Fresh spoiler thread.
MtG Spoilers
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Whelp, that was expected. Shame it will be unusable because 3 color components and just get 2-for-1 removed the second it hits the field. Unless the "NO
Oh, nevermind on colors. It's mono white now apparently.
I have the perfect video to go with this card.
Meld dies to abrupt decay
just like pic related
Hey, that's not bad.
I like that there are different triggers for melding.
Great land without even counting the melded creature, will see play for sure.
>Opponents can't cast spells lower than 3 cmc
Am I being memed?
Haste is great, Izzet Eldrazi should be a tier 1 thing.
I'm not 100% sure I care about the the flip side in that context.
Why are you still asking? Every post
>le removal
is a meme
I can dig it.
the meld is basically just a bigger better version of the unmelded creature. it's late game finisher.
>only 5/8 mana
It's actually broken af.
Are you sure about that or are you just talking out of your ass again?
Flip cards now count as the CMC of their first side, so I'm assuming something along those lines will be true for these
5 mana, plus tap the land itself, plus the land goes away, so closer to being 6 mana + sac a land. still playable to close out in a monored or r/w deck.
probably borrowing from split cards, and technically have two cmc.
Not to mention Abrupt Decay would be pretty hard to cast
Well the angel isnt the only meld card. Might as well shut down the Abrupt Decay meme before it spreads
That is two fucking cards stacked ontop of each other. We have gone full fucking Pokemon now?!?!?!?!?
how are these cards going to work in edh?
Same as in any other format, all of the meld cards only have one color.
there's literally no difference you fucking retard EDH scum
All sides of double-faced cards are considered for color identity. I'm assuming it will be the same for meld cards.
Wow, Gisela is fucking great and Bruna is basically a one card Brisela, good job Wizards.
Gisela is value, Bruna is slow but enables Brisela okay, and Ever After is a slightly faster.
Garrison isn't bad, Battlements isn't bad, Township isn't bad. Probably the best meld since no chase mythic pieces.
>We're ready for anything!
Strong self-enabling finisher for Bx aggro, I guess? Doesn't look that bad, and there's no shame being weaker than Brisela or the Township.
It's really a 9 mana, two card investment.
>3 mana creature.
>1 land
>5 mana +Tap activation.
And you get a pretty good creature with upsides. One swing gets you 13 power across 3 bodies.
Is it crazy good ? No. But playable, and the Garrison is a good creature in its own right.
Triskadekaphobia for days
>Pink hair
Literally why
>be edh player
>Gisela is an early game mini Akroma menace that will get instagibbed into the graveyard because nobody wants to deal with that shit on turn 2-3
>Bruna is a fantastic singleton in any human or angel deck, while finally bringing the two together as a general
>as long as you protect your graveyard, you can easily get Brisela out when using Bruna as your general
Alright Veeky Forums let the debate begin. Brisela vs Akroma
>2WW for a 4/3 with Flying, First Strike AND Lifelink
Her hair is now Emrakul
probably the same reason as the tentacles, sport
i mean how can something like hanweir be your general? do players still take commander damage from a melded card?
Wait, have they clarified how meld works in general? Do the meld cards go in your deck, and you get them out when you make them, or do they exist in some third area and you just put them in play?
You can't have two separate cards pre-flipped as your commander ya numbskull
This definitely feels like the result of someone's corruption fetish.
>add 1 to get +1/+2, protection from demons and dragons
Too old
Bruna and Gisela, for example, are double faced cards that you put in your deck like any other card.
When they meld to Brisela you flip them over and arrange them into one bigger card.
It's almost confirmed that one of the writers does have a corruption fetish or is the go-to author for writing corruption.
the back of bruna has one half of brisela, the back of gisela has the other half. it's like BFM from Unglued.
Now this ability i like.
More gimmicky synergy!
Oh wow, that's really weird.
>When they meld to Brisela you flip them over and arrange them into one bigger card.
>flip them over and arrange them into one bigger card.
>arrange them into one bigger card.
I hope youre fucking joking with me here
gA clarified this in the judge thread. They should work similarly to dfcs. There's half of the full card in the back of the two meld cards
Commander is an identity of the card in all zones. The melded card will do commander damage.
You can have one and the other as a regular card in your deck. The question with commander damage after meld is legit. Also does commander damage work after Transform?
this isnt exactly a new idea in tcgs
Your commander is always your.commander. even if it's stolen, transformed, morphed, manifested, Lignify-ed, or Turn to Frog-ed, it's always your commander.
So I know that the CMC on DFCs are what is printed on the front side but what about these guys? Is Brisela's CMC 11?
