What would a fantasy version of the Mechanicus look like?

What would a fantasy version of the Mechanicus look like?


Empire wizards and priests combined with dwarves.

gnomes from dragonlance

That picture but without the space tech.

So approximately 30% of a man in a robe?

Swap any mention of "technology" for "magic". Or hell, just keep them as is, but working off of the technology of some ancient precursor/empire/whatever, which really isn't changing anything but the name

Warhammer 40k is already Fantasy though.

A mage that uses an arsenal of powerful technomaturgical weapons and artifacts, the only reason why they work is because the mage provides them with mana or magical energy

So a living magus battery basicaly

Dirz Alchemists

The same really.

All the ritual they do, it makes sense now. Their magic is very Clarke's 3rd Law. It's incredibly precise and involves obscure foci and mechanisms.

Use House Verditius from Ars Magica for inspiration, but turn their reliance on tools up to 11.

You fucking idiots they would look like monks that preserved manuscripts from the fall of the roman empire by copying them without understanding them. That's what the admech is based on. So they'd look like monks who preserve manuscripts and magical advances from the fall of the atlantean or whoever the fuck is old, good at shit and dead in your fantasy setting.

Your humours are too Choleric
We must inject blood to optimize humour balance and realign your soul gates!
After ritual wear the Amulet of Azidah and invoke the lesser eregore.

>be guy on the left

this is fine

Then at least mark the Sigil of Eugophena on your belt to keep your liver from carbonizing!
Those who are too choleric end up with Diamond Livers, which may be adequate payment for an Argentite Liver, but the surgery may lead to possession of your Genus Hypothalimus

The mechanicus are already on a fantasy setting.

I plan on inverting the polaris of my diamond liver, fashioning it into an exterior shield to protect against toxins.

The Hammerite Order


... I suddenly feel very old, and very angry.

Away with you, Grognard!

Mummy with inscribed wrappings.

If it was warhammer fantasy, then a faction of Human Wozards and their vassals who go around trying to find the lost magical/runic arts of the ancient elves, old ones, nehekarans and especially dwarfs. They'd be like human clan skyre, except instead of innovating and adding warp stone, they just imitate what was already done. Their constant snooping around in other factions tech and ancient relics would put them at odds with vengeful lizardmen and dwarfs looking to reclaim these things for he selves
Alternatively thy could be the continuation of what happens when the colleges of magic combine forces with the schools of engineering and form their own independent Order

They would be like the Catholic Church during the medieval ages but controlling much more vital knowledge. Imagine if Ship yards and weapon forges were all controlled by the church and the skills to create these were closely guarded and along the lines of religious worship.

>The Hammerite Order

Now im just more confused.

Hes a builder....a Master Builder....

Similar, but with less guns and more clockwork and smoke.


Nuln Engineers are closest, though if they had metal wizards and dwarves working with them, then they'd be full mechanicus.

ALso, armor. Lots of armor.

I despair for the children of today.

I for one am not young at all, but I clearly missed out on something.

The hammerites from the thief games. Basically using steamworks and other weird tech that does not seem to be used for anything in particular except make robots, giant clocks or hammers.

Ah. Just a game I didn't play, then. I'm pretty bad about that.

As other user said, Hammrites are so similar to Mechanicus one would wonder if they are not based on them. They wear red (no robes tho), act like preachers and will hammer you to death for tech-heresy, whatever thr fuck that is in Thief world.

I'd say they'd look like Leonardo Da Vinci type engineers and such mixed with clergy.

No hardcore cybernetics, but probably lots of things like gloves with tools strapped to the fingers, pockets to hold more tools, eyepieces, that sort of thing.

Golemized artificers

Phyrexians but more on the Mechanical part or an artifact creature from Esper. They well be heavy on the magitech