Dungeon World won't ever be popular edition.
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>June 2016 Survey
How heavy do you go on RP when you play?
Dungeon World won't ever be popular edition.
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>June 2016 Survey
How heavy do you go on RP when you play?
Depends on the group really.
I've got one group that's fairly heavy RP, light combat. One, maybe two combats a session.
I've got one group that's mostly combat with light to moderate RP.
And I've got one group that's moderate RP with moderate to heavy combat.
It's working out well so far.
if i'm running for a party where i think it would go over well, i go nuts with RP. i had an npc in one campaign that always wore a full set of plate armor and i did his voice while speaking into a metal pot.
that level of RP would absolutely derail the group i'm currently running for, so i just stick to light voices/accents and always play NPCs by their personalities.
How would you build a ninja? Shadow monk? Assassin? Arcane Trickster? Fighter? Warlock?
There's lot of different ways to build a ninja. Me, personally, I'd probably have some Rogue/Fighter/Warlock mashup.
As says, it depends if you want your ninja all-natural, made-a-pact-with-an-oni-for-ninjutsu-magic supernatural, sneaky with a dash of stab your fucking face of fighty.
Heck, the Bard class is pretty close to the true historical "pretends to be a peasant" spy.
Monk is probably the best way, in my opinion, but you could reflavor lots of things to make a pretty good ninja substitute.
Shadow Monk 6, Assassin Rogue 6. If you continue past that, decide whether you want more monk or rogue and stick with that the rest of the way.
Wait. Hold up. The Great Weapon Fighting style applies to versatile weapons?
or a barbarian with re flavored rage, advantage on initiative, fast, high hp for blocking arrows
or a cleric, perhaps trickery or war, or even nature could work.
or maybe a ranger if you want to be an outdoorsy chopping wood 1000x a day by the waterfall ninja with some weird combat tricks.
or a sorcerer could be good, if you want to be a tough naruto ninja shooting huge fireballs or whatever happens in naruto.
Yes, because halfling paladins/fighters exist that might want to two-hand a longsword or what have you.
Are you holding it in two hands?
shit i missed one: howbout a druid sage ninja who can turn into animals and call lightning down and sneak around as a moth?
I like the monk mobility but not so much the fact that the shadow path ninja features are 'magical'
might just make assassin rogue/open hand monk
>but not so much the fact that the shadow path ninja features are 'magical'
I prefer to keep everything as in character as possible, but sometimes my group forgets something crucial so I have to mildly break character to remind them of it.
anyone else think that dark gifts are kinda fucking stupid? i mean, where is the moral choices of old ravenloft? where are the dark power checks!?
If you don't want to be a ninja with supernatural powers than Rogue is definitely your best bet.
Well? Why don't you use the superior system?
coz its needlessly complicated for little to no benefit
>He doesn't want the most immersive experience possible
Ive been thinking on a new character concept, being either:
A. Generic ranger/hunter, but also a competant scholar to the point of being able to catalogue and collect information on the wild, maybe end goal being publish books? (I.E. Darwin-ish?)
B. A rogue/bard. I've always disliked magical classes, preferring a more 'natural' character. Being also in the theme of knowledge, he would travel as a skald, or bard, but obviously looking to avoid the same bard class associated with the Horse Loophole.
Basically, I've always played a ranger/outdoorsman, this time I want to play a more civilized or atleast urban dwelling traveller that has something to do with discovery or exploration.
I would love to do voices and accents during RP, as both a DM and player, but I suck ass at them. I still roleplay them, though--imagine a man with a tendency to slip into a southern drawl but the vocabulary and grammar of an Oxford graduate.
We use the superior system, which is the standard system.
Why would you want to roll for initiative each round? Why would you want everyone to choose what they were going to do before initiative instead of having them plan their turn as the battle evolves.? It seems like it would make combat take much longer and be more complicated than needed.
Some changes to the Mega.
- Adventurers League now at the top, since it has more shit than just adventures in it now. I also finally removed the apostrophe.
- Adventurers League Player's Guides added for each season. I still haven't found seasons 1-3's DM's Guide, if anyone has copies of those lying them around I'd appreciate them for completion's sake.
- AL character sheets added for each season.
- Dark Gifts Expanded Table added to Season 4, since it was put up on DMs Guild by Wizards officially.
More math to do is the opposite of immersive.
>simple algebra is so difficult that needing to add one number to another breaks my immersion
Wew there, lad.
How much do you have to homebrew to run Dark Sun encounters in 5e? What is and isn't usable from what's already printed in the Monster Manual? How have you tweaked existing stuff to account for psionics in the world?