It's the combined cmc
For anyone who is unsure about how this works:
>each piece has half the fused card on the back
>when the conditions are met, the pieces get exiled, the put back on the battlefield transformed as the creature on the back put together
>the fused creature behaves exactly the same as any other creature on the battlefield
>when it leaves play, the pieces go where the creature would go. If the fused creature goes to the graveyard, so do the pieces. the same with the hand, exile, and library(the owner chooses in which order the pieces are put)
>if the fused creature is blinked, the pieces return to the battlefield as their original pieces separated. However, since both pieces are there, they will likely fuse during the next combat or end step
>if one of the pieces is your commander(Gisela or Bruna), you may exile that card to your command zone as you would normally. This means as long as Gisela remains in your graveyard, you can fuse Gisela and Bruna back together by casting Bruna
And here we have a major shot in the arm for any Bruna deck. Let's hope legendary tutors become a white thing.
This was probably Gisela's idea, calling it now.
Bruna was always the better of the two anyways
I would assume that if I used Pic related, Gisela and Bruna would return?
There's only 3 meld cards? Lame.
This brings up a good point since they count as one creature how would Saffi work, when do they split into separate cards?
I think that's how it works
>shot in the arm
I literally just came from a thread where somebody just used this term. 2spooky
For a magic table, i think a horizontal version would have been better.
Imagine an epic scenery card with brisela ravaging innistrad rob alexander style.
Meld cards have the combined cmc of the 2 front cards
I don't think. After Brisela is put into the graveyard it doesn't exist anymore.
I think it works like if Brisela is a token, but when it stop existing for changing zone you put its components in that place instead.
These kinds of interactions will be clarified in the conference weeks. It could be Sufficient returns one creature, or no creatures, since Brussels doesn't exist in a graveyard.
Be patient, and we'll know soon enough.
They return to the battlefield separated
I hope they have thought about this because it's entirely possible to happen in standard.
If you blink them, they return unmelded, so they work nothing like Tokens.
>Turn 3-4 3/4 flyer that 2 for 1s you and has no protection.
But hey, you discarded 2 cards to draw a card turn 3 right?
Yeah user, because the entire set is already revealed! Retard
It's been stated.
Dat 8.
Dat X
Dat 2
>Calling others retard
the card draw is on cast, so at worst it's a 1-for-1
The Colour Out of Space!!!
Very nice flavor.
Where's the Good Hunter when you need them?
I know. I love it. She's on of my favorite commanders.
Yeah. It is a solid reference. I want more direct stuff like this. Innistrad was full of it.
Won't know for sure until we get the official rules, but up until now DFCs have reverted to their front face when they change zones and I'd be incredibly surprised if this changed.
Reminds me more of replicate than entwine. I wonder if there will be any really cheap escalate costs.
Is there a hunting horror yet?
Sideboard card for burn
Its more that they didn't specify the graveyard, but I'm assuming they both return.
There's fewer double-faced cards in this set, and since for whatever reason they decided to make both meld cards have backsides instead of just the one with the meld trigger it wouldn't be feasible to have any more wasted on the mechanic, especially with how niche meld is gonna be (unusable in limited and most constructed formats, but possibly playable in standard).
Hanweir's probably the only one that's well made... the mythic disparity with brisela is just going to artificially fuck with the prices and is a pretty annoying cash grab. Also since one of them is 7 cmc mana its very difficult to actually meld the cards together (you're not going to want too many brunas in your deck or you risk dead draws, but at the same time you need them for the meld).
Chittering host is just gambling, while the other two meld pairs range from good to very good when not melded, you have to waste eight slots on a 1B 2/1 with no effects and a shitty gravedigger in you deck somehow. It's way too much of an investment for constructed and is probably going to be about as effective as that caudron/hag/newt nonsense or the artifact scepter/crown/throne trio... i.e. nothing more than casual bait.
Neither of the Hanweir cards can be your general because they aren't legendary creatures, but you can make one of the angels your general and have the other one in your deck, and if you meld them they do commander damage.
"Combat damage dealt by Brisela counts for the Commander rule if either half is your commander."
The rats and the scavengers are commons, they can't be pushed too hard for constructed.
>Garrison isn't bad, Battlements isn't bad
This is actually much more important than the meld. Both components are playable in their own right, so you never need to rely on their other face as a reason to play it. What the meld does in this case is turn an early aggressive creature into a finisher, similar to the Level Up on cards like Guul Draz Assassin. It's entirely upside.
I can't wait for people to stop making these jokes. They've dogged the internet for far too long.
I was prepared to hate this set when Em was officially confirmed, but I have to say it's looking pretty interesting so far. Meld seems a bit lackluster since it seems to just be jamming abilities of two cards onto one which is easily removed, but if they explore it more thoroughly it may be pretty good even though it's high parisitism.
The desolation of hope and creeping dread as the world around you decays is ever present in the cards so far is is rather intoxicating and engaging,
You would assume wrong. Saffi does nothing to Brisela.
>Removal on the stack
>Sac Saffi, naming Brisela
>Brisela goes to the graveyard.
>Stops existing, Gisela and Bruna are in the grave.
>Saffi ability checks for Brisela, finds nothing named Brisela. Ability does nothing.