Does anyone actually use this place to play anything besides 5e with anime characters? Half the population is made up of BRs and those that aren't are either illiterate or sekrit club. Is there really no better alternative to actual physical tabletop?
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You could try that one 3D tabletop game on steam.
Though it'd be sort of hard.
there's a couple others out there too.
And no, I'm not playing anime characters, Sioux Ex-Soldier is my guy.
I now us it for maps.
I make or upload a map for a setting I am going to use then load roll20 on a tablet for my players.
Works better than spending like 10 bucks for full color map copies that my players can crumple or stain, along with allowing them to make notes and I add location and be able to see them.
Tabletop Simulator's physics cause it to sperg out if you try using it for any sort of RPG. It's pretty exclusive to shit like card and board games.
Yeah. I run a gurps game weekly.
There is fantasy grounds, which weeds out a lot of people depending on if you will allow poor fags in with you.
Maptools is about the best for full autism mode if you find a module that is for your system of choice. Someone even went in and linked almost everything in pathfinder, including links to the srd for ambiguous rules. Another person made one for wh40k games that would make rain man happy.
The user base is inhuman dregs. Recruit elsewhere and use the toolset.
>Is there really no better alternative to actual physical tabletop?
We're playing with Fantasy Grounds right now with a 5th ed. game.
DM is loaded and has no qualms about laying down cash for all that extra crap.
It's.... ok, the interface is shit. It's so bad it could be right out of the 90's... and STILL be bad.
It's strong-point is making characters. They've got char gen down pat. Once you wrap your head around the non-intuitive drag and drop shenanigians, you can make a character in minutes if you know what you want, and it lays out what the options are. So it has that going for it.
The map software is shit. Vision blocking is shit. Making maps... is... I dunno, it might not be shit, but I didn't try too hard before giving up.
Targetting and resolving actions is shit, It does the bare minimum for implimenting macros. If a spell or whatever has even slightly complicated effects, really anything other than Deal X damage, then you have to do it by hand.
The language thing in the chatbox is actually really cute. That's well done.
And... like a decade ago... I played 3rd ed, 4th ed, and shadowrun 4th ed on Maptool. Maptool by itself was SOLID. As a base layer. But it doesn't do jack shit unless you implement macros. Fans had their "frameworks" which too 4 SW engineers to figure out, debug, and get running. It had a shitty Mac port. It was kinda bitchy to lay down the vision blocking layer, and it never handled doors. But it was nice and open and free. I have no idea how it's come along in 10 years.
I briefly looked at roll20. It has a nice tutorial. I'm not a fan of how they handle assets. But being web-based has some nice benefits.
How do you make a character in roll20? I just use mythweavers.
I've used Roll20 quite a bit for long-distance gaming with IRL friends, but I wouldn't try to find a new group there.
As someone who has made many,
You make your character, then copy it onto the sheet.
Also, their star wars saga sheet is SHIT. SSSSSSHHHHHIIIIIIITTTTTT
... looks like that gives you stats. I don't use it myself.
I only hit up a few tutorials in roll20. I know there's some sort of user-made frameworks for various games. Not a clue how to use them.
A lot of their sheets are shit.
You can get better, fan-made sheets, but only if you get the paid subscription.
One of the other players in the campaign I'm currently in actually decided to make his own roll20 clone because he was fed up with all the useful features being subscriber-only. Probably not really necessary to go that far, when there are already a fair few alternatives out there to explore, but he's a programmer and likes doing that sort of thing anyway, so what the hell.
Even if it worked properly, TTS would be dead because it's not free whereas roll20 technically is.
Roll20 is completely fine for running games. it's absolute ass for assembling a group. Get your group together in a /lfg/ thread here and then take it to Roll20 when you're all assembled.
We have that?
I want to get into wargames but Roll20 is a desert, it dosn't even have a wargame category.
Long story short, I asked the Infinity thread and apparently you can't play infinity there because on Roll20 you CAN'T simulate different heights (Tho I found a work around it)
Overall I'm just dissapoint wargaming people dosn't like roll20 and r20 not making things easier for them.
Does Synch actually work for non D&D/PF games? Their promo material makes it look like it's not agnostic anymore.
When was the last time you saw an /lfg/ thread?
Yeah this is the answer.
Currently playing with a group I met elsewhere.
We use it, it works fine for what we need even if it isn't great.
Take a look at the plethora of pre made character sheets to choose from and you have your answer.
Public games, however, tend to just play what's popular, as that's what they're most likely to find groups for. Everything else I imagine are groups that know one-another from outside roll20, with some rare exceptions.
Whats the workaround for it?
You mean Game Finder?
I found some good players via Roll20.
We've been playing for over a year now.