The better way to run it is to have one person roll for each side, so that you aren't rolling a bunch of dice every turn. Then everyone declares what they're going to do, and you go down and see how things happen.
>having them plan their turn as the battle evolves
That's why it IS more realistic. These rounds aren't supposed to be people taking turns. They're supposed to be everyone acting at once in the same small timeframe.
If you roll initiative normally, the Wizard can plan out the opportune moment to fling a fireball. If you roll each turn, the battlefield might shift by the time they're ready to cast.
Based user gets it.
>My fighter
Hard to say for sure but probably kill them. Though being a goliath he would want to make the fight fair so he may unpin the wizard and fight fight them to the death if they are silenced.
>My sorcerer
Burn them alive without mercy. The local authority is probably too corrupt to properly deal with such a criminal as this.
>My warlock
Take their spellbook and learn all their secrets of enslavement spells and such in exchange for their freedom, then kill them.
what do you mean one person roll for each side? like roll group initiative every round? how do you decide the order for everyone?
>Also, she's like a barely legal cutie or something.
I paralyze her from the neck down
>Dm rolls a dice for the monsters
>one player rolls a dice for the players
>Everyone decides their actions
>Add and subtract modifiers
>If there's a tie, just assume they go at the same time
Having all the players go at the same time sounds like an absolute clusterfuck.
We've started doing this thing where we roll off a few times and the DM writes down the results, then when combat is initiated we flow right into through the words "you're up first" or whatever. Then we roll as standard unless the combat is interrupted or if it's something that doesn't matter too much, then the DM just picks another number from the array for each character.
This way there's no breaking play and it allows the DM to influence the fight on our side easier, for example if he wants to set it up so we have a chance of losing the healer under a web he can have everyone else move forward before them then have the giant spider act.
You don't LITERALLY have everyone try and talk and move at the same time. You have them all say what they're going to do, and then resolve them one by one.
Besides, they also aren't always going to be going at the same time, thanks to the modifiers. If the player roll is a 7, the Greatsword fighter is swinging at step 5, the Rogue is stabbing at step 9, the Wizard is firing off a magic missile at 6, and the Cleric is swinging a mace at 7.
How are you having trouble with this?
>How are you having trouble with this?
Because I sometimes read things wrong and reply without realizing I'm mistaken.
That's alright user.
It really isn't as complicated of a system as it sounds. I can get why it isn't for everyone though.
Just be glad it's not the 2e version where every single weapon had its own weapon speed.
Reminder WotC initially wrote the PHB with speed factor as the default initiative method and forgot to change these capstone features when they decided for standard initiative rolling.
Serious or troll? Can't tell
I don't understand the issue.
Not even trolling, my dude.
Except you can check all of the Next playtest packets in the Mega and see that no, the "steps of combat" have been the same from beginning to end.
My Oath of the Ancients Paladin is a great weapon fighter. Is GWM really necessary if I take Polearm Master? I figure i'll be eating up my reaction with the ass-end of my polearm, and the -5/+10 is nice but I feel like Sentinel is going to give me more.
I'm only going to have two feats, maybe three if I cap Cha at 18 but i'm not really leaning that way, so i've got to make use of them.
Because if they had used speed-factor initiative, the player would be rolling every turn of a fight. That would effectively give them unlimited uses of those as long as they were already out.
I don't think it's true, but it is an interesting boost to Battlemaster Fighters.
>"You are wrong because [unrelated argument]."
You sure showed me!
Meant bonus of course.
Anyone else have the DM unintentionaly turn their character a walking joke?
>Play a half-orc fighter
>Used to be a mercenary before becoming an adventurer.
>Can hit like a tank and soak up damage like one.
>DM levels us to 4 because we joined a pre-existing game
>(This was our first game desu)
>Rolls magic items for us since we're ill-equpt.
>+1 weapon, a handaxe
>Made for dwarves
>To put this into perspective imagine a half-orc fighter shield and all wielding a fucking razor.
tl:dr I'm playing a half-orc that shaves his enemies beards to death.
Ah okay, I understand now. Yeah that could be abusable.
No, those capstones grant a minimum of one use of the features per round.
My party will meet Strahd in the next session of CoS. So I have a few questions on how he would act.
How much would he reveal to the players about his plans, himself or Barovia? Would he lie to the PCs, or is he so powerful that he doesn't care about lying or hiding facts?
How would he react if Ireena dies while she travels alongside the party? Wouldn't he just kill them all, considering Ireena's soul is all he longs for?
