Be honest, how many of you are literal pajeets?
Be honest, how many of you are literal pajeets?
>expecting Pajeet to be honest
I sometimes larp as one. Does that count?
im indian american
the mutt memes are real
pajeets are the filthiest and most treacherous creatures under the sun
at least kikes aren't shitskins
I'm a pajeet from Belize. Does that count?
You’re a foreign invader and I’ll never consider us countrymen.
>You’re a foreign invader
But what about the American Indians?
Not me sir.
No sir.
Please buy iota sir.
I'm literally Indian, Punjabi. Parents are Sikh. 26 btc
Pajeet from Suriname here
what about the influx of pajeet doctors. i've been seeing them everywhere.
enjoy living a life of pointless hatred to distract yourself from your own crippling insecurities.
Does arab count as pajeet?
Please say no
nice dude, but when did you buy in?
The go to lib reply for the past decade. Truly soulless husks.
>I'm such a fucking new retard
today I had lunch next to a pajeet. software firm, outsourcing to pajeetaland, sometimes they come here for knowledge. this paj was eating his rice with his bare hand.
I cannot understand a fuckin word
what they are saying in English, and they are fucking dumb as well.
They look really beta as well, like they knew they are inferior.
What about them? Next you’re going to ask me what about the buffalo or what about the open mouth bass? Because that’s how significant they are.
Those are Hindus and south Indians. No one like them, they drink cow pee
Probably fake. I wouldn’t trust a street shitting doctor if my life depended on it.
>muh pointless hatred
Race is a biological fact. Just because racial biology is unpopular doesn't mean it's not real.
Real pajeet here.
Why does everyone here hate Indians so much?
hi dear, pls remove cloth
yikes. not bad, but damn thats a lot to buy in on.
Anyone else curious?
hello show vagina
i may be a pajeet but ive made more money than all you linktard brainlet cleetuses in this thread
You mean you're a pajeet?
I can't make fun of pajeets, because a lot of them are smart and I've worked under a lot of them.
Over past 3-4 yrs, i've worked under 3 pajeets.
such is life.. sigh...
i have a few pajeet friends at university and their entire goal in life is fucking a blonde white bitch which is pretty pathetic considering ive fucked about 4 of them. Is this every pajeets goal once they /make it/
arab here hey at least 'm not a fucking pajeet
Ha ha ha no my fren, i am USA too
Indians are really cool though, you should not call them "Pajeet" ok?
How much money have you made, fellow American Indian
Filipino with 25% Tamil blood.
North Indians. FTFY.
filipino is worse than mexican
t. Drug Dealer
Pureblood berber
IOTA at 100€ inchallah brothers
what about me, a Korean American?
im a pajeet
show bobs
>don't assimilate whatsoever
>be rude to everyone who is not Indian
ask in a "chancoin" thread
im sure that is every males goal. blondes are the best anons.
넌 암이야 pajeet보다 worse이야.
why do you dirty usa inbreds hate hardworking indian american like me? i started 3 desi hut indian cuisine in my county and make more money than all you dirty burger eaters put together. fuck you
Because they use this board as their designated shitting street.
Daily reminder if you are a hyphenated American then you aren't American you are a dupe for the globalists.
they shill shit coins non-stop
Dat bih ugly son like fat black woman tier
Yo do you happen to shitpost on Twitter? Brown Twitter by any chance
we're all pajeets
this is the designated shitting board.
Hello Sir.
I's my 18th birthday and this is my first ever post on /bizchan/
Can I get birthday money?
Am very poor today of all day would like be needing presents my country poor two. Little but goes big bit
Pls God blessings
Milk truck just arrived.
twitter always bans me for being an antisemite
gas the pajeets.