Who forgot to make Thread? - edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
Who forgot to make Thread? - edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
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Let's start this thread off with some bingo! The free tile for today is: "tau player bragging about 5 riptides in a casual game"
Got the mail today, boys
Alright everyone, go ahead and mark off Sisters of Battle on your boards.
Has either Orkanauts been seen in any Dawn of War 3 footage yet?
They said they were there, but I've only seen the Deff Dreads so far.
Thank you to the anons from the last thread that responded about me starting an army of Tau vs Space Marines.
I think I've settled on Salamanders w/ Legion of the Damned added in. Is this a good idea? I know nothing of 40k and I'm just going on aesthetics.
Also, what are some kits to start out with? The only thing I'm sure of is that I want Vulkan, even if I don't play him the model is dope.
Thanks duders
What the fuck am I reading? Is this real? By the Emperor have I now witnessed the light?
>I'm just going on aesthetics.
Thats a good idea. You pay out your ass, so better buy those you like.
For HQ I suggest a librarian. they are the most versatile.
Other than that, start with a tactical squad or two and some droppods or razorbacks.
If you buy razorbacks, you can use them as rhinos, too because the turret and the plate it is on can be swapped easily with the hatch of the rhino, if you glue the two halves together. So do not buy rhinos! The price difference is just too small.
No, you're witnessing homebrew that nobody will allow because they're all "practicing" for ITC.
Ah shit, thanks for reminding me that fucking unit still exists.
Not yet, we haven't even seen Wraithknights in-game yet.
→ #
It's a work in progress. Feel free to with in over in (OP) #. First draft fandexes are here # and here #. It's something of a design by committee.
>Still no reason to take Celestians
>Immolators have no fire point
>No point adjustments to power weapons despite S3/I3
>Repentia still drop dead at any signs of S6
Ah, carry on glorious battle brother. But please, they need something more.. They need a full Decurion, and get rid of that hilariously retarded restriction on the Relentless devastators formation.
> Moar Options
> Make Death Cult Assassins "power weapons", not just "power swords"
> Decurion
> Make them Toughness 4 and Strength 4, make them cost -slightly- more than space marines
I've always thought Sisters of Battle should just essentially be female space marines, and borderline magical girls. They should be toughness 4 and S4, because their faith and devotion in the emperor grants them strength and determination beyond their mortal coil.
But they have been seen in the trailer.
eldar are said to be tougher and stronger then humans. S3 T3
To be fair that's eldar faggots trying to claim that they're 1st age Noldor elves from Lotr. No, they're not tougher and stronger than humans, they're just faster. Fluff should be there to support the crunch, not the other way around, as that invites poor game design.
Is there a reason why Tyranids don't have a Tau Overwatch equivalent?
It seems like a single mind would be able to react to a portion of it's body being attacked with other portions of its body
Google hive mind, get acquainted with the term, then check out basic tyranid fluff.
I would look forward to playing against Eldar if their players cared about the modeling side of the hobby half as much as they cared about winning.
i feel like this is the start of a meme... also nids came out before gw realized how much they liked overwatch
>Still no reason to take Celestians
We're working on it. Do you have any suggestions?
>Immolators have no fire point
I think he copied it from the codex, which has no fire point listed in the rules. It'll be fixed.
>No point adjustments to power weapons despite S3/I3
Do IG power weapons cost less or something? Statline point values are handled in the model, not the wargear.
>Repentia still drop dead at any signs of S6
I think the plan is to make FNP base and EW the AoF.
>I think he copied it from the codex, which has no fire point listed in the rules. It'll be fixed.
The codex says zero fireports, the FAQ said a single model can shoot.
>Still no reason to take Celestians
Maybe make them inspiring for the normal SoB. Other then that, I don't know. its not like they ever had models or something anyway.
>a unified consciousness or intelligence formed by a number of alien individuals, the resulting consciousness typically exerting control over its constituent members.
Is it cool to use the old EPIC figures with the new ones?
>two titans on the table, one epic one Forgeworld
Are you ready?
How exactly does one practice for a RNG-based activity? I never could understand it.
Given the rumors of what the Secutarii can do, I'm hype for Cyraxus.
Have you actually looked at the size of Epic minis? That Epic Hierophant is probably the size of a Tervigon, if even that big.
Eternal Warrior does nothing to keep ID from stopping FnP.
You know, you sisterfags have been making a lot of headway towards proving yourselves more delusional than the Taufags. S/T 4? Really?
Yes but I like it even if it is smaller
FW needs to fuck off with this admech and solar auxilia infantry shit.
If you're going to make non-marine shit in marines: the marine-ening, at least make them cool models like the big robots or the ogryns and auxilia tanks.
Veletaris are okay because they are maximus swagimus.
