Praise the feet of Alarielle edition
>Point system for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Praise the feet of Alarielle edition
>Point system for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
I thought the rules were supposed to be a "living document"
Have they added ANYTHING to them in the year since release?
Yes, they're adding a fuckhueg supplement in a few weeks.
But the handbook isnt actually adding to the base rules at all, just giving us a framework for organized play
The 4 pages are staying the same.
Except for some new rules such as the three rules of one, narrative play with two as of yet unseen systems, and Pitched battles.
>No shooting in combat
>Expanded terrain rules
>No more rolling to steal initiative each fucking turn
>Measure from base
this is all I want
While they apparently didn't change the base rules there is supposed to be a whole section of house rules you can use to modify the game more to your liking.
Don't the battle plans and rules for different realms, narrative campaigns for their story, along with the up coming GH kinda count as that ? Also they have been tweaking stats and such.
Are the sudden death objectives not used in pitched battles?
If this turns out to be true I might actually give AoS another look. Points are a step in the right direction, but unless there's something to salvage the travesty of the game's underlying mechanics, out group still won't play it.
This seems potentially amusing;
-Verminlord Corruptor (240 pts)
-plague furnace (220 pts)
-30 plague monks (210 pts)
-30 plague monks (210 pts)
-congregation of filth (60 pts)
-plague furnace (220 pts)
-30 plague monks (210 pts)
-30 plague monks (210 pts)
-congregation of filth (60 pts)
-virulent procession (80 pts)
-20 plague censor bearers (240 pts)
TOTAL: 1960 pts
Measure from base is a concession I'm fine with as, measuring from the model can get pedantic at times. Rolling for intiative adds an extra layer of depth, making players have to think about their engagements. I agree that some terrain needs expanded rules, specifically the older kits. But the new models have a lot of interesting rules. Shooting into combat and out of combat isn't that big of an issue as most ranged infantry are trash at melee. It also means that if an army that specializes in shooting is charged, then they're not completely fucked, they can at least shoot during their own turn.
Durthu's obvious of course, but is it worth owning both other variants of the Treemen for Sylvaneth?
We Queen of Blades now.
Why not interpret it like this
If models are locked in combat and your ranged unit can't visually see the enemy, there is no LOS to draw fire upon them. But if your range unit flanks them, and can draw los on enemy models then you can shoot into combat, making for hills and high terrain useful for ranged units
Have you actually played the game more then once? Not baiting, it just looks a lot worse then it is in practice.
That's how I always played it. I thought that was normal.
That is normal, you can only target things that you have LOS to and you enemy model blocks LOS.
My gaming store plays it where you can just shoot willy nilly, but they may of changed it I havnt played a game in a few months, waiting for the generals book to come out
I want to start a free guild army but I have no army to spend, when the pound gets weaker I want toget all the forge world swordsman and gunners
Want to see the feet on the model
Measuring from the base is supposedly a suggestion in the General's Handbook.
>Hate AoS since the start
>Hated Sigmarines
>Hated bloodcrushers that bleed bloody blood on bloodskull bloodborne
>Hated half baked system
>Hated new Orruks and their spherical dragon
>Mfw those new elves
Their not elves tho.
>Release rules for campaigns with growing warbands
>make warband rules only for select armies
I don't know why I continue to be dissapointed by this since they do it every time.
Whatever they are, I'm 100% hardwood. Those models are pure sex.
Are you me?
Most of those rules are for battletomes that have already been released. So it is likely that battletomes from here on out will include campaign rules. Which would be awesome. Campaign tables and artefacts and allegiance rules.
In the meantime there may be a general neutral universal table.
There are apparently some tidbits out there about Tree Revenants being Wood Elf souls from The-World-That-Was.
But yeah, the the aforementioned is really the only elvish unit and even that is a stretch. Drycha, Durthu, Branchwraiths, Branchwyches, Dryads, Spite Revenants, Kurnoth Hunters, Treelords,and Treelord Ancients are all forest spirits.
>Most of those rules are for battletomes that have already been released. So it is likely that battletomes from here on out will include campaign rules. Which would be awesome. Campaign tables and artefacts and allegiance rules.
