LINK is fucked
LINK is fucked
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people and companies that care about money want decentralization
>it was all just a dream
Nooooooooooooo, I don't want to wake up yet! NOT JUST YET!!
Oracles don't really need to be decentralized if the sources are providing them.
ChainLink is mostly useful for legacy systems not already implementing oracles.
Sorry I am emotionally attached to my linkies at this point
nice try fudding faggot.
this, also take note that blockchains are becoming oracles themselves, look at Cardano.
Let me guess, you didnt buy the dip huh? kek
you outsmarted sergey
Like fucking clockwork
>why wouldn't bloomberg set up their own nodes.
Because say Bloomberg wants to enter into complex financial agreements with X, Y and Z, and all 4 entities want the agreements executed trustlessly.
X, Y and Z are not going to be happy with Bloomberg using Bloomberg nodes. They wouldn't even enter into the agreement. Bloomberg pretending to use a decentralised oracle system while using their own in house network would be in bad faith and render the entire thing pointless.
The "why don't companies just set up their own nodes" argument shows a profound failure to understand what ChainLink is and does.
Solid fud. There's no denying this I guess. Well link will probably pump to some extent since almost all the coins in top20 are bullshit anyway. They'll hire some marketing people and sell off at like 10 or something. Ride with it
we've known this from virtually the beginning. it still won't stop link from skyrocketing out of the solar system.
>muh decentralisation
saved you fudders the key taps I know that's all you have
Link is going moon you pajeet
Because it's just fud to trick people who don't understand chainlink (which is a lot of people who own chainlink). To make that argument you have to have an understanding of why it's not a good argument so there's no point in arguing with someone who is only arguing in bad faith.
user, chainlink is needed between compinies, like u have company x, y, z, data flow has to be between them, why would x use y centralized local nodes, similarly Y would use others. its between the parties nigga, learn basics and then do fud
I understand Chainlink quite well. Please refute.
no one told you to dump your bags, pajeet.
Didn't that minibagels fag dump his bags close to ATL?
Yes and he spends all day in slack bitching.
For the record I own 10k and I'm not selling into the pump.
yes, and the only way to feel better is to fud all day and hope it doesnt go up. Why not just get back in, it's only up 2x from atl
LINK works with NEO too. NEO has no fees. LINK is used by the companies and sold to them very cheap or given freely from the 300mil they have in stock set aside for that purpose.
this fucking op retard does not even know what chainlink does? and fudding here with that minibagels , he is 24x7 fudder in the slack, i think he fud, accumulate dump his bags.
this fuck sold all his links and now pretentds like he is the smartass, I keep listening to others and you'll never make it, kek
Yep. He’s constantly hanging out in slack too despite not owning Link anymore. Trying so hard to affirm he made the right choice
This thread is summing up minibagels pretty well.
oh dude he does this on all the slacks he's in he buys the hype then bitches all the way down, you'd think he would learn.
y cant rory ban that minbagels fucker. is he busy with coal burning
I want to buy more at $0.16, op. Keep it coming. You can do it!
very well said user.
and this is definitely /thread because op is clearly a fudding faggot that doesnt even understand chainlink
Sergey even explained that in many interviews but fuders still think they know better then the founder
Thats why axa is trying to centralize bitcoin?
>Sergey even explained that in many interviews but fuders still think they know better then the founder
This. OP is a retard pajeet.
Tell me the difference boys from Bloomberg renting out 10000 nodes to you retards and Bloomberg running 10000 nodes themselves under the same SGX and ecosystem conditions.
Don't say stupid shit like who would trust bloomberg, why the fuck would they trust a fucking retard renting bloomberg's data?
This. The idea that I'd trust a random note operator over Bloomberg is fucking retarded, but let's assume I trusted literal Chinese scammers as much as a billion dollar company. If the faceless node operator (who may even be Bloomberg itself) lies to me, I have NO recourse. I can't sue him in court and even if I knew who it was they're probably out of US jurisdiction. Meanwhile Bloomberg has deep pockets and is actually, you know, a contactable entity.
The idea that banks are gonna trust their data to anonymous and probably malevolent actors over Bloomberg is insane.
ok so why are you executing a smart contract in the cloud to begin with in that case, and how doe the same argument not apply?
>If the faceless node operator (who may even be Bloomberg itself) lies to me, I have NO recourse.
Chainlink has systems to combat this put in place. The node stakes LINK when providing its service to you, if they scam you, they lose their staked LINK and it's sent to you automatically.
Not sure if it was ATL, more around 3000-4000 sats at the lowest if I remember right.
Incidentally, I'd like to know whether it's not possible to engineer a CL contract that is designed to fail, thus transferring to the malicious party the node's LINK reserves.
