MtG Eldritch Moon Spoiler Thread
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>Influence of Emrakul
>Every time you cast a Eldrazi creature spell with a converted mana cost higher then or equal to 7, draw two cards.
>art depicts Jacetice league fighting
For fuck's sake are we going to get one every block
Holy shit, he makes 1/1 wizards that turn 3/2 fliers when he flips. So he's basically going around spawning more Delvers. 10/10 flavour.
I'm glad they're going back to Eldrazi being fatties instead of efficient beaters.
13/13 flavor
So it's Delver, his iteration in SOI and now this guy.
This all paints a rather flavorful story. I love this .
>delver depicts a guy with an insect in the cage
>docent depicts and insect with a guy in the cage
Okay, now THIS I like.
I love how his effect carries over this time around, so you are now creating armies of 3/2 Wizard tokens. and that's on top of the bonus being applied to your other wizards.
Delver was common
SOI Delver was uncommon
EMN Delver is rare
The saga concludes with a mythic card in Innistrad vs Phyrexia
Read in a nasely Jew voice:
>GUYS we have found market research shows things people like are actually unpopular.
>our research groups of 15 people we found at a Starbucks up the road show that people like things that are in pop culture at the current moment
>due to the nature of Magic development it takes 2 years to develop things.
>this means you get to experience the awesome fads from almost 30 months ago all over again but with awesome +1/+1 counter mechanics with more black people than ever!
>Innistrad vs Phrexia
muh dik
>it flips back into a 1/1 human wizard with some insane transform effect
>Mythic Meld Card
Yay! Should it be a Hanweir-type-thing, that is, a land and a creature that meld into a single legendary?
Back to the containment board
I'd like to build a flavour deck around the 3 delver cards. Damn. I love it.
>Mythic legendary eldrazi insect that flips into a planeswalker
>Traverses the planes sharing his research
Make it happen WOTC.
Fuuuuuck. Whelp, if this was a bit cheaper this would be disgusting. As is, unplayable in every format?
is it time for jank wizard tribals to make a resurgence
EDH calls in the distance
Good luck to you.
What's it like on the right side of history Mr. I Have to Censor or Remove Ideas Different than Mine.
Feel free to have them, but back on your containment board.
Asshurt detected.
To actually contribute something meaningful:
Do you think they will make Meld an actual thing in another set? They seemed really hyped about it in the announcement article. Too hyped to just ditch it. It sounded a lot different than the usual pony show they do for their usual garbage mechanics.
I wish there was a way you could just keep evolving the basic Delver all the way up to this
>Do you think they will make Meld an actual thing in another set?
I think it would fit in Phyrexia, Kaladesh or Kamigawa but you could also use it on Lorwyn, Tarkir or Ravnica.
I gotta say I really like the mechanic. Maybe I'm the minority here with that but I really do. So I hope they do more, if the cards with it keep the quality of the three we have.
That would be a nice thing. Maybe they make an instant or sorcery that enables you to replace a creature with one from your hand and uses the Emerge mechanic. But from the name of it I think emerge is meant to be an eldrazi mechanic.
I could see it for a lot too but not on every plane.
It really works best for artifacts and black stuff.
No problem, just use the mechanic from Tarkir that let you place cards from your deck out as face down tokens, the interaction with a DFC might be a bit screwy though.
Depends on what kind of reception it gets. They did bring back double-faced cards so why not Meld. I doubt we'll see it soon, though. Maybe when we'll get Innistrad 3: Die Harder.
>Innistrad 3: Die Harder
Can't wait to see what the 6/5 Eldrazi Insect flips into in that set.
> Implying the flying insect wizard liberation army won't save this world from the eldrazi menace.
> Delver was a good guy all along!
>Can't wait to see what the 6/5 Eldrazi Insect flips into in that set.
Neither can I.
>/You and what army?/'mrakul
>Suddenly bugwizards.
>"You were saying?"
A 1/1 Wizard that when it dies, you get to cast every instant and/or sorcery in your graveyard for free, the shuffle them into your library
Welp, into Animar it goes!
I guess this explains why delver was a common. I didn't think insect wizards were all that common on innistrad, but this proves me wrong.
Unfortunate that he's barely constructed playable outside of EDH and mayyybe Standard. Would've been nice as a commander at least.
Unrelated to the OP
But I'm working on making a Green White token deck
Just wondering if you guys could recommend any cards for me. Its just for casual play so I don't care what set its from.
Seems like an include into Azami decks
but he turns into an eldrazi insect
Its great in grixis wizard tribal.
Desolation Twin.
Populate those 10/10 Eldrazi tokens.
I like the card but it kind of irks me that it's an eldrazi when the previous iterations were mad scientists.
Well, think about it. We've got a an artifact-based block coming up, and a mechanic that's based around combining different creatures...
It also drops the token if it gets countered and pairs well with from beyond.
Good lord, Delver was Eldrazi all along
It's a mad scientist infected by Emrakul.
Makes sense to me. He's seen all the Emrakul mutation going around and has incorporated it into his research. Only small minds fear knowledge!
I guess it wors lorewise if he was one of the first to hear the old gods
fuck you
put in contraptions maro you nigger
>contraptions are a type of artifact creature in kaladesh
>the only rigger is a reprint of steamflogger boss
>nothing makes contraptions
Do you rike it?
