Hoplite Edition
This series has fermented into a horrid mess Sub-Edition
In the last thread the SoH newbie got more advice, the strawpoll died, we discussed the alcoholic beverages of choice for the legions and learned of the depravity of Kiwis along the way, one user wondered who uses the Doritio dread, one question on Hoplites lead to a history lesson, one NLfag made a list of what he has and much more in the last bread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Sevatar is love
Sevatar is life
>paint me like one of your French edgelords
add the poll to the OP template already
What is your problem? Why do you keep posting as me?!
One of you should change to This Curzefag Who Shits Up Threads
Can I be a namefag too?
Just because it was funny the first time doesn't mean it still is.
>15 DAfags
Not this again. At this rate, I'm going to have to get a tripcode.
Seriously, this is not funny.
Do you guys think the trombone survived into the Great Crusade?
Hah! At least we know what repels you.
I am That Curzefag Who Shits Up Threads
Can I have a name too guys
Curzefag, if this is the real you I have a question. When is that commission you told us about going to get done?
Me too!
Not sure, detail work takes a bit.
I don't give a shit who any of you are desu.
Graviton guns seem like good haywire, but I'm wondering if my Berserker Assault list should take two land speeders with graviton guns and a hunter killer missile or two bare javelin speeders. Same points cost. They'd be my anti-tank, only other heavy weapons at 2k are the quad lascannons on the spartan. Everything else us tacticals, assault squads, and red butchers. Rules for cyclone missile launchers and hunter killers aren't in the CAL, least not in the index
No clue. I'm beginning to suspect this commission doesn't actually exist. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking; there are some things so horrifying not even a Night Lord dares look upon them.
I figured. I'm just reminding you to post it when you get the chance. I'm morbidly curious about this.
confirmed female
I'd take the grav-skimmers since you'll probably have lascannons from elsewhere.
Cyclone missiles are 2 shot 48" S8 AP3 or 2 shot 48" S4 AP6 small blast, so barebones Javelins can be a little more versatile. Hunter killer missiles are S8 AP3 unlimited range one shot weapons.
I have a lot of success with out flanking lascannon javelins. They are the essence of a balanced unit. Not overpowering in the slightest and also fun to use and pretty effective. I've had success running lascannons and multi meltas as well as lascannons and assault cannons (Im a BA player). I haven't played them with the cyclones but it seems like when you upgrade to the lascannons you get what you pay for.
Also being immune to bolters is choice.
List atm looks like:
+2000 pts World Eaters
Berzerker Assault
Gahlan Surlak 110
Kharn w/ Gorechild 190
17 Assault Marines + sergeant w/ Artificer Armor, Meteor Hammer 395
Tactical Squad x10 150
19 Tactical Marines w/ Chainaxes + sergeant w/ Artificer Armor, Power Fist 275
Red Butchers, 2 Power Axes + Devoured w/ Chainfist, Power Fist and Dreadclaw DT 390
Fast Attack:
Land Speeder w/ Grav gun, 1 Hunter-killer 75
Land Speeder w/ Grav Gun, 1 Hunter-killer 75
Spartan w/ Ceramite, Flare Shield 340
So no real anti-tank bar the spartan and the speeders. Where the fuck are the rules for Cyclone Missile Launchers and Hunter-Killer missiles? They aren't in the BRB, not the in CAL, Battlescribe doesn't have them. This is basically the deciding factor.
Typed my post before I saw yours, that's cool. Where can I find those rules though?
Good to see you're not cheating yourself out of [spoilers]free chainaxes[/spoilers]
Probably the BRB
Checked the ranged weapon section, no dice.
Also, upon further consideration, I'm dropping Kharn, adding a jump pack Praetor, and making my murder blob inductii. This also gives me points to put hunter-killer missiles on my Javelins. I get to have my cake and eat it, too.
Let us know how the list performs. I think you're a little light on units as in the number of units on the table. But they all hit like a brick shit house so there's no issue there. I could easily see a more manuverable army taking you for a ruse cruise.
Yea, I'm definitely avoiding MSU as much I can, but hopefully the ones that matter are fast enough to do what they need. My meta is 2 IF and a DG so far. Only played one Fists player with a different list and we ended with a tie because War of Lies.
