MtG Spoilers
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that is one busted uncommon in Humans.dek.
even plays in Soul Sisters.
Noice, my body is ready. Glad they did a callback to the old eldrazi style naming
bitch that is not how we are flipping this fucker.
the best methods to us are.
1, getting it to 3 power, easy peasy, Thalia's Lieu+ Gryff's boon or any other way the deck cna run to do it.
2, the new White "Escalate" card.
3, Lantern Scout.
>a fucking 4/4 with trample lifelink and fs easily on the battlefield on turn three, not even rare
Wizards could you at least make white not appealing to budget casuals as well?
Someone's been playing Old Hunters.
I don't like this fluffwise
>anti eldrazi thing
>becomes eldrazi
>stays on the same side
ah, you were at my side all along.
my true deck.
my guiding mono-white.
What exactly do you mean "stays on the same side?"
Does it stay on the same side?
This set really brings back memories from Kamigawa, love it so far.
I don't get it.
It stays under your control
>anti eldrazi thing
>[citation needed]
Joking aside, the whole set is about Emmy's corruption of the plane, so I don't really see the problem.
that is one of the most powerful flip cards of all time.
He is objecting that the same player continues to control it.
The players are representing Planeswalkers manipulating magical forces. Creatures arent loyal to a player, they are controlled.
Hmmm...Aah, you were at my side, all along...My true mentor...My guiding moonlight
It doesn't swith controllers or anything. It's still yours. He's been mutated into a wretched minds kava of his enemy, but the just reported back to his own general for his next orders or whatever. it's dumb.
I really like Assembled Alphas, you guys. I think it's going to be really good. Maybe not good enough for Standard, but I really like it anyway.
Just wanted to mention that.
Ludwig would be a great DFC, don't you think?
Ok, I see. I don't see that much of a problem, but it would have been really cool, if the flip cards had donate effects this time, so that you flip it to your opponent and he gets drained by it.
i'll need this for my modern deck
Looks epic for the win for my EDH deck :)
Quick, to the custom card general! That would be awesome
>Planeswalkers manipulating magical forces. Creatures arent loyal to a player, they are controlled.
These creatures which are a plane-rending force that merit every plansewalker who knows about them teaming up to stop, you mean? those creatures?
The planewalkers playing Pokémon narrative breaks down with a glance.
this IS ludwig. slap a Godsend on him and its complete.
Baby u aint seen nothing yet
You're pretty totally missing the fluff of what a magic game is.
You're a planeswalker who is summoning these beings either out of the ether or out of their correct time and place. In either case, you're bending them to your will.
In Magic the card game, the player is an old-walker; no matter what the new walkers and the justice league do, everything in the universe bows to you. Except other old walkers.
Try to explain to me how the jacetice leaguers could all be on the same side at the same time as two Ulamogs, two Kozileks and two Emrakuls. Hell, they could even be fighting a side that has exactly themselves on it.
The lone rider is completely fucked and mutated and turns into a fucking crazy beast that is beholden to the will of Emrakul; definitely true. If this were a tabletop wargame or something I'm sure he'd switch sides. But in this game everything in the universe, including Emrakul, is beholden to the will of the summoning old-walker/player.
But it's not good at all for EDH. I just like the card because I like effects like that in red even though they can be kinda rare sometimes, and this one seems particularly good.
There's no need to be a dick about it if you disagree, man
and they want me to believe they weren't heavily influenced by Bloodborne with this fucking set.
Well I am sorry me liking the card for EDH play hurts your butt user.
>But it's not good at all for EDH
If only EDH was a casual format, oh wait it is.
I hope you grow up one day and realise that other people are allowed to like things for reasons other than your own.
Jesus Christ
Wait till you see it
>stealthy eldrazi thing
>whips it's dick out
>stays on the same side
seems good to me
>Epic choir ensues
>this plus Gryff's boon turn 3.
>have a 8/7 flying first strike trample lifelinker.
I'm honestly confused. This is this conversation as far as I see it
>I really like this card
>Hahahaha, epic le reddit EDH post dude
>No, really, I think it's cool.
>I was being sincere all along
I mean, no you weren't.
What are you even getting from this?
>the tentacle doesn't tap him on his right shoulder
You had one job, Walker. One Job.
But I love the flavor of some of the flip cards. Screw the main plot.
He's mocking you for liking a card despite not being constructed playable, using the "everything's playable in EDH" meme.
Same here. That kind of mechanic was always fun. Especially paired with a bit of combat control.
You no longer actually grab anyone. Everything is ether. Even the legendaries. That's been retconned a while back, because it raises too many questions. Except for planeswalkers, I guess.
I can only assume the are playing double agent when they are on both sides.
>>>Hahahaha, epic le reddit EDH post dude
What? I am not allowed to express myself without using epic l33t Veeky Forums speech? Okay here, let me try put it in a form of speech you might grasp, since using a simple, universal smily is beyond you.
>tfw Assembled Alphas hits you right in the EDH feels
Can't stump them Alphas. My playgroup will become my DESIGNATED shitting street after I get my hands on dem Alphas.
Can you now understand what I am saying?
And this is how we Ludwig
I mean, I get that much. I just don't really get why he's mocking me in the first place. Like, I'm not even saying it looks particularly effective in anything but draft/limited. I just think it's cool.
how does that tiny neck support her big head?
How will this see play in standard do you think? Like I love this card and want to play just bant human post trankir rotation cause im currently on bant human. with coco and gw and bw commands
its a 4 of in any aggressive white and or human deck.
So easy to flip.