I don't even play sisters. I've been saying for quite awhile now that if sisters players want a decent army, they should just represent their own team of "Badass girls in power armour" using Codex: Space Marines, as it does a better job of representing that idea than the actual SOB codex.
At their core, they were always supposed to be "Female Space Marines". You know it, I know it, GW knows it.
Honestly, I was never really sure what they were supposed to do. They're like more expensive Battle Sisters or Seraphim without jump packs or something. My idea was to make them Terminators (for cheap, obviously, because Terminators are garbage even with T4 and SoB don't even have a transport that can carry them), but that didn't seem to go over well.
Great job, move onto the tyranid fluff part now.
>no EW on celestine nor any way to give her EW
>no reason to take celestians
>power weapons overcosted
>AV11 garbage everywhere
>repressor is the only transport worth taking but it's not a dedicated transport
>repentia wrecked by S6
There are rumors what Securitarii do? Please do tell.
Next BaC will be skitarii!
What kind of units do you guys buy at your local Warhammer store. I stick to the stuff under $40 just to support them really. I also buy the paints because citadel paints are the same price at the store as online.
Chorus of the Faithful is fucking absurd. All it will do is force people to exclusively run Blessings and Conjurations against your Sisters, and those were already generally the better option.
Why on Earth did you keep that retarded "every squad has to have each heavy weapon" restriction on the Retributor formation?
It was said at Warhammerfest, I think. The dudes with shields increase their invuln save based on how many dudes are in base to base. Their spears shoot lightning. The dudes with big guns apparently have grenade launchers of some kind.
They're supposed to be Titan Guard, the guys who walk under the titan and make sure nobody gets close.
You have to practice so you don't end being a complete retard with your list in terms of target priorities, unit synergies and playing to the objectives
Mostly just paints. If my army didn't have so much FW stuff in it and I had to buy GW HQs, I'd probably buy them from the store so I can inspect the finecast for bubbles.
>Eternal Warrior does nothing to keep ID from stopping FnP.
Looks like you're right. So we just make the AoF something that specifically allows FNP against ID attacks.
I used to stick to character models, deals and special things only, but now that characters are £20 and over I don't bother anymore. Switched over to boxsets now.
Should I be focusing mainly on drop pods and tanks for Salamanders? How should I go about adding in the Legion of the Damned? Sorry, I really know nothing here but I want to start getting ideas on how to build out this army.
Oh nice, blast baits. I hope the rule isnt really as that bad as it sounds or it better give at least 3++ to compansate for that.
It's far too small to use as a Bio-Titan in 40k. If you like the model, I'm sure you can find something for it to counts-as.
>t their core, they were always supposed to be "Female Space Marines". You know it, I know it, GW knows it.
So, you know nothing about the army.
Christ, the army isn't even bad, just mediocre. You're just extremely ignorant.
>Why on Earth did you
It's not mine. Mine is , which is, admittedly, every bit as rough.
perhaps it turns into an invul instead for a turn, doesn't break game mechanics
usually stuff under $30. special bases, magazines, sometimes characters, paints
Please don't lump us all into that bucket of crazy. Some of us rather like the S3/T3 statline.
Compared to a Marine Scout though Sisters should be cheaper (by 1-2 ppm) just to fit into the meta better.
>perhaps it turns into an invul instead for a turn
I guess that makes more sense, although theoretically a bit weaker if they can get a cover save. It's definitely a much less hacky solution.
Not a SM player of any sort, but I would imagine that being flamer-lovin' fools, the salamanders would focus on drop pods to get closer to the enemy. Drop pods in general are nice because you can take objectives anywhere on the board early in the game. Us IG's have to drive everywhere.
>Not dropping Stormtroopers on every objective
Drop pods and tanks are good, their thing is flamers, meltas and fancy toys on their characters so you're going to want lots of decked out infantry.
LotD can just be taken as elite choices for space marines so can fit in to any normal army with ease.
>Every model in the army gets double adamantium will and a psychic hood
You sure you don't want to give them the aegis and shadows in the warp while you're at it? Maybe psykout grenades as standard? Hell, why not just make them all Culexus assassins?
>shoo shoo spooky d ghost
Not that user but back when I was home brewing Sisters stuff I gave the Canoness, the command squad and Celestians a rule called "Faithful". improves SoF by 1.
They also got "Blessed Armour" which was Artificer Armour that also buffed the wearer's DtW bonus.
So 2+/5++ Sisters for elites and HQ options.
That and giving Celestian models a CCW standard was pretty much my way of rounding them out.
Come back spooky ghost!
fuck you spooky d ghost.