War of Lies lolsorandum
Beware of Sigismund and Stone Gauntlet breachers. They can really easily blunt the charge of most of your units except the Red Butchers (T5 to counter Furious Charge and boarding shields to negate Rage). Meanwhile Sigs will fuck your characters in a challenge and that can be enough to swing a combat in his favour.
I've never fought DG though so no advice there.
HQ: Eidolon, Jump Pack – 205 points
Legion Champion, Jump Pack, Phoenix Spear – 125 Points
Elites: 6X Palatine Blades, 6X Phoenix Spears, 6X Jump Packs – 275 Points
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon, 3X contemptors, 3X CCW, 2X Kheres, 1X Autocannon – 560 points
5X Phoenix Terminators, Spartan Assault Tank – 560 Points
Troops: 20X Tactical Marines, Meltabombs – 255 Points
20X Tactical Marines – 250 Points
Fast Attack: Dreadclaw Drop Pod – 100 Points
Legion Dickbike Squadron, 6X bikes, 2X Volkite Culverins, 6X Meltabombs – 290 Points
Lord of War: Fulgrim – 380 points
There's not a great deal of anti-vehicle or anti-air, but it's a situational list. I've got Word Bearers for everything else.
I should add that it's a 3000 point Maru Skara list.
>Do you guys think the trombone survived into the Great Crusade?
Maybe the instruments that girl commissioned for "The Maraviglia" were based on archaeotech "Trom bones".
Play hard enough until you begin to mutate :^)
Nice try, Khorne. I'd rather rub sand paper on an alligator's anus in a phone booth in July than be a Noise Marine.
God help you if you don't make that charge, but it's pretty alright. like you said, there isn't much in the way of anti-anything-besides-infantry, though if that Deathstar gets wiped out (and no matter how many +2 that thing has, it's going to attract fire like flies on shit) you're out of luck. Maybe convert to Angels of Wrath instead to take advantage of H&R with Eidelon's initiative and the Phoenix Spears?
That really doesn't sound that unpleasant. Maybe for the alligator but not you
>Fucking WHITE SCARS have more players than Iron Hands
Even in 30K I am completely alone.
That was...oddly specific.
Any ideas for decent looking Phosphex markers?
I saw some on dakkadakka
You try being stuck in a cramped compartment with a gator with the summer heat bearing down on you, all while rubbing sand paper on its anus. It's going to be unpleasant for both parties. Pic related is a Croc but I can't remember the differences.
That's the point.
The issue with switching is that I'd have to switch the tacticals for smaller assault marine squads and it'd stop me from being a dick with the contemptors and jetbikes, which are meant to outflank. The Deathstar is meant to be moved up when things have already been somewhat cleared out by the rest of the forces at my disposal. The overall plan is to use Infiltrate to get my tacticals in a good position, then use the extra speed they can get to put them in a charge position. Eidolon, the Champion, and the Palatines will be in the Dreadclaw, coming in turn 1, then a pretty heavy assault happens ideally on turn 2. I should add that the Dickbikes and contemptors come in on turn 2 and the entire enemy army has a bad time. It's not perfect and it's not meant to be a highly competitive list, but it'll be fun as hell if I can pull it off.
True, I was assuming the gator is into it
Oh, I had assumed that the deathstar was outflanking. If you're putting the tacticals into a charging position, then definitely give them the extra combat blades at maybe the cost of a contemptor or dickbike. The biggest problem by far is if there is really any heavy armor that number more than one facing you. Focus down the dickbikes, or the spartan since the bikes are coming in turn 2, and you're going to have a bad time.
I don't think gators care. Ever seen that one picture where some guy caught Florida Man raping a gator, but the gator didn't care?
>I can't remember the differences.
The snout. Maybe the anus too, but no one has bothered to look.
That's where you come in.
Difference is in the snout shape and front of the teeth, iirc.
FINALLY! A reason to post this!
Crocodiles have thin and sharp jaws, alligators have retarded duckbills and are more chill.
I highly doubt someone hasn't checked before.
>Difference is in the snout shape and front of the teeth, iirc.
Thank you.
>alligators have retarded duckbills and are more chill.