Please kys, FUDer
Only cucks like that youtube faggot
This is what we are explaining to them circa 6 months at least
But one thing about LINKies - you cant FUD them. Being fucked is their second home. So unironically that brick might go up some more.
500k around 9k sat range
1.3 million around 5-8k range
Thanks for buying my bags though
You just proved that there is no need for data providers to rent out data if they can stake LINK to prove they are actors in good faith dipshit.
Lol k. Don't kys when we moon well past $1
kek you're an idiot
When you have real money, you don't need to buy a lunchables amount of shitcoins and hoping they go 1000x to make enough to buy a used Mazda dipshit.
Using decentralized nodes is not only vastly superior in terms of security; but it will be vastly cheaper too.
Centralized nodes are only good for the provider since they get to put out less reliable data at whatever price they please.
While with Chainlink you get better and cheaper oracle computations because of the free market of competing nodes.
And the point is moot anyway; the EU is about to force banks to open up their APIs to third-party providers.
So whether institutions like it or not, decentralized Chainlink nodes are coming.
Pretty good. Wish I sold some above 9k. I sold my presale LINK in the 3-7k range (more on the low end, unfortunately).
I did keep some just in case, so today feels good.
K whatever you say. You sure seem angry tho :^}
Don't neck yourself when it dumps :^)
the cope is real
Im sick tired of explaining why CL solution matters and why it can't be replaced with pulling data directly from providers.
Just go fk urselves. You've had your chance to understand
I'm happy LINK is going up, but what is he coping over? He already made a ton off of LINK.
even if origin level data providers happen. No banks are going to trust one node pulling that data. You still need to decentralize. you cant get away from decentralization because oracles will always be there.
and what does cardano's oracles look like? Are they decentralized and would businesses be confident pulling from them?
you're fucking retarded lmao, the node operator doesn't see whats inside the agreement its all cloaked.
Another idiot who didn't see Sergeys devcon presentation.
Fud harder you enormous piece of shit. Cya when its 5$
that's only after SGX rollout
>Besides muh decentralisation
>Besides muh decentralisation
>Besides muh decentralisation
Holy fuck is this person retarded? That's like saying what makes Ethereum more valuable than a private smart contract executor. Does this person even understand why crypto is booming right now? Decentralisation IS what is valuable.
that is true
the blockchain is an oracle you fool, ever hear of interloping networks? First blockchain to have voluntary kyp hits all the standards required for a interloping network of blockchains.
what is this comment
because people want profit
very few investing this year have any commitment to bitcoin's ideology or decentralization, they're just following each other for money
like how most erc20s are scams, crypto still has very few legitimate uses and most companies will privatize as much as they can rather than use somebody else's service
You can’t just call facts “FUD”
you retard. why should anyone trust cardano's oracles? tell me
>fundamentally misunderstands how a decentralized oracle system reinforces honest data delivery
Oh.. It's retarded :(
the whole point of decentralization is its tamperproof aspect, you absolute dunce.
>why the fuck would they trust a fucking retard renting bloomberg's data?
this is like saying bitcoin is an unsafe payment system because random chinks are routing the transactions. jesus fuck, educate yourself.
This is why this will basically be the next bitcoin in terms of profits. Most people are too stupid to understand the value of it before it's long past mooning. Thank god for that, actually.
Ok but then just argue that all cryptos are fucked/meme/bullshit.
Within the world of crypto, LINK is one of the only projects that makes sense, IF crypto/blockchain/ethereum does take off and become a major part of life by 2025, then LINK will play a huge role in that.
Not fucking selling!
Hands off my LINK!
>listening to that fuckhead minibagels
Im FOMOing right now, should I just buy in now or hope it dips a bit?
Also fuck you, Rory. Tut-tutting me for swearing yet other assholes get away with it. You're a glorified school monitor. I'll eat your liver when Link moons. The last thing you'll see is me drinking your blood while you die, RORY!!! FUCK YOU RORY!
Honestly, it looks like its levelling out now. If you buy in enough you could make it go up even. The sell walls have been cleared now up until 3000 stats so it could well head there next before the news is out. Equally, it could fall ofc. I personally wouldn't put much hope in it coming down though, maybe wait for 30min? up to you.
It might be 15xc tomorrow for all I know. The fact there are no new sell walls and ppl trying to sell 'bags' they just bought means ppl are pretty bullish that it will go up and plan to hold at least until news it out later this month. There is a LOT of SIBOS stuff floating around and the smart contracts website is looking very bullish so...
I followed the arguements above but it all comes down to this. Anyone saying "well just used a centralized one huehuehue" doesn't understand the point of this market, movement and underlying ideology.
Further, even if it's not adopted by 2025, it will be huge in this space alone (which is already a very big market). It's still easily a top 25 market cap product, centralized alternatives aside.
abbandon ship, dont get joosted by rory and sergey