If you had to name your group Veeky Forums, what would it be?
If you had to name your group Veeky Forums, what would it be?
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Friday Game.
Saturday Game.
Autism Name.
Someone else in my group came up with this, but we're the Esoteric Order of Facepalm.
Booze and stupidity.
"Are you winning, son?"
Killteam "Not our job".
Institute of Black Magic.
The Young Jacobins.
the battlescrub murderhobos
The fat five.
My party presently is named Faldar's Aegis, Ghost of Gravepact, Traversers of the Stonethrow, Finders of Blue Ice, Friends of the Dwarves, Slayers of the Demon Cult, Slayers of the Otugyh, Defenders of House Armiis, Confounders of the Empire, Travelers of the Razor Sea, Defeaters of Pirates, Masters of Zagyg;s Maze, Destroyers of Aboleths.
We add a new title every time they do something cool.
My group is called "my friends". Boring, but accurate.
The pirates that cannot into boats
sounds like there's a story there, i'm imagining a string of failed checks
The Manson Family Muppet Babies.
the dumbest murderhobos "alive"
ADHD & the Infinite Derailment
"Ragtag Bunch of Misfits."
"Everything was Going Well Until we let the One Guy GM and it Sucked so Bad No One Wants to Play Anymore: The Group"
We're the lot of the hydra wich is a name we chose after our second roleplaying session back in highschool. Some smart cookie tried in-group meme magic to make it the drakkar's company but it got defused.
It sometimes confuses our other friends when we call ourselves hydras among ourselves.
If I had to devise this name today, it would seem too cringy but we've been sticking with it since the start and we're not changing it, whatever funny joke you can make viral valentin.
"you know, a lot of this games plot has sorta been our fault"
Wine Club
That's the name given by the husband of our host. It's what will be the name till the end of time.
Wine Club hoooooooooooooooo!
I mostly just call them Fort Asshole because they RUIN EVERYTHING.
But in a pretty entertaining way, at least.
The broken doors
>If you had to name your group Veeky Forums, what would it be?
The Aristocrats.
The Loophole Circumference.
The Swindle Stoners.
The Canine Katana Squad.
The Spiked Dice.
The Fat Gentlemen Bastards.
The Aggressive Bee.
Princesses, fey, and/u/boating Inc.
The Three Muskafucks.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Those murderhobos who totally do not wish to kill eachother to take their stuff.
Four assholes and their friend Matt
"The Improbables."
Kek, First post is best post.
Clusterfucks if I'm being fair, We shouldn't work but it works.
Suicide Squad
We fought a lich when we could have peaced the fuck out, but nooooo the ranger just had to give a shit about the citizens in a town and I was the only one who wasn't convinced to help. But group ruled in favor to help the town and we slayed him.
"Somehow Still Together"
I would name it Veeky Forums because you just told me that I had to.
Boys will be boys
nothing the team.
consisting of no one and no one.
Clan Catter Cat, because that's what one of the players named us. It's stupid and I love it.
I'd call it, "Alec, why the fuck are you late again?"
The Autizards
I'd play
The ロル プレーエルス!
Sunday, sunshine, sun gods, and somebody dying.
The shoe gluers.
Acquisitions Inc.
The PTSD Rollercoaster.
Alot of those just sound like you didn't really accomplish anything, but didn't want to go a session without adding to the name.
Desperate measures mercenary company
Not as accurate as you think, friend.
"A bunch of foreign gays"
This guy.
Played a short PF campaign where we all started in jail, so there was a requirement of breaking the law or pissing off a noble or the like. Most of the group got a little creative with their list of crimes, so I started calling the group The Aristocrats. Didn't get the chance to make the joke in-character, unfortunately.
Sounds kinda like Bastard Bonds.
The Faggots
The Emperor's Rejects
The Space Pikeys.
We're the Cocksuckers, we should form a megagroup.
Niggaz Wit Attitudes
You're out of the group Wil.
The Shit Crew. Everyday, we're either absolute shit at everything we do, or we're the shit at everything we do.
The Furfags
Because the last time any of us played a normal human character or non-furred, non-scaled humanoid was last November, and even then, that was a rare sight to behold
Catastrophic Mistake.
The Pathfinder party I DM for named themselves The Association of Venturing Entrepreneurial Ne'er-do-wells and Gentlepersons Exceptionally Rendered Services.
The A.V.E.N.G.E.R.S.
I hate them so much for that.
Wil didn't get kicked out, he quit. He decided to stop being friends with Scott because I guess Scott was a negative influence on his life or something melodramatic and blog-ey like that.
