the shore
>caretaker takes him in and helps him out
>vagabond murders him and takes his place
>inset you favorite vengeful spirit mythos (I personally would opt for a sea demon in disguise or a cultist)
>vagabond is scared out of his mind but cannot leave because of the spirit
>player party stumbles upon the island
I don't mind that at all, but we've had several continuous threads about them.
A lighthouse is defined (roughtly) by its light pattern (rythm), color, and height.
By changing one of those elements, you make the light almost unrecognizable.
If you have your players navigating between more than one lighthouse (or taking acre of one lightouse and many buoys), you can trap them that way.
Take a sea chart and make them use traingulation.
Still on navigational hazards, containers that have fallen to the sea fill very very slowly, and as a result they are just below the surface for a while. It's a damn nuisance, and I'm sure you can use that as a plothook (examlpe: there was something inside the container, now your boat is slowly sinking as a result of the collision, and you've awakened what was inside).
You can also play with the tide.
Some places have tides as high as 16 metres. Combine that with flat lands, and you can have nice chases or deadly traps. Especially with tidal causeway that can only be used at low time. You can have a rising tide where someone has to get out in front of the car to guide it along the road, risking to be carried away by the current.
Or the car with the relief keepers breaking down in the middle, and the party has to find a way to save them before they drown.
Also, imagine an irregular tide, or a tide that never stops rising.
>>Beasts around
>supernatural infestation and vague threat in large numbers
To make them creepier, have them just sing at the lighthouse.
When they stop singing, the players are in trouble.
I was thinking Zoogs maybe?
Glad to see that a new thread is up. Looking forward to continued brainstorming.
Make the singing mildly annoying, possibly maddening if you had to listen to nothing else for long periods. They only stop singing when trying to hide from worse things...
I don't know if singing creatures would work, but a constant almost subliminal white noise does. Turn it off after everyone forgot it was there (or never noticed to begin with) and suddenly the room feels too quiet. Some people even get dizzy.
Is it bigger on the inside?
Than it is on the outside? LightHouse of Leaves? An endlessly descending spiral staircase that feels like it ought to go down far below the waves and yet doesn't?
>south American resort
I'm oddly intrigued, don't think I've heard of that one before.
Is there an archive link somewhere?
The thread user is talking about is titled "Surreal Encounters in a Hotel Room," but much more was discussed than just that. The three main topics brainstormed were surreal "1408" styled hotel room horrors, a cursed 1930s Hollywood hotel, and a South American resort that seems to be an evil genus loci.
Ah, thanks m8!
Time for some reading
So what's a good season for lighthouse adventures? Summer seems to have yielded some fun ideas, but what about winter, when the icy rime grows over everything, twisted into alien forms by the howling wind that cuts right down to bone?
Summer or winter, surely, are the best seasons for lighthouse-based adventures. The most dramatic seasons. Blinding sun, frigid blizzards.
Ice can certainly be a nasty foe.
Which ever season has the most storms and inclement weather.
It varies by area, but late summer tends to be peak season, with areas further north pushing later into the year for their biggest storms.
The island is apparently haunted.
It's off the coast of Gloucester/Rockport MA
St. George Reef Lighthouse, USA
Took 11 years to build and cost $700,000 in 1891. The island was originally named Dragon Island due to the constant fog, 70 foot waves and stormy weather.
Construction was prompted by a passenger ship running aground, resulting in the first 200 deaths of the island. At all times there were to be five keepers to stave off the isolation and support one another in the harsh conditions. Yet five keepers died over the lifetime of the house, with another yielding to madness.
Have them stuck there during a storm, ain't no one going outside.
They're awfully phallic?
That was one hell of a bonfire.
The RTG is valuable in its own right. Any terrorist with ambition could do a lot of damage with one of those. Anyone wanting to build a truly isolated colony, power a ship, or build something unusual in the ruins of the world could use one.
Or, it could be the only source of heat. I mean, what can you burn, in a lighthouse, in the depths of winter? Maybe you can rig up electric heaters, or maybe they're all broken - deliberately? - and building up replacements is likely to get someone electrocuted.
