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>How to Jumpchain
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What crazy persons decided that they could take you on?
What persons decided to take you on and then it turns out they actually could?
A reminder that posting combos and builds will result in Jumpmakers nerfing your shit.
Surprise Motherfuckers.
You lost me.
In the name of the Osiris and all that is holy, YES!
You glorious motherfucker. To this we get a surprise like this.
Specifically, this SHOULD be the new Bravely Default PDF and if it's not that would mean it's the old one.
Everyone like Patissiers, right?
reposting since that was at the end of a shitstorm
Anyone have any ideas on how to handle the Wizard stuff in Part 2? I haven't watched but I have a strong enough idea of it to have some idea of what shit can be offered. I'm tihnking of...2-3 different ways to handle it
>Every origin is capable of dipping into it via their capstones or other perks, perhaps one origin has crafting stuff from the magic stones while another is adept at using the resultant rings or has a bound Inner Phantom
>make "Gate" a capstone booster/perk, maybe 400 CP, it gives you the potential to become a Wizard or Phantom right out of the gate(albeit with a weak baseline phantom that needs some CP investment to be really good) with some of the baseline abilities as such AND improving the capstones of the origins(the AND is important, the perk alone is meant to let you access Mana and magic, it just has the side effect of improving capstones to do stuff like Crafting Magic Stones or whatnot)
>Make it so that the Astroswitch/Wizard stuff is evenly divided between Origins, like Gentaro/Haruto's perkline(The Good Samaritan of this jump) would actually be more about strength of spirit, will and helping others with the capstone being overcoming your inner phantom and whatnot while Kengo's perkline would be maybe about working with and improving/tweaking technology as well as the switches with Core Child stuff being maybe a Capstone...
No idea where to go with this, I'm leaning slightly towards the second option with Gate being its own thing that can be taken alongside the other perks but isn't tied to an origin of its own
Of course as someone mentioned to me having to take a 400 cp brick of a perk to use the abilities of one series in the jump when the other half of the jump is tied to just having certain gear options seems a bit dumb
Opinions, honestly.
>24) LEGO Legend of Chima
>Reverse Engineering
>Time to Squish
>Scorm's Fork
>Don't Do it
>Use It Wisely
>For Chima
>Fire Chi
>Chi Weapon
>Dental Appointment
>Absolutely Ridiculous
I'm apparently entering this world years before my species even exists so... lots of time to set myself up as "one of the good ones"? Or really just take control of my tribe before it even gets a chance to form and stop them from joining the villains. I'm also a little tempted to try feeding my Zerg some chi, but it apparently weakens an animal and might lead them to develop pesky free will, so I'll hold off for now.
Everything I thought I knew was a lie!
Time to purge all cowboys
I think I like the gate idea too? Im not really a jump maker and id have to see it in context with everything else in order to see how it vibes, y'know?
Isn't Wizard supposed to suck?
I'm starting on Arsenal in Boktai today. I've decided that since the setting is already fairly low power, any upgrades bought with points are already upgraded to their level 3 options. Most things you don't buy can later be found or forged.
My question is, do you all want specific melee weapons or just a Sol De Vice to charge ones you already own? On that note, do yall want to import melee weapons into Gun Del Sol devices for a transforming gunsword?
On that note, should Arsenal be free for Solar Children or all mortal origins across the board?
I was thinking more pic related.
Is Hell's Monkey is basically a form of malevolent plot armor that likes to save you in the most humiliating way it can?
I'm jumping ASAP
I just need to get my ass to Crypt of the Necrodancer to get that sweet sweet dance battle skills
and my ass is heading to Daten City as soon as phyiscally possible
And how! But the premise is good. it just drops the ball on execution.
It's a purely defensive perk, yes.
Man, it sure fucking took a long time for the new thread to be made. The last one was over a day ago.
I'd like options for weapon class, at least.
How hardcore is the [Labyrinth of Chaos] drawback in Dragon's Crown? Is it worth the +600 if you are 10 jumps in?
Only Solar Children.
Just a reminder, when you make the Battleborn jump you need to put in a drawback where Overwatch comes over to beat you up and steal your lunch money every now and again.
Seriously though, this looks fun and I'm looking forward to the jumps you're working on.
I like it!
And now for the most important question this thread has ever had... Cowboy or Indian?
Do other people notice when Artistic Reality is turned on? Does it actually change anything in the universe or does it just change your perception?
> Pic of my reaction to jump name
Japan, why you so weird?
Good start to thread
Sweet fucking mechachrist, theres no way I'm going to have enough CP for this.
I love you for this.
Small nitpick, but shouldn't you get Fastener with Scanty and Kneesocks? Other than that, this jump is dynamite
That's fair enough, I suppose. I guess I'm a bit too early to be plannign this out consideirng I'm not even done watching Fourze
but it's a decision that will have to be made at some point since Magic is cool and while the plot may..yeah
while this is true, the actual themes, power ideas and gear are all wicked cool and stylish.