>gators are more chill
Reminds me of this one post from a thread long archived.
>Son, do not ask if crocodiles can hate for you did not ask the right question. Ask are crocodiles are hate, and the answer is yes because those things are scary.
Sacrificing a Dickbike will cause the loss of a Culverin and to get enough points for extra CCWs, I'd have to lose two of them.. Sacrificing a contemptor takes away some of the little anti-vehicle I have. It's a sad day.
Breachers are best bare correct? Maybe a little Sargent options, but with IF they're just there to be objective holders right?
Artificer to take the regular shots up front has worked for me multiple times. With -anyone- they're meant to either hold objectives or occupy a melee unit if pressed
I'm planning out the army I'm going to order and I could use some advice.
I'm want to run a Night Lords Terror Assault army, but now that I've started working on the list I realize I have little to no idea what the hell I'm doing.
My plan was to run
Praetor in termie armour (around 200pts)
3 Terror squads w/ apothecaries, drop pods, and volkites (825 pts or so)
A maxed raptor squad (500-ish pts)
A terminator squad (praetor's bodyguard, about 250-300 pts)
Sicaran 135+ pts
That's already about 2000 pts, and it's an incredibly small army for 30k. It also can't handle tanks, only has 1 HQ, and relies too heavily on deepstriking.
Help please.
Im getting stir crazy here
What are you waiting for? I'm dying for the ultra breacher shields they previewed a while back
Depends on how you run them. I always field breachers as IF and they are worth their points and more so I drop a lot into them.
moritat and the phoenix spears. Im also going nuts waiting to see inferno and all the special units therein
Yeah, Phoenix Spears will let me finally buy some Palatines and get to work.
My New list going for a flyffy alpha strike list With 4 flyers.
Ashen Claws(raven Guard) 2500p
Strike captain alvarex maun 140p tot 140p
rite of war Recon Company
Legion Centurion 50p
Primus medicae 35p
Jump pack 20p
Artificer armour 10p tot 115p
Legion Fire raptor 200p
Reaper autocannon battery 10p
armoured ceramite 20p tot 230p
Primaris-Lightning strike fighter 135p
6 kraken heavy missiles 75p
Ground tracking auguries 10p
Battle servitor control 15p tot 235p
Legion reconnaissance squad 125p
Sniper rifles 25p tot 150p
Legion reconnaissance squad 125p
Sniper rifles 25p tot 150p
Legion tactical squad 150p
2 additional marines 20p
Artificer armour 10p
power axe 10p
melta bomb 5p
additional close combat weapons 24p tot 219p
Apothecarion detachment 45p
artificer armour 10p
power sword 10p tot 65p
Mor deythan strike squad 135p
4 additional mor deythan 100p
3 missile launchers with suspensor webs 45p
6 sniper rifles 30p
tot 310p
Dark fury assult squad 175p
3 additional furies 120p tot 265p
Darkwing pattern storm ealge gunship 275p
armoured ceramite 20p
extra armour 10p tot 305p
Caestus assult ram 305p
wing mounte missile launchers 10p tot 315p
Ive already converted 10 spear palatines, but theyll be nice for sarges and consuls
Ah fuck, a quick google showed me the moritat render. It looks sexy af. Hopefully it and the new red book will release before the pound recovers
No easy way of getting spears at the moment is my big issue. Not going to grab Phoenix Termies just to take their spears away.
I'm feeling the urge to do some writefaggotry, and am toying with doing a Great Crusade story in which a Crusade Fleet arrives at the Song of Fire and Ice planet, from Game of Thrones.
Which legion would be the most interesting to have show up?
White Scars for the Dothraki parallel?
Luna Wolves allying with the Starks?
Space Wolves taking the Starks' side with Dark Angels supporting the Lannisters?
Night Lords?
Iron Warriors killing them all. Grimly.
Is there an official Siege Breaker model, I can't seem to find one.
I'm trying to turn the BaC Chaplin into one.
Iron Hands rolling war machines and tanks through while Ferrus Manus takes the Iron Throne for a new hammer.
Word Bearers vs Faith of the Seven, R'hllor, and the White Walkers.