So huddle close. Sleep near it. Stare at it, night and day.
Is that a heartbeat?
Zoogs are little cunts, yes. Best get some help suited to dealing with their wiliness and mischief, lest your party be utterly bedeviled by them and put to no end of inconvenience and misfortune. They could legitimately get you killed without actually directly hurting you in a Dreamlands kind of setting, for sure.
Also, they hungrily eyeball kittens. That's not o.k.
The delicate, baroque, and antiquated nature of the workings of most old lighthouses also make for a nice atmospheric opportunity and "hard things being easy and easy things being hard" challenge when it comes to getting stuff done under pressure, whether that pressure is "Deep Ones are crawling out of the storm wracked sea to eat you alive" or just plain old thugs working for some local crime figure.
(Ala Penumbra, basically. A lot of the challenge is working with antiquated, cantakerous equipment SO YOU DON'T GET EATEN MOTHERFUCKER IT'S COMING IT'S COMING IT'S COMINGGGG!")
That's a ghost I wouldn't want to disturb.
Maybe this isn't the best place to ask, but both of those have sea in common, so.
Some time ago we had a nice thread about shipping containers. I promised to write a website for it. I kinda did it, but now I need to host it. The problem is, the hosting platform should:
>be free
>have node.js 4.4 (I had to abandon openshift due to it)
>mongodb without adding credit card, seriously, wtf heroku
Alternatively I can send you source code to host it of you have infrastructure for it.
so here was my thinking.
storms and monsters are scary, but confrontable. monsters can be killed and storms weathered.
what really scares the piss out of me is the unknown. especially if it seems to have it out for me.
sit them in an RTC lighthouse far from anything in the arctic circle. its summer and it sits near another once populated island, connected by landbridge but only at low tide.
after theyve had a bit to poke about sive them the storm, give them ghost ships and leviathans to glimpse through the rain.
let the tide rise until it almost swallows the lighthouse. give them monsters to confront and kill/(expend ammo on) .play a suitable soundtrack like a thunderstorm and waves crashing, if the radios crap play creepy radio noise that comes off planets or unsettling static. if you can immerse them then you can scare them.
then give them silence.
glassy still black waters.
the sun is gone.
unfamiliar star wheel overhead.
the only light is that of the strange moons
things begin to stir the still waters
the light begins to fail
the reactor is fine but there's no auxiliary power, this seems deliberate, sabotage. all reactor power diverted downwards. find body with a ripped up water damaged old journal, pages missing, seemingly the old keeper. amid the mad ramblings it repeatedly stresses that the light must remain lit. nothing above so they eventually must quest deeper.
staircase leads down
and down
architecture begins to change as the seems to grow larger, the tower wider.
sprinkle it with story bits and build suspense as resources dwindle.
build tension to the closing act.
find themselves in a mirror image lighthouse, as if they'd come up from the basement.
this ones deep underwater and the light is out.
find body, skelital
single gunshot to the head, hands bound
on the wall
scratched into the wall in every known language
a sacrifice must be paid
The ocean connecting places is a great trope.
Even in a non-horror scenario, it would be great to have a lightouse or an island jumping from dimension to dimension. One day you see a panamean tanker, the next one a pirate ship (surely a reconstruction), the third one a sea dragon...
They might even not notice it at first.
that's the idea, take some cues from Alien. build suspense and always remember the threat is scariest before you see it clearly.
Y'all should watch the moomin episodes with the creepy lighthouse for inspiration.
Requesting writefag from last thread finish his story. I'm hooked.
>Then, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the unattended automatic lighthouses did it job for some time, but after some time they collapsed too. Mostly as a result of the hunt for the metals like copper and other stuff which were performed by the looters. They didn't care or maybe even didn't know the meaning of the "Radioactive Danger" sign and ignored them, breaking in and destroying the equipment. It sounds creepy but they broke into the reactors too causing all the structures to become radioactively polluted.
Huh, guess I won't be visiting the lighthouse in OP anytime soon.
The Bell Rock Lighthouse was considered impossible to build, it's design has since become almost a standard for lighthouses but at the time it was a wonder of Victorian engineering.
which one?