In a sadly now dead looking Warbirds game, we hit on the idea of making each player's callsign the name of a different tarot card, and name our wing "The Reaper's Hand"
Cheesy and kinda stupid, but it was a cheesy pulp action setting, so it worked. Was fun getting everyone to pick what card they were.
The Stupid Faggot Brigade.
Booty Man and the Booties.
The Chronic Fuckups
The Band of Salty Butthurt Faggots
The Band of Merry Friends
Too bad they are none of those things
Big Rick.
The court of the salt kingdom.
Collateral Damage
Guess how we got that name!
Allah and the akbars
user and The Fuckwits
The fuck shit stack
Failure to Launch.
They've had over a month to make characters and I'm still the only person to have actually finished one and shown it to the GM.
My party calls themselves Team Mighty Morphin' Turbo Wild Force Jungle Fury Ninja Storm.
The Human League.
Me and my girlfriend.
I have no friends.
Pack of Fags
I got to thinking about that and itd be hard. Two players started a guild and a lot of pcs join that. Several pcs are members of the town guard. I wrote in a noble family (with the GM's ok) which a couple of pcs have become affiliated with. So we've got three groups with three different attitudes about how to handle things that require a more complex answer than "kill it and steal its stuff."
I'd probably have to call us CRC. Challenge Rating Challenged. Our gm says she gave up balancing encounters because no matter how high she scales it we don't die. The last session she had 5 or 6 pcs leveled around level 6 wake up in the middle of the night to the alarm bell. They grabbed weapons but none of them stopped to put on anything more than underwear (if that) and ran out. They see something flying in the distance and decide to charge it to fight it outside of the town. It's a pitfiend which I was told is cr 20, as well as a recurring succubus villain who had 6 levels in rogue on top of default stuff making it mid range cr. All in all a very very high cr encounter for a party that had no armor or equipment, and half of whom were melee with no way to fly up to fight.
One person was knocked unconscious. That's it.
Inter-Dimensional Murder Hobos.
They would be called "The company of the stump". Stump as te remains of achopped off hand. Where we are from calling someone "manco" (one-handed) it's like calling them a failuer (due to the lack of decterity derived from having just one hand); and oh boy do my group fails everything they plan.
I love this.
The Band of Too Many Game Nights.
We've been the same group (with minor variations here and there) for 9 years. And now we're running 3 different games three nights a week, and the friday slot will soon start alternating with a fourth game. All different systems and GM's but damn if the group dynamic isn't getting stale.
I wouldn't name my group Veeky Forums. There are much better names.
Use commas
Was pretty neat, each card fit the character well.
The Tower was the ground attack pilot, herald of ruin and great destruction.
The Moon was the deadly close combat ace who specialized in ambush tactics, paranoia, fear and stealth.
Wing leader was Death, somber and watchful with a heavy burden and terrible power.
So on and so forth.
The guardians of the bakery
Our D&D 4e and 5e are called 'the Troop'.
After an NPC called us that off-hand, referring to us as a troop of mercenaries when we bartered for better pay in our first adventure years and years ago. We've had a bunch of different campaigns since but the name has just stuck around.
Pathfinder, we started off with an all Mermaid party.
Mermaids, our DM home-brewed a basic spell that was inherent to them in the form of an emotionally manipulating song, playing on the old singing mermaid myths.
So we quickly dubbed ourselves 'the Choir'.
This doesn't apply anymore since more friends could join and now there is two non-mermaids in the party. We have no group name now.
However, PF and DnD are on pause for the time being.
In an on-again, off-again Cyberpunk game we are all police officers so we're a squad. In game we're even informally known as the 'Phantom' squad due to our hacking and counter-hacking specialities.
And even more informally is our Gamma World campaign we are in-universe the 'deputised irregulars of the 19th reconnaissance platoon, Marine Corps of the American Pacific Empire'.
Or 'us nutters' among ourselves.
Don't know don't care
>we under attack!
>by who?
>don't know don't care
Pariah, and six other fucks.
Game I Run : Berlin Piraten Partei
Game I play in: Missappropriation of Power - Exalted Edition
"Irrational drunken pyros" for my regular guard squad in only war. And "Closeted Muscle Bros" for the homoerotic yet surprisingly effective storm trooper squad we also play.
Do everything except the plot
kraut detected!
The Freudian Trio
You all want to bang your mothers and rip off your fathers dicks?
Seems like a very peculiar gaming group...