Don't forget about tandem tactics.
Because it's an aetheric simulacrum of the real thing.
Kindof a shitty summon if it has enough independence to betray its creator.
A summoned Emrakul can't betray its creator either.
Yeah, you just don't know much about how the process works in the fluff.
Why is the art all washed out on those? Grisly Anglerfish literally looks like the printer was low on ink when it was printed.
It is early morning sea fog and mist.
Nice - I thought the severed head wasn't going to fool anyone until I realised that it must make it bob on the surface like a man overboard.
But how will we flip it. Its really good with ojutais command but... I may just be blanking but I dont think that an aggressive deck can play incidental life gain spells.
Thalia's Leiu, Gryff's Boon, Always watching, Forgotten Heirloom.
the new command.
Dude, look at the actual card. It's not a normal human knight being infected, it is an already infected eldrazi monster showing its true form. If you look at Lone Rider the reigns are actually tentacles and the horse already has creepy eldrazi flesh on its back where it connects to the rider.
No sides have been switched, this card is totally eldrazi aligned.
Man. Somehow I missed that first line. This card is busted. Done and done.
>more powerful than most mythics
>uncommon single color, not even double white, 1/1 first strike life linker with just "gain 3 life" to get a 4/4 life link trample first striker.
insane, completely insane.
>inb4 "destroy target transformed/melded creature" at common
>it flips on turn 3
it flips at the end of turn 3, after attacking.
granted, if it did so via lifelink it's at least a 6/6, but if you gained life with the white modal spell or temporary pumps it's a 4/4 first strike trample lifelink on turn 4 at the earliest. which is fucking good but not busted.
Flipping hell.
And yet we've proved with the right spell combo it is completely broken.
it is utterly busted because you only payed 2 mana for it and its better than most actual turn 3 or 4 drops in the current standard.
in Mono White humans its an insane backbreaker.
I thought that the creatures were summoned from a planeswalker's memory. They remember something they encountered in their travels and create a version from their mana.
Not sure if lands represent something other than just the mana the walker has available.
These both have the full moon on the front but the squid symbol on the back even though they're not meld cards (I guess the squid is supposed to tell you it's colorless without a colorless indicator). Ulrich proves there is also gonna be the sun/moon thing too.
That really triggers my autism.
>That really triggers my autism.
the squid symbol is just the back face symbol, like the moon and planeswalker hand on other doublefaced cards, it is not exclusive to meld. the lack of a mana cost and color indicator are what make them colorless.
Lands represent mana bonds to places they've visited
and it looks like crap
Okay, now these are just getting goofy
>ulrich has the sun moon
oh fuck me, i missed that. it's probably just to differentiate werewolves and any other "normal" transformers from the things transforming only because emrakul
is there full art of lone rider somewhere?
you can play gryff's boon and chaplain's blessing on the same turn it loses summon sickness. it flips in one turn with three mana
Lone Rider, no.
The flip side, yes.
>play chaplain's blessing
if you do this, you suck. at least sugest that modal spell or tandem tactics since both of those have an effect other than gaining life. also, that still makes it flip at the end of turn three, and it doesn't attack as a 4/4 (5/4 with gryff's boon) until turn four. like I said.
Going to be jamming this every time I play it
It looks like martyr found her horsebando.
>tfw she has to die for him
> uncommon
People who draft droves of these will use them to flip eachother.
So what sort of play order are we looking at? Matyr-Lone Rider-Neglected Heirloom and a flip on turn 3 followed by a 7 damage wallop on turn 4?
>droves of a particular uncommon in draft
Good luck with that.
>no horsemanship
>will use them to flip each other.
Oh my word that will be hilarious, just think how Lone Rider will interact with Phantasmal Image.
Even if Clone effects could flip (they can't), you be silly to not just Clone the It That Rides as One.
Anime magic
Do these new eldrazi flip cards count as colorless cards?
>no color indicator on the flip side
Looks like it.
>count as
They ARE colorless on the backsides. And colored on the frontsides
Well the, does it count as a colorless creature card if its sent to the gy?
>tfw this is one of the best knights Wizards has printed in a long time
>tfw it's most effective when it's not being a knight so it won't fit into my shitty knight tribal deck
Any DFC reverts to its frontside when it's in the graveyard (or any zone other than the battlefield)
By the way, friendo Blue is abbrevuated U, black is B
>Liking an EDH card but thinking its actually viable in constructed play
No user, you are the retard.
>but thinking its actually viable in constructed play
but I don't. I never said anything like that, or even close to it. The only comment I made about it being playable was that it's not playable in EDH.
Yes, but then it flips back upside.
Why does everyone in the thread seem to think that this card is so good? It's all right after it flips, but really think about the amount of work it takes to transform this thing outside of a dedicated life gain deck. In other words, just through lifelink alone.
People have mentioned Gryff's Boon, but that still isn't even enough. You've gone to the trouble of putting an aura on something (always a risky move unless the creature as some way to dodge removal, which this one absolutely does not), and you can't even transform him. And without any kind of aura, he's worthless. In a format clogged up with Sylvan Advocates, Duskwatch Recruiters, Lambholt Pacifists and even Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, a 1/1, even a 1/1 with first strike, is completely useless in combat. Hey, you know what beats this thing in combat? Fucking Thraben Inspector.
It's way too difficult to transform and the other side isn't worth clogging up a deck by putting in a bunch of life gain cards. I firmly do not believe that this is playable in Standard.
Daily reminder that Veeky Forums is bad at mtg and a 1/1 is the most prone to instant removal