Sure there's people that flunk out or that you'll have to kick but if you're careful in recruiting you can avoid the obvious scum.
The amount of unreliable and/or socially awkward spergs is quite high, but that's more or less true for all of the internet.
It's not like you'll find a better selection on Veeky Forums.
My second game on Roll20 just collapsed before it even started.
This means I still have never played a single game in a tabletop RPG.
>My second game on Roll20 just collapsed before it even started.
This is pretty standard for online games with random people. Rarely will an online campaign with randos even make it past session 3, if they even make it to the first actual session.
Ask a DM who has run Star Wars Saga, Star Wars FFG, 3.5 modern, 5e, Stalker and planning Savage Worlds High Space on Roll20 anything. I use the system for everything and have gotten fairly good at using it.
On phone so expect delays, but happy to help out.
You deserve it for having no friends.
Well that's disheartening. Maybe I should just accept that I'll never actually play a game and that I'm stuck shitposting about RPGs on my Dwarven ringmail enthusiast bulletin boards.
>dwarven ringmail
>not elvish mithril plate
Well that's a lie because I've got all you guys. Remember that time you replied to my post? Man, those were some good times.
I play WFRPG, PF, Numenera, Star Wars RPG, Dark Heresy and Black crusade on this, all with my group of friends
And this allowed me to find my current gf
so it's nothing but good for me
>This means I still have never played a single game in a tabletop RPG.
Hey at least you made an attempt unlike me.
I've had more good experiences with roll20 than bad.
Check the lfg regularly and you will see that the reason that you only play with spergs is that non-sperg groups fill quickly.
You should also be able to tell from descriptions and profile pictures, whom you want to play with. If there's neither they probably try to hide how shit they are.
Giving up is the only way you can lose.
Persistence guarantees success.
Just hang in there.
But you can never fail at something you don't try to begin with.
Once you have a game to play in, the DM will make a blank slate for you, and then you put all your junk in.
You can't really move characters from game to game without paying, so I guess it's worth every penny.
Is there anything wrong with anime tokens?
It's a cute miqote desu
Used lfg once, ended up with crazy lesbians, but then they left for some reasons and some new players joined.
It has since been one of my best rpg experience, the DM is excellent as well as the group, but I feel like I dodged a bullet.
I moved away from my friends to attend university and we use it to play our weekly RPG.
I honestly prefer it in almost every way other than the lack of physical presence.
I'm saying that you can't fail when you're trying either, since you eventually will be successful. By blind luck if nothing else.
Every rejection on the way there will ultimately be meaningless since they lead to success in the end.
I understand that but I was sort of making a joke. My bad for not making it clear enough. On another note what you just described sounds eerily similar to the take 20 system. It is a shame they took it out in 5e since I liked it in other editions of DnD.
You need to upload your library of that shit
There is if the gm is tring to set a mood that's incompatible with the art. Moeblobs and angsty vaguely asian teenagers can gtfo of my swords & sandals game, thank you.
maptools is the better tool. but it wont get you a community built in.
this sounds like the dm would feel better if they just made everyones character and personality for them.
Some of these tokens are much lower-quality than the others.
I'm sure a good GM could make that work somehow.
I gm for a campaign of Mutant Chronicles 3rd edition and am playing in another. It's pretty boss, my Wolfbane Commando now has a freighter, he's currently recruiting an NPC crew to man it.
coloring/tinting different parts of the terrain to represent different colors.
Do you have a problem with Anime characters, OP?
Anime truly does belong in the trash
While on the topic of online gaming venues, anyone tried running a game in Discord? As in, a private server for the part with an #In-Game and #OOC chat
or any other alternative to roll20 for that matter
i have a hard time figuring out how roll20 works
I honestly wonder why people still use skype over discord for roll20 at all. In my opinion discord is greater than alternatives such as skype in almost every way. The only reason to use skype is for the webcam which I personally dislike. Overall server connection rather than P2P is always better in my opinion.
>I honestly wonder why people still use skype over discord for roll20 at all.
Because shills like you are fucking annoying. I probably would have switched to Discord, if it weren't for discord shills.
Roll20 is a good place to play but a shit place to find players.
>people recommend it
i mean i get the same feeling with GURPS but come on now user
To be fair my original statement
>I honestly wonder why people still use skype over discord for roll20 at all.
does come off as pretty shilly. Maybe I shouldn't have included that as my opening statement but I just wanted to get my point across.
well it does sound kinda shilly
but "i'll shut myself into the thing i'm already using because everyone who says anything positive about anything ever must be getting paid to support it" is such a retarded mindset and i've seen it growing awfully fast across all boards lately
people being mongoloid shut-ins because hurr everyone recommends it so it must be shit really activates my almonds
as someone who uses both skype has more avatar space, which can be fun to make jokes with, anda searchable log at the click of a button as opposed to being forced to scroll up and use the web browser to ctrl f anything.