>tfw you've been holding on to a playset of Steamfloggers for years now
>tfw they might actually be something other than a joke finally
I'm pretty sure that Chinamen that was banned from channel fireball brewed a kind of decent mono blue tribal wizard deck.
Sorry but that'll never happen
They already said no riggers or contraptions.
Youre retarded, like you should go apply for welfare and tell then what you've done and youll get ebt retarded.
I originally got them specifically to be joke cards.
I was just hoping that their jank would actually be used.
urw wizards on standard with stormchaser, reflector, thing in the ice and a bunch of burn/counter/removal
not saying it will be viable but i"ll try it anyway
5 is about right for a control deck's beatstick. And this beatstick shits out free goys every time you counterspell, seems very playable to me.
>Gatewatch in everything now
Absolutely Disgusting
Is nobody going to talk about unsummon+remand?
Not much to say. It's just fucking fantastic.
There is no reason to be mad at it, so no.
Steam flogger feels win more too.
They should print more "Return spells to hand" effects. Sure they're not as strong as a counterspell, but they are so much fucking more enjoyable to play against and around while additionaly letting control decks have a better unconditional "counter" strength early game without straight up printing counterspell.
Plus if you delays their turn 2 play in time to counter it on turn 3 it's a good feeling and makes higher cost counters more excusable.
Well, I mean unplayable was a hyperbole but I just don't see spell-heavy decks being above T2 in Standard what with Maro's boner for creatures. Like sure, having a beatstick that shit's out 3/2s whenever you cast a spell is fucking great, but your spells are still going to be largely shit.
It's the sort of card that is just way better in older formats, unfortunately 5CMC is way too high for a creature in the formats where the spells are good enough. I mean if it was like 1UU or 2UU (with obviously lower base stats) I think it would be great.
For you guys =)
They just printed Remand // Unsummon, control only needs a good counterspell now and it's viable.
When the fuck did they say they were going to let blue play magic again?
>Eldrazi spell
>no devoid
scatter to the winds is a good counter now, activate your fumarole and beat face with your 7/4 after unsubstantiate buys you time to get 6 mana.
Fun for casual in most forms, EDH or otherwise. It is mainly a flavor card, not pushed for constructed.
I'm honestly more invested in this guy than any of the superfriends
I'm a little disappointed that he didnt fight the eldrazi, but what can you do
>but I just don't see spell-heavy decks being above T2 in Standard
Thanks for posting this user, I had been considering trying standard again after seeing a card from the last set, gheistblast or something that you could exile from the yard to copy your spells.
But your post reminded me that CoCo, Dog-Knot Seer and Womb Smasher got printed in standard and spell players can't have nice things.
Nah, I don't think Emrakul's been on the plane long enough. More likely it's
>Was about to tell you off for being retarded and that it never said Eldrazi, only 7 CMC
>read it again
I guess my mind didn't want to comprehend the utter fucking retardation that is this card. Why the fuck must it be only Eldrazi? Most of the shit that would be played with this would BE over 7CMC anyway. It's fucking retarded.
Ah, Emeria, or, some say, Emrakul, do you hear our prayers?
Innistrad Micolash when?
>Most of the shit that would be played with this would BE over 7CMC anyway.
I guess I truly am retarded, I meant most CMC7+ stuff played in standard is ELDRAZI anyway, so why restrict it from the one or two other cards that could be run with it.
Because it's an Eldrazi card? There's already a card like this that uses the Ferocious trigger.
This is an uncommon designed to help emerge as an archetype. They don't want it to slot into any late game deck with expensive creatures, as the people doing Emerge would be less likely to get one.
Purely limited card. And no devoid in this set. Why do you want it?
>scatter to the winds is a good counter now
>paying 11 mana to swing with a 4 toughness, nonevasive land
You don't actually think that's a good deal do you?
In my headcannon I'd like to imagine he's Innistrad's Batman, creating an army of lesser batmen to fight the eldrazi with their own eldritch powers.
You can block with it if you time it right. Then it is like a 2 for 1 that leaves you with a big creature.
>"W-who the hell are you?"
>"I'm Delverman."
Ferocious is a power trigger, this is a CMC trigger. Furthermore, this one draws 2 cards because IT'S A FUCKING 7CMC TRIGGER.
>Because it's an eldrazi card?
This is a retarded rationalization. "Flavour reasons" has ruined many possible uses of an otherwise fun card. And the 'flavour' isn't even fucking good, just more bland eldrazi gruel.
Its not 11 mana on 1 turn, and its a better investment of 11 mana than the soi counter that gives clues
It isn't for flavor.
It is a niche card for limited.
>a niche card for limited.
>card for limited.
Could Wizards please fucking make an entirely separate product for limited, 'skilled draft format' babbies to buy so they would stop designing shit cards that are worth less than the cardboard they're printed on?
Drafting is better done online or in cubes anyway. It's intentional pack pollution to make actually good cards more scarce than they need to be.
If I'm paying 6 mana for a reactive instant I want a 2-for-1 at the least, not as a beast-case scenario.
But that counter sucks too. You guys realize there is an intrinsic relationship between counter spells and mana cost right? Moreso than normal spells.
Maro is determined to make it work. Mostly because Aaron Forsythe explained the joke.
Does whatever a Delver can.
Don't do bugs kids.
The saga actually concludes with a timeshifted Delver from Future Sight 2: The Futurering
Can he flip
On the field
No he can't
It's fucking transform