Board Game General /bgg/

Don't have any of the pasta but here goes anyways.

Board Game General!

>What have you been playing?
>What have you stopped playing?
>What have you recently bought?
>What are you looking forward to buying?

I'll go first:
Most recently been playing Harbour, a really nice small shipping game, works with two players but haven't tired it with more. Two player can be kind of mean with fucking up the market specifically for your opponent but it's still pretty fun. Also Five Tribes + expansion has been really fun.

>Stopped playing
Recently have slowed down on Ascension. I have every expansion except the most recent Dreamscape one and I think I might be done. It was the game that got me and my friends into board gaming from Magic but it doesn't have the same level of excitement that it once held. Giving it a break to see how I feel about it after a while.

Just bought a bunch of games for the summer, some titles I've been really excited for, namely Istanbul, Sushi Go Party, and 7 Wonders Duel. I also picked up Lords of Waterdeep+Skullport expansion as a lightweight worker placement game that can work as an introduction.

>Looking forward to
Probably not buying more games that the above for a while, although I am interested in Codenames: Pictures and Arkwright, and we'ill see if Scoville: Labs is enough to get me into the game itself.

Other urls found in this thread:

tabletop simulator is on sale on steam. Anyone ever use it? Worth 10 dollars?

anyone played death angel? it seems really neat, but it's the one I'm least confident about

I don't have it, but it hasn't been under $10 since christmas sale 2014 which was when it was still in early access and $15. doesn't look like it'll go under $10 anytime soon

Automobile by AEG is one of the most thematic games I've played.
That is, it's boring bullshit until the last two laps, then becomes INTENSE.

My copy came in. I'm super pumped.
I severely underestimated the size of the expanded board though. I'm not sure if I'll ever have space to set that one up with all players

>tfw no shipping info yet

>tfw don't have time or friends to play heavier games

be strong brother. Pray for lack of postal strikes.

I hadn't heard about the Canada Post strike until the update, then they added that they shipped my region last. You should get your delivery before the strike, probably. It shipped last wednesday then had to sit in the sorting office over the weekend.
I got the delivery notification at 10 this morning while I was at work. Text my roommate to bring it inside.
>I just missed him bro,
wut? You missed him dropping off the box? Where is game?
>There's no package here
>oh wait, it's inside the screen door

Stoner roommates are the worst.

I'm not Canadian, so I ought to be fine with regards to the strike. American folks are getting shipping info, though.

Catan: Star Trek (gf likes it and I'm a Star Trek fanboy, Love Letter, Dungeonquest (though I'm not sure about this last one - the combat system is frankly bizarre).

>Stopped playing
Cards Against Humanity. Though strictly speaking that isn't true: trying to keep it to once a year when the family wants to play.

Just picked up Dungeonquest, Deathwatch: Overkill, Mission: Red Planet, Letters from Whitechapel, Siege (aka: Weapons and Warriors to non-Canadians), and Heroquest.

>Looking forward to
Nothing specifically. Though my wish list includes Mice and Mystics, Warhammer: Forbidden Stars, and On Her Majesty's Service.


Wait, so is that the big side or the small side?

when's the troyes reprint coming out?

that's with the extension. You can see one of the little clips on the bottom right edge. I think the clips are to narrow personally, should have gone for a broader clip to grab both pieces better.

I took some more photo's now that it's dark out so I'm not getting completely blown out.
Please excuse the unsaturated camera phone.

Wait, that store... is that Faraos' Cigarer?

I just checked in on it before making my most recent purchase. it was supposed to be by the end of june, but it's delayed until around august now.

yeah, I heard about the delay. Thanks for that.

death angel is pretty neat. Bought it on a whim years ago and I've gotten my moneys-worth. Couple things though, the rulebook is reaaally bad, and the game can be very difficult. Its going to feel like you just get unlucky and get dicked near the start at times. On the plus side is quite the tense little game and somehow manages to capture the feel of 'I am a space marine being stalked by alien killing machines' very well despite just being a little card game.

I'd recommend to any 40k fans assuredly, other sci-fi fans can certainly love it. Others may have to get through the muddy rulebook and get 2 games under their belt before it clicks and they start liking it.

