generally just weird and random ideas you thought of.
>a whole city of druids that bond with a animal for life. sort of like how daemons work in the golden compass in that it says a lot about who you are as a person.
Dumb setting ideas you thought
Other urls found in this thread:
a semi deralict wizards tower with a hypercube of fun halfway up it. still trying to fill all the rooms... it never ends.
That isn't dumb idea. Maybe the animal companion you can pick depends on your social status? Lions and hawks are restricted to nobility, peasants have to contend with badgers and mice, and so on.
...this starts sounding like fantasy version if Pokemon
A race of tiny, shitty magical dudes who fly around and explore other planets, but never let any other races on their ship because they're extremely prone to disease, and bringing another race to their planet could make them go extinct.
I don't even know why the fuck I came up with it, there's no reason for it
Not setting but I've always wanted to have the party fight a Panzer III crewed by nazi skeletons, but it never fits well into what my players have going on.
Dude cool.
Best idea in the thread
Maybe we need to start with the idea and build the game around it?
>it says a lot about who you are as a person
>Girl Druid bonds with a pug/husky/shiba
>this tells us she is basic as fuck
There's a game called Cold City about being spies in post-WWII Berlin- all the PCs come from different countries/spy agencies, brought together to serve in the Reserve Police Agency, which is tasked with dealing with the remains of Nazi occult experiments (which of course means not letting those dastardly Soviets/Americans/Brits get their hands on the research).
You could definitely have Nazi Skeletankers in that.
I really liked how daemons worked in HDM, so I am on board with this.
I've always wanted to do something Seventh Tower related, because nobody read those books and 'Children go to the spirit world, beat up the biggest thing they can find, and replace their shadow with it' is a neat concept.
Not an original idea, but OP reminded me of it.
I've had thoughts of having my players run into a city/village where all of its citizens are butlers and maids, with a butler king and they all serve each other.
It's really stupid though and I'm not sure my players would enjoy it as much as I would
Hate bringing this up, but dogs don't live that long. Bond with one for life, and your life will be either lonely or short. Now I need to go hug my dog.
>Judicial combat is an option
>As a result most violent felons actually take the option, be they drunk brawlers or hardened bandits
>The duchy's prosecutor is actually an incredibly talented sword fighter who loves it when people challenge him, has slain dozens of villains over the course of his career and barely does anything related to legal work at this point
>Most people don't know this of course and challenge him assuming that he is just a scrawny man wearing glasses
A setting with a complex judicial system that frowns on vigilante justice and may find many a murderhobo party hanged for random acts of violence on the greater public.
>pest control/ethnic cleansing still cool, though
Yeah but as soon as he recked someone, everybody would know he is a beast
Could be a rotating role. Don't know who you're challenging today.
Yeah why not, cause it's a really good idea and it would be cool if I could include it in a plot but my players are almost always fucking bothering with little things like this.
since we seem to be less on 'dumb ideas' than just ideas
"The town was small and away from major rivers, and would have little to attract merchants. But twice a year the Elf Tower opened their doors to trade"
Halfling tribes and their riding dog packs practice cyclical cannibalism.
A refugee center in an alien space station, inhabited by rescued abductees that they don't know how to return home.
the judicial champion was actually a real position in places here judicial combat was an option.
And they typically were feared warriors, and made trial by combat unattractive. It was a way to make a respectable living as a guy who was good at killing with a sword without having joint the army.
I once read a comic about an exaggerated "political correct" city, where every citizen was obligated to have an animal under their custody 24/7. Some dumb rule about anti-animal cruelty and such.
it sounds like you're talking about Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
Or a dumb comic that stole from that story.
>Set in standard fantasy medievalish europe
>Magic exists as do supernatural fighting styles, in fact they get very blurry sometimes as to what is which
>A while back there was a massive magical war that was ultimately settled with good old swordplay
>As a result most of the countries have heavily romanticized their fighting styles
>Fighting schools for polearms, axes, all kinds of swords, etc etc etc open up and pride themselves on the strength of their style
>Duels are very frequent and kind of unregulated, its just possible for two people to have a disagreement then "We will settle this as warriors" and each pull out their weapons
>People don't call the guards, people watch
>They get excited, place bets, talk shop about the different styles being used (That's Roark of the Griffin's Wing! They say his halberd can pierce or split any shield!)