>In the meantime there may be a general neutral universal table.
I'm surprised they didn't do a general Order one but hey.
If you take a look at the current Path to Glory tables I'd say it's pretty obvious that some sort of universal table wouldn't work. I'd would be great if they put the tables in all future Battletomes but since the Seraphon have a Battletome and their missing in the GH too I have my doubts.
I just want do be able to play a store wide campaign but for that everyone needs to have rules for their army or they won't join in.
No destruction table, will be a hard sell ;(
Wouldn't be that hard to convert the Path to Glory ones to general ones. Like all the hero and unit upgrades. Just hook it up with some elemental/animal motif instead of chaos.
And with point we can now make our follower tables be quite evenly matched as well. Before the compendium was announced I was tinkering with that.
Not that I needed it, but the compendium describes in one of its chapters that players are encouraged to mix and match rules within to fit their playstyle. So I can totally see running the narrative campaign system using the points as well.
Neat. Do we got one of these for the Ladz?
Check, should give you an idea
I wish LoS would get clarified. I'm pretty sure it works as you play it, but it'd be nice to have confirmation.
What weapons do blood reavers and blood warriors have available to them? if I wanted to get some of the kits and convert with bits to tzeentch somehow, would it be doable?
Yes. I played about a dozen games shortly after it was released. This was before the scenario books started coming out, but they wouldn't solve the problems I had with the rules. If this Generals Compendium does, I'll be quite happy to give it AoS another chance.
That's how it works already. The game works on TLOS, if you can't see something you can't shoot it.
>New bonesplitterz battletome coming
>new beastclaw raiders battletome coming
>still nothing on the goblin front
I've seen the future and I don't like it
For those wondering about the scale of the new slyvaneth models.
>All those fucking colours
I guess it makes sense for the army of life to be vibrant. I wouldn't be brave enough to paint them like that myself though.
I kinda want to paint them in the colors of one of the weirder realms.
Scorched and blackened charcoal from Aqshy or various blends of metal from Chamon, that sort of thing. I'm just afraid metal colors would *not* work for these.
Also, I wonder just how large that beetle is compared to a Maw-Crusha or Stardrake. The base looks to be the same.
Angry metal tree monsters sounds pretty cool. If you make em look rusted and wheathered I think it would probably work pretty well.
Maybe check some Mirrodin Artwork from MTG. I would avoid silver and maybe stick with (Verdigris) Greens, Coppers, etc.
Vanilla Treeman doesn't count as Hero (being the only Monster they have that doesn't) so he's useful for Matched Play where you have a cap on Leaders.
Ancient can cast spells, which Durthu can't.
Durthu himself has a Command that's powerful but very very limited by both its range, it's restriction by how close to enemies it can be placed and by the hardcap of how many additional Wyldwoods you bring to your games (as, remember, a single Wyldwood is made up of two or more Citadel Woods, so they're fucking huge).
Don't forget that Alarielle has a 1 in 6 chance to create a Treelord each turn.
I want to sex Allarielle
>Not Drycha
It's like you don't like having thousands of bees in the bedroom.
I'm okay with Line of Sight and shooting into combat as written, but I think the game really needs a Look Out, Sir! mechanic.
I know the Necromancer has something like it, but is should be universal, with Necromancers getting a better version.
I mean, okay, you shoot my general out from under my nose. Okay, I was a dumbass, I placed him in perfect line of sight to your archers. That's on me. But according to the rules, I can hide said general in a giant blob of similar-sized models and if you draw line of sight from your archers to his helmet decoration you can shoot him dead with no extra protection. He deserves some sort of Save in that case.
Sure, most people do it that way anyway, but as soon as competitive play is official, people WILL use loopholes like this.
Then you should get her name right.
Life goddesses are picky with that.
Same here. Possibly the first bunch of models I like..
So there are at least three people in these threads who hate the game, its rules and all its new factions except for the new Sylvaneth?
Not judging, but seriously why? Don't you have better things to do with your time than reading threads for a game you hate? Or did you just come here after hearing we have Sylvaneth leaks and they look amazing?
yeah I just houserule situations like that. My warlord has this enourmous backbanner but if he's behind my block of clanrats then we assume that there is no actual LOS.