Friday: Bohnanza with my compadres. Witnessed a great faceoff between my friend and his gf because he conspired with another friend to take the last cocoa bean (she had the other 3), even though it was worthless alone. His face when he realized he actually pissed her off was priceless

At Sunday's Meetup:
Sushi Go. Three way tie for second, the newbie creamed us all

Patchwork. Taught this to one of the guys who's always playing social/party games. It was only my second play, and I realized that if the opponent doesn't pick up income patches early, you're going to dominate. There's some delicate balances in this game and I guess he was too focused on laying tiles neatly to watch his time usage/income. He enjoyed it though

The King Is Dead: played this 3p with my favorite power couple. We were all enthralled with the simplicity and pure strategy of it. That said, it's practically "tiebreakers: the game." Might have just been me, but the whole game I was thinking "how do I fare in a tie?" instead of "how do I win?" The win con even changes if there are too many tied rounds, and the tiebreakers are replaced too. I'm still very enamored with it, can't wait for my next play

Dominion: 3p game with Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Adventures, and Empires, including a couple Landmarks (because I begged them to let me include them... and I begged them to let me teach Dominion because it rarely sees play)
>Stopped playing
Um, I narrowly escaped a game of Nippon Sunday. I liked my one play of it a couple months ago, but due in no small part to the other players, who, like me, shouted obscenities when their minds were full of fuck
>Recently bought
Not since last general. I figure I'll mention that I've been working on a custom version of OOP German-only game Neue Heimat. It's a screw-over-your-neighbors real estate bidding game. Pics when it's done
>Looking forward to
Innovation Deluxe
Grizzled expansion
A Feast for Odin

I'm playing dungeonquest 3ed solo, using home brewed battle system.

It's always fun.

>tfw no shipping info + a store a couple of states over received their group pledge last week

New question
>Have you ever introduced a new game to your group that stopped them playing another game?
To clarify, something that is (subjective to your group at least) completely superior. Put another way, it scratches all the itches the other game does only better.

I found this with Secret Hitler and The Resistance. SH is just all round a better game. Haven't seen it with anything else though, everything else manages to maintain its niche. Though I'm unlikely to get anything that overlaps too much anyway.

Maybe it's just a time thing. I got The Resistance before SH came out and probably wouldn't have if SH had existed then. I wonder how many other games I have might be completely supplanted in the future?

Can you tell us about your battle system? I also have dungeon quest, I dislike the included combat rules intensely.

>Starcraft box I won on eBay arrived.
>Second hand because fuck paying >$300 for shrinkwrap.
>Paid $90 plus shipping
>Nervous as fuck
>Seller seemed to have no idea what condition the game was in
>Open the box... surprise!
>Brood Wars + Typhon included
>No box for the expansion
>I'm still very much OK with this
>All complete and in pretty good shape, except for a couple of frayed connectors, a snapped flier base and a single missing resource token

Great buy there user! You can almost certainly find replacements for the flier bases - I'm not sure if the GW flier bases for ship from Battlefleet Gothic would work, but I'll be they'll be close enough even if not perfect.


First off I've done a couple different solo styles of play.

I've tried playing one character, two characters, and three characters, but probably the easiest yet challenging is one character with the opportunity to rescue a killed characters loot with another character entering the revealed dungeon and so on until the timer runs out, or if a character gets some treasure out even if the first or even second character gets killed along the way.

Anyway, there are 2 kinds of encounters, threats and monsters.

I have a save system in place to deal with threats, it's a dice off between your character and the threat using poker dice. If you make a better hand you avoid the threat, but if not you take one damage and then resolve the threat (some threats can be resolved with no damage so it's the players choice whether to try and use the avoid system, and it adds some action than just roll the die and take the damage)

The monster system is based on the premise that monsters should not outright kill the character on its first encounter, and the battle card system is just strange. The classic system is also too simple for my tastes, but it can speed up game play,

For initiative I use the rules in the book, doing skill checks for the first attack, if I'm playing hardcore I take a wound if I lose this check.

For the battle I use 2d6 while allowing for certain actions on 2 - 2 wounds to the attacker, 3 - free counter attack, 11 - 1 wound to opponent with a critical check being optional, and 12 - a critical wound of 2 to the opponent. Any natural 7 equals a hit as well. And monsters are given a dice rating ala games workshop games

Skeleton is +3, sorcerer +4, troll +5, golem and demon +6. So in addition to the above as long as you have at least one of those numbers or greater you'll score the ooportunity to hit.

For my own funs sake, I've added a critical check which incorporates 3 d6 dice from a different game, but here a table you can use

1 - miss
2 - counter
3 - counter
4 - hit
5 - hit
6 - critical

Roll 3d6, as long as one die shows a hit or greater the opponent takes one wound, 2 criticals, cause 2 wounds, all counters earns the opposition a fee counter attack, and finally a mixture of counters and misses means a miss with no wounds delievered.