The one with the smugglers in the lighthouse pretending to be a moving company, and the creepy girl that lives there.
bumpin for storytiem
bumping with nividic lighthouse. During the '30s, it was only accessible by a rusty zipline used to ferry keepers and stuff.
Since metallic ziplines and trolley don't marry well with sea air, it was pretty disliked.
Between the two threads, I believe we have enough elements to create such a derelict lighthouse that the characters will commit suicide before being even confronted with Horror.
IIRC, there were some problems caused by invasive lichens during artic exploration. Heat boosted their growth immensely.
You could have the lighthouse invaded by all sorts of moss and fungii, busting pipes and eating electric wire everywhere. And that's before the supernatural comes into play.
Sounds like many keepers went for impromptu swims. That or pancaked on the coast.
I actually just talked earlier with one of my PCs about possibly throwing in an intermission/side quest with a lighthouse theme and it's happening. Feels weird to be this excited about a game in a lighthouse.
Reposting start of story
>present day
>players are involved in smuggling
>go to lighthouse by the coast
>work as actual handymen, helping the family that live in the light house move out
>carrying boxes, packing and doing light renovation work
>"don't worry maam, the real estate agency paid for our services, we are at your service"
>husband, wife and players work by day at the light house while the kid plays within your sight
>you all retire by evening, family going to their temporary flat in the nearby village and players to the local bed and breakfast
>sneak back into lighthouse at night
>need to recon and prep for recieving a big shipment
>plan is to guide in ship with the big light and unload contraband
>one week to go
>sleepy village
>friendly older inhabitants, many retired artists
>always asking players to help with carrying a piano, replacing a door hinge, opening an old jar of paint
>generously repaying with home grown fruit, tall tales, smiles and sandwiches
>every day seems to hold some sort of event
>vernissage in town
>choir practice on the cove outside the light house
>poetry reading in the town square
>only the local postmaster seems suspicious of you
>he is also the police magistrate
>nobody listens to that fool anyways, always going on about conspiracy theories and the illuminati
>this is the easiest tax exempt coin you've ever made
>or so it seemed at first
>sunny days with some occasional rain
>boss says the weather predicts a storm moving in though
>the schedule is moved up, you now only have 5 days to prepare
>no biggie
>small quests are accomplished
>finding the keys to the doors
>figuring out how to operate the lamp
>securing spare parts for the lens and fuses
>entertaining the kid
>seriously, one of you needs to hang with the kid so she doesn't snoop around
>just yesterday she was playing with her dolls
>chilled you down to the bone it did
>hearing what she made the dolls say
>repeating almost word for word your phone conversation with the boss
>how the hell did she overhear that
>so now one of you plays house with the kid, reads her stories, distracts her while you measure the tidal difference of the water depth around the cove
>the parents smile and blesses you for the nth time
>you are good people apparently
>somebody cracked the spare fresnel lens during the night you discover
>you ask around the pub
>kids play at night around the light house? Smoke pot, hang out?
>"what kids" they laugh
>I think I saw some figures move around there two nights ago says one
>after some panic you realize they probably just saw you
>you need to be more careful
>one of you accidently broke the large mirror in the entryway while moving the old drilling equipment from the upper floor
>bad luck
>while checking the installed lens for sabotage and cracks, the lantern is mistakenly activated
>the searing lumination blinds one of you
>thankfully sight slowly returns within minutes but the blinded one is sensitive to the daylight for hours after
>he gets babysitter duty for the rest of the day
>the girl is building a lighthouse on the main floor out of cups and cardboard
>you help construct a working lantern with a small flashlight mounted on some lego
>more mirrors are broken
>what an unlucky day
>you all drink a bit too much that night
>this is when one of you confesses to breaking those mirrors today
>I had to
>they were fucking unnerving me
>they stared
Why did you stop? The suspense is killing me, user!!
Sry Im on a date atm.
Have a toilet break update
>"stared?! What the hell man are you losing it?"