Small Blood Angels veteran strikeforce led by Moritat arrives in Westeros. Immediately sees the true threat of the white walkers and reinforces the Night's Watch. Using their many hand flamers and inferno pistols+Jon Snew's Longclaw they make short work of the devils and banish them.
Finally the BA's side with the true rulers of Westeros the Targaeryns (finding kinship in their beautiful aspects, penchant for fire and blood, and Denaerys whole liberator schtick) and unite the whole of the world as a thriving Imperial planet which soon begins the process of being uplifted technologically across generations (until the HH where they get fucked right back down to current GoT levels thanks to some maurading IW or something).
>muh 40k crossover
You're a faggot.
NLfag here, so I looked at the vanilla contemptor on the website, it has a big ass aquilla on the chest.
Would anyone notice if a Raven Guard painted himself in Night Lord colours and pretended to be one?
I think his dreadnought looks kickass and it has surprisingly few Raven Guard icons (if any).
I used Wild Rider spears for mine
replace that corvid skull with a human one and you could have yourself a nice lil NL conversion I tell you huwhat. Maybe add some flayed skin and skulls?
>giant bird skull on chest
>RG tribal tattoos everywhere
>surprisingly few Raven Guard icons (if any)
Why not just use the NL contemptor. The plastic Contemptor has no aquila if you don't like the NL one. Also Talos had an aquila on his breastplate, he just carved scratches across it.
That'd just make a Carcharodons Contemptor.
Why a Moritat?
I'm buying the Night Lords one, but I need three contemptors and I hate twins.
well it's a good thing that they're Night Lords Successors.
Just remove or cover the two bird skulls somehow.
>Also Talos had an aquila on his breastplate, he just carved scratches across it.
He shouldn't have during the Heresy. That's Heretical. (note: Emperors Children may wear the aquilla and not be heretical)
shoo shoo spooky traitor shitposter
because he's an edgelord and thinks moritats are badass and not complete autists that are only good for being human weapons
Anybody playing a game this week? I'll hopefully be playing my Imperial Fists/Knights against somebody on Wednesday night. Everybody at my store plays Warmachine now. or does dumb shit like a 1000 point free-for-all with 4 players. not a fan of that.
>mfw IA10 literally says they have "gene markers unique to the Raven Guard"
How did these dumb NL rumors even start? They didn't even have Fear until December 2013. Are you all just stupid newfags?
It wouldn't be that hard to shave off the aquilla from the generic version. And the scratches could be easily covered up by some Night Lords brass etch bits.
I think the RG tribal bits, as the other user said, would make it hard to use that particular model.
Death Guard have probably the easiest non-generic one to convert. It has their skull symbol on one foot and the XIV on the chest, but those aren't too hard to cover or change.
Heh, too easy...
>proceeds to one shot a primarch with dual hand-flamers while dancing and reciting "Die, Die, Die, Die!"
>It wouldn't be that hard to shave off the aquilla from the generic version.
You say that, but unless you have a good set of emery boards or sandpaper grit ranges, it's going to look bad. I've seen more than enough bad shave jobs to not recommend him to do that, even though I don't exactly recommend using an RG contemptor either. If he's specifically buying the RG one because he doesn't need to shave numerals and legion symbols off he's probably not advanced enough to shave an aquila off a curved collar.
That's why I suggested covering it with the brass etch, but you do have a point.
Because moritats can dual wield inferno pistols and that would be cool for fighting hordes of enemies specifically weak to heat weapons.
I think I'm going to get the RG Contemptor anyway. Like I said the tribal tats look cool and the bird-skulls are easy to convert.
I've never seen a RG player anyway so it would be a cool way to show off a cool model.
>deepstrikes behind you
BAngles moritat with the phase walker and two hand flamers
>teleports behind you
>"Heh, too easy"
>shoots the primarch and his retinue off the board
>Vulkan punches him
>unholsters pistols folded over a thousand times on the ancient Forge World of Mars
Night, boys. I'll try to finish up some writefaggotry in the morning. Totally unaffiliated with the other dude in this thread.
Is a deepstriking moritat with dual inferno pistols the flashiest way to take out a superheavy tank in one turn?
>armoured ceramite
FW came out with this fellow but I think he's an event-exclusive model.
Yet another reason for me to hate Event Exclusives.