It sounds complex but is pretty straight forward.

You can also add the escape system to encounters with monsters at a 1 wound penalty for failure as well as the loss of initiative. It's actually ok if the character dies if you are playing the "rescue" variant I mentioned. It's a race against time and some times reaching the dead character requires a jaunt through the catacombs.

I do have something typed out, but the frame work of escape attempt (optional), initiative skill check, random selection of monster HP, dice to hit, if hit dice crit check flows pretty well.

I like the added dimension of counter attacks the best, and the incorporation of critical hits works both ways.

The dice game is also fun when playing two player as it gives the monster more action than the classic system.

Thanks for reading...

Oh, yeah and from the monsters perspective, the heroes are +6 or natural 7 to score a chance to hit using the crictal check. They use the same 2, 3, 11, 12 dice roll specials I described earlier as well.

Nada, everyone's on vacation so been working on side projects
>Stopped playing
Star Realms is starting to lose it's appeal, maybe too much time on the digital copies burned it out
Parents just came back from 2 weeks in the middle of french wine country, brought me the Iello version of For Sale. The art is wonderful and reminiscent of Dr Seuss
>Looking forward to
Finishing the Dawn Patrol map I've been working on, Gencon, waiting on the retail Santorini to see how the molds turned out
>that pic
Man I would kill for a game store that actually stocked games, I've got 3 locally, and the only one that isn't toxic has a pitiful section of actual board games

Thunder Alley is a better race game, but Automobiles/Trains are really nice alternatives to standard deckbuilding; just make sure to avoid Planes by AEG, that one ruins their "trilogy"

>What have you been playing?
Last game I played was 221B Baker Street - 1975 edition, as I recall. Everybody got kinda bored, but we agreed the concept was solid. After that, "I Hate This Game!", which was definitely fun... just not sure I'd play it again. Kinda Munchkiny, if you get my drift.
>What have you stopped playing?
Games in general. Work usually coincides with game nights these days, but I might be able to get some gaming in one of these weekends.
>What have you recently bought?
Good Cop Bad Cop, Medieval Academy, WWE Superstar Showdown, Maximum Throwdown, Dodekka and some little games to entice the family.
>What are you looking forward to buying?
Might finally pull the trigger on Corto... I just hope that Brexit hasn't fucked up the shipping prices too much.

I play 40k, flames of war and a few other miniatures based games. My GF really wants to be involved in "gamming" but she doesn't want to learn all the rules for those games, so I suggested maybe we play a board game together with a few friends. What's a good casual game to play with your lady friend and a couple mates while having pizza and beer. She likes Risk, taught her that last week.

>Iello version of For Sale
>Just hope Brexit hasn't fucked up shipping prices
Too soon for that but I bet it's coming
Pic related (there's a more updated one this is just what I have)

What worked for me to get my wife into board games was Pandemic , Machi Koro, Dixit and after that Lords of Waterdeep.


It's been a game that I've wanted but refused to buy because of how shit E-G has been on their releases the last couple years, though I do feel like the cardboard coins are a little small. Still I'm already planning on having them search out the Diamant reprint when they go back over next summer.

Last revision I did about a month back

I've been playing so much fucking Codenames. I kinda want to stop introducing it to people because then they just keep clammering to play it

I feel you bro, it is happening to me with Lords of Waterdeep.
Also, last time we played Codenames we had a huge fight, fucking game.

I'm 90% Codenames will cause my sister and her husband to divorce

>How did you not know? It is fucking obvious!
>Well, it isn't so OBVIOUS to me
>Ugh, you are so stupid for not remembering that in this movie, in this specific scene it shows X. I thought that you loved this movie as much as I did.

Also, in the Steam sale there are a few digital boardgames on sale, like Gremlins Inc and Armello (although Armello's "only" 25% off, and from what I understand it's not good enough to pull the trigger, even at that discount)
Weeeelll, odds are the referendum won't get passed by Parliament; these things rarely are in Europe, it's just that everyone threw a shitfit because they expected the majority of voters to not be stupid. Apologies if this derails the thread.


Well there's a surprise. Referendum's going to go through because otherwise you're going to have rioting and worse.

Come back when you've grown up a bit boyo and you can thank the "stupid" people who voted correctly when you're not getting fucked in the arse by mussie dick or beheaded for being a flaming faggot.

