Should vampires be sexualized?
Should vampires be sexualized?
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They're corpses.
So yes, Goths will sexualize them.
rule 43 has no exceptions
Depends on your setting man.
>rule 43
That's "You can find anything on the internet, if you look long enough."
Rule 34 is the one about porn.
Also, sure, go ahead and sexualize your vampires, necrophiliac.
yeah, they're the icing on the cake for my pregnant rotting muscle girl fetish.
Better a necrophiliac than a furry, furfaggot
They pretty much always have been in the modern sense. Even in Stoker's "Dracula" there are very clear parallels between vampires and seduction
But also this
I'm not sure that corpse-fucking is at all any better animal-fucking.
Fucking degenerates.
Wait, no, don't fuck degenerates, that only encourages them.
Vampire should be fraternized, idealized and pedestalized.
And delitized
No exception.
pretty much this.
vampires are inherently incarnates of sex and seduction. werewolves, in contrast, are inherently incarnates of madness and mental illness.
Sexy ones should.
That's sort of how sexualisation works.
Count Orlock's got swagga though, he don't need no sparkles.
as long as it's cute
Sure, as long as they aren't also romanticized. Vampires should be heartless predators.
Been that way since James Malcon Rymer.
Means it's too late to change now.
Precisely; they should be as cold as the grave.
To quote Voltaire: "This corpse that I'm undressing, would be sexier I'm guessing, if I only were a goth...."
Vampires are supposed to be seductive and suave to make up for their weird allergies to garlic, churches and not being able to go out during the daytime. Also the murder. Sometimes rape, but mostly the murder.
Listened to a podcast that said Red Riding Hood was about rape and victim blaming. I think it's more seduction and a general warning to young woman who, at the time, were pretty sheltered until their coming out and would probably be very keen on being seen as super adult and special.
I didn't know Red Riding Hood was gay
It was about walking in the woods by yourself, holy fucking shit.
>Agrarian women
You have some odd misconceptions about people who, ideally, had kids at 15 or 16.
should OP be reported and hidden?
>The count bids potence and punches you in the face, do you have Fortitude?
>I have one dot in it
>Well...I think you might survive because he's got 5 in Potence., thank Cain he can't pull Burning Wrath.
Considering they represent domination, rape, and have that whole biting the neck (and erogenous zone) thing I think the more appropriate question is can you desexualize a vampire and still call it a vampire? Just because somethng sucks blood does not make it a vampire.
Original print of the story ended with this (translated of course).
"From this story one learns that children, especially young lasses, pretty, courteous and well-bred, do very wrong to listen to strangers, And it is not an unheard thing if the Wolf is thereby provided with his dinner. I say Wolf, for all wolves are not of the same sort; there is one kind with an amenable disposition – neither noisy, nor hateful, nor angry, but tame, obliging and gentle, following the young maids in the streets, even into their homes. Alas! Who does not know that these gentle wolves are of all such creatures the most dangerous!"
Dracula is pretty sexy
I would go gay for this Dracula.
>not "because he's got one... two... three... four... five... five dots in potence, ah ah ahhhh."
Ya done goofed.
stupid sexy Victorian PSAs
So long as everyone not enthralled takes notice of all the associated problems with them being sexualized while the thrall is blissfully unaware of the impending dangers, yes, it can work.
You got to be careful around guys like that. They like it raw and will leave you hanging afterwards with no regards for your feelings
Only in Final Death can I atone, make sure you have a vacuum cleaner on hand.
Everything should be sexualised.
Even better? Original had Red Riding Hood crawling into grandma's bed and included "What big arms you have" and "What big legs you have"
The original vampires were either walking talking lesbian metaphors or used seduction as a tool to sustain themselves.
Complaining about vampires being sexualized when they fucking started deeply entwined with the subject of sex and sexuality is like complaining about Veeky Forums sucking.
Do whatever you want with them, but I've always thought it took away from the horror element of them.