Jesus christ you're the delusional one. Sisters offer nothing special on the tabletop, and they don't even hit their own intended army goal at all. You want awesomely badass women in power armour? Try this:
Imperial Cults and Militia:
Force Commander: 80
- Power Armour
- Augmented Weapon, Bolt Pistol
- Iron Halo
- Cyber Augmetics: 35
- Survivors of the Dark Age: 75
6x Grenadier Squad: 160 per squad
- Bolters
- 20 'women' each
- 2 Flamers(Or melta guns, IDGAF)
- Augmented Weapons
And a pair of Malcador Heavy Tanks, preferably the Infernus Variant for delicious S8 AP3 Hellstorm Torrent.
For 1850 points, you could have 120 "Battle Sisters" that have WS4, BS4, S4, T3, and a 3+/6++ save, coming in at a whopping 150 points per squad of 20 sisters. Their statline is better, and the infantry gets LAND RAIDERS as dedicated transports.
What the hell does your own codex offer to match? It's too mediocre to even pull off it's own intended concept.
Just started collecting Orks (got 20 shoota boys, 10 choppa boys, 10 nobs, warboss, 5 lootas and 5 burnas) any seasoned Ork players got tips for a beginner? Modeling tips or warnings for absolutely useless units.
I'm probably going to convert a fire prism and chimera into looted wagons in the near future.
But the spooky ghost is a friend!
I mean who will hold little Eldar children and tell them stories about the Emperor?
>Sisters offer nothing special on the tabletop
If you don't even know about AoF, you really need to read up on Sisters before spouting stupid shit.
Kind of missing proper acts of faith but nicely done.
And as a Sisters player I agree that the Army has a number of issues. With luck maybe a new, updated codex will be able to fix them but for now it's got too few units to make that claim.
the black Templars.
Is there a way to get into this hobby without spending lots of money? It looks really fun but I'm looking at the sets on GW website and it easily runs over $100.
>we don't see any civilians
They never do
If you don't ever intend to spend over $100 on this hobby, ever, then don't even bother with miniature wargames. Not even the cheap ones, because they'll still cost over $100 after all is said and done (because the smaller games charge more per model so still end up costing like $100 for 10-15 guys, and you haven't even bought paint yet).
Look for a wargame system that doesn't require buying miniatures, or use some kind of replacement like paper cutouts.
They purge children.
Buy used on eBay or on sites like Kijiji or similar. People are always getting out of the hobby and selling for cheap. If you have a local shop you want to play at you should buy paints and the occasional set from them though.
Hard to see the civilians when you have your eyes closed in fear.
>sister's plastic come out, amazing book, 10/10
>eldar gain more D guns
>marines get squatted
>starts the end of the world
>polar ice caps melt
>candy becomes toxic
>porn is outlawed
>sun explodes
>babies no longer smile or laugh
>implying plastic SoB will ever happen
GW is too busy using all the mold money and plastic on AoS.
You want ruurbook?
You want plastic moderus?
Its kinda amusing that if you want to play Acts of Faith - The Army then you'll have to play War Convocation.
Jokes on me, I fucking love admech
I could live with that.
Not gonna lie, it's giving me some hard wood.
I actually really like this model.
Fuck GW keeps showing off how good their model kits are getting but not letting me sell a kidney, lung and most of my liver to buy a ridiculous amount of plastic Sisters.
damn, i want that giant beetle
I like that model too. Massive beetle is a nice touch.
Advice on starting a space wolves army in the most economically sensible way possible?
you need more wolfs in your wolfs.
Put your wolves on wolves so you can wolf while you wolf.
get started box, wulfen, grey hunter box, codex, paints. that's vaguely 800 points or so
Kek, the neutered chapter can't do anything now!
Thunderwolf Cavalry with Thunder Hammers.
two of the get started boxes is a good start
What the fuck is the deal with Johnny?
user, don't. GW has it out for the sons of Dorn. Imperial Fists and Sisters go together nicely now that I think about it.
I am blowing the dust off my space wolves for the first time since early 5th edition, what should I expect?
meme from wip
He hears things. Little truths. Truths that can drive a man completely mad.
Wolves, more wolves, more wolves, even more wolves, and friend, did I mention wolves? You better not have hopes for extra wolves because, friend, you better make way for the Overwolf.
Why does everyone always harp on Space Wolves for being full WOLFWOLFWOLF, yet Raven Guard are the same for birds and no one gives a fuck?
RG don't have their own codex with bird named units, can't turn into birds, nor do they ride birds into battle.
Because raven guard lacks Windstorm Cavalry where beakies are riding massive ravens.
(Dear lord that would be cool).
Also remember. Space Wolves arent riding wolves. There are no wolves on Fenris...
What's funny is that the original image of Johnny was a Space Wolf named Craig.
Because they don't turn into Ravens, ride giantic Ravens, name everything after Ravens, and presumably don't watch That's So Raven.