>What have you been playing?
Warhammer Quest Silver Tower is hitting the table a bit. Other than that we like playing different stuff every time so been playing lots of stuff. Dream factory, Steam Park, Ascension, Thebes, Camp Grizzly...
>What have you stopped playing?
Sold quite a few games because they werent played anymore : Legends of Andor, Innovation, A Touch of Evil, Scotland Yard, Terror on Meeple City, Legendary Marvel... And a few others I can't think of right now.
>What have you recently bought?
Well, getting into Warhammer Quest got me into ordering an Age of Sigmar boxset since both game can seed each other.. R.I.P. Wallet.
Also bought the expansion to Mysterium as well as Prodigal's Club.
>What are you looking forward to buying?
Well, I'm waiting on MORE info on it but I really want Last Friday to be good. Please be good. Camp Grizzly is a great Friday the 13th style game but I NEED MORE.
Legendary Alien expansion too I guess ? But I'm afraid it's just going to be the "predator pvp" mode but tailor made for the Aliens...

No, referendum's not going to go because otherwise we're going to have another fucking recession, just like every economist in this country told you would happen. I mean, that's your answer - do as we say or we commit violence? And don't pull that "It'll be worth it! If we keep stabbing our dicks, our dicks will become stab-proof in a few year's time!" - that argument's called the gambler's fallacy for a reason. Oh, and we'll still get migrants

Anyway, what's everyone's favourite eurogame? I love Carcassonne, myself; easy to learn, easy to teach, and a considerable amount of strategy in the base game alone

*go through

*stil get migrants, because we're still part of the free trade area, dipshit.

Also, why would the Muslim be buggering me if he hates homosexuals so much?

From another thread a couple of days ago.
Is D&D attack wing dead? I haven't heard a thing from Wizkids in the last time about the game and I feel interested in buy a core but without new waves comming out I kinda don't know if I want now.

> I kinda don't know if I want now.
> Wizkids
If you haven't realized by now, I have bad news for you.

you're not implying what I think you're implying

>invest a bunch of money in the dark souls ks

Twilight Struggle for -40%
I got it and lost (wrecked) by timelimit in my first online game...
>you're not implying what I think you're implying
You, too, are contradicting yourself
Here's your (You)

>What have you been playing?
Kemet. Desent and Marvel Legendary at work with the kids.
>What have you stopped playing?
Alchemist, once was enough.
>What have you recently bought?
>What are you looking forward to buying?
Hero Realm, Sushi Go Party, 51st State. Looking forward to 7th Continent.

Couple of games of Puerto Rico in the last couple weeks and one Mansions of Madness with a keeper that "forgets" rules. Some Bang! Dice, Coup and Biblios while waiting for people to arrive.
>stopped playing
Yeh, well... our group isn't consistent enough to really get over a game. We've played a lot of games once and just a few have gotten replays. A friend won't bring up Catan every gaming session anymore, so that's probably it.
>recent purchases
Tigris & Euphrates, Letters from Whitechapel, Saboteur and >plan to buy
I want Dominant Species, Twilight Struggle, Russian Railroads, Xia, Dungeon Petz, Broom Service, Virgin Queen, Jaipur, Targi, Brass, TI3 expansions, and a lot of other stuff but it's all gonna have to wait til my wallet recovers.

Hi, my name is user and I have a gaming problem.

>Here's your (You)
I, in conjunction with my LCS, put a load of money in the wholesale DS KS stuff. I project a $200 loss before profits.

no game night for two weeks now, before that we were playing a lot of Valley of the Kings. Not sure why but we all love that game.

>Stopped playing
I think we've played out Love Letter and Coup for the time being, haven't had a game of Eldritch Horror in a while either.

Just bought some more netrunner and x-wing, because my wallet is evil and must be punished

>Looking forward to
Playing anything at this point

investing is a risky business user.

I'll still make money but not as much as I'd like.
Ah, well.

Hey guys, I'm going to have a huge board game binge soon. I need some help though.

I'm looking for board games/card games/miniatures that are:

Related to Dinosaurs and Giant Monster/Kaiju
Space/Space Exploration/Space Colonization


Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon styled.
Someone already told me Caverna, and I'm checking that out.

King of Tokyo/New York and Terror in Meeple City are the only Kaiju games I know of.

Epic Tiny Galaxies for Space/Space colonization category
Kaiju King of New York

caverna fits in between harvest moon and rune factory. you might want to look into agricola for purely harvest moon

roll for the galaxy is my favorite space game, although it might not be exactly what you'er looking for

evolution might scratch that dinosaur itch

>caverna fits in between harvest moon and rune factory
it does have waifus? this is an important question.