>Red Riding Hood was about rape
Not very far off the mark.
>victim blaming
eugh, one of those things that is rooted in reason but then spirals into crazy shit
If you're going to try and take the sexualization out of Vampires, you're pretty much throwing away everything people know about vampires.
He loves a woman with an "enormous Boosum" though.
To quote Voltaire
so the Count is Malk with Potence?
Vampires should be terrifying. That is all.
So...Little red riding hood was a children's moral story about how pretty young girls could avoid getting knotted? Never thought of it that way.
Some of them.
He's probably old as fuck at least 6th gen so it's not unheard of.
Vampires being alluring is an important part of their shtick since the dawn of vampire literature.
Vampires represent disease retard. It's why Nosferatu has rat teeth.
Did you know that vampires have perfectly clean anuses? They don't eat so they don't poop, so inevitably their bowels would be squeaky clean at some point.
I like vampires that age though, ones that turn into voldemort/nosferatu like 600 years after turning. Old vampires shouldn't be sexualized.
You're a couple centuries too late, OP. Vampires have been seducing maidens since the first Vampire novels/poems were being written.
Make one who simply rips off your jugular veins, make it a beast.
Some of the original Vampire myths had them as flesh eaters.
Or vaguely unsavory because they never bothered cleaning it much. Depending on how long ago they changed and their level of hygiene they might be pretty foul.
Ones that are messy eaters, especially in hot climates, will smell utterly vile because of the stench of blood emanating from the caked and dribbling blood that's started to go bad/is generally not a good smell anyway.
The other kind of messy eater that actively eats flesh because of dietary reasons, psychosomatic hangups requiring them to really chew people up even though only the blood is nutritional, or who are slavering beasts that just plain get gore and various bodily waste everywhere when they eat because them eating is like shoving a cow into a wood chipper will be worse.
I know a guy who works in a slaughterhouse and he smells at BEST, faintly, but distinctly like death. Usually it's worse.
And he's trying to be sanitary so he can feel like a human being at the end of the day/not get sick, and because of the regulations.
So I guess what I'm saying is there are a lot of situations where vampires are going to be disgusting. Things like Ghouls will automatically shift at least one or two columns towards "most disgusting motherfuckers ever" in comparison because they definitely eat everything, actually prefer it to be rotten, and are generally bestial. Some varieties will also be well... Ghoulish and unpleasantly morbid, and actively taunt and torment you. Even if they dont' want to kill you the way they would try to make you have an accident or just make you leave would be scary and stomach turning.
So we've got and absolute nutcase who can disintegrate you with a slap, oh and he's got a thing for counting, we are so fucking screwed.
>"Now I vill count zem, vun...two...zree...four...fife...that's Fife, Fife ex-Neonates, ah-ah-ah!"
>vampires are inherently incarnates of sex and seduction
Oh, definitely, though not it's not necessarily expressed openly. I would personally say that the modern vampire was originally more about control, including sexual control. In Polidori's 'The Vampyre', Lord Ruthven is sexual in a way which would be predatory even if he *wasn't* also killing them. To contrast in Stoker's 'Dracula', Dracula's own sexuality is more of an undercurrent coloring his stalking of women--colored, in part, by Vampyre's Ruthven, as that book came out a few years before and was a big hit at the time (though as we all know it's now been completely supplanted by Dracula). And then of course you also have more the obviously sexual vampire sisters at the beginning of the book.
The morals of gothic fiction is clear: be careful of undead sluts because they will ruin your life.
It depends entirely on what sort of vampire we're talking about. There's by no means a cohesive mythology.
Vampires have been sexualized for pretty much all of their modern portrayal.
All the way back to the genre-making Dracula novels, it's been a sexual metaphor with the bite victims pretty much being described as having screaming orgasms when they get bit.
As characters, I treat them as I might any other sapient character, they can have sexual desires and feelings, and it's possible that such feelings can be reciprocated by others.