Just...attached toa less than stellar execution, as is talking about..
How things actually work doesn't change, but it effectively puts a filter on the universe. Yes it actually does change what things look like, but it doesn't alter physics any.
There's a reason it's called 0.9.1 instead of 1.0. I couldn't think of a good descriptor for Scanty and Kneesocks at the time.
Typo patrol: Worlds Smartest -> World's Smartest
under hybrid perk: aloud-> allowed.
Why must you hurt me so?
I'm kidding, this amuses me. Not sure if the Drawback's just too meta, though.
Also, concerning ISIC's Algorithm!
Algorithm responsibly, kids. If you obtain it or have ISIC run it, consider what he meant it to do.
If it DOESN'T work, nothing happens and you spent all that time and power running a computer capable of processing it for nothing.
If it DOES work... I wouldn't want to be in the universe when it happens.
Indian. Fuck censorship.
Thank you! I'll fix that right away.
A reminder that Scanty and Kneesocks are better than panty and stocking.
I noticed there where a couple you're/your type-Os, specifically one in the angel/angels and demons section.
>Not both
I mean if i had to pick
yes the demon sisters
but picking is for nerds.
(200) Canon Companion > Chuck
(200) Canon Companion > Fastener
(300) Skanty and Kneesocks
(300) Panty and Stocking
Alright, I'm happy with this.
What are some good psionics perks that aren't from X-men?
Any of the D&D jumps: Forgotten Reals, Dark Sun, Order of the Stick.
For that matter, no raildex shit either.
The FEAR jump has some I think
X men has some. Raildex might too.
Minor nitpick: You misspelled allowed as aloud in 'Hybrid' under the angel and demon tree.
Other than that, fucking fantastic post man.
StarCaft. Most of the wow of 40k, none of the daemons.
Read the thread, he already saw that.
Gundam. Newtypes can do some crazy stuff, especially if you get them technological assistance.
Oh. Well alright then.
So, I was looking over my chain to decide if I wanted to post builds, and realized about halfway through that my jumper was pretty weak until a certain point where the power scale started to rapidly increase, and it made me wonder; /jc/, what is your jumper's biggest growth spurt?
When I stopped spending CP on my harem.
Oh, wait, I never did that. TITS FOR DAYS
Pokemon, if you jump the Pokemon Special manga canon. Just watch out for stray city annihilators.
Probably when I went to a couple fantasy worlds for like 8 jumps straight and just boosted the fuck outa my magical abilities.
In the current chain? Symbiote. Getting ridiculously powerful internal simulations and the ability to internally manufacture anything I design in them combined very well with my pre-existing technology perks.
In my old chain?
Negima combined with Darkstalkers, they were basically one after the other.
Gift of a Thousand master alone would've been enough but I had a number of EXTREMELY powerful sexy companions so Pactio Master got a lot of play
Darkstalkers gave me powerful applications of that overflowing magic as well
Demon King Daimao surprisingly enough. That demon king capstone is pretty fucking nice.
Cho Aniki. Now no one can resist my hot bod!
Phantasy Star Online is unclaimed, right? Going to start working on it if so.
Drawbacks: Gainax Life, ObsessedX2: Order, Animated (1800)
Angel, age 22 (1400)
Greater than Man (Free)
Sins and Virtues (Free)
Stylish Weapons (Free)
Archetype (1000)
Everyone Wants To Be Me (Free)
Devil's Advocate (800)
Artistic Reality (700)
Heavenly Catalogue (600)
Box of Vices (Free)
Sweet Threads (Free)
Scanty and Kneesocks Daemon (300)
Panty and Stocking Anarchy and Garterbelt (0)
You know, I'm generally a big fan of imposing order on chaos in the name of Heaven. So this is, in many ways, the worst gig I've ever worked.
The opposition is the rule-obsessed crowd here. Honestly I'm probably going to get along just fine with them so well, I'm going to job every single fight we have during their magic dick hell release plan juuuust subtley enough they'll have time to get away. And then we can have tea and crumpets when we're off the clock.
My sisters, on the other hand, are incompetant and frankly the hugest slut. Why. Why are you such a slut, Panty. You know what, no. You two are going straight to impromptu angel boot camp to learn how to properly angel again. No sweets or hot dickings until you get straightened out.
And I'm just fine and dandy, because I have a hula-scythe with conceptual powers over the afterlife! So I'm just racking in Heaven coins over here by hoovering up the local poltergeists, doing my job like the RESPONSIBLE older brother I am. How do you earn these after the jump anyway?
And somehow, all the insanity that is the canon show will pale compared to what is yet to come. Of course, it wouldn't be something completely crazy like the blatant shout-outs finally validated in a crossover with TTGL itself right?