Gonna check out King of Tokyo/New York. Main differences?
Epic Tiny Galaxies sounds interesting.
Someone told me that Caverna is basically everything that Agricola is, but upgraded/improved with a few more features. So I went with Caverna.

>King of Tokyo/New York. Main differences?
Tokyo is New York with stupid bullshit attached.
The true kaiju game is Rampage/Terror in Meeple City though.

a little correction thou.
Is Tiny Epic Galaxies. really fun in group. somewhat short but consistent enough all in such a tiny box.

nope. you can have kids, but you're just gaining another worker. no romancing waifus. I honestly can't think of any game that has that.

people are split over whether they like caverna or agricola more. they're both fine games, but I'd recommend looking into both for yourself.

>nope. you can have kids, but you're just gaining another worker. no romancing waifus. I honestly can't think of any game that has that.

>people are split over whether they like caverna or agricola more. they're both fine games, but I'd recommend looking into both for yourself.
Both are pale shadows of Ora & Labora.

Rampage/Terror in Meeple City seems to be somewhat rare at GenCon.
I'm looking at testing out games at GenCon before I start buying and doing the board game binges with friends.

Didn't say that upthread.

I'm a different user.

How dare you just hijack my questioning.

Nah, it's cool. I don't know what GenCon is but if it's anything like Origins they should have these games there.

>you both want to do board game binges
Did you just steal his wording too or am I being trolled

What about airship games

The one where players take turn captaining the ship, forget the name.

You can play a Tanto Cuore minigame on the side for the waifuing


Thanks senpai.

Hey, I know that store! Wandering Dragon in... don't know the town, but it's in Illinois. Place is cool as fuck, but sadly a while away from me.

Also, anyone know if the X-Files boardgame is any good? Huge fan of the show, figured it'd be good to grab the game if it's worth it.

Havent played it but from seeing a couple reviews it appears to be REALLY LIGHT, but not bad overall.

If you're ok with that, you might like it.

I know it's a meme but I think you'd be remiss to not include Settlers. Yes, it's not amazing but it's still very good for casuals to get a feel for board games

Say, I want to play A Game of Thrones Card Game 2nd edition, but don't want to go all in and buy everything. If would be willing to get the core set and either two small or the large expansion. Which ones would you recommend?

That's just it - it's popular, but 20 years later the games in that list are still better options than Catan. Catan, Monopoly, or any other game that has the winners or losers determined by dice rolls to such an extent that strategy and skill takes a back seat to the dice isn't really introducing players to good modern board gaming.

By "every economist in the country" you mean the media, which people are increasingly growing distrustful of due to the very anti-populist sentiments that you echo.

Face it, Brexit represented a popular revolt by working-class against the way things are heading. It's a statement that current conditions are unbearable. If Parliament goes against the democratic will and denies Brexit (I doubt it will), it's horribly naive to think that the reaction won't be even more extreme.

Board games. Sorry.

The EU is a fucking failed project.
It changed from being about tarifs and trade to controlling everything every country in the EU does. They want to become a singular super state and have a war against Russia basically.

Fuck the EU.

Brits were willing to sacrifice a little bit of economic power for safety over the long run. Enough with the bullshit of being told what to do by other countries.

That Minifig guy doesn't understand how tough Britain's actual immigration laws are compared to what the EU was forcing upon them, because he's so fucking used to the last 40 years being all about the EU.

7 Wonders Duel is an amazing game.

I've played 10 games or so with my girlfriend so far. Every game was so different due to the multiple paths to victory.

I can't wait for them to introduce expansions for this game.

It doesn't get demo'd often anymore, and worse the Asmodee/DoW/Queen/etc booth changed to the FFG format last year so you're gonna want to avoid that like the plague, total time waster. Not the best flicking game (Pitchcar/Flick em Up), but still very solid if you enjoy dexterity.

Gencon is Origins (x4-5) but the previews have become releases and there's only 50 copies for sale each day so you'll never get them. It's also got more of a vendor feel to it than being about playing games, but that's just due to size; smaller cons are much more intimate and feel like you're there just to play.

I've thought about it a lot, but I can't bring myself to add it. For one it's already known outside the hobby, and as said it's also not a great game. The list is also something like 80-90% games my wife asks me to play with her, or will recommend to her friends to try out with their spouses. the rest are things people immediately respond to here at /bgg/ when asked for recs.