I'm open with vampires being part of sexuality in my campaigns just as I'm open about most anything else with a sapient mind and sexual development being included.
Female vampires are the shit but they always make them into awful lolita oujos instead of powerful charismatic and domineering.
Carmilla, you twit.
cant forget the good old moral 'lesbians are all awful predators who will suck out your blood and separate you for jesus' that predated dracula
I know, right?
Werewolves could essentially be construed as a warning to children about hanging around violent drunks.
Vampires really just address the other side of the spectrum and teach young girls to be wary of smooth talking fops fiddling with their jewelry around dark alleys and bars.
I disagree
I happen to know that thing has a penis the size of my arm and I'm not going anywhere near it.
Vampires were always sexualized. However, they were also depicted as a danger that would damn you eventually, not ideal boyfriend material. Even in Rice's stuff (the first popular omg I want to fuck a vampire fiction) they were at least still dangerous.
Well now I gotta track one down.
>Vhere is my money? You've been late four times i've been counting
>How many times must i smack you before you act right Vun.. Two.. two smacks ah-ah-ah
Just make them into unfuckable monsters
>Charlotte is a bloodsucking anime
I didn't think best girl could get even more best, but it just happened
I'd fuck that
female vampires work well because their bloodsucking ways are familiar to us.
I am a mosquito
Vampires were always sexualized. Dracula was a suave son of a bitch and neck-biting is commonly erotic, if blood-sucking isn't.
They're definitely less chaste now. We need to reverse the corruption of the vampire youth if we want this madness to end!
I'd like to see it fucking some pretty girl.
Depends on the bloodline.
I don't what you're on about, that smug vampire has no dick
Well then what's the fucking point?
Vampires were allegories for the perils of letting strange men into your home. They were supposed to scare virgins into staying chaste before marriage.
I still roll with a couple varieties of vampire. One that goes the incubus/succubus route and one that's all about blood-sucking corpses.
Nothing chaste about Dracula. He was a polygamist with 3 wives and he still went around London getting lewd with all the proper English ladies.
>Quoting something
>Using quotes instead of meme arrows
It's how they became a Thing.
Now, let's say, "how" vampires should be sexualized? Do you prefer Dracula or Carmilla?
Not all of them vamps suck blood even.
I guess the most defining traits would be "undead" and "drains life-force".
You gonna have to try harder than that to turn my erection.
I mean seriously, you call that unfuckable? He has just the right amount of muscle, lean and virile looking with a strong jaw and mysterious red eyes.For a monster he's got good posture and I'm sure his lovers really enjoy being wrapped up in those wings. I bet when he talks it's in a dark, gravely baritone.
It's like he got all the right parts of the bestial bit with just enough man to not make things weird.
That thing is less "deviant desire" and more "erotic sexventure."
You may want to double check your monsters user. They may look horrible to you but there's a good chance your players are might just be too eager to scream for them.
>lolita oujos
>powerful charismatic and domineering
Remind me again how these two things are mutually exclusive?
What the fuck is that webm.
Oh god, think of the levels of Celerity he has as well
>"Now vith my six dots of celerity, thats vun...Two..zree...four...fife...six, six dots I activate Quickness! Ah-ah-ah!"
Seconded. Dafuq is that shit?
no, you don't get to post some freaky shit like that without at least saying it's name.
Species II I believe.
It's part of the condition (even on Sesame St):
>the cuck comes to save the day
how did you arrive at this filename? If I remember Carmilla right, the General was no cuck.
>Should vampires be sexualized?
Yes. Dracula was invented in the first place as a manifestation of repressed sexual desire.
Why in hell you would seriously consider the possibility that everyone is fucked up just as much as you are? Thou are into gay furry shit, ain't ya?
I would drive my knife into him.
And I mean one of my many knifes, I'm not a protestant sissy lusting for man dick.
That's quite simple.
I never read it.
Something with no blood flow can't be sexy. They don't have erections!