Using a lot of scenery also helps, and I play on a slightly smaller table
Long time WHFB player and elf fag here.
I think AoS is a huge pile of manure, but this general here, is where the new models are leaked.
The new Sylvaneth aren't amazing at all, they still suffer from the Am I cool guys-syndrome, but they are still ok at least, and I like Alarielle minus the beetle. Also I hope to use some of the bitz for kitbashing, because I keep painting and building miniatures.
Hope that answers your question.
Yes it does, thank you.
>If you ... have a vast number of Spite-Revenants
sure I do, I mean they've been out since, oh, next week on Saturday.
Seriously though, thanks for the picture. The model looks quite different in that perspective and the price of the model is... well not cheap, but I'd expected much worse.
Could you tell us how much a box of Kurnoth Hunters will cost in Yuros? Dying to know that..
>they went with copy-pasted insects rather than a mix of eterogeneous flesh-eating pixies
the shame
Now that I think about it, that really was an oversight on their part.
On the other hand, the nests gave them the chance to trigger everyone's Trypophobia, which ties nicely into her Primordial Terror spell.
>Via Aracersss - DakkaDakka
>Source: Warhammer-forum
>- Alarielle 105 €
>- Branchwych 18 €
>- Drycha 46 €
>- Kurnoth 46 €
>- Tree-revenants or spite-revenants 29 €
>- Battletome 33 €
Thank you very much!
Well, Kurnoth are actually cheaper than I feared, but the Battletome is more expensive than I hoped.
If you remember the point tables from the GH, there will be ~13 battalions in it.
This is the first AoS release I'm really interested in. Can't wait.
>Long time WHFB player
Wow good for you. So thanks for confirming that you're basically here just to petulantly shitpost like an unhappy toddler.
Why tree revenant are so weak? I mean, 5 of them costs the same as 10 dryads: Same hit-wound roll, same wounds (1), both get buffed by wyldwoods. Sure, they can teleport through woods, but otherwise they're really fragile.
Also: Alarielle
5 tree revenant
5 tree revenant
10 dryads
1000 points army
Yes, it's shitty but the models are too cool not to be used
Of course.
So what's the Branchwych do?
When will you get that the people in the generals are for the most part the same, user, it's like 3 or so threads I'm trying to tell you.
People don't need to like the game to be curious about the miniatures.
People don't even need to like the fluff to funpost about it.
People who like whfb over aos inevitably come to the thread simply because aos has still so much in common with whfb that people can be interested about what their favourite faction is doing or whether any update could still fit well with their collections.
>the people that don't like what I like are shitposters
here's not one, but 2 (you)(you)
My froglish is pretty shabby, but I'm pretty sure this says the book ("All-Gates") that concludes the realmgate wars series is coming.
AoS End Times?!
Ass rape realy spam of mortal wounds
So what are Outcasts? I assume they're Wanderers that feel guilty for leaving Ghyran and take it upon themselves to turn themselves into trees.
I think it's more the end of Season 1.
It announces the new Realmgate book; All Points which will be the final part in the series for now. Or at least that's my impression
Maybe reading too much into the drycha link, but I thought they were like those tree spirits in Athel Loren that didn't like the wood elves and wanted to get rid of them. Bitter & angry rather than guilty & remorseful.
First, 5 of them cost 20 points less than 10 Dryads.
And the teleport is the only thing that's important. Remember, they can teleport to Wyldwoods OR table edges, so they can threaten War Machines and then teleport back when you're outclassed at the home front. They also do something Dryads cannot do: Bring Rend into melee. This is what makes them useful. Mobility via teleporting and Rend in melee. I'm not saying they're incredible, but they do fill a niche the army has need for.
Spite Revenants on the other hand are only useful combined with Drycha and even then you need something else to fill your Battleline slots, making them meh at its best. Which is a shame since I love their models.
Will probably assemble them as Spite Revenants but play them as Tree Revenants until I have enough to build a 2000 point army led by Drycha.
Your army... well, let's just say I think Alarielle is overkill in 1000 points, but if that's how you want to roll, keep some more models on the sidelines for Ally to summon.