>EVERYONE who's important knows how to fight, the king of course doesn't have to be the best fighter in the country but he also won't be respected if he can't at least take on a half a dozen soldiers
>Even the mages that are still left wouldn't show their faces if they couldn't swing a sword/mace/whatever
>In fact most remaining "approved" magic focuses on either enhancing swordplay or healing (which allows for extended or repeat fights)
Interesting. Moar?
A world manipulated by the hands of two gods who appear to be able to do anything they want but in actuality are diverting the course of reality into an outcome that suits their needs. One can force himself and anything in that arm of time onto an entirely new arm of time where previous event on that tangent of time produced a different outcome (Like if it wanted to make it seem he could turn dirt into gold he would shift the people he wanted to demonstrate this to onto a world where dirt was and always has been gold). The other could forcibly alter the current causality stream into another "neighboring" stream until she found an outcome suitable to her desires. Very rarely one or the other will fold all the realities together (usually localized to a single location) to perform a task that will effect all realities.
TL;DR a world where two gods constantly fuck with the flow of reality to for some purpose unknown to anyone.
A game that is like heroes of might and magic.
Each town is one fantasy genre
a game of Everyone is John where you wake up on the beach in Death Stranding and start out as pic related
Vector Chess variant.
Each piece has two stats, speed and force.
The speed of all pieces start at 0 and the force too.
To move a piece with speed 0, you must select a direction (that the usual chess piece could move to) and put some force on this direction. This number must be 1 to pawn, king and knight and can be any number up to infinite with the other pieces.
This piece speed will now be equal to his force and he will move an amount of squares equal to his speed at the end of the turn.
To change the force of some piece you must apply force on the same direction, this will add force, or apply it on the opposite direction (cant be done with pawns and they cant move on the oposite direction), this will reduce force by the amount of force you applied.
You can only apply force on the usual or opposite direction for the sake of simplicity.
At the end of each turn, the amount of force you have is added to speed and you move the amount of squares related to your speed, remember that negative speed means opposite direction.
Also the force and speed dont reset at the start of new turn.
If at the start of the turn some piece force or speed is not 0 you will have to move this piece, this can be done by adding or removing force or just by passing the turn and letting the piece continue moving.
If you reach the border the force and speed of a piece become 0, the same happen when you capture some piece.
if i actually made a setting i would have dogs considered sacred animals and protected by some divine jibberjabber by the god of war and vengeance so if anyone hurt a dog theyd immediately be pulverized by a lightning bolt from the sky, also dog heaven confirmed.
A (semi?) sapient tree who dreams of becoming the greatest inn/tavern.
There once had a bard underneath it when it was young and unable to interact with the world. The bard was composing a song that starts in a tavern or inn, but couldn't get it right. He would go there every day to compose, weaving fanciful tales about these structures, but never really finishing his song. He would start again over and over, until vivid ideas of these near mythical watering and meeting places for people had taken on a grand purpose in the young trees mind.
When he was much much older, simply put, he turned himself slowly but surely into one of these structures. He is the best innkeeper, because he is the inn, and its keeper combined into one.
God it's late, I need to sleep.
How do you handle collisions between friendly pieces?
Dungeon Real-estate salesman RPG
Fantasy pokemon is actually how one of my necromancer factions function. They spend time pouring over old documents to find ancient ruins to desecrate and use control undead on the undead therein. They are named the Pokethric Masters.
>tfw none of my players get it when none of them like pokemon
They once tried to control a lich whom had been sleeping of a few thousand years. Lets just say half the group never returned.
The moment before it will happen, the speed and force become 0. If the piece doenst move even a single square, your turn is wasted.
Also some extra rules and explanations I forgot to add
There is no castling.
You there is no en-passant or double step.
Pawn capture and move at his 3 usual directions, and so dont have special rules about their movements, other than the fact they can promote when they reach the last square and they can apply backward force
>they can apply backward force
One important thing I forgot, all pieces can set their force to 0
So if at the start of the game, you set one pawn force to 1 (setting his speed to 1) and he move foward one square, at the start of next turn you can set his force to 0, since his force is 0 instead of 1, his speed will continue to be 1 instead of being increased to 2. This means he will again, just move one square
>has used its roots to hollow out areas in the dirt underneath
>uses glowing fungi and the water the tree itself naturally gathers to grow things like barley
>it sells for cheap but you still have to pay for drinks
>it takes the gold and hides it in knots and hollows inaccessible to anything but the tree
>gives that gold to traders and bards that come through for new ingredients and tales of the world
>tree eventually becomes a meeting place for all sorts of warring factions because the tree itself is always neutral and its food and drink are renowned all around the world
>markets start to spring up around the tree because people gather there naturally
>eventually a small town rises around the tree
>then maybe even a city
This idea has a lot of potential desu.