You're kidding, right? As a dude with a crazy lesbian aunt, crazy lesbians are the best.
>this sounds like the dm would feel better if they just made everyones character and personality for them.
Having fun attacking that strawman, dude?
If you want to play in a game, it's your job to make a character that fits into the world. You don't come to a science fiction game with an elf wizard and then complain that the gm might as well just hand out pregens if he won't let you use your elf magic in his Firefly game.
Discord is pretty based.
>Having fun attacking that strawman, dude?
its fucking character art, if you get that sperged out that a piece of abstract representitive art doesn't fit the theme because of the medium and style (rather than what it depicts) then yes, it's not a strawman to say you may as well create our characters for us you picky fuck.
You are REALLY emotionally attached to your anime girl pictures, huh? That's not healthy, user.
>this sounds like the dm would feel better if they just made everyones character and personality for them.
If you're trying to run Call of Cthulhu, it really shouldn't be too much to ask that the players make serious characters and choose appropriate character art. You sound like a That Guy.
It actually is, you're just retarded.
I didn't even think of the applicability. I've always wanted to get into wargames sans the expense. Proxy pieces with friends is fine, but I doubt that'd fly with anyone else.
borrowed pieces sound nice but there are no players or places to play around me.
I run my Saturday game using Roll20 for the map and dice, and Discord for voice chat. It's basically perfect.
>Half the population is made up of BRs
I don't know what this means.
Brazilian people. They're quite common there.
I've hosted over 6 long-running games in roll20. Love the staff, love the tools available, love how they add new features often.
I have never tolerated a single person I met there.
>being a hippie
>running a game in Discord
The Discord for the /trash/ ERP threads has a channel for it and there are several groups that meet weekly. It's either not erotic at all or only vaguely lewd.
I use it for Wh40kRPGs, Traveller, and Battletech
It could be worse, like an IRC without a map or dice rolling mechanics, I've had to do that too.
Better than an IRC without maps or dice rolling mechanics.
Last I checked there were four Dark Heresy games on LFG, one DM-less and one in Spanish. What's your secret senpai?
Here's my secret: build up a list of good players and DMs over a decade of playing games online (pbp, pbem, irc, etc.) and don't subject yourself to playing with random assholes from Roll20 or Veeky Forums.
You are either delusional, trolling, or legitimately retarded.
But what if all of our real life friends and partners have no interest in RPGs whatsoever?
>Not using the profile pic you start out with
Why do people even change their profile picture? It is all about that default aesthetic.
>not making FE sprite edits for every party member
I think we can all agree that searching for public games in Roll20 is not a good idea.
Is there any place where you can get random public players that are even modestly decent players?
>Is there any place where you can get random public players that are even modestly decent players?
Not on any regular basis, no.
>uses original FE sprites
As expected from Satan
I've been both player and GM in different campaigns. The players are hit and miss. Some are weirdos, but a fair amount are decent people. Have only used the built in player recruitment and it can be hard to find decent players at times. With patience though you can get a good group going. If you're half decent at coding then you can do some neat things too. Essentially a good campaign takes plenty of work.
My one good experience with randoms on roll20 was for a system where there were only two players searching for it, and one of those players wasn't in our timezone.
>Is there really no better alternative to actual physical tabletop?
We had a go at a DnD campaign over Tabletop Simulator on Steam.
All the tools are there for a potentially great session, tiles, buildings, miniatures, pens, tablets, dice. Hell, on the Steam Workshop you can even download Feathergale Spire as a free mod.
Unfortunately all these assets killed the theater of mind and it just didn't work well for the group playing an RPG. Too much was lost without body language, eye contact and just being face-to-face. Interruptions were awkward and it was difficult to interpret the DM's cues for them to talk or take actions.
Well it's promo material, it's probably intended to look familiar for the lowest common denominator. People who don't play D&D are less likely to be too retarded to configure it themselves
I don't use it to find groups, but I do use it to run things for existing friends.
Almost all sheets are fan-made, it's just that they pick which works of slave labor to make "official"
I've been in one campaign that has lasted more than a year on roll20. That's longer than I've been able to manage IRL with my friends. I've tried about 5 other campaigns that all fell apart or I left within one or two sessions.
Never had this problem. Roll20 has been great for me so far.
I use it to play with people i know irl because we live distant from one another. It works for us
Satan, be so kind to compile your FE macros amd stuff into a zip for us good little sinners to download
The fuck do you think the Gamefinder is for?
The what now
>not making tokens out of classical art
>Making tokens for ants
The default 5x5ft. square is 70x70 pixels you mong.