This is your GM for tonight.
This is your GM for tonight
Seen better, played with worse.
If you're going to play Pathfinder, you have to set boundaries unless you're a /pfg/ shill, sytem is bloated as it gets. Otherwise seems fine, most of my DMs end up turning the whole thing into a combat sim anyways.
Fuck no.
I'd rather eat a bucket of dicks - that still would be less gay than playing with that monstrosity.
Eh, I've never met a female GM so I would play just to see how horrible it would be.
Sometimes it's nice to fuck shit up in a game you don't care about. Just be THAT GUY for a night.
>Low Magic
>Low Fantasy
More like zero of both, if you want realistic, realistic my ass.
If she and the other players could actually pull this off, it sounds like it'd be just my thing. I have my doubts but it can't hurt to give it a try.
But we played a gm-less system tonight, awaiting the return of one of our players.
Fiasco is a fun system.
>You want realistic? Play this.
>show her THAT game
>come back two weeks later to find that the group has become a walking Aristocrats joke
Back when 3.PF was all I knew, this was pretty much what I said to players.
3 years have passed, campaign is still running and we are all having lots of fun.
found the underage
why are you on the board that discusses fantasy?
No thanks.
What's the deal with this character and why is everything saying
She seems okay to me.
What, so you can't have fun in a game unless you can play as a talking motorcycle made of rainbows and puppies, and beat up elder deities in the first session?
Veeky Forums memes are for people with autism.
She looks like Suzy, the wife of Arin Hanson of Game Grumps.
nice conjecture, faggot.
you're like the guys who complain about the eagles in LotR
>play wizard since OP was dumb enough to use pathfinder
>proceed to break the group in 2-3 sessions because this entire thread is retarded.
>Oh I almost forgot one detail
>I read online that casters are overpowered, so no class that uses spells starts with any and you don't get spells for leveling up.
>Casters also level up %70 slower than everyone else and the only way to get spells is to buy them from distrustful and extremely greedy merchants who often give fakes.
>Rage quit
How anyone would attempt to capture that with Pathfinder is beyond me...
> those buzzwords in the first line of greentext
> political intrigue
> GoT
i thought it was a dumb idea then and i still think it's a dumb idea now.
so the answer is still no.
2bh GoT is a good watch for people new to roleplay.
>Starks capture Tyrion on zero evidence
>"who arms an assassin with their own dagger?"
>Ned gets imprisoned because he assumed his advisors lived up to their name
>"they're like the Civ 5 advisors right? They won't steer me wrong"
>Robb gets betrayed for breaking oaths
>"what do you mean actions have consequences?"
>Jaime and Brienne in general for making Paladins and/or fallen paladins
>the Faceless men teaching Arya Blind Fight was a process, making learning Feats actually a feat.
It's normie enough that they won't shrug it off. If they do, they weren't going to read your campaign setting and history notes anyway, so good riddance.
i dunno GoT comes off as pretty boring with the only thing i ever see anyone talk about is how frequently they kill off characters.
stop talking to normies
the "we can kill anyone we want at any time" angle that gets circlejerked endlessly without meaning much.
That's because the fucking normans rooooooooo went into the show expecting a typical medieval hero story where Ned uncovers the dark secrets of the Lannisters and brings the truth to light. What they got was Ned getting btfo because he didn't understand politics and intrigue and they're still reeling from this fact. They think it's a story where "no character is safe" when it's really just one where the essential characters can be hard to identify right away.
Obviously she's never made a NPC dick with a player before, because the automatic response is typically for the party to then go and kill the character that dicked them over.
So unless she then makes ever spell they had on them a fake, they've now stolen all the spells they had.
Actually sounds like a good way to do things. It'll quickly bringnthe game grinding to a halt as the party slowly starts to depopulate entire cities.
Sounds like a chill guy, powergamers are faggots.
See, when I first tried reading the books, I gave up because I got bored waiting for them to follow through on the INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS BULLSEYE painted on Ned's back. Like, I assumed that within a chapter or two, Ned would get killed, and we'd skip ahead ten years to when the kids might actually be interesting.
When I realized that wasn't happening, and I was going to have to slog through events day-by-day, up to and including random mongol porn, I gave up.
The TV show has taught me that this was correct.
Yeah, because it's just impossible to powergame with the Wizard in Core.