I'd rather do something like
>Treelord Ancient
>20 Dryads
>5 Tree Revenants
>3 Kurnoth Hunters w/ Greatbows
>3 Kurnoth Hunters w/ Scythes
evens out to 1000 points
Great wham in melee, powerful fire support, something to threaten War Machines with and except for the sacrificial Revenants very survivable.
It really feels like the revenants were meant to be 2-wound infantry. The teleport is solid, but the janky reroll, the mediocre weapons and the poor defense make for a fairly weak overall package.
And the spite revenants are only really useful to debuff a target for the Drychnaught, otherwise they are crap.
Yeah sounds like they were exiled for being to Xenophobic. Like Coeddhil and Drycha were in the world that was.
>that new piece of art
Yoooooo, I'm hyped. Really interested to see what the next arc is.
God that looks absolutely horrendous. I wouldn't mind some more neutral looking fortifications. Something more in line with the ruins they released earlier.
I like the idea, but it does kind of like stupid with the skull cannons. More neutral terrain or terrain for other factions, like buildings showing what major cities look like akin to the imperial ruins stuff would be nice. Something besides Khorne stuff.
I really feel that these rules are going to force greater pure clans pestilens use.
BRB, converting a cauldron of blood for 40k.
I can't help wondering if it's been designed in such a way that people can do that.
Okay, how can they already announce the next campaign book (in which the realm of life is obviously relevant) if the campaign where the fate of the realm of life is decided hasn't even started yet?
I mean, they said they won't pull another Storm of Magic on us, but this reeks of almost that exact same bullshit.
Maybe this one will come out during/before the campaign? Do we have the exact schedule for the next few weeks?
It's not about the fate of the realm but of the new Sigmar cities in the realm. Kinda uninteresting really.
Well, Sylvaneth and that weird Khorne tower are up for pre-order this Saturday. If the new WD is already fawning over the new book, it will be up for pre-order either this Saturday or next Saturday at the latest. Both of which would drop it into the middle of the campaign.
yeah, this is one of the larger problems in the game as is, once points are added and measure-from-the-base is at least suggested as an option.
warhammer heroes all tend to be considerably larger than the line troops, it's basically impossible to hide any of the vamp count heroes behind any of their infantry, and TLOS means even most terrain doesn't actually block sigh to anything. I don't hate AoS, personally, but it gets tiresome having cannons, arrows, even catapults sniping your heroes to death on turn one every game.
Campaign begins July 14th. If the realmgate wars book is preorder this Saturday then it'll be out on the 9th July, so they can just about get the story they've written wrapped up before the player-driven narrative starts.
Why don't you just not play with TLOS then? I think TLOS is pretty bad for most tabletop games.
Honestly, the AoS threads constantly make me realize how great the guys that play at my store are.
>>the people that don't like what I like are shitposters
Oh right, of course... Because when a person comes to an AoS general, says they don't like AoS and stays just to trash talk AoS THEY CAN'T POSSIBLY BE SHITPOSTING
no, no, please- continue contributing to the discussion.
Using building as terrain helps. I use a self construced tower and a small rectangular shack and they are great to hide my fragile heroes and other stuff behind. They also break up the battlefield so you can do actual flank charges without being shot to death.
You realize you're the reason they hate us, right? I mean, I was asking a civil question and got a civil answer and everything was fine. Then this bloke came along, generalized all AoS fans as fuckwits and then (You) did the exact same thing for them. I can accept people not liking everything about this game, so long as they don't shitpost, but you had to go generalize, go all-caps and post a fucking 9fag image.
oh god, I didn't see that watermark.
What have I done- my entire argument is invalid.
Seriously, I'm sick of bitter 8th edition shitposters reliably showing up and trying to derail conversations.
Oh I'm sick of those too. But there's a vast difference between these and WHFB players who are legitimately curious but not convinced.
>no, no, please- continue contributing to the discussion.
the description of drycha mentions a soul amphora embedd in her leg, it looks similar to the ones kept by alarielle on the beetle and it is implied they can be used for "something" so they aren't just decorations; in terms of fluff did these amphoras appear before? what would they do? why would drycha want one? are they seeds of some sort?