never played it my self but I would love to hear some storys
Any tomb of horrors storys?
Other urls found in this thread:
seccond. does anyone actually recommend this dungeon
Obligatory pic related.
ToH is kind of weird. It's not a regular module, it's a "tournament" module, that was usually used as conventions. Teams of players would go in, and the team that got the farthest, or got out with the most loot, was the winner.
The module came about because a lot of people were complaining that TSR's modules were "too easy." (There were rumors that Gygax designed it specifically to kill off his good friend Rob Kuntz' character, Robilar . If so, it didn't work. Robilar lost his orc henchmen in the first hallway and then proceeded to run through the whole dungeon, all by himself.)
There was a team of dwarves who beat it by leading a massive expedition and just excavating the entire dungeon, top to bottom.
that was good got more?
>There was a team of dwarves who beat it by leading a massive expedition and just excavating the entire dungeon, top to bottom
that would have been fun to watch
Jason Thompson does a whole series of them. I'll post what I've got.
So like this, at least in spirit?
Jason's a cool dude.
Sorry to shill, but you can find his stuff (and the other adventure maps) here:
It's not shilling unless you get paid, no matter what /v/ thinks.
It's probably best to get them from there, especially since captcha keeps messing up my uploads.
that was better than the first one by far I'm stealing some of that shit for my campaign
TSR modules are a treasure trove of great ideas, waiting to be mined.
ikr I'm gonna steal so many ideas
I am glad I did not stick my dick in his mouth.
Have at 'um, buddy.
I got a couple too.
>Jason's a cool dude.
Seconding this
Every aingle tomb of horrors thread gets spammed with those images and never has people telling stories
What a bunch of faggots, I don't think any of them played it at all
I love the progression of that F/M-U
>"it's mysterious!"
Oh fuck my sides.
I played in high school with my girlfriend in the party (we're talking 1987ish here). She was playing a female fighter and I was playing a male thief who were lovers (of course). Members of a party of six.
I remember there was a magical trap that changes the gender of anyone who triggers it, and both characters were affected.
We decided they actually enjoyed the gender change and stayed that way. The other players just thought we were weird.
>There was a team of dwarves who beat it by leading a massive expedition and just excavating the entire dungeon, top to bottom.
Gotta love good ole' fashioned dwarven practicality.
I'm curious to use this as a grand finale to one of my campaigns. Any good 5e conversions? Does it need one?
Has anyone ever beaten verified as beating Valley of Dust and Fire, to ask about stupidly difficult modules?
The entire thing seems to be a fuck you to players.