>wait says the one of you who was nearly blinded
>The kid also talked about the mirrors being creepy today
>well she talked about bugs, cruise ships, being really hungry and crash bandicoot to so I dunno
>you all decide to fix the mirror problem tomorrow
>the morning brings rain and hangovers
>and a smashed lens
>the boss is furious and shouts obscenities over the phone
>mr and mrs haven't noticed and continue packing
>you mount the only remaining (and cracked) lens
>cleaning up the glass gives no clues to why it broke
>stresses in the crystal lattice structure spontaneously erupting?
>or a hand holding a hammer?
>you are going to stay the night from now on
>you begin to gather all the mirrors in the light house in the upper watchroom
>the mood must be contageous and you all avoid looking into the mirrors, neatly laying them face down on the floor
>the kid is playing with the mini lighthouse
>choo choo
>the boat goes crash crash
>she unloads the cargo of small happy meal toy treasure chests
>as she tries to stuff them in the much too small light house one falls open
>not many of them
>but a handful of ants in every toy apparently
>wiggle wiggle she says matter of factly as the ants start climbing the light house
>don't play with animals says mother as she passes with kitchenware in her hands
>ants arent animals
>I'm playing that the ants are gold
>she releases the rest of the ants from her toy holdings
>all pirates love gold, right?
>she looks at you as if expecting you to answer
>greentexting about spooky lighthouses while on a date
Truly an exemplary elegan/tg/entleman.
Go back to your date and don't come back until you've scored. We can wait, real life won't.
>I was told to pay more attention to you tonight by the internet.
Crap, did we act as decent people? I still slip from time to time.
Veeky Forums is the best board
Case and point.
Also to everyone who's posted in these threads a heartfelt thank you is in order, you've really inspired me. Not just with this but today especially.
Thank you anons.
>Frying Pan
Some ancient lichen, perfectly evolved for cold, wind, and biting insects blows into the lighthouse. It only grows when the lights are on, but it grows fast in the warm air. Fast enough that you can lose a door overnight. It needs nutrients, but years of frying bacon and never dusting have given it plenty to grow on.
>All three lighthouse keepers disappeared
>Food was left on the table, the clock had stopped
>The only sign of anything amiss was an overturned chair and a missing coat which was later found
What happened Veeky Forums?
>A box at 33 metres (108 ft) above sea level had been broken and its contents strewn about; iron railings were bent over, the iron railway by the path was wrenched out of its concrete, and a rock weighing more than a ton had been displaced above that. On top of the cliff at more than 60 metres (200 ft) above sea level, turf had been ripped away as far as 10 metres (33 ft) from the cliff edge.
Jesus i never even saw that part
I saw something flying out there, in the dark. Seagulls? Looked to big to be seagulls, and I don't think they fly at night. Do cormorants fly at night? I don't know.
Anyway, I've been thinking. We're the only light on this coast for a hundred miles in either direction. So where are all the bugs? We're on an island, sure, but there are still bugs during the day, and at my last posting they swarmed the streetlights at night. So where are they?
Um- wind?
Sure, there's a breeze, but it's been fairly calm for three weeks. During the day, I've seen butterflies on the top railing. So where are all the fucking moths?
Also, I can't figure out the controls for the light rotation speed. It seems to speed up or slow down at random. Everything else is labelled, but there doesn't seem to be a way to control how quickly the lamp turns.
>The light's been run by the same family for the last hundred years
>strange folk, keep to themselves
>always look sickly, but anytime one of them gets injured their kin just drag them home and they're right as rain in the morning
>well... not right. Not in the head. They all mutter and speak some strange tongue no one ever can figure out
>strangest of all, for a bunch that live on the shore and keep the house, they all fear the sea something terrible
>refuse to set foot on a boat and will throw a fit about "not going back" if you try to make them
>creepy as hell, but the way they watch the waves... something out there creeps them worse. Thought sends shivers down a man's spine
>Sometimes, visitors find the family wearing the "wrong" clothing, like they've forgotten what it's for, or the context. Blacksmithing boots and a sunhat in the middle of winter. A boy wearing a dress, and suddenly surprised when someone points it out. It's not like a perversion thing - not like bent Uncle Francis' "little parties". I think they're just absent-minded.