The playtests have never changed how initiative worked. Speed factor isn't mentioned in any of them. Initiative was never intended to be rolled more than once as the default, so no, all of is demonstrably wrong.
if you mean "do i want both" probably not, for the exact reasons you stated, you're right. polearm master is really a "i dont get bonus actions with my class" and gwm is "i do big damage, and only occasionally get bonus actions/no actions"
if you have no bonus actions to speak of, imo polearm is better, but if you're the beefsteak critting and dropping foes all the time, GWM's occasional bonus is better
if you just want to pair one of the two with sentinel, i would definately go with polearm. you literally shut down movement when something gets to you, AND when it tries to move away
I don't get that whole "roll for magic items" idea that people have. While I agree it isn't good to give the player exactly what they want, they should at least be able to get something that they will enjoy using.
I never mentioned playtests you illiterate fucking idiot. Leave this fucking board already, jesus christ.
The wizard of my group ambushed a room of 10 sleeping humanoid enemies and cast burning hands thusly damaging almost all of them as it was a small room. As a dm who's never played a wizard in 5e is there anything stopping him from doing that in pretty much every room?
GWM isn't as good on a paladin since the opportunity cost (higher chance to miss) conflicts a bit with divine smite (extra damage on a hit). Polearm Master synergizes with divinte smite by allowing an extra chance to use it, allowing a bigger 1 turn nova potential.
GWM isn't bad but it probably isn't high priority.
You mentioned that "WotC initially wrote the PHB with speed factor." The initial writings of the PHB are out there (via a leaked PDF) and the way it was developed and written can be seen in the playtests. Speed factor was never intended to be the default. Demonstrably.
First, a perception check might have been in order. Even with disadvantage, a couple of them might have been able to wake up and dodge out of the way.
Second, create larger rooms, or don't fill them with sleeping enemies.
Third, it's a 15 foot cone. Unless they were all literally in a plie, I don't see how they could burn all of them.
He was on his magic steed who also fired a cone.
Spell slots. He'll run out eventually. And, also eventually, there will be rooms where he won't kill everything.
Well, it was a good thread while it lasted. See you next time, lads.
I mean I wasn't mad about it. I actually thought it was pretty hilarious. I guess just having my barbaric "kick ass and chew bubblegum mcgee" character hold a rogues shaving utensel urks me internally.
>burden of proof is on him as he is refuting my claim
>he posts speculations
>the type of user who saves bait memes
The biggest flag to not take a poster seriously. They need bait images because they can't win an argument. "He disagrees with me, better choose a bait meme!"
>Well? Why don't you use the superior system?
I do. That's why I play Dungeon World, which doesn't bog down my game with a pointless initiative system stolen from wargames. Newsflash! RPGs don't have to be carbon copies of WARGAMES like D&D and Chainmail. The fact that you autistics get bogged down in letting rules control your roleplaying, just shows the quality of your ability to actually roleplay.
In Dungeon World, if I want to go first, I *do* something. I make a move. That's why the action are called "moves" instead of boring shit like "skill checks" or "saving throws," because they MOVE the story forward, they MOVE the action forward. Not spending ten minutes rolling for initiative. While you are doing that, I am asking people what they do and they are responding, because we don't let baby-ass rules control our lives or our fun.
So does /5eg/ have one prolific shitposter, or several who all post the same way?
>Well, it was a good thread while it lasted. See you next time, lads.
>He was on his magic steed who also fired a cone.
>the wizard snuck up on 10 people and cast a verbal spell, while riding into a room on horseback
literally every one of them should have gotten their dex for half roll
You could play both of those in Dungeon World or Mouse Guard for a lot less time and effort fiddling with needlessly complicated rules. You could also build your character to fit your backstory in ways that D&D 5e's """background""" '""system""" could only dream of, because it is far too restrictive.
>I would love to do voices and accents during RP
Again, you could do this more easily in a game like Dungeon World that is less restrictive with the rules.
Please refer to
one and a few who spout his shitty rule lawyering as forced memes
>XD 6 foot tall 300 pound gnome barbarians!
Move onto another 80s action here and play it off Jack Burton style. Get yourself a repeating shortbow that you can never shoot straight, fire that around then spend the next round removing the tiny axe from your boot before continuing on with the battle.
Well in your situation I wouldn't really be mad about it either but I am speaking about the time a fighter gets rolled a shortsword when he has the GWF feat.
what... oh... oh my goodness!!! ahaaa... ahahahahaha!!!! AAHAHAHH!!! AHAHHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!! WOOOOO LAD!!!! WOOO AHAHAHAHAH!!! A GNOME???!! A WOO!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! ahaha... wooo!! ahah... a gnome... a gnome.. BARBARIAN??? AHAHAHAHAHA!!! HEEEE HEHEHE WOOOOO LAD!!! OHH MY THAT IS
A gnome.... BARBARIAN XD
>How much would he reveal to the players about his plans, himself or Barovia? Would he lie to the PCs, or is he so powerful that he doesn't care about lying or hiding facts?