This tavern/inn sounds comfy as fuck.
If be weirded out by the tree watching me sleep though.
Have the PCs be the Judicial Team
>Punk western style setting a la Trigun
>Takes place in a massive dustbowl which is sparsely populated
>On the very eastern end of the bowl is a town named 'Empazar'
>The western edge of the bowl is bordered by a massive range of sandstone mountains
>In the center of the mountain range is a massive, brilliant blue rift that goes as far into the sky as anyone can see
>Every five years semi-mechanized undead rise out of the dirt around Empazar and begin to trek west
>People have witnessed small groups of them standing over shallow graves for a time before the occupant rises up and joins the group in their journey
>They can commonly be heard singing old hymns and often make reference to the river of Jordan in conversation
>When questioned none of them remember specifics about their old life but universally express a desire to 'make things right.'
Got the idea while listening to:
Haven't been able to shake it, which is very frustrating since I can't figure out how to string it into something more than just 'undead cowboys travel west.'
Dude, that whole series was cool as fuck. I'd play a game based on that.
maybe that's all you need.
>the reason elves are so seemingly perfect at everything Is because their god gave them a Lobotomy trying to destroy all evil in their minds.
>it wound up making more like robots then people.
>Gladiatorial arena
>gladiator types are based off of caricatures of the fantastical elements of the setting, similar to real-life Roman gladiators mimicking military units
>"Elf" gladiators, armed with a low-poundage bow and dressed up in leaves, are frequently squared off against "dwarf" gladiators, put in extremely heavy armor and armed with a miner's pick
>"elf" versus "dwarf" fight
That's not even remotely fair. Retiarius versus Secutors at least gave the reach advantage to the Retiarius, and his net was capable of fouling the Secutor up to give himself an opening past the shield.
Exchange that for a bow and what do you get? Depending on what you mean by "low-poundage" and "extremely heavy armor" I wonder if the "elf" even has a chance.
I assume you say "low-poundage" so a gladiator/slave may use one without years of muscle training, and although that's understandable it's probably not going to go though any metal armor whatsoever, which I assume the "dwarf" would be wearing. Even if the dwarf is just in a gambeson and mail, an intermediate bowshot probably still won't go through.
It would be better to ape the Retiarius versus Secutor fight more and give the "elf" some effeminate weapon like a thin, mostly decorative scimitar/cut and thrust sword against the "dwarf" with decent gut armor, a shield and an axe. Gut armor specifically because otherwise a good stab ends the fight too fast. Instead of a net, consider a whip, sling, or the like?
Indeed it was, also looking back on it the spirit world seems to be a bit of a rip-off of the Digital World from Digimon.
Sometimes, on nights so still time itself seems frozen, when the moon sits high in a cloudless sky, the dead walk the earth. Now most folk reckon the dead to be an unpleasant sort, but that ain't necessarily so. These ain't your dime story zombies, no ghouls achin' for flesh. These are god fearing folk, not much different than you or I. Just so happens that when the Lord came to take 'em home, they weren't ready to go. Unfinished business, love unfulfilled, or just plain stubbornness - each has their own reason, but all share the same fate. They wander a moonlit world still and lifeless as a corpse, seeking a salvation they can never have. Ain't no end to their quest, just an endless journey to the place they name "Jordan", somewhere out across the sands.
Nice folk, for the most part. If you come across 'em, offer up a prayer and join them in a hymn. But be careful that you never walk with 'em for long. The good Lord knows who keeps their company, and if you keep it too long he may decide it suits you. And if he does, you've got a lot of cold and lonely nights ahead of you, partner.
The last living star in the universe, at the end of its lifespan, and the civilization that inhabits its solar system.
That's all I've come up with though, and while despair and hopelessness are themes that will naturally be a part of it, I don't wanna go full edgelord either
Pretty good when read in the Bastion narrator's voice
>The kid just rages for awhile...
Try thinking of it like a post apocalyptic setting instead of an edgelord fest maybe? Might be hard though.
What if part of the contract is they end up with human lifespans and aging methods? I mean, they said druid city, so magic is already expected.
Considered looking at Deadlands, or perhaps having some great wrong that just keeps dragging the dead back into it that the players have to set right in order for the dead to finally have peace? Perhaps your journey for them is discovering the why with them.