>scrolling through tokens in my folders while talking with a friend
>'oh hey i know that goblin'
>points at this
when have you and a friend mutually revealed your powerlevels, Veeky Forums
Scrolling through tokens in my folders while talking with a friend
Other urls found in this thread:
I use porn crops all the time specifically to bait this occurrence.
I'm going to assume that picture is from porn, and given that we're on /d/ickgirls lite, it's a chick with a huge dong.
There really isn't enough attractive male goblin porn.
Is it a gobling girl from that lewd game about human-sized testicles?
Surprisingly, you're wrong on the dong part.
My current character art is a cropped and edited version of the Bad Dragon mascot.
I wasn't intentionally trying to use porn art, that was legitimately the best art I could find for the character.
Nobody in game has mentioned it, one friend outside the party who was an old gaming buddy immediately started asking why I was using conspicuously cropped art and figuring there was something NSFW about the original art, but didn't know it.
>tfw no erp based game to use my softcore porn pics for character art.
Also, if anyone has an image dumper that works, I'd be a really happy user. I am not looking forward to continuously having to select each single picture individually.
I used a headshot from that one kobold comic you all know the one in a campaign. Nobody noticed and then a year after it ended a friend asked me about where I found it since he really liked the style and wanted to "find some art" for kobold NPCs
falls more into the shortstack category
>use cropped Incase pic as character portrait
>other player calls me out on it
>GM looks at him and says he's a "fucking weirdo for being into that shit"
>oh shi-
>play dumb, claim [Other player] sent it to me pre cropped
>IRL nat 20 bluff
>other PC is kicked for being a "creep", I chage portrait
feels good man
>kobold comic
This one?
>Not nopan
user I don't know the source for like 98% of my pics.
you know it
I have 231 pictures of this type of art.
The fact that I want more kind of makes me question my sanity.
"Don't know. On the net?" is the right answer for these kinds of questions.
My GF actually used Rezzic as character art for her kobold before we got together. She does not know but it's one hella turn on for me. I may have magical realmed her a bit.
Where do you have to use pics as character portraits? And why are you such an asshole?
Man I wish he made more.
The picture, if anyone cares. The group occasionally browses Veeky Forums but whatever, we're comfortable enough with each other that I don't really mind if they find out. Like I said I wasn't intending to use NSFW art, but this is just the best art I could find to represent a hard drinking, hard partying dragonborn bard.
You and your group sound like a bunch of assholes.
I have given up on not revealing power levels in regards to Oglaf. But that's all I think I can do. They don't need to know my stupid crush on WOW gnomes.
One time, I discovered my friend's username and ending up finding out they hump pillows. Still trying to forget that.
At the time I actually told him that it was just something I snagged "from a Veeky Forums kobold art dump thread" to which he replied "Why do you go on Veeky Forums user? Isn't it kind of a shithole?".
Is this Matsu-Sensei?
Now I have to go check, don't I?
Tamani from corruption of champions?
>tfw played as croire in my last game
Out of a sheer lack of taste I used the Succubus (Male) face in a campaign. I don't know if anyone recognized it, but I still regret that decision.
>Succubus (Male)
do you mean Incubus or is there an actual character called "Succubus (Male)"
Newfag here. What kind of campaign are you all talking about the whole thread?
...was it Selim?
A story in a role-playing game that takes place over more than one session.
You don't even have to spell it right, this shit will still pop up.
>sucubus make, google
>oh yeah bro, I know what you meant
That's not a goblin(male), that's a green shota.
You mean there is some soft which helps to gather people for role-playing online?
I believe it's adapted from the wargames that pen & paper RPGs descended from - you had battles, that were part of a larger, longer military campaign.
I cropped this one, so I'll be damned if I'm not going to post it anyways.
No? Like, you go over to your DMs house, you play your characters for a bit, eventually come home when the session's over, and next time you come back you're playing the same characters and you pick up where you left off.
If individual game sessions are "episodes", the campaign is the "show" they're part of.
As opposed to, like, a one-shot, which is just a small self-contained quest you play for just one session.
>We were talking about shit that was disgusting
>Specifically for context it was an unknown armies game where one player was an entomancer (fetishized bugs) and had to keep his house an absolute disgusting mess so that it was full of bugs and that his clothes and shit were always full of bugs.
>He made the comment that he thought about having his character have open sores that maggots lived in
>Then said, "kind of like that one dojin where the girl is covered in sores that she keeps scratching and that ends with her covered in horrible sores so that senpai can have sex with all of her new sore holes"
>Only one player in that game didn't know the one he was talking about
>I am with my people
now im curious where this came from.
tfw you can't describe your characters in relation to disgusting dojins
When why people in this thread complain about pictures of characters, which occasionaly were taken from some lewd depths of the internet?
Corruption of champions. Google it.
Because it's really awkward when you or someone else recognizes the art, since it usually means that you share a fetish.
Nope! She's a green short stack who wants you to knock her up again and again.
I mean that no one goes to someones house for a roleplay with a print of a characters face, right? Meaning these people had to be connected online to select an avatar. Or do I underestimate an amount of autism true masters of /tg posses?
Some people like to have a character portrait to help other players picture how they look.
Oh, I understand what you mean. I thought you didn't know what a campaign was.
Yes, there are online rpg platforms, like Roll20 or Maptools. Sessions might also occur over IRC or Skype with or without the aid of such tools, and people may simply share character portraits as an image.
Oh, I understand what you mean. Yes, there are online RPG tools like Roll20 or Maptools, or sessions might take place over Skype or IRC with or without the help of such tools. People often have image files as character portraits in this case.
People do bring printed character portraits to physical games, although I think it's less common.
thank you very much.
Could you share the whole pack?
Now it makes sense. Thanks.
If you mean my pics, that's what I am doing.
If you mean set from where that pic comes from, don't have it.
Rouge-like time.
I hope you shits are enjoying this, btw. My original question from very first post still wasn't replied.
I am suffering here.