Strahd rarely bothers lying. If he's asked, he either won't answer or state the facts simply, unless he's purposely toying with them.
>How would he react if Ireena dies while she travels alongside the party? Wouldn't he just kill them all, considering Ireena's soul is all he longs for?
He might try to kill them for a moment, but only for a moment. Getting Ireena is one of his main goals, after all, but he's also mostly emotionless.
Play a game with more balanced casters, not 5e which is basically Caster Edition 2.0 with all the same broken spells and fucked figher utility. Eldritch Knight is the only viable fighter option. Try Dungeon World, that gives Wizards a little bit more balanced abilities.
We need drawfags for this now.
That's still not how that works
Help me build a character, reddit!
Roll 1d10 to choose race!
1 d 1 0
And Dungeon World fans claim that they don't proselytize obnoxiously.
People like you are the reason DW can't be discussed without turning into an autistic bitch-fit.
Right on, I figured as much.
I'll probably grab up Polearm Master first and grab up Sentinel at my last ASI. Thanks anons.
Am I reading this all wrong or are you saying that battlemasters were intended to start every turn with at least 1 superiority die? Because that'd make them pretty fucking unstoppable given how strong they already are.
> my game is popular, therefore it's good
Argumentum ad populentum. Good to know that D&D 5e fans cannot argue their shit system and basically admit defeat with non-arguments.
Argue against my opinion properly, or get the fuck out of this thread. THose are your choices. If you cannot argue why D&D 5e is better than Dungeon World, then you do not deserve to play it.
People like you are the reason I printed out gore images, 32 to a page, using Windows Printer Wizard's thumbnail option, cut htem out, and inserted them into the 5e books of every game store I visit. I am so fucking sick of people like you who refuse to even TRY a FAR better system and instead limit yourself with overpriced garbage. Please enjoy continuing to play your fucking baby-ass WAR GAME while I enjoy actual roleplaying that doesn't limit me with garbage-ass rules invented by 48 year old manchildren working for Wizards of the Coast.
I am sick of trying to help you people, you are intentionally retarded and refuse to try to get better. Wallow in your shitheap while WotC jews you out of your money on a daily basis. The 90 bucks I saved by playing a different system could buy me a nice dinner out, or other fun gaming supplies. Whereas you wasted it on overpriced books for the pleasure of a system telling you "no, you can't do that."
Well, I can, because I play Dungeon World, a game that ENHANCES roleplaying instead of STRANGLING it!!
Not a response. Respond properly, or you automatically lose the argument. I am so sick of fucks like you who cannot argue properly, you should all be killed, honestly, because you do not have the IQ to function in a human society.
So if you are using a toothpick to clean your carpet and I suggest a vaccuum cleaner instead, I am proseltizing?
Yeah that's what I thought. Come up with a real response, instead of your butthurt whining that just reveals that I am right.
You're reading it wrong. They were intended to, after level 15, start every round with at least one superiority die.
No, the original post was bait. 5e was never intended to have speed factor as its default.
>I printed out gore images, 32 to a page, using Windows Printer Wizard's thumbnail option, cut htem out, and inserted them into the 5e books of every game store I visit
I want to believe
Don't listen to , he's a notorious troll in this general who dismisses everything that triggers his asperger's syndrome (which he has posted documentation to prove he actually does have it) by yelling "BAIT".
>We're going to have a DEBATE and you're gonna play by the RULES OF DEBATING or else you're wrong forever and ever and you're a dum dum and stop disagreeing with me!
Ladies and gentlemen, the average Veeky Forums/tg/5eg poster. Straight import from reddit.
I didn't read the entire handbook but from what I did read it seems like DW is much more heavily focused on RP and rule of cool playstyle. While I agree that could be better for some people I personally prefer the very set and defined rules of 5e.
Sorcerer with stealth, armor, and weapon profiencies. Can cast invisibility, haste, misty step, dimension door, feather fall. Pretty much covers all your bases.
Can I use Wish to cast reincarnation along with contingency to then slit my throat and hope I become a sexy elf or halfling ?
Only a sucker would pay money for heavy RP and rule of cool. You don't even need a rulebook for that. You're just playing pretend as an adult.
So a sorcerer with a dip in rogue or bard? Or do you mean Dragon scale armor via the draconic heritage sorcerer?
I think he means ninja as a ninja.
Not ninja as in "basically literally anyone who fights" like some Japanese stuff does.
Speed Factor + Passive Initiative = Faster, more tactical combat.
Can a chain pact warlock have a chain pact familiar as well as a familiar from the Find Familiar spell?