What's a fair punishment for stealing Halflings in civilized lands in 5e DnD Forgotten Realms? I need to know quickly

What's a fair punishment for stealing Halflings in civilized lands in 5e DnD Forgotten Realms? I need to know quickly.

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You mean kidnapping? Im pretty sure the fair punishment is prison.

Alternately, stabbings by angry Halflings you just kidnapped when you sleep.

Halflings aren't people, user. They are like... half people. Closer to pets if anything.

Half the sentence you'd get for kidnapping normally.

While halflings are only half-people as opposed to the three-fifths people normally used for such purposes, they are more efficient economically.

Chop off their legs to make the kidnappers into "halflings."

Ah, I understand now completely.

So halflings are appliances then.

Huh. So, what's the economic coefficient of having halflings working on your average plantation? Accounting, of course, for the half portions you might be able to get away with.

Half the jail time then