...dear mom in heaven, please let me be right. I really don't have time for this spiral drill shit right now.
At this point?
I went there jump 10. Up until that point I had visited a bunch of low power settings, mostly the detective/crime jumps, to boost my INT and memory.
One minute I'm a basically normal, if uncommonly smart, dude. The next I'm chucking sedans half a football field and leaping over apartment buildings, while trying to duck and dodge the gatling and missile fire from the Black Hawks overhead.
Bit of a shock, to say the least.
By weapon class, you mean like ranged or melee?
Now that you've made me stop and look at it, I'm got a few fairly sharp power increases fairly early on in my career. Jump 7 (LoT), Jump 15 (Forgotten Realms), and Jump 25 (Hellsing). Most of the rest have been either low power settings, or else setting where I have cared little about grabbing for more direct power.
Looking at my road map for future Jumps, I won't have another significant power increase until after Jump 50. The next 25 are all worlds I'm visiting more for fun than power.
After that though... The Dark Arc starts, where I start visiting all the worst places of the multi-verse. Probably going to have a sharp power spike during those.
Does it arouse others? And if so, to what percentage?
Why not?
Alpha Centauri. All sorts of ridiculous Psi stuff.
Well? Post those builds.
Carthago delenda est.
I'm doing PSU and would've done PSO afterwards, meaning that no, it's not currently claimed and you're welcome to make it.
Why should he? A jumpmaker will just look at it and go "no it's not supposed to work like that."
I...wait, really? I didn't think anyone would actually vouch for that, since weapon customization is usually (far as I know) free. I planned on only make it 100 points for other mortals, but...
You sure, user?
For melee.
PSO or PSO2?
Because if it's PSO2 I am obligated to demand a Drawback that places you in the anime.
I don't understand.
Only Solar Children have solar guns, and we only ever see a Solar Child and a Dark Child use solar forged weapons.
>How do you earn these after the jump anyway?
With the Catalogue, same way you do in this jump. Killing monsters.
>Cho Aniki
And that is the Cho Aniki way.
I mean unless other origins have access to it in canon, why would they get it for free?
I really love this Jump. You've made me want to go back and rewatch the series all over again. But, I do have a complaint. There's no option to import existing Companions. I would greatly appreciate one being added in.
I didn't join this community because of this fearmongering horseshit, and I'm not putting up with it now.
I do what I like.
In fact, I'm going to post all my combos right now just to spite you.
I've...never really thought about it, to be honest. I'm genuinely not sure, it really depends on how you define weak and "growth spurt" since some of those took a while to get going. You can't just improv a Darkhallow, after all.
Alpha Centauri, Lord of Light and Evangelion all have good stuff. Red Alert offers some substantial offense capability, at the cost of some trauma.
Thanks. Working on PSO, then. Looking forward to PSU.
PSO. I'm considering tapping PSO2 for the purposes of mag feeding (that is, feeding weapons/armor as well), but beyond that I'm not touching it.
Also, just learned PSO2 has an anime earlier today. What in the actual fuck?
How far in are you?
It doesn't get better.
Both requires you to bring Garterbelt with you too since he comes with the angels.
Um, by "monster" do you mean anything big and ugly and attacking the nearest population of sentient lifeforms or things like the ghosts in the show?
Do the coins just end up in your warehouse or show up where you lived? Or are they stored somewhere else? Or do they just kinda spring from your enemies' fallen corpses?
Will do. There will be some melee options, though I'm torn between 'Sol De Vice you can use to charge mostly-ordinary weapons' and 'specialized solar weapons'. I'll have to mull on that. I'm open to suggestions on that department.
Fair point. It'll still be cheap to access for other mortals just to avoid it skewing too hard in one direction, but I'll go with this unless it becomes a 'straw on the camel's back' in terms of point tax later on.
I just stumbled onto it when I was looking up some PSO Episode 2 stuff. Saw they were in a school setting, figured somebody mislabeled it or something. Intro rolls around and there's a fucking FONewm. Noped out immediately, because that shit does not jive.
And the worst part is the MC gets drafted to save the game by the student council president of, wait for it, Seiga Academy.
The school's shown from above in Episode 1, and there's a Sonic head as a symbol in the middle of the campus.
AND there's a PSO2 NPC who's come to life.
How will you balance mortals in that case? If they can just as easily render Solar children void.
Should I go Drop In or Mage in Overlord? Either way, I'm taking Level 100 + Realm of Heroes with Unified Focus, but I want to know what I'm missing out on either way.
It would be too easy if you didn't have to put effort into getting them. They spring out of their corpses. It's not hard to find them though, since they're basically bounties the coins spring outwards in your general direction.
You're the Jumpmaker Pet, of course you get away with half of your bullshit. Anybody else tries to get close and suddenly it's Nerf Central.