>They also love catalogues. Some evenings, they gather around a Sears catalogue, examining it, reading aloud from time to time, talking about bicycles, hinges, binoculars, and hammers.
Who doesn't love lighthouses?
Are there any lighthouse SCPs?
I wouldn't completely disarm the player characters.
Personally i'd give everyone the option for a profession. Things like police officer, captain, doctor, carpenter, etc and allow the PCs to have a few items their career choice would normally own.
I would also give the party a single survival kit equipped with the usual items. MREs, knives, compass, matches, and other useful items.
I say this because horror isnt about being powerless, its about being overpowered. They still need the ability to fight back in certain situations.
But always remember that their greatest weapon is their wit not their steel.
Yes, SCP 491 and 934.
Both of which are, honestly, pretty meh.
So, during the start of the cold war, some lighthouses were outfitted with very interesting radar equipment. It made a lot of sense - the facility was already there, power lines already existed. Why not hide your secrets in plain sight?
And once you already had a secret lighthouse station, why not use it for a few other tests? If you've got radar equipment, why not bolt a few "extraneous" pieces on and see what they do? Build aerial out of silver and wires out of braided hair. See what else is out there, invisible. Send out waves and see what bounces back.
I just read those. Pretty mediocre, not much focus on the lighthouses at all either. Theres not much fiction i can recommend in its place, but there was that chapter of junji ito's uzumaki that a bit weak in my opinion but still ok.
Bumping from oblivion
Sane user from the beginning requesting an end to this torturous wait! Also how'd the date go?
This doesn´t look like the kind of thing that lasts a couple centuries without reparations or attention...
I feel this is slowing down, so what about we try throwing in another angle.
Would you work on an old lighthouse with old equipment and stuff? No full disconnected, but not full modern either. The oldest you can get nowadays, probably in bumfuck nowhere. Like one of those Russian ones in the Arctic. Let´s say one of them is needed again and it needs human support (1-6 men), and lets assume they´re not irradiated to hell and back.
What would be your biggest fear?
What would be your biggest "irrational" fear?
What would you like the most about it?
What would you bring with you?
How would you spend all that free time, other than being Veeky Forums with the rest of the crew?
Let´s say there´s internet access but it´s slow and it doesn´t always work (maybe a few hours a day, or just very irregularly).
Could always go with the sci-fi approach from last thread as well, being in a lighthouse on a waterworld/space
Not an actual lighthouse in space, but more of an outpost that pings a signal saying "Hey, big old chunk of cold rock that wouldn't show up on a scanner here."
It'd be deep enough in space to be very isolated, probably derelict since not many people actually pass through the area.
A manned beacon in space sounds like an awesome location for a gritty hardish scifi setting. Something not quite The Expanse yet but close.
What would a sci-fi lighthouse be used for?
Radio tower? Weather/observation station? Laser Beam communication? WInd turbine?
The Inquisition visits an outpost on the fringe of known space, to see why their astropath has gone silent.
They find the outposts crew all dead, horribly dead. They can't identify what type of horrible xenos could have done it.
In trying to return to their ship, the airlock won't open.
>They hear the horrible whirring of servo skulls begin to fill the halls.
Well like i said in the post it could serve as a warning to nearby ships that there's basically a huge hunk of rock that they could crash into. If it's cold, thermal scans wont show it, and a lack of light can make big dark objects very hard to see.
Woops. Didn't read scifi.
Well on a water world it could be a fishing post.
It could be a hydro generator, microwaving power back to the homeworld?
Bump from the depths beneath the lighthouse. Also requesting user finish his story.
Semaphoric binoculars are amazing. I once looked through one with a x50 zoom, I could se people picking their nose 4km away.
There are models from the cold war with a 90° degree angle and excellent traverse for anti-air watch.
That level of zoom allows you to make your player see things through the binoculars that they have no quick way to confirm or deny.
ON a sidenote, do any of you guys know about a maritime post apocaliptic setting. I always wanted to play in one.
It's not a game setting, but could easily be made one using existing systems...