Plus, Catan doesn't really work for 2 players unless each takes 2 colors.

And even then, trading would have to be isolated, so a player had to trade only with the opponent, and both hands of cards kept independent. Not really practical.

Also true, but in the last revision I did add some really good couples games (Witness is too much fun to leave off a list like this). Still I wouldn't add Catan because it's not been fun for either me or the wife, and I've already reached the limit on games I dislike but recommend on that pic.

Happy to hear it, just bought it for myself and the gf. I was initially worried it would be too cutthroat and mean but I figure in a 1v1 game that's pretty acceptable.

Anyone have experience teaching 7 Wonders to new people? Just got the game today and am thinking of introducing a couple of my non-gamer buds in a couple days.

Easy peasy, my friends got the basic mechanics in 2 rounds, and started plotting sound strategies by the second game.

Get a hand of 7 cards, everyone plays *ONE* simultaneously to
1.- build stuff
2.- discard to build your wonder
3.- sell for gold
Pass hand to the right on phases I and III, to the left on phase II.
Repeat until you have 1 card in your hand, discard that, tally military points and proceed to the next phase.

Cards are divided by colors:
brown resources and grey goods (pay for buildings)
red military (gets you points if your might is greater than your neighbor's)
green science (build sets for VPs at game end)
yellow commerce (discounts when trading and so on)
blue whatevers (VPs ate game end)
purple guilds (built on phase III, various effects for VPs, often depend on what your neighbors built)

Cost to build these are on each card, you may build for free if you have the pre-req buildings.
Build your wonder for extra VPs and effects,
Keep cheat sheet nearby while you familiarize yourselves with iconography and misc card effects.

>discard to build your wonder
paying the construction costs obviously

Resources aren't used up, they don't disappear when building something and you can use them *ONCE* every turn.

Trading is done with your immediate neighbors, you pay them 2 gold for a resource they have, they can't refuse. Again, resources aren't used up and are available for both players in any given turn, provided they're paid for. Commerce cards will reduce the cost for a resource on the card to a minimum of 1. You can't use resources from a card that has been played on that turn.

>pro-Brexit economits say Brexit won't fuck everything up


Seriously, every claim that Brexit politicians made turned out to be bullshit e.g. that £350 mill we were TOTALLY going to get for the NHS. If we actually go through with this shit (NOBODY in parliament wants it, aside from UKIP, 10 guys in Labour and the lying chodes who fed you bullshit about how immigrants would eat your babies
We don't have a strong enough economy to deal with leaving the EU - the only reason Norway doesn't have to join is because they have a shitload of oil. We've already lost twenty BILLION pounds, which is a hell of a lot more than we could've saved if we talked this shit out
Yes, I am used to having security and international cooperation and a healthy economy that doesn't have to worry about the possibility of yet another recession. Thanks for noticing.

... So, favourite eurogame? Anyone?

*eat your babies) then the £ will skip again

My fave Eurogame is probably Suburbia. If you want a game that actually comes from europe... Hmmm Shogun/Wallenstein ?

play continues til phase III ends, points are counted in the following order
>accumulated military tokens, (awarded at each phase's end for each weaker neighbor, worth 1 VP in age I, 3 VP in age II, 5 VP in age III. -1 VP for each stronger neighbor,)
>1VP for every 3 gold left over
>wonder construction VP, (not awarded if not constructed, duh)
>blue card VP
>yellow card VP
>purple guild cards (VPs vary per card, most depend on what your neighbors builtm so build accordingly)
>science stuff (VPs awarded by same icon sets, 1 card= 1*1, 2 cards=2*2, 3 cards=3*3. 4 cards=4*4 and so on)
>add shit up for VP total

forgot, at higher player counts there are some duplicate buildings, you're NOT allowed to build the same building twice

>We've already lost twenty BILLION pounds

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty positive that literally nothing has changed yet in regards to policy. Any money lost is based 100% on people panicking in the market rather than actual consequences of Brexit.

I'm not saying Brexit wasn't retarded, but the immediate consequences aren't consequences of policy, they're consequences of everyone collectively losing their shit and panic-selling. You could say that's a consequence of Brexit, and it is, but it's not exactly due to anything AT ALL changing between Britain and the EU in terms of economics. That stuff's still being renegotiated.

Hit up board game geek's web site and look at the player aids. There are some good ones you can download that can help teach / help new players understand the game more easily. Make sure to worn them about how technology sets are victory point *multipliers* and don't just add.